fix submodule, restore blog source

Chakib (spike) Benziane 11 years ago
parent 91ae427551
commit 018af4861d

.gitmodules vendored

@ -12,7 +12,7 @@
url = url =
[submodule "lib/lesshat"] [submodule "lib/lesshat"]
path = lib/lesshat path = lib/lesshat
url = url =
[submodule "projects/bootstrap-magic-button"] [submodule "projects/bootstrap-magic-button"]
path = projects/bootstrap-magic-button path = projects/bootstrap-magic-button
url = url =

@ -1 +0,0 @@

@ -1,2 +0,0 @@
source ''
gem 'github-pages'

@ -1,62 +0,0 @@
RedCloth (4.2.9)
blankslate (
classifier (1.3.3)
fast-stemmer (>= 1.0.0)
colorator (0.1)
commander (4.1.5)
highline (~> 1.6.11)
fast-stemmer (1.0.2)
ffi (1.9.3)
github-pages (12)
RedCloth (= 4.2.9)
jekyll (= 1.4.2)
kramdown (= 1.2.0)
liquid (= 2.5.4)
maruku (= 0.7.0)
rdiscount (= 2.1.7)
redcarpet (= 2.3.0)
highline (1.6.20)
jekyll (1.4.2)
classifier (~> 1.3)
colorator (~> 0.1)
commander (~> 4.1.3)
liquid (~> 2.5.2)
listen (~> 1.3)
maruku (~> 0.7.0)
pygments.rb (~> 0.5.0)
redcarpet (~> 2.3.0)
safe_yaml (~> 0.9.7)
toml (~> 0.1.0)
kramdown (1.2.0)
liquid (2.5.4)
listen (1.3.1)
rb-fsevent (>= 0.9.3)
rb-inotify (>= 0.9)
rb-kqueue (>= 0.2)
maruku (0.7.0)
parslet (1.5.0)
blankslate (~> 2.0)
posix-spawn (0.3.8)
pygments.rb (0.5.4)
posix-spawn (~> 0.3.6)
yajl-ruby (~> 1.1.0)
rb-fsevent (0.9.3)
rb-inotify (0.9.3)
ffi (>= 0.5.0)
rb-kqueue (0.2.0)
ffi (>= 0.5.0)
rdiscount (2.1.7)
redcarpet (2.3.0)
safe_yaml (0.9.7)
toml (0.1.0)
parslet (~> 1.5.0)
yajl-ruby (1.1.0)

@ -1,35 +0,0 @@
# BUILD Bootstrap theme
# Add compressing and jshint
OUTPUT = css/bootstrap.css
OUTPUT_MIN = css/bootstrap.min.css
LESS = less/compile.less
@echo "\n${HR}"
@echo "Building bootstrap theme ..."
@recess --compile ${LESS} > ${OUTPUT}
@lessc --compress ${LESS} > ${OUTPUT_MIN}
@echo "Compiling LESS with Recess... ${CHECK} Done"
## Responsive
# #lessc swatchmaker-responsive.less > ${OUTPUT_PATH}/bootstrap-responsive.css
# #lessc --compress swatchmaker-responsive.less > ${OUTPUT_PATH}/bootstrap-responsive.min.css
@make -C ./lib/bootstrap build
@rm -rf ${OUTPUT} ${OUTPUT_MIN}
.PHONY: build bootstrap

@ -1,195 +0,0 @@
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<h2>An entrepreneur thaughts and ideas.</h2>
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<div id="content" class="inner"><article class="post" itemscope itemtype="">
<h1 class="title" itemprop="name">Development as a Service on Its Baby Steps</h1>
<div class="entry-content" itemprop="articleBody"><p>Let me start by presenting a new web service <a href=""></a>.</p>
<p>It&#8217;s a full python development stack, ready to be used in your browser. After a quick subscription for a free account,
you have access from your dashboard to [python, ipython, bash] consoles in different python flavours.</p>
<p>You can also browse your files, make cron scripts and create python web apps on the fly.</p>
<p>The most interesting features are the consoles pause/resume feature, which can be shared
with other people. This could be very helpful to collaborate on code or teach python.
Behind the scene, it&#8217;s an encrypted ajax window over your home folder running on a remote server hosted on EC2.</p>
<p>DaaS may be on it&#8217;s first baby steps. Though, it could rapidly become a standard way to code for developers especially in startups.
Before diving in the pros and cons, let&#8217;s analyse the different development stacks possibilities.</p>
<!-- more -->
<p>First, there&#8217;s the good old fashion way. Setup a server on a cloud service
(I guess there&#8217;s still people doing it with bare metal servers ). You have plenty of choice there, (EC2, AppEngine, Azure, Rackspace&#8230;),
it depends on your IT needs, spiritual beliefs (many don&#8217;t care) and your pockets.</p>
<p>Then pick the development stack of your preferred language/framework: Python(Django, Web2py, Pylons, Flask&#8230;), Ruby(Ruby On Rails) for the rock stars, Java/.Net, PHP &#8230;</p>
<p>Here, you have to maintain every piece involved in the process, packages versions, build tools, deployment, scaling. That&#8217;s a lot of time and resources needed to finally get your developers pushing and your apps running.</p>
<p>The next big step was the <a href="">Heroku</a> and <a href=""> Dotcloud </a> like services, aka Deployment/Scaling as a Service.
They release from the burden of deploying and give enough abstraction to exclusively focus your effort on the application logic.
The process is often the same, basically setup your project with a simple conf file, then deploy to the server with one command.
They practically all handle version control systems like git,
so your project is deployed every time you push your code.
I believe Github helped a lot making these services exist as deployment is often tightly bound to code revisions, and Github offers an excellent API and a huge community.</p>
<p>We have been adding more and more abstraction to the development process in order to make it easier, faster, stronger &#8230;
However, there is still one constant, &#8220;localhost development&#8221;. The coding itself is done on your machine/laptop.You still can use your favourite OS, IDE, tools.</p>
<p>Well, DaaS is going to cross that last barrier.
There are already several web services for online development like <a href=""></a> for web design or <a href=""></a>.
They offer something that could change the way we see development, the abstraction of your OS, ide and development environment.
If you think about it, that&#8217;s a lot of time saved. No multi-platform mess, no more scripts to ensure the same development stack. Using the enormous processing power
of cloud platforms, there is virtually no compile time. You can even forget about your machine, all you need is a keyboard and a screen.</p>
<p>It seems only benefit but the thing is, if DaaS is really going to be the next step,I think we are missing something very important.
Before a developer learns to code, he has
to understand the building blocks of programming, what&#8217;s a computer, what&#8217;s an Operating System, how does it do its work. All the abstractions we built are built
using this knowledge. How could a programmer understand code optimization ? Security flows?
How could he understand the interaction of his code with its environment if he&#8217;s not gonna use it?
Maybe we&#8217;re not concreted with that yet, but the next generations of programmers are.</p>
<p>What do you think ?</p>
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<name><![CDATA[Chakib Benziane]]></name>
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<title type="html"><![CDATA[My most valuable lesson in life learnt the hard way]]></title>
<link href=""/>
<content type="html"><![CDATA[<p>Hollywood movies are often introduced with a main character living his life until a big event happens,
something that is enough life changing to justify a compelling story. And we, as an audience,
tend to identify to that hero or some event in the story that helps us forget the boredom of real life.
I believe this is one of the secret ingredients that make the movies industry so successful.
People need to forget about their daily life because they believe it&#8217;s boring.
In the timespan of <a href="">159 minutes</a> they are thrilled in something more exciting, adventurous, romantic &#8230;
everything that does not seem to exist in &#8220;real life&#8221;.</p>
<!-- more -->
<p>I love movies and cinema, and I really enjoy seeing a good one. However, something have always kept me a bit skeptical about the whole phenomenon.
In my sight, real life is more exciting, there&#8217;s an infinite amount of possibilities
and outcomes to what you do. Everything seem possible when you stop picturing your
actions and ideas <a href="">in the way society expects you to do</a>. This feeling has started filling me since I was a teenager.
It forged my personality and made me what I have been until now. People nowadays call it being an &#8220;entrepreneur&#8221; or &#8220;hacker&#8221;.
I don&#8217;t think any word could describe the way I feel about my life and my role in the current society.</p>
<p>I left my country 6 years ago and came to France in order to study computer science.
I had been to medical school before, trying to follow my dad&#8217;s footsteps.
My path through my studies has been the same thing as it has always been my whole life:
trying new things, never settle down at the same place, always thinking of the next project
and moving forward. As an immigrant student I have done many little jobs, worked for big IT
companies ( although I was not always allowed to ), joined a prestigious computer school club
where I learned so much about sysadmin in system engineering and met many people.
Still, I was always feeling something missing. Deep inside, there was a voice who has been there since the beginning.
It kept telling me what
I needed to do. I was working as a system engineer on a short term contract when a friend
(at the time) offered me to start our own startup where I would be responsible for all the
technical aspect. When I think about it now, the idea was not that attractive,
there was no business plan and we were just a team of three guys without any previous experience in
the startup business. It was one of the most important choices I had to do.
Either decline a comfortable job offer which would&#8217;ve let me acquire a legal worker
status and finish my studies working with cool technologies, and maybe even travelling.
Or jumping right into the startup adventure, with no guaranty of success, no market
research whatsoever, and no immigration status possible especially in France which
is about ten years far from a Startup Act .</p>
<p>Flash forward, I am co-founder and CTO at Many things happened since and
long story made short, we made a pivot and had new people in the team.
I will share this story with my friend and co-founder Ryadh in an other article,
a story which I think every foreign entrepreneur to France should know about.
For the time being, has been launched 6 months ago, had some worldwide press and
media coverage, and is currently one of the first crowd-shipping/shopping platforms.</p>
<p>Then comes last week. Something big happened. Actually it was a succession of
events that, taken alone could be considered probable, but thinking they would happen all
at the same time in the lapse of a few days made them what we define as &#8220;life changing&#8221; events.
They are totally unrelated, each having a huge impact in some aspect of my personal and
professional life. But still, they are all connected together with the same variable
that makes them what I feel like being born in a new life.</p>
<p>Each one of these events could be considered a failed, depressing twist filled with despair.
In fact, they made me feel that way and I could barely sleep at night, always feeling a pain
in my stomach like I have been punched in the nuts. I am not enough comfortable to talk about
the personal one and the next articles will explain the rest of the story. What really matters
here is the key denominator, something I can now consider, with confidence, as the most important factor in any
future project and my whole new life. I am talking about <em>Trust</em>. Of course, it seems obvious !
Well I taught it was too.</p>
<p>The history of humanity has been shaped by trust. You can&#8217;t build a pyramid if
you can&#8217;t trust the architect. You can&#8217;t build an army when people don&#8217;t trust you. You can&#8217;t learn if you don&#8217;t
trust a teacher or a mentor, and you can&#8217;t found a family if you don&#8217;t trust a partner&#8230;
It is something that must be earned. Something you can&#8217;t afford with money and power. Something you can
fake with lies and charisma . I am now convinced the only way to find trust is to look for <em>Passion</em> inside people and that every human
being have to learn it the hard way. You must be betrayed in order to acknowledge it&#8217;s worth. I sincerely hope for
you it won&#8217;t be the same as me, but I can say for sure this was my life changing event.
Anything that will come after will be different and I am very thankful I was given this precious lesson in my youth.</p>
<p>I don&#8217;t know what words could describe the aftermath. I feel new, free, light.
I feel a strength rising inside me, like the power to shape the future. I still have so many
things to learn and experience, and the pains that come with it. <a href="">Entropy</a> makes
life beautiful, the uncertainty built in the entire universe makes our lives much more interesting than any Hollywood movie.</p>
<p>Good luck to all those who create, make and change things, and for anyone else, just listen to the voice speaking to you.</p>
<title type="html"><![CDATA[Redesigning jibli - lessons learned form Hack Design Part 1]]></title>
<link href=""/>
<content type="html"><![CDATA[<p>As many programmers, I have always thought web design is a
discipline best reserved for people doing art and design.
You know, the hipster with his MacBook, his pletora of Adobe suites,
and the huge time spent learning to use them.</p>
<p>I come from a background of system administration and networking, always
fascinated by the obscure backend&#8217;s thing happening behind what you
see on your screen. Furthermore, I started web development for the sole purpose
of building <a href=""></a>, as a CoFounder and CTO on this
project, and as a team which had no money to hire a full time designer.</p>
<p>Needless to say I boarded the UI Design ship on the wrong foot.</p>
<p>In this first article I am going to share my experience on how I got passionate
about creating and designing a User Interface and what I learned from all the
resources shared on HN and <a href=""> Hack Design </a> lessons which helped me redesign</p>
<!-- more -->
<p><img class="hover center" src="" width="390"></p>
<p><img class="hover center" src="" width="400"></p>
<h2>Where to start ?</h2>
<p>We launched the public beta of on October 2012. A few weeks later we had had
plenty of feedback and proposals for new features.</p>
<p>For strategic reasons, we chose to start with no registering process and just a &#8220;Connect with Facebook&#8221; instead.</p>
<p>We had no money to make a &#8220;how it works&#8221; video we could show
next to the home page form, like many startups do when they launch their
product. We only had a <a href="" title=" teaser video">teaser video</a> that we made before starting this project
where you see a bunch of people (our team at that time) pitching the idea.</p>
<p>The home page actually <a href="" title="Some styles are a little broken since we're migrating to the new design"> looked </a> like many location based services and the
typical workflow of a user was:</p>
<li><p>Fill in the &#8220;From&#8221; and &#8220;To&#8221; location fields</p></li>
<li><p>Choose what action to take: Send, Deliver</p></li>
<li><p>A modal shows up to let him select a date depending on which action he chose</p></li>
<li><p>Redirecting the user to a listings results page</p></li>
<li><p>The user can then click on listings or create a new one if he&#8217;s not satisified</p></li>
<p>We noticed that many people when they first reached the home page, where not able to figure out what to do next.
To assist new users we used bootstrap tooltips everywhere, even on the action buttons.</p>
<p>On the graphic design aspect, we were just using a slightly customized <a href=""> bootstrap theme </a></p>
<h2>Getting inspiration</h2>
<p>So after we decided it was time to have a fresh and better look, I saw the opportunity
to start practicing what I have been learning on HN, Hack Design and <a href=""> About Face 3 </a> about
UI/UX Design. It was also a good opportunity to stop frontend programming with spaghetti jQuery dom
manipulation and start using AngularJS which devprived me of my sleep hours lately.
(frontend programming will be the subject of an other article)</p>
<p>I think the most difficult step when you start working on something, no matter what kind
of project, is actually to <strong>start</strong>. For me it was no exception. I was certainly looking
for visual inspiration because a User Interface for a web application is first of all something
we see before we touch and interact with.</p>
<p>To help me filter out the overwhelming quantity of images, photos and visuals available on the internet,
I made list of words that sum up what was about and started combining those words in search queries
for images and photos.</p>
<p>I ended up with this one when looking for the words <em>bike</em> and <em>bag</em>, which seemed to summarize the ideas
of transportation, carrying and environment which is all about.</p>
<p><img class="center" src="" width="300"></p>
<p><em>This photo comes from this <a href=""> beautiful article </a> by Dottie and all credits go to her.</em></p>
<p>When I saw this one ideas started immediately flowing and I knew where to start.</p>
<h2>The color palette</h2>
<p>The first thing I did was to choose a color palette. To do so, I used the inspiration photo
to <a href=""> extract a simple color palette.</a></p>
<p><img class="right" src=""></p>
<p>I actually repeated the process until I get a set of colors which validate these conditions:</p>
<li>Have at most 3 main colors</li>
<li>Have dark close to black color</li>
<li>Have a light close to white color</li>
<p>This one has two main colors, a wide blue range and the yellow/gold one. Grays and white are
just desaturated and very light colors.</p>
<p>This should suffice to always have a color to pick from this palette instead of choosing
one from a color picker, and so basically when looking for black I just choose the darkest one and when looking for white I pick
the most close to white.</p>
<p>The wide range of blue colors made me choose the blue as the main color.</p>
<p>I was heavily inspired by this <a href=""> article </a> of Ian Storm Taylor, which also made me
start using HSL (Hue, Saturation, Brightness) everywhere I wanted to get new colors from the palette.</p>
<h2>Rapid prototyping vs flat PSD design</h2>
<p>One thing I learned in interactive design is that a User Interface can&#8217;t possibly be represented as a flat image only.
<a href=""> Bret Victor made an excellent talk </a> about the process of creation and the necessity to get immediate visual feedback.
My design process has been a mix of rapid prototyping and design exploration with <a href=""> chrome developers tools </a> then representing ideas in
a PSD file as a reference for later.</p>
<p>Although I&#8217;m not going to talk much about frontend programming, this is the stack I prepared to quickly test ideas and move back and forth
from prototype to PSD.</p>
<p><a href=""> The stack </a> consists of:</p>
<li>Angular Seed project from AngularJS</li>
<li>Stylesheets using Less</li>
<li>Using git submodules to add frontend dependencies (Bootstrap, AngularUI, FontAwesome &#8230; )</li>
<p>Whenever I wanted to test some <em>behavior</em> feature I first tested it with Chrome, played
with styles and interactions, then tried to represent it as a layer in PSD.</p>
<p>On the other hand, when trying to work on the <em>look</em> aspect of something, I prefered the PSD
approach first, which gives more freedom on the graphics.</p>
<p><img class="hover" src="" width="50">
<img class="hover" src="" width="50">
<img class="hover" src="" width="50">
<img class="hover" src="" width="50">
<img class="hover" src="" width="50">
<img class="hover" src="" width="50">
<img class="hover" src="" width="50">
<img class="hover" src="" width="50">
<img class="hover" src="" width="50">
<img class="hover" src="" width="50">
<img class="hover" src="" width="50"></p>
<h2>End of Part 1</h2>
<p>I hope some programmers who are interested about web design and don&#8217;t know how
to start might find some insight from this article and the next ones.</p>
<p>Part 2 will be about getting from prototype to stylesheets using chrome devtools, the importance of shadows and
some tips I learned about textures and details.</p>
<title type="html"><![CDATA[Development as a Service on its baby steps]]></title>
<link href=""/>
<content type="html"><![CDATA[<p>Let me start by presenting a new web service <a href=""></a>.</p>
<p>It&#8217;s a full python development stack, ready to be used in your browser. After a quick subscription for a free account,
you have access from your dashboard to [python, ipython, bash] consoles in different python flavours.</p>
<p>You can also browse your files, make cron scripts and create python web apps on the fly.</p>
<p>The most interesting features are the consoles pause/resume feature, which can be shared
with other people. This could be very helpful to collaborate on code or teach python.
Behind the scene, it&#8217;s an encrypted ajax window over your home folder running on a remote server hosted on EC2.</p>
<p>DaaS may be on it&#8217;s first baby steps. Though, it could rapidly become a standard way to code for developers especially in startups.
Before diving in the pros and cons, let&#8217;s analyse the different development stacks possibilities.</p>
<!-- more -->
<p>First, there&#8217;s the good old fashion way. Setup a server on a cloud service
(I guess there&#8217;s still people doing it with bare metal servers ). You have plenty of choice there, (EC2, AppEngine, Azure, Rackspace&#8230;),
it depends on your IT needs, spiritual beliefs (many don&#8217;t care) and your pockets.</p>
<p>Then pick the development stack of your preferred language/framework: Python(Django, Web2py, Pylons, Flask&#8230;), Ruby(Ruby On Rails) for the rock stars, Java/.Net, PHP &#8230;</p>
<p>Here, you have to maintain every piece involved in the process, packages versions, build tools, deployment, scaling. That&#8217;s a lot of time and resources needed to finally get your developers pushing and your apps running.</p>
<p>The next big step was the <a href="">Heroku</a> and <a href=""> Dotcloud </a> like services, aka Deployment/Scaling as a Service.
They release from the burden of deploying and give enough abstraction to exclusively focus your effort on the application logic.
The process is often the same, basically setup your project with a simple conf file, then deploy to the server with one command.
They practically all handle version control systems like git,
so your project is deployed every time you push your code.
I believe Github helped a lot making these services exist as deployment is often tightly bound to code revisions, and Github offers an excellent API and a huge community.</p>
<p>We have been adding more and more abstraction to the development process in order to make it easier, faster, stronger &#8230;
However, there is still one constant, &#8220;localhost development&#8221;. The coding itself is done on your machine/laptop.You still can use your favourite OS, IDE, tools.</p>
<p>Well, DaaS is going to cross that last barrier.
There are already several web services for online development like <a href=""></a> for web design or <a href=""></a>.
They offer something that could change the way we see development, the abstraction of your OS, ide and development environment.
If you think about it, that&#8217;s a lot of time saved. No multi-platform mess, no more scripts to ensure the same development stack. Using the enormous processing power
of cloud platforms, there is virtually no compile time. You can even forget about your machine, all you need is a keyboard and a screen.</p>
<p>It seems only benefit but the thing is, if DaaS is really going to be the next step,I think we are missing something very important.
Before a developer learns to code, he has
to understand the building blocks of programming, what&#8217;s a computer, what&#8217;s an Operating System, how does it do its work. All the abstractions we built are built
using this knowledge. How could a programmer understand code optimization ? Security flows?
How could he understand the interaction of his code with its environment if he&#8217;s not gonna use it?
Maybe we&#8217;re not concreted with that yet, but the next generations of programmers are.</p>
<p>What do you think ?</p>

