new resources, content organization

Chakib Benziane 6 years ago
parent 2d453f77ee
commit 5561ce523e

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# Contributor Covenant Code of Conduct
## Our Pledge
In the interest of fostering an open and welcoming environment, we as
contributors and maintainers pledge to making participation in our project and
our community a harassment-free experience for everyone, regardless of age, body
size, disability, ethnicity, gender identity and expression, level of experience,
nationality, personal appearance, race, religion, or sexual identity and
## Our Standards
Examples of behavior that contributes to creating a positive environment
* Using welcoming and inclusive language
* Being respectful of differing viewpoints and experiences
* Gracefully accepting constructive criticism
* Focusing on what is best for the community
* Showing empathy towards other community members
Examples of unacceptable behavior by participants include:
* The use of sexualized language or imagery and unwelcome sexual attention or
* Trolling, insulting/derogatory comments, and personal or political attacks
* Public or private harassment
* Publishing others' private information, such as a physical or electronic
address, without explicit permission
* Other conduct which could reasonably be considered inappropriate in a
professional setting
## Our Responsibilities
Project maintainers are responsible for clarifying the standards of acceptable
behavior and are expected to take appropriate and fair corrective action in
response to any instances of unacceptable behavior.
Project maintainers have the right and responsibility to remove, edit, or
reject comments, commits, code, wiki edits, issues, and other contributions
that are not aligned to this Code of Conduct, or to ban temporarily or
permanently any contributor for other behaviors that they deem inappropriate,
threatening, offensive, or harmful.
## Scope
This Code of Conduct applies both within project spaces and in public spaces
when an individual is representing the project or its community. Examples of
representing a project or community include using an official project e-mail
address, posting via an official social media account, or acting as an appointed
representative at an online or offline event. Representation of a project may be
further defined and clarified by project maintainers.
## Enforcement
Instances of abusive, harassing, or otherwise unacceptable behavior may be
reported by contacting the project team at <%= email %>. All
complaints will be reviewed and investigated and will result in a response that
is deemed necessary and appropriate to the circumstances. The project team is
obligated to maintain confidentiality with regard to the reporter of an incident.
Further details of specific enforcement policies may be posted separately.
Project maintainers who do not follow or enforce the Code of Conduct in good
faith may face temporary or permanent repercussions as determined by other
members of the project's leadership.
## Attribution
This Code of Conduct is adapted from the [Contributor Covenant][homepage], version 1.4,
available at [][version]

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Inspired by Bret Victor.
<!-- Please fill in the **bold** fields -->
**This is a list of Explorable Explanations. High reactive articles and documents as described by Bret Victor**
# By submitting this pull request I confirm I've read and complied with the below requirements.
Failure to properly do so will just result in the pull request being closed and everyone's time wasted. Please read it twice. Most people miss many things.
- I have read and understood the [contribution guidelines]( and the [instructions for creating a list](
- This pull request has a descriptive title. For example, `Add Name of List`, not `Update` or `Add awesome list`.
- The entry in the Awesome list should include a short description about the list project/theme (not the list itself), and should be added at the bottom of the appropriate category.
- The list I added
- **has been around for at least 30 days,**
- is the result of hard work and is the best I could possibly produce,
- is a non-generated Markdown file in a GitHub repo,
- is not a duplicate,
- includes a succinct description of the project/theme at the top ([example](,
- includes a project logo/illustration (whenever possible) at the top right of the readme ([example]( (The logo should link to the project website or any relevant website. The logo should be high-DPI, so set it to maximum half the width of the original image.),
- only has awesome items **with descriptions** *(Awesome lists are curations of the best, not of everything)*,
- contains the [awesome badge]( on the right side of the list heading,
- has a Table of Contents section **named `Contents`** as the first section,
- has an [appropriate license]( *(Meaning something like CC0, NOT a code licence like MIT, BSD, Apache, etc)* *(If you use a license badge, it should be SVG, not PNG)*,
- has [contribution guidelines](,
- doesn't include a Travis badge,
- has been checked for inconsistent formatting, spelling, and grammar:
- Each link description starts with an uppercase character and ends with a period.
