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Gitian host docker container

The provided Dockerfile allows to generate a gitian-builder host image, that can subsequently be used for reproducible builds using LXC VMs.

How this works:

Some of the discussions leading to the creation of this set of Dockerfiles/scripts are available on this issue.


It is necessary that before you using these scripts you read them and understand what they do. Why? Because your goal is to create a gitian build (deterministic) that has not been tampered with, thus trust shall be correctly attributed during your process.

See also:

How to build the image

Images have not been pushed images to my Docker Registry account, this is on purpose because even if generated images have my repository prefix ('gdm85/') you are supposed to create them from scratch.

NOTE: you must have debootstrap on your real host to run this script successfully, and also make sure you have a keyring with APT keys, see also

First steps:

  • run scripts/ to get a Debian Wheezy image debootstrapped from Debian repositories.
  • run scripts/, this will simply build the Dockerfile that installs the few necessary dependencies inside the prepared image, plus generate a second image with the i386 and amd64 VMs (see

NOTE: when I say "run", what I really mean is "read the script, study it for your own learning purposes, then run it" ;)

After steps above you will have prepared a full gitian builder environment for deterministic builds. The image that contains the VMs is called gdm85/gitian-host-vms; in future you can spawn containers with this image for new gitian-builder environments.


$ scripts/
You can now SSH into container 8a955ff5607b62d4c295745f27bbc38f2e8e011ea93053e641617d50ad2aa5a2:
ssh -o UserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no debian@

This will create a privileged running container that you can access with the SSH command displayed.

Derived images

A bitcoin gitian host container is available.


Thanks to jpetazzo for dind and to #docker & bitcoin-dev IRC users for the help&assistance!