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<h1 class="title" itemprop="name"><a href="/blog/my-most-valuable-lesson-in-life-learnt-the-hard-way/">My most valuable lesson in life learnt the hard way</a></h1>
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<span class="date"><time datetime="2013-03-06T20:01:00+01:00" itemprop="datePublished">Mar 6</time></span>
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<h1 class="title" itemprop="name"><a href="/blog/redesigning-jibli-lessons-learned-form-hack-design-part-1/">Redesigning jibli - lessons learned form Hack Design Part 1</a></h1>
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<h1 class="title" itemprop="name"><a href="/blog/Development-as-a-Service/">Development as a Service on its baby steps</a></h1>
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<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<feed xmlns="">
<title><![CDATA[Category: entrepreneurship | ]]></title>
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<name><![CDATA[Chakib Benziane]]></name>
<generator uri="">Octopress</generator>
<title type="html"><![CDATA[My most valuable lesson in life learnt the hard way]]></title>
<link href=""/>
<content type="html"><![CDATA[<p>Hollywood movies are often introduced with a main character living his life until a big event happens,
something that is enough life changing to justify a compelling story. And we, as an audience,
tend to identify to that hero or some event in the story that helps us forget the boredom of real life.
I believe this is one of the secret ingredients that make the movies industry so successful.
People need to forget about their daily life because they believe it's boring.
In the timespan of <a href="">159 minutes</a> they are thrilled in something more exciting, adventurous, romantic ...
everything that does not seem to exist in "real life".</p>
<!-- more -->
<p>I love movies and cinema, and I really enjoy seeing a good one. However, something have always kept me a bit skeptical about the whole phenomenon.
In my sight, real life is more exciting, there's an infinite amount of possibilities
and outcomes to what you do. Everything seem possible when you stop picturing your
actions and ideas <a href="">in the way society expects you to do</a>. This feeling has started filling me since I was a teenager.
It forged my personality and made me what I have been until now. People nowadays call it being an "entrepreneur" or "hacker".
I don't think any word could describe the way I feel about my life and my role in the current society.</p>
<p>I left my country 6 years ago and came to France in order to study computer science.
I had been to medical school before, trying to follow my dad's footsteps.
My path through my studies has been the same thing as it has always been my whole life:
trying new things, never settle down at the same place, always thinking of the next project
and moving forward. As an immigrant student I have done many little jobs, worked for big IT
companies ( although I was not always allowed to ), joined a prestigious computer school club
where I learned so much about sysadmin in system engineering and met many people.
Still, I was always feeling something missing. Deep inside, there was a voice who has been there since the beginning.
It kept telling me what
I needed to do. I was working as a system engineer on a short term contract when a friend
(at the time) offered me to start our own startup where I would be responsible for all the
technical aspect. When I think about it now, the idea was not that attractive,
there was no business plan and we were just a team of three guys without any previous experience in
the startup business. It was one of the most important choices I had to do.
Either decline a comfortable job offer which would've let me acquire a legal worker
status and finish my studies working with cool technologies, and maybe even travelling.
Or jumping right into the startup adventure, with no guaranty of success, no market
research whatsoever, and no immigration status possible especially in France which
is about ten years far from a Startup Act .</p>
<p>Flash forward, I am co-founder and CTO at Many things happened since and
long story made short, we made a pivot and had new people in the team.
I will share this story with my friend and co-founder Ryadh in an other article,
a story which I think every foreign entrepreneur to France should know about.
For the time being, has been launched 6 months ago, had some worldwide press and
media coverage, and is currently one of the first crowd-shipping/shopping platforms.</p>
<p>Then comes last week. Something big happened. Actually it was a succession of
events that, taken alone could be considered probable, but thinking they would happen all
at the same time in the lapse of a few days made them what we define as "life changing" events.
They are totally unrelated, each having a huge impact in some aspect of my personal and
professional life. But still, they are all connected together with the same variable
that makes them what I feel like being born in a new life.</p>
<p>Each one of these events could be considered a failed, depressing twist filled with despair.
In fact, they made me feel that way and I could barely sleep at night, always feeling a pain
in my stomach like I have been punched in the nuts. I am not enough comfortable to talk about
the personal one and the next articles will explain the rest of the story. What really matters
here is the key denominator, something I can now consider, with confidence, as the most important factor in any
future project and my whole new life. I am talking about <em>Trust</em>. Of course, it seems obvious !
Well I taught it was too.</p>
<p>The history of humanity has been shaped by trust. You can't build a pyramid if
you can't trust the architect. You can't build an army when people don't trust you. You can't learn if you don't
trust a teacher or a mentor, and you can't found a family if you don't trust a partner...
It is something that must be earned. Something you can't afford with money and power. Something you can
fake with lies and charisma . I am now convinced the only way to find trust is to look for <em>Passion</em> inside people and that every human
being have to learn it the hard way. You must be betrayed in order to acknowledge it's worth. I sincerely hope for
you it won't be the same as me, but I can say for sure this was my life changing event.
Anything that will come after will be different and I am very thankful I was given this precious lesson in my youth.</p>
<p>I don't know what words could describe the aftermath. I feel new, free, light.
I feel a strength rising inside me, like the power to shape the future. I still have so many
things to learn and experience, and the pains that come with it. <a href="">Entropy</a> makes
life beautiful, the uncertainty built in the entire universe makes our lives much more interesting than any Hollywood movie.</p>
<p>Good luck to all those who create, make and change things, and for anyone else, just listen to the voice speaking to you.</p>

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<section class="archives"><h1 class="year">2013</h1>
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<h1 class="title" itemprop="name"><a href="/blog/my-most-valuable-lesson-in-life-learnt-the-hard-way/">My most valuable lesson in life learnt the hard way</a></h1>
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<title><![CDATA[Category: experience | ]]></title>
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<name><![CDATA[Chakib Benziane]]></name>
<generator uri="">Octopress</generator>
<title type="html"><![CDATA[My most valuable lesson in life learnt the hard way]]></title>
<link href=""/>
<content type="html"><![CDATA[<p>Hollywood movies are often introduced with a main character living his life until a big event happens,
something that is enough life changing to justify a compelling story. And we, as an audience,
tend to identify to that hero or some event in the story that helps us forget the boredom of real life.
I believe this is one of the secret ingredients that make the movies industry so successful.
People need to forget about their daily life because they believe it's boring.
In the timespan of <a href="">159 minutes</a> they are thrilled in something more exciting, adventurous, romantic ...
everything that does not seem to exist in "real life".</p>
<!-- more -->
<p>I love movies and cinema, and I really enjoy seeing a good one. However, something have always kept me a bit skeptical about the whole phenomenon.
In my sight, real life is more exciting, there's an infinite amount of possibilities
and outcomes to what you do. Everything seem possible when you stop picturing your
actions and ideas <a href="">in the way society expects you to do</a>. This feeling has started filling me since I was a teenager.
It forged my personality and made me what I have been until now. People nowadays call it being an "entrepreneur" or "hacker".
I don't think any word could describe the way I feel about my life and my role in the current society.</p>
<p>I left my country 6 years ago and came to France in order to study computer science.
I had been to medical school before, trying to follow my dad's footsteps.
My path through my studies has been the same thing as it has always been my whole life:
trying new things, never settle down at the same place, always thinking of the next project
and moving forward. As an immigrant student I have done many little jobs, worked for big IT
companies ( although I was not always allowed to ), joined a prestigious computer school club
where I learned so much about sysadmin in system engineering and met many people.
Still, I was always feeling something missing. Deep inside, there was a voice who has been there since the beginning.
It kept telling me what
I needed to do. I was working as a system engineer on a short term contract when a friend
(at the time) offered me to start our own startup where I would be responsible for all the
technical aspect. When I think about it now, the idea was not that attractive,
there was no business plan and we were just a team of three guys without any previous experience in
the startup business. It was one of the most important choices I had to do.
Either decline a comfortable job offer which would've let me acquire a legal worker
status and finish my studies working with cool technologies, and maybe even travelling.
Or jumping right into the startup adventure, with no guaranty of success, no market
research whatsoever, and no immigration status possible especially in France which
is about ten years far from a Startup Act .</p>
<p>Flash forward, I am co-founder and CTO at Many things happened since and
long story made short, we made a pivot and had new people in the team.
I will share this story with my friend and co-founder Ryadh in an other article,
a story which I think every foreign entrepreneur to France should know about.
For the time being, has been launched 6 months ago, had some worldwide press and
media coverage, and is currently one of the first crowd-shipping/shopping platforms.</p>
<p>Then comes last week. Something big happened. Actually it was a succession of
events that, taken alone could be considered probable, but thinking they would happen all
at the same time in the lapse of a few days made them what we define as "life changing" events.
They are totally unrelated, each having a huge impact in some aspect of my personal and
professional life. But still, they are all connected together with the same variable
that makes them what I feel like being born in a new life.</p>
<p>Each one of these events could be considered a failed, depressing twist filled with despair.
In fact, they made me feel that way and I could barely sleep at night, always feeling a pain
in my stomach like I have been punched in the nuts. I am not enough comfortable to talk about
the personal one and the next articles will explain the rest of the story. What really matters
here is the key denominator, something I can now consider, with confidence, as the most important factor in any
future project and my whole new life. I am talking about <em>Trust</em>. Of course, it seems obvious !
Well I taught it was too.</p>
<p>The history of humanity has been shaped by trust. You can't build a pyramid if
you can't trust the architect. You can't build an army when people don't trust you. You can't learn if you don't
trust a teacher or a mentor, and you can't found a family if you don't trust a partner...
It is something that must be earned. Something you can't afford with money and power. Something you can
fake with lies and charisma . I am now convinced the only way to find trust is to look for <em>Passion</em> inside people and that every human
being have to learn it the hard way. You must be betrayed in order to acknowledge it's worth. I sincerely hope for
you it won't be the same as me, but I can say for sure this was my life changing event.
Anything that will come after will be different and I am very thankful I was given this precious lesson in my youth.</p>
<p>I don't know what words could describe the aftermath. I feel new, free, light.
I feel a strength rising inside me, like the power to shape the future. I still have so many
things to learn and experience, and the pains that come with it. <a href="">Entropy</a> makes
life beautiful, the uncertainty built in the entire universe makes our lives much more interesting than any Hollywood movie.</p>
<p>Good luck to all those who create, make and change things, and for anyone else, just listen to the voice speaking to you.</p>

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<title type="html"><![CDATA[Development as a Service on its baby steps]]></title>
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<content type="html"><![CDATA[<p>Let me start by presenting a new web service <a href=""></a>.</p>
<p>It's a full python development stack, ready to be used in your browser. After a quick subscription for a free account,
you have access from your dashboard to [python, ipython, bash] consoles in different python flavours.</p>
<p>You can also browse your files, make cron scripts and create python web apps on the fly.</p>
<p>The most interesting features are the consoles pause/resume feature, which can be shared
with other people. This could be very helpful to collaborate on code or teach python.
Behind the scene, it's an encrypted ajax window over your home folder running on a remote server hosted on EC2.</p>
<p>DaaS may be on it's first baby steps. Though, it could rapidly become a standard way to code for developers especially in startups.
Before diving in the pros and cons, let's analyse the different development stacks possibilities.</p>
<!-- more -->
<p>First, there's the good old fashion way. Setup a server on a cloud service
(I guess there's still people doing it with bare metal servers ). You have plenty of choice there, (EC2, AppEngine, Azure, Rackspace...),
it depends on your IT needs, spiritual beliefs (many don't care) and your pockets.</p>
<p>Then pick the development stack of your preferred language/framework: Python(Django, Web2py, Pylons, Flask...), Ruby(Ruby On Rails) for the rock stars, Java/.Net, PHP ...</p>
<p>Here, you have to maintain every piece involved in the process, packages versions, build tools, deployment, scaling. That's a lot of time and resources needed to finally get your developers pushing and your apps running.</p>
<p>The next big step was the <a href="">Heroku</a> and <a href=""> Dotcloud </a> like services, aka Deployment/Scaling as a Service.
They release from the burden of deploying and give enough abstraction to exclusively focus your effort on the application logic.
The process is often the same, basically setup your project with a simple conf file, then deploy to the server with one command.
They practically all handle version control systems like git,
so your project is deployed every time you push your code.
I believe Github helped a lot making these services exist as deployment is often tightly bound to code revisions, and Github offers an excellent API and a huge community.</p>
<p>We have been adding more and more abstraction to the development process in order to make it easier, faster, stronger ...
However, there is still one constant, "localhost development". The coding itself is done on your machine/laptop.You still can use your favourite OS, IDE, tools.</p>
<p>Well, DaaS is going to cross that last barrier.
There are already several web services for online development like <a href=""></a> for web design or <a href=""></a>.
They offer something that could change the way we see development, the abstraction of your OS, ide and development environment.
If you think about it, that's a lot of time saved. No multi-platform mess, no more scripts to ensure the same development stack. Using the enormous processing power
of cloud platforms, there is virtually no compile time. You can even forget about your machine, all you need is a keyboard and a screen.</p>
<p>It seems only benefit but the thing is, if DaaS is really going to be the next step,I think we are missing something very important.
Before a developer learns to code, he has
to understand the building blocks of programming, what's a computer, what's an Operating System, how does it do its work. All the abstractions we built are built
using this knowledge. How could a programmer understand code optimization ? Security flows?
How could he understand the interaction of his code with its environment if he's not gonna use it?
Maybe we're not concreted with that yet, but the next generations of programmers are.</p>
<p>What do you think ?</p>

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<title type="html"><![CDATA[Redesigning jibli - lessons learned form Hack Design Part 1]]></title>
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<content type="html"><![CDATA[<p>As many programmers, I have always thought web design is a
discipline best reserved for people doing art and design.
You know, the hipster with his MacBook, his pletora of Adobe suites,
and the huge time spent learning to use them.</p>
<p>I come from a background of system administration and networking, always
fascinated by the obscure backend's thing happening behind what you
see on your screen. Furthermore, I started web development for the sole purpose
of building <a href=""></a>, as a CoFounder and CTO on this
project, and as a team which had no money to hire a full time designer.</p>
<p>Needless to say I boarded the UI Design ship on the wrong foot.</p>
<p>In this first article I am going to share my experience on how I got passionate
about creating and designing a User Interface and what I learned from all the
resources shared on HN and <a href=""> Hack Design </a> lessons which helped me redesign</p>
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<p><img class="hover center" src="/images/jibli_old.png" width="390"></p>
<p><img class="hover center" src="/images/jibli_new.png" width="400"></p>
<h2>Where to start ?</h2>
<p>We launched the public beta of on October 2012. A few weeks later we had had
plenty of feedback and proposals for new features.</p>
<p>For strategic reasons, we chose to start with no registering process and just a "Connect with Facebook" instead.</p>
<p>We had no money to make a "how it works" video we could show
next to the home page form, like many startups do when they launch their
product. We only had a <a href="" title=" teaser video">teaser video</a> that we made before starting this project
where you see a bunch of people (our team at that time) pitching the idea.</p>
<p>The home page actually <a href="" title="Some styles are a little broken since we're migrating to the new design"> looked </a> like many location based services and the
typical workflow of a user was:</p>
<li><p>Fill in the "From" and "To" location fields</p></li>
<li><p>Choose what action to take: Send, Deliver</p></li>
<li><p>A modal shows up to let him select a date depending on which action he chose</p></li>
<li><p>Redirecting the user to a listings results page</p></li>
<li><p>The user can then click on listings or create a new one if he's not satisified</p></li>
<p>We noticed that many people when they first reached the home page, where not able to figure out what to do next.
To assist new users we used bootstrap tooltips everywhere, even on the action buttons.</p>
<p>On the graphic design aspect, we were just using a slightly customized <a href=""> bootstrap theme </a></p>
<h2>Getting inspiration</h2>
<p>So after we decided it was time to have a fresh and better look, I saw the opportunity
to start practicing what I have been learning on HN, Hack Design and <a href=""> About Face 3 </a> about
UI/UX Design. It was also a good opportunity to stop frontend programming with spaghetti jQuery dom
manipulation and start using AngularJS which devprived me of my sleep hours lately.
(frontend programming will be the subject of an other article)</p>
<p>I think the most difficult step when you start working on something, no matter what kind
of project, is actually to <strong>start</strong>. For me it was no exception. I was certainly looking
for visual inspiration because a User Interface for a web application is first of all something
we see before we touch and interact with.</p>
<p>To help me filter out the overwhelming quantity of images, photos and visuals available on the internet,
I made list of words that sum up what was about and started combining those words in search queries
for images and photos.</p>
<p>I ended up with this one when looking for the words <em>bike</em> and <em>bag</em>, which seemed to summarize the ideas
of transportation, carrying and environment which is all about.</p>
<p><img class="center" src="/images/hero_bike.jpg" width="300"></p>
<p><em>This photo comes from this <a href=""> beautiful article </a> by Dottie and all credits go to her.</em></p>
<p>When I saw this one ideas started immediately flowing and I knew where to start.</p>
<h2>The color palette</h2>
<p>The first thing I did was to choose a color palette. To do so, I used the inspiration photo
to <a href=""> extract a simple color palette.</a></p>
<p><img class="right" src="/images/color_swatch.jpg"></p>
<p>I actually repeated the process until I get a set of colors which validate these conditions:</p>
<li>Have at most 3 main colors</li>
<li>Have dark close to black color</li>
<li>Have a light close to white color</li>
<p>This one has two main colors, a wide blue range and the yellow/gold one. Grays and white are
just desaturated and very light colors.</p>
<p>This should suffice to always have a color to pick from this palette instead of choosing
one from a color picker, and so basically when looking for black I just choose the darkest one and when looking for white I pick
the most close to white.</p>
<p>The wide range of blue colors made me choose the blue as the main color.</p>
<p>I was heavily inspired by this <a href=""> article </a> of Ian Storm Taylor, which also made me
start using HSL (Hue, Saturation, Brightness) everywhere I wanted to get new colors from the palette.</p>
<h2>Rapid prototyping vs flat PSD design</h2>
<p>One thing I learned in interactive design is that a User Interface can't possibly be represented as a flat image only.
<a href=""> Bret Victor made an excellent talk </a> about the process of creation and the necessity to get immediate visual feedback.
My design process has been a mix of rapid prototyping and design exploration with <a href=""> chrome developers tools </a> then representing ideas in
a PSD file as a reference for later.</p>
<p>Although I'm not going to talk much about frontend programming, this is the stack I prepared to quickly test ideas and move back and forth
from prototype to PSD.</p>
<p><a href=""> The stack </a> consists of:</p>
<li>Angular Seed project from AngularJS</li>
<li>Stylesheets using Less</li>
<li>Using git submodules to add frontend dependencies (Bootstrap, AngularUI, FontAwesome ... )</li>
<p>Whenever I wanted to test some <em>behavior</em> feature I first tested it with Chrome, played
with styles and interactions, then tried to represent it as a layer in PSD.</p>
<p>On the other hand, when trying to work on the <em>look</em> aspect of something, I prefered the PSD
approach first, which gives more freedom on the graphics.</p>
<p><img class="hover" src="/images/jibli_design_1.jpg" width="50">
<img class="hover" src="/images/jibli_design_2.jpg" width="50">
<img class="hover" src="/images/jibli_design_3.jpg" width="50">
<img class="hover" src="/images/jibli_design_4.jpg" width="50">
<img class="hover" src="/images/jibli_design_5.jpg" width="50">
<img class="hover" src="/images/jibli_design_6.jpg" width="50">
<img class="hover" src="/images/jibli_design_7.jpg" width="50">
<img class="hover" src="/images/jibli_design_8.jpg" width="50">
<img class="hover" src="/images/jibli_design_9.jpg" width="50">
<img class="hover" src="/images/jibli_design_10.jpg" width="50">
<img class="hover" src="/images/jibli_design_11.jpg" width="50"></p>
<h2>End of Part 1</h2>
<p>I hope some programmers who are interested about web design and don't know how
to start might find some insight from this article and the next ones.</p>
<p>Part 2 will be about getting from prototype to stylesheets using chrome devtools, the importance of shadows and
some tips I learned about textures and details.</p>