- Drop all the `A` / `An` prefixes in the descriptions.
- Consistent naming. For example, `Node.js`, not `NodeJS` or `node.js`.

@ -12,14 +12,13 @@ Please take a a look at [contribution guidelines](
#### *If you see a link or a project that is broken or no longer working, please submit a pull request to improve this file. Thank you !*
Join us on slack on reddit at [/r/explorables](
## Contents
- [Math](#math)
- [Statistics And Probability](#statistics-and-probability)
- [Linear Algebra](#linear-algebra)
- [Trigonometry](#trigonometry)
- [Geometry](#geometry)
- [Logic](#logic)
- [Algorithms](#algorithms)
- [Machine Learning And Neural Networks](#machine-learning-and-neural-networks)
@ -27,11 +26,13 @@ Join us on slack on reddit at [/r/explorables](
- [Data Structures](#data-structures)
- [Science](#science)
- [Physics](#physics)
- [Psychology - Human Machine Interface](#psychology-human-machine-interface)
- [Psychology](#psychology)
- [Systems And Thought Experiments](#systems-and-thought-experiments)
- [Creativity](#creativity)
- [Other](#other)
- [About Explorable Explanations](#about-explorable-explanations)
- [Tools & Resources](#tools-and-resources)
- [Books](#books)
- [Books And Essays](#books-and-essays)
## Math
@ -40,48 +41,51 @@ Join us on slack on reddit at [/r/explorables](
* [Image Kernels](
* [Pi (π)](
* [Exponentiation](
* [Better Explained]( - Math without endless memorization
* [Better Explained]( - Math without endless memorization.
* [Euclid: The Game](
* [The Hitchhiker's Guide To The Mandelbrot set](
* []( - an interactive demonstration of vector field flow
* [How to Fold a Julia Fractal]( - Brilliant use of animation to show complex mathematical processes geometrically. Shows off Wittens' MathBox library. See also: To Infinity… And Beyond!, Animate Your Way to Glory.
* []( - An interactive demonstration of vector field flow.
* [World of Mathematics](
* [A Primer on Bézier Curves](
* [Math Insight]( - Copious interactive diagrams and ingenious experiments with digital publishing (threads, notation systems)
* [Math Insight]( - Copious interactive diagrams and ingenious experiments with digital publishing.
* [Wholl Freeze First? A Puzzle About Size and Staying Warm](
* [Circles Sines and Signals]( a compact primer on digital signal processing.
* [Circles Sines and Signals]( A compact primer on digital signal processing.
### Statistics And Probability
*[&#8593; top](#contents)*
* [Seeing Theory]( - a visual introduction to probability and statistics
* [Principal Component Analysis](
* [Conditional Probability](
* [Ordinary Least Squares Regression](
* [Markov Chains](
* [Science Isn't Broken]( - On scientific method (p-values)
* [Exploring Histograms](
* [Humans Suck At Entropy](
* [Interpreting Confidence Intervals]( - Interpreting Confidence Intervals.
* [Markov Chains](
* [Ordinary Least Squares Regression](
* [Principal Component Analysis](
* [Probdef]( - An open-source game about probability and inference leading up to Bayes Theorem.
* [Seeing Theory]( - A visual introduction to probability and statistics.
* [Simpson's Paradox](
* [Years You Have Left to Live, Probably]( - Great illustration of survival analysis, and of probabalistic proccesses in general. Memento mori.
* [Interpreting Confidence Intervals]( - See also: Interpreting Correlations & others.
* [Science Isn't Broken]( - On scientific method (p-values).
* [Years You Have Left to Live, Probably]( - Great illustration of survival analysis, and of probabalistic proccesses in general.