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<title type="html"><![CDATA[Development as a Service on its baby steps]]></title>
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<content type="html"><![CDATA[<p>Let me start by presenting a new web service <a href=""></a>.</p>
<p>It's a full python development stack, ready to be used in your browser. After a quick subscription for a free account,
you have access from your dashboard to [python, ipython, bash] consoles in different python flavours.</p>
<p>You can also browse your files, make cron scripts and create python web apps on the fly.</p>
<p>The most interesting features are the consoles pause/resume feature, which can be shared
with other people. This could be very helpful to collaborate on code or teach python.
Behind the scene, it's an encrypted ajax window over your home folder running on a remote server hosted on EC2.</p>
<p>DaaS may be on it's first baby steps. Though, it could rapidly become a standard way to code for developers especially in startups.
Before diving in the pros and cons, let's analyse the different development stacks possibilities.</p>
<!-- more -->
<p>First, there's the good old fashion way. Setup a server on a cloud service
(I guess there's still people doing it with bare metal servers ). You have plenty of choice there, (EC2, AppEngine, Azure, Rackspace...),
it depends on your IT needs, spiritual beliefs (many don't care) and your pockets.</p>
<p>Then pick the development stack of your preferred language/framework: Python(Django, Web2py, Pylons, Flask...), Ruby(Ruby On Rails) for the rock stars, Java/.Net, PHP ...</p>
<p>Here, you have to maintain every piece involved in the process, packages versions, build tools, deployment, scaling. That's a lot of time and resources needed to finally get your developers pushing and your apps running.</p>
<p>The next big step was the <a href="">Heroku</a> and <a href=""> Dotcloud </a> like services, aka Deployment/Scaling as a Service.
They release from the burden of deploying and give enough abstraction to exclusively focus your effort on the application logic.
The process is often the same, basically setup your project with a simple conf file, then deploy to the server with one command.
They practically all handle version control systems like git,
so your project is deployed every time you push your code.
I believe Github helped a lot making these services exist as deployment is often tightly bound to code revisions, and Github offers an excellent API and a huge community.</p>
<p>We have been adding more and more abstraction to the development process in order to make it easier, faster, stronger ...
However, there is still one constant, "localhost development". The coding itself is done on your machine/laptop.You still can use your favourite OS, IDE, tools.</p>
<p>Well, DaaS is going to cross that last barrier.
There are already several web services for online development like <a href=""></a> for web design or <a href=""></a>.
They offer something that could change the way we see development, the abstraction of your OS, ide and development environment.
If you think about it, that's a lot of time saved. No multi-platform mess, no more scripts to ensure the same development stack. Using the enormous processing power
of cloud platforms, there is virtually no compile time. You can even forget about your machine, all you need is a keyboard and a screen.</p>
<p>It seems only benefit but the thing is, if DaaS is really going to be the next step,I think we are missing something very important.
Before a developer learns to code, he has
to understand the building blocks of programming, what's a computer, what's an Operating System, how does it do its work. All the abstractions we built are built
using this knowledge. How could a programmer understand code optimization ? Security flows?
How could he understand the interaction of his code with its environment if he's not gonna use it?
Maybe we're not concreted with that yet, but the next generations of programmers are.</p>
<p>What do you think ?</p>

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<content type="html"><![CDATA[<p>Let me start by presenting a new web service <a href=""></a>.</p>
<p>It's a full python development stack, ready to be used in your browser. After a quick subscription for a free account,
you have access from your dashboard to [python, ipython, bash] consoles in different python flavours.</p>
<p>You can also browse your files, make cron scripts and create python web apps on the fly.</p>
<p>The most interesting features are the consoles pause/resume feature, which can be shared
with other people. This could be very helpful to collaborate on code or teach python.
Behind the scene, it's an encrypted ajax window over your home folder running on a remote server hosted on EC2.</p>
<p>DaaS may be on it's first baby steps. Though, it could rapidly become a standard way to code for developers especially in startups.
Before diving in the pros and cons, let's analyse the different development stacks possibilities.</p>
<!-- more -->
<p>First, there's the good old fashion way. Setup a server on a cloud service
(I guess there's still people doing it with bare metal servers ). You have plenty of choice there, (EC2, AppEngine, Azure, Rackspace...),
it depends on your IT needs, spiritual beliefs (many don't care) and your pockets.</p>
<p>Then pick the development stack of your preferred language/framework: Python(Django, Web2py, Pylons, Flask...), Ruby(Ruby On Rails) for the rock stars, Java/.Net, PHP ...</p>
<p>Here, you have to maintain every piece involved in the process, packages versions, build tools, deployment, scaling. That's a lot of time and resources needed to finally get your developers pushing and your apps running.</p>
<p>The next big step was the <a href="">Heroku</a> and <a href=""> Dotcloud </a> like services, aka Deployment/Scaling as a Service.
They release from the burden of deploying and give enough abstraction to exclusively focus your effort on the application logic.
The process is often the same, basically setup your project with a simple conf file, then deploy to the server with one command.
They practically all handle version control systems like git,
so your project is deployed every time you push your code.
I believe Github helped a lot making these services exist as deployment is often tightly bound to code revisions, and Github offers an excellent API and a huge community.</p>
<p>We have been adding more and more abstraction to the development process in order to make it easier, faster, stronger ...
However, there is still one constant, "localhost development". The coding itself is done on your machine/laptop.You still can use your favourite OS, IDE, tools.</p>
<p>Well, DaaS is going to cross that last barrier.
There are already several web services for online development like <a href=""></a> for web design or <a href=""></a>.
They offer something that could change the way we see development, the abstraction of your OS, ide and development environment.
If you think about it, that's a lot of time saved. No multi-platform mess, no more scripts to ensure the same development stack. Using the enormous processing power
of cloud platforms, there is virtually no compile time. You can even forget about your machine, all you need is a keyboard and a screen.</p>
<p>It seems only benefit but the thing is, if DaaS is really going to be the next step,I think we are missing something very important.
Before a developer learns to code, he has
to understand the building blocks of programming, what's a computer, what's an Operating System, how does it do its work. All the abstractions we built are built
using this knowledge. How could a programmer understand code optimization ? Security flows?
How could he understand the interaction of his code with its environment if he's not gonna use it?
Maybe we're not concreted with that yet, but the next generations of programmers are.</p>
<p>What do you think ?</p>

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<title type="html"><![CDATA[Redesigning jibli - lessons learned form Hack Design Part 1]]></title>
<link href=""/>
<content type="html"><![CDATA[<p>As many programmers, I have always thought web design is a
discipline best reserved for people doing art and design.
You know, the hipster with his MacBook, his pletora of Adobe suites,
and the huge time spent learning to use them.</p>
<p>I come from a background of system administration and networking, always
fascinated by the obscure backend's thing happening behind what you
see on your screen. Furthermore, I started web development for the sole purpose
of building <a href=""></a>, as a CoFounder and CTO on this
project, and as a team which had no money to hire a full time designer.</p>
<p>Needless to say I boarded the UI Design ship on the wrong foot.</p>
<p>In this first article I am going to share my experience on how I got passionate
about creating and designing a User Interface and what I learned from all the
resources shared on HN and <a href=""> Hack Design </a> lessons which helped me redesign</p>
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<p><img class="hover center" src="/images/jibli_old.png" width="390"></p>
<p><img class="hover center" src="/images/jibli_new.png" width="400"></p>
<h2>Where to start ?</h2>
<p>We launched the public beta of on October 2012. A few weeks later we had had
plenty of feedback and proposals for new features.</p>
<p>For strategic reasons, we chose to start with no registering process and just a "Connect with Facebook" instead.</p>
<p>We had no money to make a "how it works" video we could show
next to the home page form, like many startups do when they launch their
product. We only had a <a href="" title=" teaser video">teaser video</a> that we made before starting this project
where you see a bunch of people (our team at that time) pitching the idea.</p>
<p>The home page actually <a href="" title="Some styles are a little broken since we're migrating to the new design"> looked </a> like many location based services and the
typical workflow of a user was:</p>
<li><p>Fill in the "From" and "To" location fields</p></li>
<li><p>Choose what action to take: Send, Deliver</p></li>
<li><p>A modal shows up to let him select a date depending on which action he chose</p></li>
<li><p>Redirecting the user to a listings results page</p></li>
<li><p>The user can then click on listings or create a new one if he's not satisified</p></li>
<p>We noticed that many people when they first reached the home page, where not able to figure out what to do next.
To assist new users we used bootstrap tooltips everywhere, even on the action buttons.</p>
<p>On the graphic design aspect, we were just using a slightly customized <a href=""> bootstrap theme </a></p>
<h2>Getting inspiration</h2>
<p>So after we decided it was time to have a fresh and better look, I saw the opportunity
to start practicing what I have been learning on HN, Hack Design and <a href=""> About Face 3 </a> about
UI/UX Design. It was also a good opportunity to stop frontend programming with spaghetti jQuery dom
manipulation and start using AngularJS which devprived me of my sleep hours lately.
(frontend programming will be the subject of an other article)</p>
<p>I think the most difficult step when you start working on something, no matter what kind
of project, is actually to <strong>start</strong>. For me it was no exception. I was certainly looking
for visual inspiration because a User Interface for a web application is first of all something
we see before we touch and interact with.</p>
<p>To help me filter out the overwhelming quantity of images, photos and visuals available on the internet,
I made list of words that sum up what was about and started combining those words in search queries
for images and photos.</p>
<p>I ended up with this one when looking for the words <em>bike</em> and <em>bag</em>, which seemed to summarize the ideas
of transportation, carrying and environment which is all about.</p>
<p><img class="center" src="/images/hero_bike.jpg" width="300"></p>
<p><em>This photo comes from this <a href=""> beautiful article </a> by Dottie and all credits go to her.</em></p>
<p>When I saw this one ideas started immediately flowing and I knew where to start.</p>
<h2>The color palette</h2>
<p>The first thing I did was to choose a color palette. To do so, I used the inspiration photo
to <a href=""> extract a simple color palette.</a></p>
<p><img class="right" src="/images/color_swatch.jpg"></p>
<p>I actually repeated the process until I get a set of colors which validate these conditions:</p>
<li>Have at most 3 main colors</li>
<li>Have dark close to black color</li>
<li>Have a light close to white color</li>
<p>This one has two main colors, a wide blue range and the yellow/gold one. Grays and white are
just desaturated and very light colors.</p>
<p>This should suffice to always have a color to pick from this palette instead of choosing
one from a color picker, and so basically when looking for black I just choose the darkest one and when looking for white I pick
the most close to white.</p>
<p>The wide range of blue colors made me choose the blue as the main color.</p>
<p>I was heavily inspired by this <a href=""> article </a> of Ian Storm Taylor, which also made me
start using HSL (Hue, Saturation, Brightness) everywhere I wanted to get new colors from the palette.</p>
<h2>Rapid prototyping vs flat PSD design</h2>
<p>One thing I learned in interactive design is that a User Interface can't possibly be represented as a flat image only.
<a href=""> Bret Victor made an excellent talk </a> about the process of creation and the necessity to get immediate visual feedback.
My design process has been a mix of rapid prototyping and design exploration with <a href=""> chrome developers tools </a> then representing ideas in
a PSD file as a reference for later.</p>
<p>Although I'm not going to talk much about frontend programming, this is the stack I prepared to quickly test ideas and move back and forth
from prototype to PSD.</p>
<p><a href=""> The stack </a> consists of:</p>
<li>Angular Seed project from AngularJS</li>
<li>Stylesheets using Less</li>
<li>Using git submodules to add frontend dependencies (Bootstrap, AngularUI, FontAwesome ... )</li>
<p>Whenever I wanted to test some <em>behavior</em> feature I first tested it with Chrome, played
with styles and interactions, then tried to represent it as a layer in PSD.</p>
<p>On the other hand, when trying to work on the <em>look</em> aspect of something, I prefered the PSD
approach first, which gives more freedom on the graphics.</p>
<p><img class="hover" src="/images/jibli_design_1.jpg" width="50">
<img class="hover" src="/images/jibli_design_2.jpg" width="50">
<img class="hover" src="/images/jibli_design_3.jpg" width="50">
<img class="hover" src="/images/jibli_design_4.jpg" width="50">
<img class="hover" src="/images/jibli_design_5.jpg" width="50">
<img class="hover" src="/images/jibli_design_6.jpg" width="50">
<img class="hover" src="/images/jibli_design_7.jpg" width="50">
<img class="hover" src="/images/jibli_design_8.jpg" width="50">
<img class="hover" src="/images/jibli_design_9.jpg" width="50">
<img class="hover" src="/images/jibli_design_10.jpg" width="50">
<img class="hover" src="/images/jibli_design_11.jpg" width="50"></p>
<h2>End of Part 1</h2>
<p>I hope some programmers who are interested about web design and don't know how
to start might find some insight from this article and the next ones.</p>
<p>Part 2 will be about getting from prototype to stylesheets using chrome devtools, the importance of shadows and
some tips I learned about textures and details.</p>

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<time datetime="2013-04-18T11:51:00+02:00" data-updated="true" itemprop="datePublished">Apr 18<span>th</span>, 2013</time></div>
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<h1 class="title" itemprop="name"><a href="/blog/my-most-valuable-lesson-in-life-learnt-the-hard-way/" itemprop="url">My Most Valuable Lesson in Life Learnt the Hard Way</a></h1>
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<p>Hollywood movies are often introduced with a main character living his life until a big event happens,
something that is enough life changing to justify a compelling story. And we, as an audience,
tend to identify to that hero or some event in the story that helps us forget the boredom of real life.
I believe this is one of the secret ingredients that make the movies industry so successful.
People need to forget about their daily life because they believe it&#8217;s boring.
In the timespan of <a href="">159 minutes</a> they are thrilled in something more exciting, adventurous, romantic &#8230;
everything that does not seem to exist in &#8220;real life&#8221;.</p>
<a href="/blog/my-most-valuable-lesson-in-life-learnt-the-hard-way/" class="more-link">Read on &rarr;</a>
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<time datetime="2013-03-06T20:01:00+01:00" data-updated="true" itemprop="datePublished">Mar 6<span>th</span>, 2013</time></div>
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<h1 class="title" itemprop="name"><a href="/blog/redesigning-jibli-lessons-learned-form-hack-design-part-1/" itemprop="url">Redesigning Jibli - Lessons Learned Form Hack Design Part 1</a></h1>
<div class="entry-content" itemprop="articleBody">
<p>As many programmers, I have always thought web design is a
discipline best reserved for people doing art and design.
You know, the hipster with his MacBook, his pletora of Adobe suites,
and the huge time spent learning to use them.</p>
<p>I come from a background of system administration and networking, always
fascinated by the obscure backend&#8217;s thing happening behind what you
see on your screen. Furthermore, I started web development for the sole purpose
of building <a href=""></a>, as a CoFounder and CTO on this
project, and as a team which had no money to hire a full time designer.</p>
<p>Needless to say I boarded the UI Design ship on the wrong foot.</p>
<p>In this first article I am going to share my experience on how I got passionate
about creating and designing a User Interface and what I learned from all the
resources shared on HN and <a href=""> Hack Design </a> lessons which helped me redesign</p>
<a href="/blog/redesigning-jibli-lessons-learned-form-hack-design-part-1/" class="more-link">Read on &rarr;</a>
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<time datetime="2012-04-29T20:26:09+02:00" data-updated="true" itemprop="datePublished">Apr 29<span>th</span>, 2012</time></div>
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<h1 class="title" itemprop="name"><a href="/blog/Development-as-a-Service/" itemprop="url">Development as a Service on Its Baby Steps</a></h1>
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<p>Let me start by presenting a new web service <a href=""></a>.</p>
<p>It&#8217;s a full python development stack, ready to be used in your browser. After a quick subscription for a free account,
you have access from your dashboard to [python, ipython, bash] consoles in different python flavours.</p>
<p>You can also browse your files, make cron scripts and create python web apps on the fly.</p>
<p>The most interesting features are the consoles pause/resume feature, which can be shared
with other people. This could be very helpful to collaborate on code or teach python.
Behind the scene, it&#8217;s an encrypted ajax window over your home folder running on a remote server hosted on EC2.</p>
<p>DaaS may be on it&#8217;s first baby steps. Though, it could rapidly become a standard way to code for developers especially in startups.
Before diving in the pros and cons, let&#8217;s analyse the different development stacks possibilities.</p>
<a href="/blog/Development-as-a-Service/" class="more-link">Read on &rarr;</a>
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<h1 class="title" itemprop="name">My Most Valuable Lesson in Life Learnt the Hard Way</h1>
<div class="entry-content" itemprop="articleBody"><p>Hollywood movies are often introduced with a main character living his life until a big event happens,
something that is enough life changing to justify a compelling story. And we, as an audience,
tend to identify to that hero or some event in the story that helps us forget the boredom of real life.
I believe this is one of the secret ingredients that make the movies industry so successful.
People need to forget about their daily life because they believe it&#8217;s boring.
In the timespan of <a href="">159 minutes</a> they are thrilled in something more exciting, adventurous, romantic &#8230;
everything that does not seem to exist in &#8220;real life&#8221;.</p>
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<p>I love movies and cinema, and I really enjoy seeing a good one. However, something have always kept me a bit skeptical about the whole phenomenon.
In my sight, real life is more exciting, there&#8217;s an infinite amount of possibilities
and outcomes to what you do. Everything seem possible when you stop picturing your
actions and ideas <a href="">in the way society expects you to do</a>. This feeling has started filling me since I was a teenager.
It forged my personality and made me what I have been until now. People nowadays call it being an &#8220;entrepreneur&#8221; or &#8220;hacker&#8221;.
I don&#8217;t think any word could describe the way I feel about my life and my role in the current society.</p>
<p>I left my country 6 years ago and came to France in order to study computer science.
I had been to medical school before, trying to follow my dad&#8217;s footsteps.
My path through my studies has been the same thing as it has always been my whole life:
trying new things, never settle down at the same place, always thinking of the next project
and moving forward. As an immigrant student I have done many little jobs, worked for big IT
companies ( although I was not always allowed to ), joined a prestigious computer school club
where I learned so much about sysadmin in system engineering and met many people.
Still, I was always feeling something missing. Deep inside, there was a voice who has been there since the beginning.
It kept telling me what
I needed to do. I was working as a system engineer on a short term contract when a friend
(at the time) offered me to start our own startup where I would be responsible for all the
technical aspect. When I think about it now, the idea was not that attractive,
there was no business plan and we were just a team of three guys without any previous experience in
the startup business. It was one of the most important choices I had to do.
Either decline a comfortable job offer which would&#8217;ve let me acquire a legal worker
status and finish my studies working with cool technologies, and maybe even travelling.
Or jumping right into the startup adventure, with no guaranty of success, no market
research whatsoever, and no immigration status possible especially in France which
is about ten years far from a Startup Act .</p>
<p>Flash forward, I am co-founder and CTO at Many things happened since and
long story made short, we made a pivot and had new people in the team.
I will share this story with my friend and co-founder Ryadh in an other article,
a story which I think every foreign entrepreneur to France should know about.
For the time being, has been launched 6 months ago, had some worldwide press and
media coverage, and is currently one of the first crowd-shipping/shopping platforms.</p>
<p>Then comes last week. Something big happened. Actually it was a succession of
events that, taken alone could be considered probable, but thinking they would happen all
at the same time in the lapse of a few days made them what we define as &#8220;life changing&#8221; events.
They are totally unrelated, each having a huge impact in some aspect of my personal and
professional life. But still, they are all connected together with the same variable
that makes them what I feel like being born in a new life.</p>
<p>Each one of these events could be considered a failed, depressing twist filled with despair.
In fact, they made me feel that way and I could barely sleep at night, always feeling a pain
in my stomach like I have been punched in the nuts. I am not enough comfortable to talk about
the personal one and the next articles will explain the rest of the story. What really matters
here is the key denominator, something I can now consider, with confidence, as the most important factor in any
future project and my whole new life. I am talking about <em>Trust</em>. Of course, it seems obvious !
Well I taught it was too.</p>
<p>The history of humanity has been shaped by trust. You can&#8217;t build a pyramid if
you can&#8217;t trust the architect. You can&#8217;t build an army when people don&#8217;t trust you. You can&#8217;t learn if you don&#8217;t
trust a teacher or a mentor, and you can&#8217;t found a family if you don&#8217;t trust a partner&#8230;
It is something that must be earned. Something you can&#8217;t afford with money and power. Something you can
fake with lies and charisma . I am now convinced the only way to find trust is to look for <em>Passion</em> inside people and that every human
being have to learn it the hard way. You must be betrayed in order to acknowledge it&#8217;s worth. I sincerely hope for
you it won&#8217;t be the same as me, but I can say for sure this was my life changing event.
Anything that will come after will be different and I am very thankful I was given this precious lesson in my youth.</p>
<p>I don&#8217;t know what words could describe the aftermath. I feel new, free, light.
I feel a strength rising inside me, like the power to shape the future. I still have so many
things to learn and experience, and the pains that come with it. <a href="">Entropy</a> makes
life beautiful, the uncertainty built in the entire universe makes our lives much more interesting than any Hollywood movie.</p>
<p>Good luck to all those who create, make and change things, and for anyone else, just listen to the voice speaking to you.</p>
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<h1 class="title" itemprop="name">Redesigning Jibli - Lessons Learned Form Hack Design Part 1</h1>
<div class="entry-content" itemprop="articleBody"><p>As many programmers, I have always thought web design is a
discipline best reserved for people doing art and design.
You know, the hipster with his MacBook, his pletora of Adobe suites,
and the huge time spent learning to use them.</p>
<p>I come from a background of system administration and networking, always
fascinated by the obscure backend&#8217;s thing happening behind what you
see on your screen. Furthermore, I started web development for the sole purpose
of building <a href=""></a>, as a CoFounder and CTO on this
project, and as a team which had no money to hire a full time designer.</p>
<p>Needless to say I boarded the UI Design ship on the wrong foot.</p>
<p>In this first article I am going to share my experience on how I got passionate
about creating and designing a User Interface and what I learned from all the
resources shared on HN and <a href=""> Hack Design </a> lessons which helped me redesign</p>
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<p><img class="hover center" src="/blog/images/jibli_old.png" width="390"></p>
<p><img class="hover center" src="/blog/images/jibli_new.png" width="400"></p>
<h2>Where to start ?</h2>
<p>We launched the public beta of on October 2012. A few weeks later we had had
plenty of feedback and proposals for new features.</p>
<p>For strategic reasons, we chose to start with no registering process and just a &#8220;Connect with Facebook&#8221; instead.</p>
<p>We had no money to make a &#8220;how it works&#8221; video we could show
next to the home page form, like many startups do when they launch their
product. We only had a <a href="" title=" teaser video">teaser video</a> that we made before starting this project
where you see a bunch of people (our team at that time) pitching the idea.</p>
<p>The home page actually <a href="" title="Some styles are a little broken since we're migrating to the new design"> looked </a> like many location based services and the
typical workflow of a user was:</p>
<li><p>Fill in the &#8220;From&#8221; and &#8220;To&#8221; location fields</p></li>
<li><p>Choose what action to take: Send, Deliver</p></li>
<li><p>A modal shows up to let him select a date depending on which action he chose</p></li>
<li><p>Redirecting the user to a listings results page</p></li>
<li><p>The user can then click on listings or create a new one if he&#8217;s not satisified</p></li>
<p>We noticed that many people when they first reached the home page, where not able to figure out what to do next.
To assist new users we used bootstrap tooltips everywhere, even on the action buttons.</p>
<p>On the graphic design aspect, we were just using a slightly customized <a href=""> bootstrap theme </a></p>
<h2>Getting inspiration</h2>
<p>So after we decided it was time to have a fresh and better look, I saw the opportunity
to start practicing what I have been learning on HN, Hack Design and <a href=""> About Face 3 </a> about
UI/UX Design. It was also a good opportunity to stop frontend programming with spaghetti jQuery dom
manipulation and start using AngularJS which devprived me of my sleep hours lately.
(frontend programming will be the subject of an other article)</p>
<p>I think the most difficult step when you start working on something, no matter what kind
of project, is actually to <strong>start</strong>. For me it was no exception. I was certainly looking
for visual inspiration because a User Interface for a web application is first of all something
we see before we touch and interact with.</p>
<p>To help me filter out the overwhelming quantity of images, photos and visuals available on the internet,
I made list of words that sum up what was about and started combining those words in search queries
for images and photos.</p>
<p>I ended up with this one when looking for the words <em>bike</em> and <em>bag</em>, which seemed to summarize the ideas
of transportation, carrying and environment which is all about.</p>
<p><img class="center" src="/blog/images/hero_bike.jpg" width="300"></p>
<p><em>This photo comes from this <a href=""> beautiful article </a> by Dottie and all credits go to her.</em></p>
<p>When I saw this one ideas started immediately flowing and I knew where to start.</p>
<h2>The color palette</h2>
<p>The first thing I did was to choose a color palette. To do so, I used the inspiration photo
to <a href=""> extract a simple color palette.</a></p>
<p><img class="right" src="/blog/images/color_swatch.jpg"></p>
<p>I actually repeated the process until I get a set of colors which validate these conditions:</p>
<li>Have at most 3 main colors</li>
<li>Have dark close to black color</li>
<li>Have a light close to white color</li>
<p>This one has two main colors, a wide blue range and the yellow/gold one. Grays and white are
just desaturated and very light colors.</p>
<p>This should suffice to always have a color to pick from this palette instead of choosing
one from a color picker, and so basically when looking for black I just choose the darkest one and when looking for white I pick
the most close to white.</p>
<p>The wide range of blue colors made me choose the blue as the main color.</p>
<p>I was heavily inspired by this <a href=""> article </a> of Ian Storm Taylor, which also made me
start using HSL (Hue, Saturation, Brightness) everywhere I wanted to get new colors from the palette.</p>
<h2>Rapid prototyping vs flat PSD design</h2>
<p>One thing I learned in interactive design is that a User Interface can&#8217;t possibly be represented as a flat image only.
<a href=""> Bret Victor made an excellent talk </a> about the process of creation and the necessity to get immediate visual feedback.
My design process has been a mix of rapid prototyping and design exploration with <a href=""> chrome developers tools </a> then representing ideas in
a PSD file as a reference for later.</p>
<p>Although I&#8217;m not going to talk much about frontend programming, this is the stack I prepared to quickly test ideas and move back and forth
from prototype to PSD.</p>
<p><a href=""> The stack </a> consists of:</p>
<li>Angular Seed project from AngularJS</li>
<li>Stylesheets using Less</li>
<li>Using git submodules to add frontend dependencies (Bootstrap, AngularUI, FontAwesome &#8230; )</li>
<p>Whenever I wanted to test some <em>behavior</em> feature I first tested it with Chrome, played
with styles and interactions, then tried to represent it as a layer in PSD.</p>
<p>On the other hand, when trying to work on the <em>look</em> aspect of something, I prefered the PSD
approach first, which gives more freedom on the graphics.</p>
<p><img class="hover" src="/blog/images/jibli_design_1.jpg" width="50">
<img class="hover" src="/blog/images/jibli_design_2.jpg" width="50">
<img class="hover" src="/blog/images/jibli_design_3.jpg" width="50">
<img class="hover" src="/blog/images/jibli_design_4.jpg" width="50">
<img class="hover" src="/blog/images/jibli_design_5.jpg" width="50">
<img class="hover" src="/blog/images/jibli_design_6.jpg" width="50">
<img class="hover" src="/blog/images/jibli_design_7.jpg" width="50">
<img class="hover" src="/blog/images/jibli_design_8.jpg" width="50">
<img class="hover" src="/blog/images/jibli_design_9.jpg" width="50">
<img class="hover" src="/blog/images/jibli_design_10.jpg" width="50">
<img class="hover" src="/blog/images/jibli_design_11.jpg" width="50"></p>
<h2>End of Part 1</h2>
<p>I hope some programmers who are interested about web design and don&#8217;t know how
to start might find some insight from this article and the next ones.</p>
<p>Part 2 will be about getting from prototype to stylesheets using chrome devtools, the importance of shadows and
some tips I learned about textures and details.</p>
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<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
<urlset xmlns=''>

File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long

@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
.module( 'myApp', ['myApp.filters', '', 'myApp.directives', 'ui', 'ui.directives'])
.config( ['$routeProvider', ($routeProvider)->
$routeProvider.when('/', {templateUrl: 'partials/home.html', controller: MyCtrl1})
$routeProvider.when('/freelance', {templateUrl: 'partials/freelance.html', controller: MyCtrl1})
$routeProvider.when('/projects', {templateUrl: 'partials/projects.html', controller: projectsCtrl})
$routeProvider.when('/blog', {redirectTo: '/blog'})
$routeProvider.when('/contact', {templateUrl: 'partials/contact.html', controller: MyCtrl2})
$routeProvider.otherwise({redirectTo: '/'})

@ -1,70 +0,0 @@
@projectsCtrl = ($scope)->
projectsCtrl.$inject = ['$scope']
@dockCtrl = ($scope, $location, $window)->
$scope.icons = [
class: 'profil'
icon: 'icon-user'
link: '/freelance'
text: 'What I Do'
class: 'projects'
icon: 'icon-laptop'
link: '/projects'
text: 'My work'
class: 'contact'
icon: 'icon-phone'
link: '/contact'
text: 'Get in touch'
class: 'blog'
icon: 'icon-book'
link: '/blog'
text: 'Ideas'
$scope.hovered = false
$scope.hoverText = ($index)->
$scope.hovered = true
$scope.hoveredIndex = $index
console.log $scope.hovered
$scope.hoverOut = ()->
$scope.hovered = false
$scope.hoveredIndex = null
$scope.selected = null
defaultSelected = ()->
for icon in $scope.icons
if $location.path() is
$scope.selected = $scope.icons.indexOf icon
$scope.switch = ($index)->
if $index is 3
$window.location.hash = ''
$window.location.pathname = '/blog'
if $scope.selected is $index
$scope.selected = null
$scope.selected = $index
dockCtrl.$inject = ['$scope', '$location', '$window']
window.MyCtrl1 = ()->
MyCtrl1.$inject = []
window.MyCtrl2 = ()->
MyCtrl2.$inject = []

@ -1,18 +0,0 @@
# Directives
.module('myApp.directives', [])
.directive('appVersion', ['version', (version)->
(scope, elm, attrs)->
.directive('hoverShow', ()->
link: (scope, elm, attrs)->
elm.bind('mouseover', {attrs: attrs}, (ev)->
elm.closest('.projects').find('.' +
elm.bind('mouseout', {attrs: attrs}, (ev)->
elm.closest('.projects').find('.' +

@ -1,10 +0,0 @@
# Filters
.module('myApp.filters', [])
['version', (version)->
return String(text).replace(/\%VERSION\%/mg, version)

@ -1,6 +0,0 @@
# Services
# Demonstrate how to register services
#In this case it is a simple value service.
angular.module('', [])
.value('version', '0.1');

File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long

@ -1,31 +0,0 @@
/* app css stylesheet */
.menu {
list-style: none;
border-bottom: 0.1em solid black;
margin-bottom: 2em;
padding: 0 0 0.5em;
.menu:before {
content: "[";
.menu:after {
content: "]";
.menu > li {
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// Generated by CoffeeScript 1.4.0
(function() {
angular.module('myApp', ['myApp.filters', '', 'myApp.directives', 'ui', 'ui.directives']).config([
'$routeProvider', function($routeProvider) {
$routeProvider.when('/', {
templateUrl: 'partials/home.html',
controller: MyCtrl1
$routeProvider.when('/freelance', {
templateUrl: 'partials/freelance.html',
controller: MyCtrl1
$routeProvider.when('/projects', {
templateUrl: 'partials/projects.html',
controller: projectsCtrl
$routeProvider.when('/blog', {
redirectTo: '/blog'
$routeProvider.when('/contact', {
templateUrl: 'partials/contact.html',
controller: MyCtrl2
return $routeProvider.otherwise({
redirectTo: '/'

@ -1,85 +0,0 @@
// Generated by CoffeeScript 1.4.0
(function() {
this.projectsCtrl = function($scope) {};
projectsCtrl.$inject = ['$scope'];
this.dockCtrl = function($scope, $location, $window) {
var defaultSelected;
$scope.icons = [
"class": 'profil',
icon: 'icon-user',
link: '/freelance',
text: 'What I Do'
}, {
"class": 'projects',
icon: 'icon-laptop',
link: '/projects',
text: 'My work'
}, {
"class": 'contact',
icon: 'icon-phone',
link: '/contact',
text: 'Get in touch'
}, {
"class": 'blog',
icon: 'icon-book',
link: '/blog',
text: 'Ideas'
$scope.hovered = false;
$scope.hoverText = function($index) {
$scope.hovered = true;
$scope.hoveredIndex = $index;
return console.log($scope.hovered);
$scope.hoverOut = function() {
$scope.hovered = false;
return $scope.hoveredIndex = null;
$scope.selected = null;
defaultSelected = function() {
var icon, _i, _len, _ref, _results;
_ref = $scope.icons;
_results = [];
for (_i = 0, _len = _ref.length; _i < _len; _i++) {
icon = _ref[_i];
if ($location.path() === {
_results.push($scope.selected = $scope.icons.indexOf(icon));
} else {
_results.push(void 0);
return _results;
return $scope["switch"] = function($index) {
if ($index === 3) {
$window.location.hash = '';
$window.location.pathname = '/blog';
if ($scope.selected === $index) {
return $scope.selected = null;
} else {
$scope.selected = $index;
return $location.path($scope.icons[$index].link);
dockCtrl.$inject = ['$scope', '$location', '$window'];
window.MyCtrl1 = function() {};
MyCtrl1.$inject = [];
window.MyCtrl2 = function() {};
MyCtrl2.$inject = [];

@ -1,27 +0,0 @@
// Generated by CoffeeScript 1.4.0
(function() {
angular.module('myApp.directives', []).directive('appVersion', [
'version', function(version) {
return function(scope, elm, attrs) {
return elm.text(version);
]).directive('hoverShow', function() {
return {
link: function(scope, elm, attrs) {
elm.bind('mouseover', {
attrs: attrs
}, function(ev) {
return elm.closest('.projects').find('.' +;
return elm.bind('mouseout', {
attrs: attrs
}, function(ev) {
return elm.closest('.projects').find('.' +;

@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
// Generated by CoffeeScript 1.4.0
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angular.module('myApp.filters', []).filter('interpolate', [
'version', function(version) {
return function(text) {
return String(text).replace(/\%VERSION\%/mg, version);

@ -1,6 +0,0 @@
// Generated by CoffeeScript 1.4.0
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angular.module('', []).value('version', '0.1');

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Width:  |  Height:  |  Size: 28 KiB

Binary file not shown.

Binary file not shown.

@ -1,10 +0,0 @@
// Angustrap v0.1
// This file is for less compiling prupose, do not modify !
@import "../lib/bootstrap/less/bootstrap.less";
@import "../lib/fontawesome/less/font-awesome.less";
@FontAwesomePath: "../lib/fontawesome/font";
@import "variables.less";
@import "theme.less";
@import "../lib/bootstrap/less/utilities.less";

@ -1,187 +0,0 @@
body {
font: 18px/27px 'junctionregularRegular', Arial, sans-serif;
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h5 {
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text-shadow: 0 1px 0 rgba(0, 0, 0, .45);
h2 {
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font-weight: 400;
line-height: 40px;
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height: 70%;
text-align: center;
padding-top: 3%;
padding-left: 0;
padding-right: 0;
.profil {
.qrcode {
display: block;
position: absolute;
left: 65%;
top: 30%;
opacity: 0;
.transition(all 500ms ease);
&:hover .qrcode {
opacity: 1;
padding-top: 8%;
h2 {
padding-bottom: 3%;
.hero {
padding-bottom: 2%;
.freelance {
@media (max-width: 767px) {
padding-bottom: 16%;
.row-fluid {
div {
padding: 10px;
.contact {
padding-top: 10%;
a {
text-decoration: none !important;
color: @textColor;
.transition(all 200ms ease);
padding-left: .5em;
padding-right: .5em;
&:hover {
color: @contactColor;
.transition(all 50ms ease);
text-shadow: 0 1px 0 rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.28);
.projects {
margin-top: 5%;
.details {
/*position: fixed;*/
/*right: 2%;*/
/*top: 20%;*/
&.github {
padding-top: 5%;
a {
text-decoration: none !important;
color: @textColor;
&:hover {
color: @projectsColor;
.title {
text-align: right;
padding-right: 3em;
.transition(all 200ms ease-out);
border-right: 5px solid @textColor;
h2 {
padding-bottom: .6em;
.dock {
width: 100%;
position: fixed;
bottom: 0;
text-align: center;
background: #fff;
.box-shadow(0 -30px 40px #fff);
.hoverText {
top: -5%;
display: none;
&.hovered {
display: block;
a {
color: @dockIconColor;
text-shadow: 0 -1px 0 rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.18);
padding-left: 1.5em;
padding-right: 1.5em;
.transition(all 100ms ease);
display: inline-block;
&:hover, &.active {
text-decoration: none;
.contact {
color: @contactColor;
.profil {
color: @profilColor;
.projects {
color: @projectsColor;
.blog {
color: @blogColor;
i {
font-size: 4.5em;
.transition(all 200ms ease);
&.contact {
font-size: 4.5em;
@media (max-width: 767px) {
font-size: 2em;
&.contact {
font-size: 1.5em;

@ -1,40 +0,0 @@
@import url(',400,600,700,800');
@import url('');
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@titleFont: "Gentium Book Basic";
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@profilColor: rgb(81, 250, 128);
@projectsColor: rgb(87, 221, 247);
@blogColor: rgb(255, 140, 150);
@contactColor: rgb(249, 255, 107);
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font-family: 'junctionregularRegular';
src: url('Junction-webfont.eot');
src: url('Junction-webfont.eot?#iefix') format('embedded-opentype'),
url('Junction-webfont.woff') format('woff'),
url('Junction-webfont.ttf') format('truetype'),
url('Junction-webfont.svg#junctionregularRegular') format('svg');
font-weight: normal;
font-style: normal;
@textFontSize: 18px;
@textColor: rgb(167, 167, 167);
// Animation delay
.animation-delay(@delay: 500ms) {
-webkit-animation-delay : @delay;
-moz-animation-delay : @delay;
animation-delay : @delay;