### Linear Algebra
*[&#8593; top](#contents)*
* [Eigenvectors and Eigenvalues](
* [Interactive 2d Matrix](
* [Immersive Math]( a linear algebra book with ully interactive figures
* [Immersive Math]( A linear algebra book with ully interactive figures.
* [Invitation to Another Dimension](
### Trigonometry
### Geometry
*[&#8593; top](#contents)*
* [How to Fold a Julia Fractal]( - Brilliant use of animation to show complex mathematical processes geometrically.
* [Trigonometry]( - Simple interactive trigonometry.
* [Sine and Cosine](
### Logic
*[&#8593; top](#contents)*
* [The Incredible Proof Machine]( a visual approach to propositional logic
* [The Incredible Proof Machine]( A visual approach to propositional logic.
@ -89,120 +93,145 @@ Join us on slack on reddit at [/r/explorables](
## Algorithms
*[&#8593; top](#contents)*
* [Visualizing Algorithms]( - visualizing algorithms, by mike bostock
* []( - interactive computer science algorithms and data structures
* [Quicksort]( - the quicksort algorithm, illustrated with playing cards
* [Compression Decompression]( - Or, Making Things Smaller: A Visual Introduction.
* [Visualizing Algorithms]( - Visualizing algorithms, by mike bostock.
* []( - Interactive computer science algorithms and data structures.
* [Quicksort]( - The quicksort algorithm, illustrated with playing cards.
* [Second-Order Controls](
* [How to Use t-SNE Effectively]( - Visualizing high-dimensional data
* [Promisees]( - Promise visualization playground for the adventurous
* [Back to the Future of Handwriting Recognition]( - An Active Essay Revisiting the GRAIL Handwriting Recognizer
* [How to Use t-SNE Effectively]( - Visualizing high-dimensional data.
* [Promisees]( - Promise visualization playground for the adventurous.
* [Back to the Future of Handwriting Recognition]( - An Active Essay Revisiting the GRAIL Handwriting Recognizer.
* [Bloom Filters](
* [Calculating The Intersection Area of 3+ Circles](
* [Line-intersection]( - Responsive parallel representations make the BentleyOttmann algorithm easier to understand.
* [Line-intersection]( - Responsive parallel representations for the BentleyOttmann algorithm.
* [Split Packing: An Algorithm for Packing Circles with up to Critical Density](
* [VisuAlgo](
* [Coloring Maps]( - Transforming numbers into colors
* [Coloring Maps]( - Transforming numbers into colors.
* [Interactive Diagrams for Wikipedia](
* [Visualizing Map Distortion](
* [Procedural Dungeon Generation: Cellular Automata](
### Machine Learning and Neural Networks
*[&#8593; top](#contents)*
* []( - a visual introduction to machine learning
* []( - A visual introduction to machine learning.
* [A Visual Interactive Guide To The Basics Of Neural Networks](
* [Neural Networks And Deep Learning]( - Free online interactive book about Neural Networks and Deep Learning.
* []( - a neural network playground
* []( - A neural network playground.
* [Attention and Augmented Recurrent Neural Networks](
* [Four Experiments in Handwriting with a Neural Network](
* [Confounding Variables](
### Programming
*[&#8593; top](#contents)*
* [Red Blob Games]( - visual and interactive ways of explaining math and computer algorithms
* [Introduction To A* ]( how pathfinding algorithms work, by amit patel
* [Hexagonal Grids]( - an interactive guide on implementing hexagonal grids
* [Red Blob Games]( - Visual and interactive ways of explaining math and computer algorithms.
* [Introduction To A* ]( How pathfinding algorithms work, by amit patel.
* [Hexagonal Grids]( - An interactive guide on implementing hexagonal grids.
* [Intro To Graph Theory](
* [Generating Fantasy Maps]( - generating fantasy maps the math behind
* []( - topology, via asteroids, narrated
* [Generating Fantasy Maps]( - Generating fantasy maps, the math behind.
* []( - Topology, via asteroids, narrated.