@ -1,60 +0,0 @@
# [Cha Cha Cha Changes](
## Master
## v0.4.0
* **Validate directive** has been upgraded
* **API BREAKING CHANGE!** now takes expressions instead of function references
* You must explicitly specify the $value variable, but you no longer need to create a function
* **NEW FEATURE** uiValidateWatch allows you to re-fire a validation rule (or all rules) when a related model changes (confirm_password)
* **CodeMirror directive** has been updated
* Now works with v3.02
* **NEW FEATURE** uiRefresh lets you specify an expression to watch for changes to refresh codemirror (useful for modals)
* **Mask directive** has many new fixes
* Fixes for **uiDate**
* **DateFormat directive** can now be declared in **uiConfig**
* **uiJq Passthru directive** has upgrades to support a wider variety of directives
* Now fires asyncronously post-angular-rendering of the view (**uiDefer** option is now always true)
* New **uiRefresh** lets you specify an expression to watch to re-fire the plugin (call $(elm).focus() when a modal opens)
* **Select2 directive** now adds support for setting the selected item by specifying a simple ID
* FINALLY have unit-tests for Select2!
* **IEShiv** has been simplified and stripped of browser-sniffing code (just use conditional comments)
* **Calendar directive** now performs better watching of events data
* Added optional equalsTracker attr (increment to force update from scope)
* **Sortable directive** now properly supports connectWith option
* New **route directive** that sets a boolean based on a pattern match of the current route (useful for tabs/navigation)
* Refactored **If directive** to be tidier
* **API BREAKING CHANGE!** **Modal directive** has been completely removed (if you still need it, grab the files from v0.3.x)
## v0.3.0
* New **format** filter
* Lots of cleanup! Consistent indentation, linting
* Custom builds via grunt (soon to be leveraged via builder)
* uiDate now watches options
* Rewrote ui-keypress (API is not backwards-compatible)
* **ui-**keypress has been expanded into **ui-keyup**, **ui-keydown** and **ui-keypress**
* The **ui-keypress** can now be used to `$event.preventDefault()` as expected
* Multiple combinations are separated by spaces, while multi-key combos are separated by dashes: `'enter alt-space 13-shift':'whatever()'`
* The string-notation (__a and be or c and d__) has been dropped completely
* Can now pass (or globally define) the value uiReset resets to
## v0.2.0
* Unit tests. Unit tests. Unit tests.
* New **inflector** filter (previously named **prettifier**)
* Added 2 alternative modes, now contains: humanize, underscore and variable
* **Passthrough directive** (uiJq) now fixes common ngModel problems due to trigger(change). Can optionally be disabled
* Removed **Length Filter** (you can instead do {{ ( myArray | filter: { gender:'m' } ).length }})
* Added **validate directive**, allows you to pass validation functions
* **Sortable directive**
* Fixed **unique filter**
* **Highlight filter** has had bug fixes
* **Event directive** has been refactored / improved
* **Keypress directive** has been refactored / improved
* New **if-directive** instead of **remove directive** (removed)
* New **google maps directive**
* New **animate directive** that transitions the injection of new DOM elements (transitioning the removal of DOM is still not supported yet)
* Improvements to **scrollfix directive**
## v0.1.0
* New folder structure
* Too many to list

@ -1,21 +0,0 @@
The MIT License
Copyright (c) 2012 the AngularUI Team,
Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in
all copies or substantial portions of the Software.

@ -1,73 +0,0 @@
# AngularUI - The companion suite for AngularJS
[![Build Status](](
## Usage
### Requirements
* **AngularJS v1.0.0+** is currently required.
* **jQuery / Plugins** _(depends on directive)._ Check specific directive dependencies for more information
## Installation
The repository comes with the modules pre-built and compressed into the `build/` directory.
angular.module('myApp', ['ui']);
The modules can be found in the [Directives]( and [Filters]( folders. Check out the readme file associated with each module for specific module usage information.
## Development
You do not need to build the project to use it - see above - but if you are working on it then this is what you need to know.
### Requirements
0. Install [Node.js]( and NPM (should come with)
1. Install local dependencies:
$ npm install
2. Install global dependencies `grunt`, `coffee-script`, and `testacular`:
$ npm install -g testacular coffee-script grunt
### Build Files & Run Tests
Before you commit, always run `grunt` to build and test everything once.
$ grunt
### Test & Develop
The modules come with unit tests that should be run on any changes and certainly before commiting changes to the project. The unit tests should also provide further insight into the usage of the modules.
First, start the testacular server:
$ grunt server
Then, open your browser to http://localhost:8080 and run the watch command to re-run tests on every save:
$ grunt watch
### Publishing
For core team: if you wish to publish a new version follow these steps:
1. Bump the version number inside `package.json`
2. Build and test
3. Commit the updated `package.json` and `build/` folder on their own commit
4. Tag the commit: `git tag v[maj].[min].[patch]`
5. Push the tag: `git push [angular-ui] master --tags`

@ -1,59 +0,0 @@
* AngularUI - The companion suite for AngularJS
* @version v0.4.0 - 2013-02-15
* @link
* @license MIT License,
// READ:
// element tags are statically defined in order to accommodate lazy-loading whereby directives are also unknown
// The ieshiv takes care of our ui.directives and AngularJS's ng-view, ng-include, ng-pluralize, ng-switch.
// However, IF you have custom directives that can be used as html tags (yours or someone else's) then
// add list of directives into <code>window.myCustomTags</code>
// <!--[if lte IE 8]>
// <script>
// window.myCustomTags = [ 'yourCustomDirective', 'somebodyElsesDirective' ]; // optional
// </script>
// <script src="build/angular-ui-ieshiv.js"></script>
// <![endif]-->
(function (exports) {
var debug = window.ieShivDebug || false,
tags = [ "ngInclude", "ngPluralize", "ngView", "ngSwitch", "uiCurrency", "uiCodemirror", "uiDate", "uiEvent",
"uiKeypress", "uiKeyup", "uiKeydown", "uiMask", "uiMapInfoWindow", "uiMapMarker", "uiMapPolyline",
"uiMapPolygon", "uiMapRectangle", "uiMapCircle", "uiMapGroundOverlay", "uiModal", "uiReset",
"uiScrollfix", "uiSelect2", "uiShow", "uiHide", "uiToggle", "uiSortable", "uiTinymce"
window.myCustomTags = window.myCustomTags || []; // externally defined by developer using angular-ui directives
tags.push.apply(tags, window.myCustomTags);
var toCustomElements = function (str) {
var result = [];
var dashed = str.replace(/([A-Z])/g, function ($1) {
return " " + $1.toLowerCase();
var tokens = dashed.split(' ');
var ns = tokens[0];
var dirname = tokens.slice(1).join('-');
// this is finite list and it seemed senseless to create a custom method
result.push(ns + ":" + dirname);
result.push(ns + "-" + dirname);
result.push("x-" + ns + "-" + dirname);
result.push("data-" + ns + "-" + dirname);
return result;
for (var i = 0, tlen = tags.length; i < tlen; i++) {
var customElements = toCustomElements(tags[i]);
for (var j = 0, clen = customElements.length; j < clen; j++) {
var customElement = customElements[j];

@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
* AngularUI - The companion suite for AngularJS
* @version v0.4.0 - 2013-02-15
* @link
* @license MIT License,
(function(e){var t=window.ieShivDebug||!1,n=["ngInclude","ngPluralize","ngView","ngSwitch","uiCurrency","uiCodemirror","uiDate","uiEvent","uiKeypress","uiKeyup","uiKeydown","uiMask","uiMapInfoWindow","uiMapMarker","uiMapPolyline","uiMapPolygon","uiMapRectangle","uiMapCircle","uiMapGroundOverlay","uiModal","uiReset","uiScrollfix","uiSelect2","uiShow","uiHide","uiToggle","uiSortable","uiTinymce"];window.myCustomTags=window.myCustomTags||[],n.push.apply(n,window.myCustomTags);var r=function(e){var t=[],n=e.replace(/([A-Z])/g,function(e){return" "+e.toLowerCase()}),r=n.split(" "),i=r[0],s=r.slice(1).join("-");return t.push(i+":"+s),t.push(i+"-"+s),t.push("x-"+i+"-"+s),t.push("data-"+i+"-"+s),t};for(var i=0,s=n.length;i<s;i++){var o=r(n[i]);for(var u=0,a=o.length;u<a;u++){var f=o[u];document.createElement(f)}}})(window);

@ -1,50 +0,0 @@
* import components to builds angular-ui.css
/* ui-reset */
.ui-resetwrap {
position: relative;
display: inline-block;
.ui-reset {
position: absolute;
top: 0;
right: 0;
z-index: 2;
display: none;
height: 100%;
cursor: pointer;
.ui-resetwrap:hover .ui-reset {
display: block;
/* ui-currency */
.ui-currency-pos {
color: green;
.ui-currency-neg {
color: red;
.ui-currency-zero {
color: blue;
.ui-currency-neg.ui-smallnum {
font-size: 110%;
/* highlight */
.ui-match {
background: yellow;

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

@ -1 +0,0 @@
.ui-resetwrap{position:relative;display:inline-block}.ui-reset{position:absolute;top:0;right:0;z-index:2;display:none;height:100%;cursor:pointer}.ui-resetwrap:hover .ui-reset{display:block}.ui-currency-pos{color:green}.ui-currency-neg{color:red}.ui-currency-zero{color:blue}.ui-currency-pos.ui-bignum,.ui-currency-neg.ui-smallnum{font-size:110%}.ui-match{background:yellow}

File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long

@ -1,47 +0,0 @@
# angular-ui-ieshiv
## Important!
If not installed properly, angular WILL throw an exception.
"No module: ui.directives"
Which means you have not included the angular-ui library in the file, or the shiv is in the wrong place.
WHY? Well, angular is throwing the exception and I can't catch and stop it. If properly setup, you should be good.
If not, then you should probably fix it or yank it out. Of course, then you won't have the shiv for ie.
## Description
This is used in order to support IE versions that do not support custom elements. For example:
<ui-currency ng-model="somenum"></ui-currency>
IE 8 and earlier do not allow custom tag elements into the DOM. It just ignores them.
In order to remedy, the trick is to tell browser by calling document.createElement('my-custom-element').
Then you can use, <my-custom-element>...</my-custom-element>, you also may need to define css styles.
In current version, this will automagically define directives found in the ui.directives module and
angular's ngView, ngInclude, ngPluralize directives.
## Usage
The shiv needs to run after angular has compiled the application. Best to load angular-ui-ieshiv.js at
bottom of <head> section.
<!--[if lte IE 8]> <script src="build/angular-ui-ieshiv.js"></script><![endif]-->
### Options
There will be
### Notes
- modules are searched for directives
- only IE 8 and earlier will cause shiv to run
- there will be a slight performance hit (for IE)
### Todo
- provide ability to specify which directives to include/exclude
- automagically locate all custom directives in current ng-app (this will involve recursion)

@ -1,52 +0,0 @@
// READ:
// element tags are statically defined in order to accommodate lazy-loading whereby directives are also unknown
// The ieshiv takes care of our ui.directives and AngularJS's ng-view, ng-include, ng-pluralize, ng-switch.
// However, IF you have custom directives that can be used as html tags (yours or someone else's) then
// add list of directives into <code>window.myCustomTags</code>
// <!--[if lte IE 8]>
// <script>
// window.myCustomTags = [ 'yourCustomDirective', 'somebodyElsesDirective' ]; // optional
// </script>
// <script src="build/angular-ui-ieshiv.js"></script>
// <![endif]-->
(function (exports) {
var debug = window.ieShivDebug || false,
tags = [ "ngInclude", "ngPluralize", "ngView", "ngSwitch", "uiCurrency", "uiCodemirror", "uiDate", "uiEvent",
"uiKeypress", "uiKeyup", "uiKeydown", "uiMask", "uiMapInfoWindow", "uiMapMarker", "uiMapPolyline",
"uiMapPolygon", "uiMapRectangle", "uiMapCircle", "uiMapGroundOverlay", "uiModal", "uiReset",
"uiScrollfix", "uiSelect2", "uiShow", "uiHide", "uiToggle", "uiSortable", "uiTinymce"
window.myCustomTags = window.myCustomTags || []; // externally defined by developer using angular-ui directives
tags.push.apply(tags, window.myCustomTags);
var toCustomElements = function (str) {
var result = [];
var dashed = str.replace(/([A-Z])/g, function ($1) {
return " " + $1.toLowerCase();
var tokens = dashed.split(' ');
var ns = tokens[0];
var dirname = tokens.slice(1).join('-');
// this is finite list and it seemed senseless to create a custom method
result.push(ns + ":" + dirname);
result.push(ns + "-" + dirname);
result.push("x-" + ns + "-" + dirname);
result.push("data-" + ns + "-" + dirname);
return result;
for (var i = 0, tlen = tags.length; i < tlen; i++) {
var customElements = toCustomElements(tags[i]);
for (var j = 0, clen = customElements.length; j < clen; j++) {
var customElement = customElements[j];

@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
angular.module('ui.config', []).value('ui.config', {});
angular.module('ui.filters', ['ui.config']);
angular.module('ui.directives', ['ui.config']);
angular.module('ui', ['ui.filters', 'ui.directives', 'ui.config']);

@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
* import components to builds angular-ui.css
@import "mixins.less";
@import "modules/directives/reset/stylesheets/reset.less";
@import "modules/directives/currency/stylesheets/currency.less";
@import "modules/filters/highlight/highlight.less";

@ -1,11 +0,0 @@
.border-radius(@radius: 5px) {
-webkit-border-radius: @radius;
-moz-border-radius: @radius;
border-radius: @radius;
.box-shadow(@shadow: 0 1px 3px rgba(0,0,0,.25)) {
-webkit-box-shadow: @shadow;
-moz-box-shadow: @shadow;
box-shadow: @shadow;

@ -1,124 +0,0 @@
var testacular = require('testacular');
/*global module:false*/
module.exports = function (grunt) {
// Project configuration.
builddir: 'build',
pkg: '<json:package.json>',
meta: {
banner: '/**\n' + ' * <%= pkg.description %>\n' +
' * @version v<%= pkg.version %> - ' +
'<%="yyyy-mm-dd") %>\n' +
' * @link <%= pkg.homepage %>\n' +
' * @license MIT License,\n' + ' */'
concat: {
build: {
src: ['<banner:meta.banner>', 'common/*.js'],
dest: '<%= builddir %>/<%= %>.js'
ieshiv: {
src: ['<banner:meta.banner>', 'common/ieshiv/*.js'],
dest: '<%= builddir %>/<%= %>-ieshiv.js'
min: {
build: {
src: ['<banner:meta.banner>', '<>'],
dest: '<%= builddir %>/<%= %>.min.js'
ieshiv: {
src: ['<banner:meta.banner>', '<config:concat.ieshiv.dest>'],
dest: '<%= builddir %>/<%= %>-ieshiv.min.js'
recess: {
build: {
src: ['common/**/*.less'],
dest: '<%= builddir %>/<%= %>.css',
options: {
compile: true
min: {
src: '<>',
dest: '<%= builddir %>/<%= %>.min.css',
options: {
compress: true
lint: {
files: ['grunt.js', 'common/**/*.js', 'modules/**/*.js']
watch: {
files: ['modules/**/*.js', 'common/**/*.js', 'templates/**/*.js'],
tasks: 'build test'
// Default task.
grunt.registerTask('default', 'build test');
grunt.registerTask('build', 'build all or some of the angular-ui modules', function () {
var jsBuildFiles = grunt.config('');
var lessBuildFiles = [];
if (this.args.length > 0) {
this.args.forEach(function(moduleName) {
var modulejs = grunt.file.expandFiles('modules/*/' + moduleName + '/*.js');
var moduleless = grunt.file.expandFiles('modules/*/' + moduleName + '/stylesheets/*.less', 'modules/*/' + moduleName + '/*.less');
jsBuildFiles = jsBuildFiles.concat(modulejs);
lessBuildFiles = lessBuildFiles.concat(moduleless);
grunt.config('', jsBuildFiles);
grunt.config('', lessBuildFiles);
} else {
grunt.config('', jsBuildFiles.concat(['modules/*/*/*.js']));
grunt.config('', lessBuildFiles.concat(grunt.config('')));
}'concat min recess:build recess:min');
grunt.registerTask('dist', 'change dist location', function() {
var dir = this.args[0];
if (dir) { grunt.config('builddir', dir); }
grunt.registerTask('server', 'start testacular server', function () {
//Mark the task as async but never call done, so the server stays up
var done = this.async();
testacular.server.start({ configFile: 'test/test-config.js'});
grunt.registerTask('test', 'run tests (make sure server task is run first)', function () {
var done = this.async();
cmd: process.platform === 'win32' ? 'testacular.cmd' : 'testacular',
args: process.env.TRAVIS ? ['start', 'test/test-config.js', '--single-run', '--no-auto-watch', '--reporters=dots', '--browsers=Firefox'] : ['run']
}, function (error, result, code) {
if (error) {
grunt.warn("Make sure the testacular server is online: run `grunt server`.\n" +
"Also make sure you have a browser open to http://localhost:8080/.\n" +
error.stdout + error.stderr);
//the testacular runner somehow modifies the files if it errors(??).
//this causes grunt's watch task to re-fire itself constantly,
//unless we wait for a sec
setTimeout(done, 1000);
} else {

@ -1,36 +0,0 @@
* Animates the injection of new DOM elements by simply creating the DOM with a class and then immediately removing it
* Animations must be done using CSS3 transitions, but provide excellent flexibility
* @todo Add proper support for animating out
* @param [options] {mixed} Can be an object with multiple options, or a string with the animation class
* class {string} the CSS class(es) to use. For example, 'ui-hide' might be an excellent alternative class.
* @example <li ng-repeat="item in items" ui-animate=" 'ui-hide' ">{{item}}</li>
angular.module('ui.directives').directive('uiAnimate', ['ui.config', '$timeout', function (uiConfig, $timeout) {
var options = {};
if (angular.isString(uiConfig.animate)) {
options['class'] = uiConfig.animate;
} else if (uiConfig.animate) {
options = uiConfig.animate;
return {
restrict: 'A', // supports using directive as element, attribute and class
link: function ($scope, element, attrs) {
var opts = {};
if (attrs.uiAnimate) {
opts = $scope.$eval(attrs.uiAnimate);
if (angular.isString(opts)) {
opts = {'class': opts};
opts = angular.extend({'class': 'ui-animate'}, options, opts);
$timeout(function () {
}, 20, false);

@ -1,71 +0,0 @@
* sample unit testing for sample templates and implementations
describe('uiAnimate', function () {
// declare these up here to be global to all tests
var $rootScope, $compile, $timeout, uiConfig = angular.module('ui.config');
// inject in angular constructs. Injector knows about leading/trailing underscores and does the right thing
// otherwise, you would need to inject these into each test
beforeEach(inject(function (_$rootScope_, _$compile_, _$timeout_) {
$rootScope = _$rootScope_;
$compile = _$compile_;
$timeout = _$timeout_;
afterEach(function () {
uiConfig.value('ui.config', {});
describe('behavior', function () {
it('should add a ui-animate class when the dom is compiled', function () {
var element = $compile('<div ui-animate></div>')($rootScope);
it('should remove the ui-animate class immediately after injection', function () {
var element = $compile('<div ui-animate></div>')($rootScope);
describe('options', function () {
describe('passed', function () {
it('should use a string as the class', function () {
var element = $compile('<div ui-animate=" \'ui-hide\' "></div>')($rootScope);
it('should use an object\'s class attribute as the class', function () {
var element = $compile('<div ui-animate=" { \'class\' : \'ui-hide\' } "></div>')($rootScope);
describe('global', function () {
var uiConfig;
beforeEach(inject(function ($injector) {
uiConfig = $injector.get('ui.config');
it('should use a string as the class', function () {
uiConfig.animate = 'ui-hide-global';
var element = $compile('<div ui-animate></div>')($rootScope);
it('should use an object\'s class attribute as the class', function () {
uiConfig.animate = { 'class': 'ui-hide-global' };
var element = $compile('<div ui-animate></div>')($rootScope);

@ -1,66 +0,0 @@
* AngularJs Fullcalendar Wrapper for the JQuery FullCalendar
* API @
* Angular Calendar Directive that takes in the [eventSources] nested array object as the ng-model and watches (eventSources.length + eventSources[i].length) for changes.
* Can also take in multiple event urls as a source object(s) and feed the events per view.
* The calendar will watch any eventSource array and update itself when a delta is created
* An equalsTracker attrs has been added for use cases that would render the overall length tracker the same even though the events have changed to force updates.
angular.module('ui.directives').directive('uiCalendar',['ui.config', '$parse', function (uiConfig,$parse) {
uiConfig.uiCalendar = uiConfig.uiCalendar || {};
//returns calendar
return {
require: 'ngModel',
restrict: 'A',
link: function(scope, elm, attrs, $timeout) {
var sources = scope.$eval(attrs.ngModel);
var tracker = 0;
/* returns the length of all source arrays plus the length of eventSource itself */
var getSources = function () {
var equalsTracker = scope.$eval(attrs.equalsTracker);
tracker = 0;
tracker += value.length;
return tracker + sources.length + equalsTracker;
return tracker + sources.length;
/* update the calendar with the correct options */
function update() {
//calendar object exposed on scope
scope.calendar = elm.html('');
var view = scope.calendar.fullCalendar('getView');
view =; //setting the default view to be whatever the current view is. This can be overwritten.
/* If the calendar has options added then render them */
var expression,
options = {
defaultView : view,
eventSources: sources
if (attrs.uiCalendar) {
expression = scope.$eval(attrs.uiCalendar);
} else {
expression = {};
angular.extend(options, uiConfig.uiCalendar, expression);
/* watches all eventSources */
scope.$watch(getSources, function( newVal, oldVal )

@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
"core": [ "jquery" ],
"internal": [],
"external": [

@ -1,216 +0,0 @@
/*global beforeEach, afterEach, describe, it, inject, expect, module, spyOn, fullcalendar, angular, $*/
describe('uiCalendar', function () {
'use strict';
var scope, $compile;
beforeEach(inject(function (_$rootScope_, _$compile_) {
scope = _$rootScope_.$new();
$compile = _$compile_;
//Date Objects needed for event
var date = new Date();
var d = date.getDate();
var m = date.getMonth();
var y = date.getFullYear();
// create an array of events, to pass into the directive. = [
{title: 'All Day Event',start: new Date(y, m, 1),url: ''},
{title: 'Long Event',start: new Date(y, m, d - 5),end: new Date(y, m, d - 2)},
{id: 999,title: 'Repeating Event',start: new Date(y, m, d - 3, 16, 0),allDay: false},
{id: 999,title: 'Repeating Event',start: new Date(y, m, d + 4, 16, 0),allDay: true}];
// create an array of events, to pass into the directive.
scope.events2 = [
{title: 'All Day Event 2',start: new Date(y, m, 1),url: ''},
{title: 'Long Event 2',start: new Date(y, m, d - 5),end: new Date(y, m, d - 2)},
{id: 998,title: 'Repeating Event 2',start: new Date(y, m, d - 3, 16, 0),allDay: false},
{id: 998,title: 'Repeating Event 2',start: new Date(y, m, d + 4, 16, 0),allDay: true}];
//array to test equalsTracker with
scope.events3 = [
{title: 'All Day Event 3',start: new Date(y, m, 1),url: ''},
{title: 'Long Event 3',start: new Date(y, m, d - 5),end: new Date(y, m, d - 2)},
{id: 998,title: 'Repeating Event 3',start: new Date(y, m, d - 3, 16, 0),allDay: false},
{id: 998,title: 'Repeating Event 3',start: new Date(y, m, d + 4, 16, 0),allDay: true}];
// create an array of events, to pass into the directive.
scope.events4 = [{title: 'All Day Event 3',start: new Date(y, m, 1),url: ''}];
//equalsTracker to force the calendar to update on rare occasions
//ie... an event source is replacing another and has the same length as the prior eventSource
//or... replacing an eventSource that is an object with another eventSource
scope.equalsTracker = 0;
//event Sources array
scope.eventSources = [,scope.events2]; //End of Events Array
scope.addSource = function(source) {
scope.addChild = function(array) {
title: 'Click for Google ' +,
start: new Date(y, m, 28),
end: new Date(y, m, 29),
url: ''
scope.remove = function(array,index) {
scope.uiConfig = {
height: 200,
weekends: false,
defaultView: 'month'
afterEach(function() {
angular.module('ui.config').value('ui.config', {}); // cleanup
describe('compiling this directive and checking for events inside the calendar', function () {
/* test the calendar's events length */
it('should excpect to load 4 events to scope', function () {
spyOn($.fn, 'fullCalendar');
$compile('<div ui-calendar="uiConfig.calendar" ng-model="eventSources"></div>')(scope);
/* test to check the title of the first event. */
it('should excpect to be All Day Event', function () {
spyOn($.fn, 'fullCalendar');
$compile('<div ui-calendar="uiConfig.calendar" ng-model="eventSources"></div>')(scope);
expect($.fn.fullCalendar.mostRecentCall.args[0].eventSources[0][0].title).toBe('All Day Event');
/* test to make sure the event has a url assigned to it. */
it('should expect the url to =', function () {
spyOn($.fn, 'fullCalendar');
$compile('<div ui-calendar="uiConfig.calendar" ng-model="eventSources"></div>')(scope);
/* test the 3rd events' allDay field. */
it('should expect the fourth Events all Day field to equal true', function () {
spyOn($.fn, 'fullCalendar');
$compile('<div ui-calendar="uiConfig.calendar" ng-model="eventSources"></div>')(scope);
/* Tests the height of the calendar. */
it('should expect the calendar attribute height to be 200', function () {
spyOn($.fn, 'fullCalendar');
$compile('<div ui-calendar="uiConfig.calendar" ng-model="eventSources"></div>')(scope);
/* Tests the weekends boolean of the calendar. */
it('should expect the calendar attribute weekends to be false', function () {
spyOn($.fn, 'fullCalendar');
$compile('<div ui-calendar="uiConfig.calendar" ng-model="eventSources"></div>')(scope);
/* Test to make sure that when an event is added to the calendar everything is updated with the new event. */
it('should expect the scopes events to increase by 2', function () {
spyOn($.fn, 'fullCalendar');
$compile('<div ui-calendar="uiConfig.calendar" ng-model="eventSources"></div>')(scope);
/* Test to make sure the calendar is updating itself on changes to events length. */
it('should expect the calendar to update itself with new events', function () {
spyOn($.fn, 'fullCalendar');
$compile('<div ui-calendar="uiConfig.calendar" ng-model="eventSources"></div>')(scope);
var clientEventsLength = $.fn.fullCalendar.mostRecentCall.args[0].eventSources[0].length;
//remove an event from the scope.
//events should auto update inside the calendar.
clientEventsLength = $.fn.fullCalendar.mostRecentCall.args[0].eventSources[0].length;
/* Test to make sure header options can be overwritten */
it('should overwrite default header options', function () {
spyOn($.fn, 'fullCalendar');
scope.uiConfig2 = {
header: {center: 'title'}
$compile('<div ui-calendar="uiConfig2.calendar" ng-model="eventSources"></div>')(scope);
var header = $.fn.fullCalendar.mostRecentCall.args[0].header;
expect(header).toEqual({center: 'title'});
/* Test to see if calendar is watching all eventSources for changes. */
it('should update the calendar if any eventSource array contains a delta', function () {
spyOn($.fn, 'fullCalendar');
$compile('<div ui-calendar="uiConfig.calendar" ng-model="eventSources"></div>')(scope);
var clientEventsLength = $.fn.fullCalendar.mostRecentCall.args[0].eventSources[0].length;
var clientEventsLength2 = $.fn.fullCalendar.mostRecentCall.args[0].eventSources[1].length;
//remove an event from the scope.
//events should auto update inside the calendar.
clientEventsLength = $.fn.fullCalendar.mostRecentCall.args[0].eventSources[0].length;
clientEventsLength2 = $.fn.fullCalendar.mostRecentCall.args[0].eventSources[1].length;
clientEventsLength = $.fn.fullCalendar.mostRecentCall.args[0].eventSources[0].length;
/* Test to see if calendar is updating when a new eventSource is added. */
it('should update the calendar if an eventSource is Added', function () {
spyOn($.fn, 'fullCalendar');
$compile('<div ui-calendar="uiConfig.calendar" ng-model="eventSources"></div>')(scope);
var clientEventSources = $.fn.fullCalendar.mostRecentCall.args[0].eventSources.length;
//add new source to calendar
//eventSources should auto update inside the calendar.
clientEventSources = $.fn.fullCalendar.mostRecentCall.args[0].eventSources.length;
//go ahead and add some more events to the array and check those too.
var clientEventsLength = $.fn.fullCalendar.mostRecentCall.args[0].eventSources[2].length;
/* Test to see if calendar is updating when an eventSource replaces another with an equal length. */
it('should update the calendar if an eventSource has same length as prior eventSource', function () {
spyOn($.fn, 'fullCalendar');
$compile('<div ui-calendar="uiConfig.calendar" ng-model="eventSources" equals-tracker="equalsTracker"></div>')(scope);
var clientEventSources = $.fn.fullCalendar.mostRecentCall.args[0].eventSources;
var clientEventsLength = $.fn.fullCalendar.mostRecentCall.args[0].eventSources[0].length;
expect(clientEventSources[1][0].title).toEqual('All Day Event 2');
//replace source with one that has the same length
//must update the equalsTracker as we would detect that the length is equal from controller
//eventSources should update inside the calendar since we incremented the equalsTracker
clientEventSources = $.fn.fullCalendar.mostRecentCall.args[0].eventSources;
expect(clientEventSources[1][0].title).toEqual('All Day Event 3');
//remove an event to prove autobinding still works
clientEventsLength = $.fn.fullCalendar.mostRecentCall.args[0].eventSources[0].length;

@ -1,77 +0,0 @@
/*global angular, CodeMirror, Error*/
* Binds a CodeMirror widget to a <textarea> element.
angular.module('ui.directives').directive('uiCodemirror', ['ui.config', '$timeout', function (uiConfig, $timeout) {
'use strict';
var events = ["cursorActivity", "viewportChange", "gutterClick", "focus", "blur", "scroll", "update"];
return {
link:function (scope, elm, attrs, ngModel) {
var options, opts, onChange, deferCodeMirror, codeMirror;
if (elm[0].type !== 'textarea') {
throw new Error('uiCodemirror3 can only be applied to a textarea element');
options = uiConfig.codemirror || {};
opts = angular.extend({}, options, scope.$eval(attrs.uiCodemirror));
onChange = function (aEvent) {
return function (instance, changeObj) {
var newValue = instance.getValue();
if (newValue !== ngModel.$viewValue) {
if (typeof aEvent === "function")
aEvent(instance, changeObj);
deferCodeMirror = function () {
codeMirror = CodeMirror.fromTextArea(elm[0], opts);
codeMirror.on("change", onChange(opts.onChange));
for (var i = 0, n = events.length, aEvent; i < n; ++i) {
aEvent = opts["on" + events[i].charAt(0).toUpperCase() + events[i].slice(1)];
if (aEvent === void 0) continue;
if (typeof aEvent !== "function") continue;
codeMirror.on(events[i], aEvent);
// CodeMirror expects a string, so make sure it gets one.
// This does not change the model.
ngModel.$formatters.push(function (value) {
if (angular.isUndefined(value) || value === null) {
return '';
else if (angular.isObject(value) || angular.isArray(value)) {
throw new Error('ui-codemirror cannot use an object or an array as a model');
return value;
// Override the ngModelController $render method, which is what gets called when the model is updated.
// This takes care of the synchronizing the codeMirror element with the underlying model, in the case that it is changed by something else.
ngModel.$render = function () {
// Watch ui-refresh and refresh the directive
if (attrs.uiRefresh) {
scope.$watch(attrs.uiRefresh, function(newVal, oldVal){
// Skip the initial watch firing
if (newVal !== oldVal)

@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
"core": [ "jquery" ],
"internal": [],
"external": [

@ -1,160 +0,0 @@
/*global beforeEach, afterEach, describe, it, inject, expect, module, spyOn, CodeMirror, angular, $*/
* TODO Test all the CodeMirror events : cursorActivity viewportChange gutterClick focus blur scroll update.
* with <textarea ui-codemirror="{onChange: doChange ,onCursorActivity: doSomething}" ng-model="foo">
describe('uiCodemirror', function () {
'use strict';
// declare these up here to be global to all tests
var scope, $compile, $timeout, uiConfig = angular.module('ui.config');
beforeEach(function () {
uiConfig.value('ui.config', {codemirror: {bar: 'baz'}});
// inject in angular constructs. Injector knows about leading/trailing underscores and does the right thing
// otherwise, you would need to inject these into each test
beforeEach(inject(function (_$rootScope_, _$compile_, _$timeout_) {
scope = _$rootScope_.$new();
$compile = _$compile_;
$timeout = _$timeout_;
afterEach(function () {
uiConfig.value('ui.config', {}); // cleanup
describe('compiling this directive', function () {
it('should throw an error if used against a non-textarea', function () {
function compile() {
$compile('<div ui-codemirror ng-model="foo"></div>')(scope);
it('should not throw an error when used against a textarea', function () {
function compile() {
$compile('<textarea ui-codemirror ng-model="foo"></textarea>')(scope);
it('should throw an error when no ngModel attribute defined', function () {
function compile() {
$compile('<textarea ui-codemirror></textarea>')(scope);
it('should watch the uiCodemirror attribute', function () {
spyOn(scope, '$watch');
$compile('<textarea ui-codemirror ng-model="foo"></textarea>')(scope);
describe('while spying on the CodeMirror instance', function () {
var codemirror;
beforeEach(function () {
var fromTextArea = CodeMirror.fromTextArea;
spyOn(CodeMirror, 'fromTextArea').andCallFake(function () {
codemirror = fromTextArea.apply(this, arguments);
return codemirror;
describe('verify the directive options', function () {
it('should include the passed options', function () {
$compile('<textarea ui-codemirror="{oof: \'baar\'}" ng-model="foo"></textarea>')(scope);
it('should include the default options', function () {
$compile('<textarea ui-codemirror ng-model="foo"></textarea>')(scope);
describe('when uiRefresh is added', function () {
it('should trigger the CodeMirror.refresh() method', function () {
$compile('<textarea ui-codemirror ng-model="foo" ui-refresh="bar"></textarea>')(scope);
spyOn(codemirror, 'refresh');
scope.$apply('bar = true');
describe('when the IDE changes', function () {
it('should update the model', function () {
$compile('<textarea ui-codemirror ng-model="foo"></textarea>')(scope);
scope.$apply("foo = 'bar'");
var value = 'baz';
describe('when the model changes', function () {
it('should update the IDE', function () {
var element = $compile('<textarea ui-codemirror ng-model="foo"></textarea>')(scope); = 'bar';
describe('when the model is undefined/null', function () {
it('should update the IDE with an empty string', function () {
var element = $compile('<textarea ui-codemirror ng-model="foo"></textarea>')(scope);
scope.$apply('foo = "bar"');
scope.$apply('foo = null');
describe('when the model is an object or an array', function () {
it('should throw an error', function () {
function compileWithObject() {
$compile('<textarea ui-codemirror ng-model="foo"></textarea>')(scope);
$timeout.flush(); = {};
function compileWithArray() {
$compile('<textarea ui-codemirror ng-model="foo"></textarea>')(scope);
$timeout.flush(); = [];

@ -1,46 +0,0 @@
# ui-currency directive
This directive gives greater control over your currency elements by allowing you to set CSS styles based on the number's sign.
In angular, you are only able to specify what the currency symbol is (however, you might not want to change it for localization).
## Usage
Apply the directive to your html elements:
myAppModule.controller('MyController', function($scope) {
$scope.SomeNumber = 123;
<span ui-currency ng-model="SomeNumber"></span>
Default styles are in angular-ui.css and are pretty boring, you could just override these in your
stylesheet and make things most excellent (e.g. increasing size for negatives, doing a hover sorta thingy )
.ui-currency-pos {
color: green;
.ui-currency-neg {
color: red;
.ui-currency-zero {
color: blue;
.ui-currency-pos.ui-bignum, .ui-currency-neg.ui-smallnum {
font-size: 110%;
### Options
All the options can be controlled by ui.config (see Global Defaults) or passed in the ui-currency attribute on the declaration.
The symbol attribute defaults to null and is then controlled by the default locale settings.
<span ui-currency="{ pos='pstyle' neg='nstyle' zero='zstyle' symbol='USD$' bignum='1000' smallnum='-1000'}" ng-model="SomeNumber" ></span>
If the model is greater than or equal to 1000 add ui-bignum to css class, if less than or equal to -1000 add ui-small num. If attr is-total attribute
is set the bignum/smallnum is not applied. This is useful if the options are global and you don't want totals to necessarily have these classes.
### Notes
This directive wraps angular's currency filter. If that changes, you are on your own.

@ -1,45 +0,0 @@
Gives the ability to style currency based on its sign.
angular.module('ui.directives').directive('uiCurrency', ['ui.config', 'currencyFilter' , function (uiConfig, currencyFilter) {
var options = {
pos: 'ui-currency-pos',
neg: 'ui-currency-neg',
zero: 'ui-currency-zero'
if (uiConfig.currency) {
angular.extend(options, uiConfig.currency);
return {
restrict: 'EAC',
require: 'ngModel',
link: function (scope, element, attrs, controller) {
var opts, // instance-specific options
opts = angular.extend({}, options, scope.$eval(attrs.uiCurrency));
renderview = function (viewvalue) {
var num;
num = viewvalue * 1;
element.toggleClass(opts.pos, (num > 0) );
element.toggleClass(opts.neg, (num < 0) );
element.toggleClass(, (num === 0) );
if (viewvalue === '') {
} else {
element.text(currencyFilter(num, opts.symbol));
return true;
controller.$render = function () {
value = controller.$viewValue;

@ -1,14 +0,0 @@
/* ui-currency */
.ui-currency-pos {
color: green;
.ui-currency-neg {
color: red;
.ui-currency-zero {
color: blue;
.ui-currency-pos.ui-bignum, .ui-currency-neg.ui-smallnum {
font-size: 110%;

@ -1,95 +0,0 @@
describe('uiCurrency', function () {
var scope;
beforeEach(inject(function ($rootScope) {
scope = $rootScope.$new();
describe('use on a div element with two-way binding', function () {
it('should have ui-currency-pos style non-zero positive model number ', function () {
inject(function ($compile) {
var element;
element = $compile("<div ui-currency ng-model='aNum'></div>")(scope);
scope.$apply(function () {
scope.aNum = 0.5123;
it('should have ui-currency-neg style when negative model number', function () {
inject(function ($compile) {
var element;
element = $compile("<div ui-currency ng-model='aNum'></div>")(scope);
scope.$apply(function () {
scope.aNum = -123;
it('should have ui-currency-zero style when zero model number', function () {
inject(function ($compile) {
var element;
element = $compile("<div ui-currency ng-model='aNum'></div>")(scope);
scope.$apply(function () {
scope.aNum = 0;
it('should not have any ui-currency styles or a value at all when missing scope model value', function () {
inject(function ($compile) {
var element;
element = $compile("<div ui-currency ng-model='aMissingNum'></div>")(scope);
it('should not have any ui-currency styles or a value at all when provided a non-numeric model value', function () {
inject(function ($compile) {
var element;
element = $compile("<div ui-currency ng-model='aBadNum'></div>")(scope);
scope.$apply(function () {
scope.aBadNum = 'bad';
it('should have user-defined positive style when provided in uiCurrency attr', function () {
inject(function ($compile) {
var element;
element = $compile("<div ui-currency=\"{ pos:'pstyle' }\" ng-model='aNum'></div>")(scope);
scope.$apply(function () {
scope.aNum = 1;
// Presumption is if above works then no need to test other cases, given the coverage in previous describe
describe('use on a tag element', function () {
it('should have a defined element', function () {
inject(function ($compile) {
var element;
element = $compile("<ui-currency ng-model='aNum'></ui-currency>")(scope);
scope.$apply(function () {
scope.aNum = 1;