* [An Interactive Introduction To Quantum Computing](
* [The Book Of Shaders]( - A gentle step-by-step guide to fragment shaders.
* [What is code?](
### Data Structures
*[&#8593; top](#contents)*
* [Quadtree]( - an interactive explanation of quadtrees, by jim kang
* [Bitcoin Blockchain]( - "blockchain demo" explains the basics behind decentralized cryptocurrencies like bitcoin
* [Quadtree]( - An interactive explanation of quadtrees, by jim kang.
* [Bitcoin Blockchain]( - The basics behind decentralized cryptocurrencies like bitcoin.
## Science
*[&#8593; top](#contents)*
* []( - simulating the world (in emoji😘)
* []( - neurotic neurons, an interactive animation on how exposure therapy works
* [Exploring Emergence]( - an introduction to cellular automata (from 1996! requires flash.)
* []( - critical atlas of internet
* [Visualizing Projections]( - visualizing multiple camera projection techniques
* []( - Simulating the world (in emoji😘).
* []( - Neurotic neurons, an interactive animation on how exposure therapy works.
* [Exploring Emergence]( - An introduction to cellular automata (from 1996! requires flash).
* []( - Critical atlas of internet.
* [Visualizing Projections]( - Visualizing multiple camera projection techniques.
* [Entropy Explained, With Sheep](
* [Pink Trombone]( - A Hands-On Vocal Tract Simulation
* [Pink Trombone]( - A Hands-On Vocal Tract Simulation.
## Physics
*[&#8593; top](#contents)*
* []( - hamiltonian monte carlo explained
* [Nukemap]( - nuclear explosion simulation tool by alex wellerstein
* [Angry Physics](
* [PhET Home Page]( - "free interactive math and science simulations… based on extensive education research"
* []( - Hamiltonian monte carlo explained.
* [Inside Einstein's head]( - An explorable explanation of relativistic spacetime, inspired by Albert Einstein's thought experiments.
* [Interactive Introduction To Optical Modulation](
* [Nukemap]( - Nuclear explosion simulation tool by alex wellerstein.
* [PhET Home Page]( - Interactive math and science simulations, based on extensive education research.
* [Physics Simulations]( - Physics simulations which show how the math is derived.
## Psychology
*[&#8593; top](#contents)*
* [The Evolution Of Trust](
* [Hooked: how slot machines are designed to be addictive](
* [How Uber Uses Psychological Tricks to Push Its Drivers Buttons](
## Psychology Human Machine Interface
## Systems And Tought Experiments
*[&#8593; top](#contents)*
* [To Build A Better Ballot]( an interactive guide to alternative voting systems
* []( - by toby schachman lets you create complex patterns from simple building blocks
* [Parable Of the Polygons]( A simulation about segregation and diversity.
* [Learning By Doing](
* [Complexity Explorables]( - A collection of interactive explorable explanations of complex systems in many fields.
* [Many Tiny Things]( - Every big thing in the world is made up of many tiny things.
* [To Build A Better Ballot]( - an interactive guide to alternative voting systems
* [Parable Of the Polygons]( - A simulation about segregation and diversity.
## Creativity
*[&#8593; top](#contents)*
* [Joy.js]( - Make happy little programs.
* [Recursive Drawing]( - Create complex patterns from simple building blocks, by toby schachman.
## Other
*[&#8593; top](#contents)*
* [Ishkur's Guide To Electronic Music]( -
* []( - redraw state boundaries with 2016 us election data.
* [How Uber Uses Psychological Tricks to Push Its Drivers Buttons](
* [Ishkur's Guide To Electronic Music](
* [Learn Music]( - Experiment with beats, melody, harmony, basslines, and song structure.
* []( - Redraw state boundaries with 2016 US election data.
* [Kern Type]( - Explorable on kerning in typography.