@ -1,73 +0,0 @@
# ui-date directive
This directive allows you to add a date-picker to your form elements.
# Requirements
- JQuery
- JQueryUI
- [Date.toISOString()]( (requires [polyfill]( for &le;IE8)
# Usage
Load the script file in your application:
<script type="text/javascript" src="angular-ui.js"></script>
Add the date module as a dependency to your application module:
var myAppModule = angular.module('MyApp', ['ui.directives'])
Apply the directive to your form elements:
<input ui-date name="DateOfBirth"></input>
## Options
All the jQueryUI DatePicker options can be passed through the directive.
myAppModule.controller('MyController', function($scope) {
$scope.dateOptions = {
changeYear: true,
changeMonth: true,
yearRange: '1900:-0'
<input ui-date="dateOptions" name="DateOfBirth"></input>
## Static Inline Picker
If you want a static picker then simply apply the directive to a div rather than an input element.
<div ui-date="dateOptions" name="DateOfBirth"></div>
# Working with ng-model
The ui-date directive plays nicely with ng-model and validation directives such as ng-required.
If you add the ng-model directive to same the element as ui-date then the picked date is automatically synchronized with the model value.
_The ui-date directive stores and expects the model value to be a standard javascript Date object._
## ui-date-format directive
The ui-date directive only works with Date objects.
If you want to pass date strings to and from the date directive via ng-model then you must use the ui-date-format directive.
This directive specifies the format of the date string that will be expected in the ng-model.
The format string syntax is that defined by the JQueryUI Date picker. For example
<input ui-date ui-date-format="DD, d MM, yy" ng-model="myDate"></input>
Now you can set myDate in the controller.
$scope.myDate = "Thursday, 11 October, 2012";
## ng-required directive
If you apply the required directive to element then the form element is invalid until a date is picked.
Note: Remember that the ng-required directive must be explictly set, i.e. to "true". This is especially true on divs:
<div ui-date="dateOptions" name="DateOfBirth" ng-required="true"></div>

@ -1,111 +0,0 @@
/*global angular */
jQuery UI Datepicker plugin wrapper
@note If IE8 make sure you have a polyfill for Date.toISOString()
@param [ui-date] {object} Options to pass to $.fn.datepicker() merged onto ui.config
.directive('uiDate', ['ui.config', function (uiConfig) {
'use strict';
var options;
options = {};
if (angular.isObject( {
return {
link:function (scope, element, attrs, controller) {
var getOptions = function () {
return angular.extend({},, scope.$eval(attrs.uiDate));
var initDateWidget = function () {
var opts = getOptions();
// If we have a controller (i.e. ngModelController) then wire it up
if (controller) {
var updateModel = function () {
scope.$apply(function () {
var date = element.datepicker("getDate");
element.datepicker("setDate", element.val());
if (opts.onSelect) {
// Caller has specified onSelect, so call this as well as updating the model
var userHandler = opts.onSelect;
opts.onSelect = function (value, picker) {
scope.$apply(function() {
userHandler(value, picker);
} else {
// No onSelect already specified so just update the model
opts.onSelect = updateModel;
// In case the user changes the text directly in the input box
element.bind('change', updateModel);
// Update the date picker when the model changes
controller.$render = function () {
var date = controller.$viewValue;
if ( angular.isDefined(date) && date !== null && !angular.isDate(date) ) {
throw new Error('ng-Model value must be a Date object - currently it is a ' + typeof date + ' - use ui-date-format to convert it from a string');
element.datepicker("setDate", date);
// If we don't destroy the old one it doesn't update properly when the config changes
// Create the new datepicker widget
if ( controller ) {
// Force a render to override whatever is in the input text box
// Watch for changes to the directives options
scope.$watch(getOptions, initDateWidget, true);
.directive('uiDateFormat', ['ui.config', function(uiConfig) {
var directive = {
link: function(scope, element, attrs, modelCtrl) {
var dateFormat = attrs.uiDateFormat || uiConfig.dateFormat;
if ( dateFormat ) {
// Use the datepicker with the attribute value as the dateFormat string to convert to and from a string
modelCtrl.$formatters.push(function(value) {
if (angular.isString(value) ) {
return $.datepicker.parseDate(dateFormat, value);
if (value) {
return $.datepicker.formatDate(dateFormat, value);
} else {
// Default to ISO formatting
modelCtrl.$formatters.push(function(value) {
if (angular.isString(value) ) {
return new Date(value);
if (value) {
return value.toISOString();
return directive;

@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
"core": [ "jquery", "jquery-ui" ],
"internal": [],
"external": []

@ -1,354 +0,0 @@
/*global describe, beforeEach, it, inject, expect, module, $*/
describe('uiDate', function() {
'use strict';
var selectDate;
selectDate = function(element, date) {
element.datepicker('setDate', date);
describe('simple use on input element', function() {
it('should have a date picker attached', function() {
inject(function($compile, $rootScope) {
var element;
element = $compile("<input ui-date/>")($rootScope);
it('should be able to get the date from the model', function() {
inject(function($compile, $rootScope) {
var aDate, element;
aDate = new Date(2010, 12, 1);
element = $compile("<input ui-date ng-model='x'/>")($rootScope);
$rootScope.$apply(function() {
$rootScope.x = aDate;
it('should put the date in the model', function() {
inject(function($compile, $rootScope) {
var aDate, element;
aDate = new Date(2010, 12, 1);
element = $compile("<input ui-date ng-model='x'/>")($rootScope);
selectDate(element, aDate);
it('should blur the input element after selecting a date', function() {
inject(function($compile, $rootScope) {
var aDate, element;
aDate = new Date(2010, 12, 1);
element = $compile("<input ui-date ng-model='x'/>")($rootScope);
$(document.body).append(element); // Need to add it to the document so that it can get focus
selectDate(element, aDate);
element.remove(); // And then remove it again!
describe('when model is not a Date', function() {
var element;
var scope;
beforeEach(inject(function($compile, $rootScope) {
element = $compile('<input ui-date="{dateFormat: \'yy-mm-dd\'}" ng-model="x"/>')($rootScope);
scope = $rootScope;
it('should not freak out when the model is null', function() {
scope.$apply(function() {
scope.x = null;
it('should not freak out when the model is undefined', function() {
scope.$apply(function() {
scope.x = undefined;
it('should throw an error if you try to pass in a boolean when the model is false', function() {
expect(function() {
scope.$apply(function() {
scope.x = false;
it('should update the input field correctly on a manual update', function() {
inject(function($compile, $rootScope) {
var dateString = '2012-08-17';
var dateObj = $.datepicker.parseDate('yy-mm-dd', dateString);
var element = $compile('<input ui-date="{dateFormat: \'yy-mm-dd\'}" ng-model="x"/>')($rootScope);
$rootScope.$apply(function() {
$rootScope.x = dateObj;
// Now change the data in the input box
dateString = '2012-8-01';
dateObj = $.datepicker.parseDate('yy-mm-dd', dateString);
describe("use with user events", function() {
it('should call the user onSelect event within a scope.$apply context', function() {
inject(function($compile, $rootScope) {
var watched = false;
$rootScope.myDateSelected = function() {
$rootScope.watchMe = true;
$rootScope.$watch("watchMe", function(watchMe) {
if (watchMe) {
watched = true;
var aDate = new Date(2012,9,11);
var element = $compile('<input ui-date="{onSelect: myDateSelected}" ng-model="x"/>')($rootScope);
selectDate(element, aDate);
describe('use with ng-required directive', function() {
it('should be invalid initially', function() {
inject(function($compile, $rootScope) {
var aDate, element;
aDate = new Date(2010, 12, 1);
element = $compile("<input ui-date ng-model='x' ng-required='true' />")($rootScope);
it('should be valid if model has been specified', function() {
inject(function($compile, $rootScope) {
var aDate, element;
aDate = new Date(2010, 12, 1);
element = $compile("<input ui-date ng-model='x' ng-required='true' />")($rootScope);
$rootScope.$apply(function() {
$rootScope.x = aDate;
it('should be valid after the date has been picked', function() {
inject(function($compile, $rootScope) {
var aDate, element;
aDate = new Date(2010, 12, 1);
element = $compile("<input ui-date ng-model='x' ng-required='true' />")($rootScope);
selectDate(element, aDate);
describe('simple use on a div element', function() {
it('should have a date picker attached', function() {
inject(function($compile, $rootScope) {
var element;
element = $compile("<div ui-date></div>")($rootScope);
it('should be able to get the date from the model', function() {
inject(function($compile, $rootScope) {
var aDate, element;
aDate = new Date(2010, 12, 1);
element = $compile("<div ui-date ng-model='x'></div>")($rootScope);
$rootScope.$apply(function() {
$rootScope.x = aDate;
it('should put the date in the model', function() {
inject(function($compile, $rootScope) {
var aDate, element;
aDate = new Date(2010, 12, 1);
element = $compile("<div ui-date ng-model='x'></div>")($rootScope);
selectDate(element, aDate);
describe('use with ng-required directive', function() {
it('should be invalid initially', function() {
inject(function($compile, $rootScope) {
var element = $compile("<div ui-date ng-model='x' ng-required='true' ></div>")($rootScope);
it('should be valid if model has been specified', function() {
inject(function($compile, $rootScope) {
var aDate, element;
aDate = new Date(2010, 12, 1);
element = $compile("<div ui-date ng-model='x' ng-required='true' ></div>")($rootScope);
$rootScope.$apply(function() {
$rootScope.x = aDate;
it('should be valid after the date has been picked', function() {
inject(function($compile, $rootScope) {
var aDate, element;
aDate = new Date(2010, 12, 1);
element = $compile("<div ui-date ng-model='x' ng-required='true' ></div>")($rootScope);
selectDate(element, aDate);
describe('when attribute options change', function() {
it('should watch attribute and update date widget accordingly', function() {
inject(function($compile, $rootScope) {
var element;
$rootScope.config = {
minDate: 5
element = $compile("<input ui-date='config' ng-model='x'/>")($rootScope);
expect(element.datepicker("option", "minDate")).toBe(5);
$rootScope.$apply(function() {
$rootScope.config.minDate = 10;
expect(element.datepicker("option", "minDate")).toBe(10);
describe('uiDateFormat', function() {
describe('$formatting', function() {
it('should parse the date correctly from an ISO string', function() {
inject(function($compile, $rootScope) {
var aDate, aDateString, element;
aDate = new Date(2012,8,17);
aDateString = (aDate).toISOString();
element = $compile('<input ui-date-format ng-model="x"/>')($rootScope);
$rootScope.x = aDateString;
// Check that the model has not been altered
// Check that the viewValue has been parsed correctly
it('should parse the date correctly from a custom string', function() {
inject(function($compile, $rootScope) {
var aDate = new Date(2012, 9, 11);
var aDateString = "Thursday, 11 October, 2012";
var element = $compile('<input ui-date-format="DD, d MM, yy" ng-model="x"/>')($rootScope);
$rootScope.x = aDateString;
// Check that the model has not been altered
// Check that the viewValue has been parsed correctly
it('should handle unusual model values', function() {
inject(function($compile, $rootScope) {
var element = $compile('<input ui-date-format ng-model="x"/>')($rootScope);
$rootScope.x = false;
// Check that the model has not been altered
// Check that the viewValue has been parsed correctly
$rootScope.x = undefined;
// Check that the model has not been altered
// Check that the viewValue has been parsed correctly
$rootScope.x = null;
// Check that the model has not been altered
// Check that the viewValue has been parsed correctly
describe('$parsing', function() {
it('should format a selected date correctly to an ISO string', function() {
inject(function($compile, $rootScope) {
var aDate = new Date(2012,8,17);
var aDateString = (aDate).toISOString();
var element = $compile('<input ui-date-format ng-model="x"/>')($rootScope);
// Check that the model is updated correctly
// Check that the $viewValue has not been altered
it('should format a selected date correctly to a custom string', function() {
inject(function($compile, $rootScope) {
var format = 'DD, d MM, yy';
var aDate = new Date(2012,9,11);
var aDateString = "Thursday, 11 October, 2012";
var element = $compile('<input ui-date-format="' + format + '" ng-model="x"/>')($rootScope);
// Check that the model is updated correctly
// Check that the $viewValue has not been altered
describe('with uiConfig', function() {
var element, scope, config;
var format = 'DD, d MM, yy';
var aDate = new Date(2012,9,11);
var aDateString = "Thursday, 11 October, 2012";
var aISODateString = aDate.toISOString();
beforeEach(inject(['$compile', '$rootScope', 'ui.config', function($compile, $rootScope, uiConfig) {
config = uiConfig;
element = $compile('<input ui-date-format ng-model="x"/>')($rootScope);
scope = $rootScope;
it('use ISO if not config value', function() {
scope.x = aISODateString;
it('use format value if config given', function() {
config.dateFormat = format;
scope.x = aDateString;

@ -1,27 +0,0 @@
* General-purpose Event binding. Bind any event not natively supported by Angular
* Pass an object with keynames for events to ui-event
* Allows $event object and $params object to be passed
* @example <input ui-event="{ focus : 'counter++', blur : 'someCallback()' }">
* @example <input ui-event="{ myCustomEvent : 'myEventHandler($event, $params)'}">
* @param ui-event {string|object literal} The event to bind to as a string or a hash of events with their callbacks
angular.module('ui.directives').directive('uiEvent', ['$parse',
function ($parse) {
return function (scope, elm, attrs) {
var events = scope.$eval(attrs.uiEvent);
angular.forEach(events, function (uiEvent, eventName) {
var fn = $parse(uiEvent);
elm.bind(eventName, function (evt) {
var params =;
//Take out first paramater (event object);
params = params.splice(1);
scope.$apply(function () {
fn(scope, {$event: evt, $params: params});

@ -1,79 +0,0 @@
describe('uiEvent', function () {
var $scope, $rootScope, $compile;
beforeEach(inject(function (_$rootScope_, _$compile_) {
$compile = _$compile_;
$rootScope = _$rootScope_;
//helper for creating event elements
function eventElement(scope, eventObject) {
scope._uiEvent = eventObject || {};
return $compile('<span ui-event="_uiEvent">')(scope);
describe('test', function () {
it('should work with dblclick event and assignment', function () {
$scope = $rootScope.$new();
var elm = eventElement($scope, {'dblclick': 'dbl=true'});
it('should work with two events in one key a function', function () {
$scope = $rootScope.$new();
$scope.counter = 0;
$scope.myfn = function () {
var elm = eventElement($scope, {'keyup mouseenter': 'myfn()'});
it('should work work with multiple entries', function () {
$scope = $rootScope.$new();
$scope.amount = 5;
var elm = eventElement($scope, {
'click': 'amount=amount*2',
'mouseenter': 'amount=amount*4',
'keyup': 'amount=amount*3'
it('should allow passing of $event object', function () {
$scope = $rootScope.$new();
$scope.clicky = function (par1, $event, par2) {
var elm = eventElement($scope, {'click': 'clicky(1, $event, 2)'});
type: 'click',
foo: 'bar'
it('should allow passing of $params object', function () {
$scope = $rootScope.$new();
$scope.onStuff = function ($event, $params) {
var elm = eventElement($scope, {'stuff': 'onStuff($event, $params)'});
$(elm).trigger('stuff', ['foo', 'bar']);

@ -1,39 +0,0 @@
* Defines the ui-if tag. This removes/adds an element from the dom depending on a condition
* Originally created by @tigbro, for the @jquery-mobile-angular-adapter
angular.module('ui.directives').directive('uiIf', [function () {
return {
transclude: 'element',
priority: 1000,
terminal: true,
restrict: 'A',
compile: function (element, attr, transclude) {
return function (scope, element, attr) {
var childElement;
var childScope;
scope.$watch(attr['uiIf'], function (newValue) {
if (childElement) {
childElement = undefined;
if (childScope) {
childScope = undefined;
if (newValue) {
childScope = scope.$new();
transclude(childScope, function (clone) {
childElement = clone;

@ -1,57 +0,0 @@
describe('ui-if', function () {
var scope, $compile, elm;
beforeEach(inject(function ($rootScope, _$compile_) {
scope = $rootScope.$new();
$compile = _$compile_;
elm = $('<div>');
function makeIf(expr) {
elm.append($compile('<div ui-if="' + expr + '"><div>Hi</div></div>')(scope));
it('should immediately remove element if condition is false', function () {
it('should leave the element if condition is true', function () {
it('should create then remove the element if condition changes', function () {
scope.hello = true;
scope.$apply('hello = false');
it('should create a new scope', function () {
scope.$apply('value = true');
'<div ui-if="value"><span ng-init="value=false"></span></div>'
it('should play nice with other elements beside it', function () {
scope.values = [1, 2, 3, 4];
'<div ng-repeat="i in values"></div>' +
'<div ui-if="values.length==4"></div>' +
'<div ng-repeat="i in values"></div>'

@ -1,112 +0,0 @@
# uiJq :: jQuery Passthru Directive
This directive is designed to reduce the need for you to create new directives for fairly simple jQuery plugins or behaviors. Instead of listing plugin compatibility, this document attempts to break down what **uiJq** (jQuery Passthru Directive) is doing so that you can figure out how to circumvent problems you encounter and at the same time understand how the AngularJS template engine works.
## Injecting, Compiling, and Linking functions
When you create a directive, there are up to 3 function layers for you to define[[1]](#footnotes):
myApp.directive('uiJq', function uiJqInjectingFunction(){
// === InjectingFunction === //
// Logic is executed 0 or 1 times per app (depending on if directive is used).
// Useful for bootstrap and global configuration
return {
compile: function uiJqCompilingFunction($templateElement, $templateAttributes) {
// === CompilingFunction === //
// Logic is executed once (1) for every instance of ui-jq in your original UNRENDERED template.
// Scope is UNAVAILABLE as the templates are only being cached.
// You CAN examine the DOM and cache information about what variables
// or expressions will be used, but you cannot yet figure out their values.
// Angular is caching the templates, now is a good time to inject new angular templates
// as children or future siblings to automatically run..
return function uiJqLinkingFunction($scope, $linkElement, $linkAttributes) {
// === LinkingFunction === //
// Logic is executed once (1) for every RENDERED instance.
// Once for each row in an ng-repeat when the row is created.
// If ui-if or ng-switch may also affect if this is executed.
// Scope IS available because controller logic has finished executing.
// All variables and expression values can finally be determined.
// Angular is rendering cached templates. It's too late to add templates for angular
// to automatically run. If you MUST inject new templates, you must $compile them manually.
You can _only_ access data in `$scope` inside the **LinkingFunction**. Since the template logic may remove or duplicate elements, you can _only_ rely on the final DOM configuration in the **LinkingFunction**. You still _cannot_ rely upon **children** or **following-siblings** since they have not been linked yet.
## Deferred Execution
Even though you can evaluate variables and expressions by the time we hit our `LinkingFunction`, children DOM elements haven't been rendered yet. Sometimes jQuery plugins need to know the number and size of the DOM element's children (such as slideshows or layout managers like Isotope). To add support for these plugins, we decided to delay the plugin's execution using [$timeout]($timeout) so that AngularJS can finish rendering the rest of the page.
**This does _NOT_ accomodate for async changes such as loading `$scope` data via AJAX**
If you need to wait till your `$scope` data finishes loading before calling **uiJq** try using [ui-if](
## $element === angular.element() === jQuery()
To make working with the DOM easier, AngularJS contains a miniaturized version of jQuery called jqlite. This emulates some of the core features of jQuery using an _almost_ identical API as jQuery. Any time you see an AngularJS DOM element, it will be the equivalent to a `jQuery()` wrapped DOM element.
**You do _NOT_ have to wrap AngularJS elements in `jQuery()`**
If you are noticing that the full array of jQuery methods (or plugins) aren't available on an AngularJS element, it's because you either forgot to load the jQuery lib, or you forgot to load it **BEFORE** loading AngularJS. If AngularJS doesn't see jQuery already loaded by the time AngularJS loads, it will use it's own jqlite library instead.
**If jQuery plugins complain about missing jQuery methods, you should probably double check this**
Since an AngularJS element is the same as a jQuery() wrapped element, you can essentially call any jQuery method or plugin the same exact way you would have done outside of angular. This is how uiJq works.
uiJq simply takes the string passed and uses it to call a method on the AngularJS element for you:
$('input[type=date]').datepicker() === $('input[type=date]')["datepicker"]() === $linkElement["datepicker"]()
## uiOptions and ui.config
Since all jQuery methods take arguments (such as the options for datepicker or the class name for `addClass()`) we provided an easy way for you to pass these options. These options are evaluated from angular so that you can define them in your app:
$('input').datepicker(options) === $linkElement.datepicker(uiOptions)
Since there's a good chance you'll use the same options for a plugin across your entire app as defaults, we allow you to declare them inside [ui.config]( Just remember to use the `jq` key and the `pluginName` subkey:
myApp.value('ui.config', {
jq: {
datepicker: {
// default datepicker options go here
Because we're awesome, if your `ui.config` options is an object and your `ui-options` is also an object, we'll merge them together for you with `ui-options` taking priority! If `ui-options` is a primitive the defaults will be ignored.
## uiRefresh
Sometimes you need to call the same jQuery method / plugin multiple times on the same element during an app lifecycle:
// every time the login modal is shown, focus on the username field
$('.modal').on('show', function(){
To make this easy, we added a `ui-refresh` property. This is the equivalent to a `$scope.$watch()` and you can pretend that whatever expression you pass to `ui-refresh` will be just like any expression you pass to `$watch()`. Every time this expression changes (by reference, not by value) uiJq will re-fire:
<input ui-jq="focus" ui-refresh="isLoginFormVisible">
## Footnotes
1. A [transcluding function]( is actually a 4th layer, but this is not used by uiJq