* [How Does Inequality Begin? An Interactive Simulation](
* [Virus, The Beauty Of The Beast](
## About Explorable Explanations
*[&#8593; top](#contents)*
* [Explorable Explanations](
* []( - Scientific Communication As Sequential Art
* []( - up and down the ladder of abstraction a systemic approach to interactive visualization
* []( - Bret Victor's essay which coined the term "explorable explanations"
* [Reinventing Explanation]( prototyping an accessible explanation of simpson's paradox
* []( - design patterns for explorable explanations
* []( - amit patel of red blob games looks back on 5 years of creating interactive explanations
* []( - Scientific Communication As Sequential Art.
* []( - Up and down the ladder of abstraction a systemic approach to interactive visualization.
* []( - Bret Victor's essay which coined the term "explorable explanations".
* [Reinventing Explanation]( - Prototyping an accessible explanation of simpson's paradox.
* []( - Design patterns for explorable explanations.
* []( - Amit patel of red blob games looks back on 5 years of creating interactive explanations.
* [Learning By Doing](
## Tools And Resources
*[&#8593; top](#contents)*
* [Tangle]( Js Library for reactive documents
* [Outside the box]( On SVG and Arrows.
* [Implementing Draggable Handles](
* [RedBlobGames - Making Of](
* [GeoGebra]( - dynamic mathematics for learning and teaching
* []( - apparatus, an open-source graphics editor and programming environment for creating interactive diagrams
* [awesome-livecoding]( - a curated list of live-coding resources.
* [Self-Lang]( prototype-based dynamic object-oriented programming language, environment, and virtual machine
* [Lively Kernel](
* [Coeffects]( - Context-aware programming languages
* [INFO 3300 - Data-driven Web Applications](
* [Human Advancement Research Community - YC Research](
* []( - A hub for learning through play!
* []( - An open-source graphics editor and programming environment for creating interactive diagrams.
* [awesome-livecoding]( - A curated list of live-coding resources.
* [Coeffects]( - Context-aware programming languages.
* [DynamicLand]( - Incubating a humane dynamic medium.
* [Flex - YC Research]( - Interactive programming and solution exploration tools
* [Ohm]( - Visual parser generator and toolkit for building interpreters and compilers.
* [Chorus]( - Visual mobile programming using spreadsheet concepts
* [Loopy]( - a tool for thinking in systems
* [GeoGebra]( - Dynamic mathematics for learning and teaching.
* [Human Advancement Research Community - YC Research](
* [How I Make Explorable Explanations]( - By Nicky Case.
* [Implementing Draggable Handles](
* [Improv.js] ( - A tool to make explorable explanations.
* [Data-driven Web Applications](
* [Idyll]( - A tool for making interactive narratives for the web.
* [Lively Kernel](
* [Loopy]( - A tool for thinking in systems.
* [Tangle]( Js Library for reactive documents.
* [TangleDown] (
* [Outside the box]( On SVG and Arrows.
* [RedBlobGames - Making Of](
* [Self-Lang]( Prototype-based dynamic object-oriented programming language, environment, and virtual machine.
## Books
## Books And Essays
*[&#8593; top](#contents)*
* []( - "mindstorms: children, computers, and powerful ideas", an influential 1980 book by seymour papert
* [Mindstorms]( - "mindstorms: children, computers, and powerful ideas", an influential 1980 book by seymour papert
* [Elements of Euclid]( - oliver byrne's edition of euclid's "elements" uses colored diagrams and symbols instead of letters to proof theorems about math and geometry
* [Envisioning Information](
* [Understanding Comics]( - "The pedagogical potential of the comic form is vast and mostly untapped" —Bret Victor
@ -212,3 +241,16 @@ Join us on slack on reddit at [/r/explorables](
* [Relativity Visualized](
* [The Shape of Space](
* [Visual Group Theory](
* [Environment and Economy]( - An interactive guide to the eco-pragmatist philosophy.
## Community
* Visit the []( hub.
* Or join the subreddit on [/r/explorables](
## License
To the extent possible under law, Chakib Benziane has waived all copyright and related or neighboring rights to this work.