@ -1,64 +0,0 @@
* General-purpose jQuery wrapper. Simply pass the plugin name as the expression.
* It is possible to specify a default set of parameters for each jQuery plugin.
* Under the jq key, namespace each plugin by that which will be passed to ui-jq.
* Unfortunately, at this time you can only pre-define the first parameter.
* @example { jq : { datepicker : { showOn:'click' } } }
* @param ui-jq {string} The $elm.[pluginName]() to call.
* @param [ui-options] {mixed} Expression to be evaluated and passed as options to the function
* Multiple parameters can be separated by commas
* @param [ui-refresh] {expression} Watch expression and refire plugin on changes
* @example <input ui-jq="datepicker" ui-options="{showOn:'click'},secondParameter,thirdParameter" ui-refresh="iChange">
angular.module('ui.directives').directive('uiJq', ['ui.config', '$timeout', function uiJqInjectingFunction(uiConfig, $timeout) {
return {
restrict: 'A',
compile: function uiJqCompilingFunction(tElm, tAttrs) {
if (!angular.isFunction(tElm[tAttrs.uiJq])) {
throw new Error('ui-jq: The "' + tAttrs.uiJq + '" function does not exist');
var options = uiConfig.jq && uiConfig.jq[tAttrs.uiJq];
return function uiJqLinkingFunction(scope, elm, attrs) {
var linkOptions = [];
// If ui-options are passed, merge (or override) them onto global defaults and pass to the jQuery method
if (attrs.uiOptions) {
linkOptions = scope.$eval('[' + attrs.uiOptions + ']');
if (angular.isObject(options) && angular.isObject(linkOptions[0])) {
linkOptions[0] = angular.extend({}, options, linkOptions[0]);
} else if (options) {
linkOptions = [options];
// If change compatibility is enabled, the form input's "change" event will trigger an "input" event
if (attrs.ngModel &&'select,input,textarea')) {
elm.on('change', function() {
// Call jQuery method and pass relevant options
function callPlugin() {
$timeout(function() {
elm[attrs.uiJq].apply(elm, linkOptions);
}, 0, false);
// If ui-refresh is used, re-fire the the method upon every change
if (attrs.uiRefresh) {
scope.$watch(attrs.uiRefresh, function(newVal) {

@ -1,111 +0,0 @@
describe('uiJq', function () {
var scope, compile, timeout;
scope = null;
beforeEach(function () { = function () {};
module(function ($provide) {
$provide.value('ui.config', {
jq: {foo: {}}
beforeEach(inject(function ($rootScope, $compile, $timeout) {
scope = $rootScope.$new();
compile = $compile;
timeout = $timeout;
describe('function or plugin isn\'t found', function () {
it('should throw an error', function () {
expect(function () {
compile("<div ui-jq='failure'></div>")(scope);
describe('calling a jQuery element function', function () {
it('should just like, sort of work and junk', function () {
spyOn(jQuery.fn, 'foo');
compile("<div ui-jq='foo'></div>")(scope);
it('should fire after the view has rendered', function() {
var length; = function() {
length = $(this).children().length;
scope.$apply('items=[1, 2]');
compile("<ul ui-jq='bar'><li ng-repeat='item in items'></li></ul>")(scope);
describe('calling a jQuery element function with options', function() {
it('should not copy to global', function() {
spyOn(jQuery.fn, 'foo');
compile('<div ui-jq="foo" ui-options="{pizza:true}"></div><div ui-jq="foo" ui-options="{}"></div>')(scope);
expect([0].args).toEqual([{pizza: true}]);
describe('using ui-refresh', function() {
it('should execute exactly once if the expression is never set', function() {
spyOn(jQuery.fn, 'foo');
compile('<div ui-jq="foo" ui-refresh="bar"></div>')(scope);
it('should execute exactly once if the expression is set at initialization', function() {
spyOn(jQuery.fn, 'foo');
scope.$apply('bar = true');
compile('<div ui-jq="foo" ui-refresh="bar"></div>')(scope);
it('should execute once for each time the expression changes', function() {
spyOn(jQuery.fn, 'foo');
scope.$apply('bar = 1');
compile('<div ui-jq="foo" ui-refresh="bar"></div>')(scope);
scope.$apply('bar = bar+1');
scope.$apply('bar = bar+1');
describe('change events', function() {
it('should trigger an `input` event', function() {
var bar = false;
var element = compile('<input ui-jq="foo" ng-model="foobar">')(scope);
element.bind('input', function(){
bar = true;
it('should ignore controls without ngModel attribute', function() {
var bar = false;
var element = compile('<input ui-jq="foo">')(scope);
element.bind('input', function(){
bar = true;
it('should ignore non-form controls', function() {
var bar = false;
var element = compile('<div ui-jq="foo"></div ng-model="foobar">')(scope);
element.bind('input', function(){
bar = true;

@ -1,110 +0,0 @@
angular.module('ui.directives').factory('keypressHelper', ['$parse', function keypress($parse){
var keysByCode = {
8: 'backspace',
9: 'tab',
13: 'enter',
27: 'esc',
32: 'space',
33: 'pageup',
34: 'pagedown',
35: 'end',
36: 'home',
37: 'left',
38: 'up',
39: 'right',
40: 'down',
45: 'insert',
46: 'delete'
var capitaliseFirstLetter = function (string) {
return string.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + string.slice(1);
return function(mode, scope, elm, attrs) {
var params, combinations = [];
params = scope.$eval(attrs['ui'+capitaliseFirstLetter(mode)]);
// Prepare combinations for simple checking
angular.forEach(params, function (v, k) {
var combination, expression;
expression = $parse(v);
angular.forEach(k.split(' '), function(variation) {
combination = {
expression: expression,
keys: {}
angular.forEach(variation.split('-'), function (value) {
combination.keys[value] = true;
// Check only matching of pressed keys one of the conditions
elm.bind(mode, function (event) {
// No need to do that inside the cycle
var altPressed = event.metaKey || event.altKey;
var ctrlPressed = event.ctrlKey;
var shiftPressed = event.shiftKey;
var keyCode = event.keyCode;
// normalize keycodes
if (mode === 'keypress' && !shiftPressed && keyCode >= 97 && keyCode <= 122) {
keyCode = keyCode - 32;
// Iterate over prepared combinations
angular.forEach(combinations, function (combination) {
var mainKeyPressed = (combination.keys[keysByCode[event.keyCode]] || combination.keys[event.keyCode.toString()]) || false;
var altRequired = combination.keys.alt || false;
var ctrlRequired = combination.keys.ctrl || false;
var shiftRequired = combination.keys.shift || false;
if (
mainKeyPressed &&
( altRequired == altPressed ) &&
( ctrlRequired == ctrlPressed ) &&
( shiftRequired == shiftPressed )
) {
// Run the function
scope.$apply(function () {
combination.expression(scope, { '$event': event });
* Bind one or more handlers to particular keys or their combination
* @param hash {mixed} keyBindings Can be an object or string where keybinding expression of keys or keys combinations and AngularJS Exspressions are set. Object syntax: "{ keys1: expression1 [, keys2: expression2 [ , ... ]]}". String syntax: ""expression1 on keys1 [ and expression2 on keys2 [ and ... ]]"". Expression is an AngularJS Expression, and key(s) are dash-separated combinations of keys and modifiers (one or many, if any. Order does not matter). Supported modifiers are 'ctrl', 'shift', 'alt' and key can be used either via its keyCode (13 for Return) or name. Named keys are 'backspace', 'tab', 'enter', 'esc', 'space', 'pageup', 'pagedown', 'end', 'home', 'left', 'up', 'right', 'down', 'insert', 'delete'.
* @example <input ui-keypress="{enter:'x = 1', 'ctrl-shift-space':'foo()', 'shift-13':'bar()'}" /> <input ui-keypress="foo = 2 on ctrl-13 and bar('hello') on shift-esc" />
angular.module('ui.directives').directive('uiKeydown', ['keypressHelper', function(keypressHelper){
return {
link: function (scope, elm, attrs) {
keypressHelper('keydown', scope, elm, attrs);
angular.module('ui.directives').directive('uiKeypress', ['keypressHelper', function(keypressHelper){
return {
link: function (scope, elm, attrs) {
keypressHelper('keypress', scope, elm, attrs);
angular.module('ui.directives').directive('uiKeyup', ['keypressHelper', function(keypressHelper){
return {
link: function (scope, elm, attrs) {
keypressHelper('keyup', scope, elm, attrs);

@ -1,67 +0,0 @@
describe('uiKeydown', function () {
var $scope, $compile;
var createKeyEvent = function (mainKey, alt, ctrl, shif) {
var keyEvent = jQuery.Event("keydown");
keyEvent.keyCode = mainKey;
keyEvent.altKey = alt || false;
keyEvent.ctrlKey = ctrl || false;
keyEvent.shiftKey = shif || false;
return keyEvent;
var createElement = function (elementDef) {
var elementStr = angular.isString(elementDef) ? elementDef : angular.toJson(elementDef);
return $compile("<span ui-keydown='" + elementStr + "'></span>")($scope);
beforeEach(inject(function (_$rootScope_, _$compile_) {
$compile = _$compile_;
$scope = _$rootScope_.$new();
$scope.cb = function (event) {
this.event1 = event;
it('should support single key press', function () {
createElement({'13': 'event=true'}).trigger(createKeyEvent(13));
it('should support combined key press', function () {
createElement({'ctrl-shift-13': 'event=true'}).trigger(createKeyEvent(13, false, true, true));
it('should support alternative combinations', function () {
$scope.event = 0;
createElement({'ctrl-shift-14 ctrl-shift-13': 'event=event+1'}).trigger(createKeyEvent(13, false, true, true)).trigger(createKeyEvent(14, false, true, true));
it('should support multiple key press definitions', function () {
var elm = createElement({'13': 'event1=true', 'ctrl-shift-13': 'event2=true'});
elm.trigger(createKeyEvent(13, false, true, true));
it('should support $event in expressions', function () {
var element = createElement({'esc': 'cb($event)', '13': 'event2=$event'});

@ -1,67 +0,0 @@
describe('uiKeypress', function () {
var $scope, $compile;
var createKeyEvent = function (mainKey, alt, ctrl, shif) {
var keyEvent = jQuery.Event("keypress");
keyEvent.keyCode = mainKey;
keyEvent.altKey = alt || false;
keyEvent.ctrlKey = ctrl || false;
keyEvent.shiftKey = shif || false;
return keyEvent;
var createElement = function (elementDef) {
var elementStr = angular.isString(elementDef) ? elementDef : angular.toJson(elementDef);
return $compile("<span ui-keypress='" + elementStr + "'></span>")($scope);
beforeEach(inject(function (_$rootScope_, _$compile_) {
$compile = _$compile_;
$scope = _$rootScope_.$new();
$scope.cb = function (event) {
this.event1 = event;
it('should support single key press', function () {
createElement({'13': 'event=true'}).trigger(createKeyEvent(13));
it('should support combined key press', function () {
createElement({'ctrl-shift-13': 'event=true'}).trigger(createKeyEvent(13, false, true, true));
it('should support alternative combinations', function () {
$scope.event = 0;
createElement({'ctrl-shift-14 ctrl-shift-13': 'event=event+1'}).trigger(createKeyEvent(13, false, true, true)).trigger(createKeyEvent(14, false, true, true));
it('should support multiple key press definitions', function () {
var elm = createElement({'13': 'event1=true', 'ctrl-shift-13': 'event2=true'});
elm.trigger(createKeyEvent(13, false, true, true));
it('should support $event in expressions', function () {
var element = createElement({'esc': 'cb($event)', '13': 'event2=$event'});

@ -1,67 +0,0 @@
describe('uiKeyup', function () {
var $scope, $compile;
var createKeyEvent = function (mainKey, alt, ctrl, shif) {
var keyEvent = jQuery.Event("keyup");
keyEvent.keyCode = mainKey;
keyEvent.altKey = alt || false;
keyEvent.ctrlKey = ctrl || false;
keyEvent.shiftKey = shif || false;
return keyEvent;
var createElement = function (elementDef) {
var elementStr = angular.isString(elementDef) ? elementDef : angular.toJson(elementDef);
return $compile("<span ui-keyup='" + elementStr + "'></span>")($scope);
beforeEach(inject(function (_$rootScope_, _$compile_) {
$compile = _$compile_;
$scope = _$rootScope_.$new();
$scope.cb = function (event) {
this.event1 = event;
it('should support single key press', function () {
createElement({'13': 'event=true'}).trigger(createKeyEvent(13));
it('should support combined key press', function () {
createElement({'ctrl-shift-13': 'event=true'}).trigger(createKeyEvent(13, false, true, true));
it('should support alternative combinations', function () {
$scope.event = 0;
createElement({'ctrl-shift-14 ctrl-shift-13': 'event=event+1'}).trigger(createKeyEvent(13, false, true, true)).trigger(createKeyEvent(14, false, true, true));
it('should support multiple key press definitions', function () {
var elm = createElement({'13': 'event1=true', 'ctrl-shift-13': 'event2=true'});
elm.trigger(createKeyEvent(13, false, true, true));
it('should support $event in expressions', function () {
var element = createElement({'esc': 'cb($event)', '13': 'event2=$event'});

@ -1,125 +0,0 @@
(function () {
var app = angular.module('ui.directives');
//Setup map events from a google map object to trigger on a given element too,
//then we just use ui-event to catch events from an element
function bindMapEvents(scope, eventsStr, googleObject, element) {
angular.forEach(eventsStr.split(' '), function (eventName) {
//Prefix all googlemap events with 'map-', so eg 'click'
//for the googlemap doesn't interfere with a normal 'click' event
var $event = { type: 'map-' + eventName };
google.maps.event.addListener(googleObject, eventName, function (evt) {
element.triggerHandler(angular.extend({}, $event, evt));
//We create an $apply if it isn't happening. we need better support for this
//We don't want to use timeout because tons of these events fire at once,
//and we only need one $apply
if (!scope.$$phase) scope.$apply();
['ui.config', '$parse', function (uiConfig, $parse) {
var mapEvents = 'bounds_changed center_changed click dblclick drag dragend ' +
'dragstart heading_changed idle maptypeid_changed mousemove mouseout ' +
'mouseover projection_changed resize rightclick tilesloaded tilt_changed ' +
var options = || {};
return {
restrict: 'A',
//doesn't work as E for unknown reason
link: function (scope, elm, attrs) {
var opts = angular.extend({}, options, scope.$eval(attrs.uiOptions));
var map = new google.maps.Map(elm[0], opts);
var model = $parse(attrs.uiMap);
//Set scope variable for the map
model.assign(scope, map);
bindMapEvents(scope, mapEvents, map, elm);
['ui.config', '$parse', '$compile', function (uiConfig, $parse, $compile) {
var infoWindowEvents = 'closeclick content_change domready ' +
'position_changed zindex_changed';
var options = uiConfig.mapInfoWindow || {};
return {
link: function (scope, elm, attrs) {
var opts = angular.extend({}, options, scope.$eval(attrs.uiOptions));
opts.content = elm[0];
var model = $parse(attrs.uiMapInfoWindow);
var infoWindow = model(scope);
if (!infoWindow) {
infoWindow = new google.maps.InfoWindow(opts);
model.assign(scope, infoWindow);
bindMapEvents(scope, infoWindowEvents, infoWindow, elm);
/* The info window's contents dont' need to be on the dom anymore,
google maps has them stored. So we just replace the infowindow element
with an empty div. (we don't just straight remove it from the dom because
straight removing things from the dom can mess up angular) */
//Decorate to $compile contents before opening
var _open =; = function open(a1, a2, a3, a4, a5, a6) {
$compile(elm.contents())(scope);, a1, a2, a3, a4, a5, a6);
* Map overlay directives all work the same. Take map marker for example
* <ui-map-marker="myMarker"> will $watch 'myMarker' and each time it changes,
* it will hook up myMarker's events to the directive dom element. Then
* ui-event will be able to catch all of myMarker's events. Super simple.
function mapOverlayDirective(directiveName, events) {
app.directive(directiveName, [function () {
return {
restrict: 'A',
link: function (scope, elm, attrs) {
scope.$watch(attrs[directiveName], function (newObject) {
bindMapEvents(scope, events, newObject, elm);
'animation_changed click clickable_changed cursor_changed ' +
'dblclick drag dragend draggable_changed dragstart flat_changed icon_changed ' +
'mousedown mouseout mouseover mouseup position_changed rightclick ' +
'shadow_changed shape_changed title_changed visible_changed zindex_changed');
'click dblclick mousedown mousemove mouseout mouseover mouseup rightclick');
'click dblclick mousedown mousemove mouseout mouseover mouseup rightclick');
'bounds_changed click dblclick mousedown mousemove mouseout mouseover ' +
'mouseup rightclick');
'center_changed click dblclick mousedown mousemove ' +
'mouseout mouseover mouseup radius_changed rightclick');
'click dblclick');

@ -1,102 +0,0 @@
xdescribe('uiMap', function () {
var scope, $rootScope, $compile;
beforeEach(inject(function (_$compile_, _$rootScope_) {
$rootScope = _$rootScope_;
$compile = _$compile_;
function createMap(options, events) {
scope.gmapOptions = options || {};
scope.gmapEvents = events || {};
$compile("<div ui-map='gmap' ui-options='gmapOptions'" +
"' ui-event='gmapEvents'></div>")(scope);
function createWindow(options, events, inner) {
scope.gOptions = options || {};
scope.gEvents = events || {};
inner = inner || angular.element('');
var elm = angular.element("<div ui-map-info-window='ginfo' " +
"ui-options='gOptions' ui-event='gEvents'></div>");
describe('test', function () {
beforeEach(function () {
scope = $rootScope.$new();
it('should bind google map object to scope', function () {
it('should create google map with given options', function () {
var center = new google.maps.LatLng(40, 40);
createMap({center: center});
it('should pass events to the element as "map-eventname"', function () {
scope.zoomy = false;
scope.county = 0;
createMap({}, {
'map-zoom_changed': 'zoomy = true',
'map-dblclick map-dragend': 'county = county + 1'
google.maps.event.trigger(scope.gmap, 'zoom_changed');
google.maps.event.trigger(scope.gmap, 'dblclick');
google.maps.event.trigger(scope.gmap, 'dragend');
describe('test infoWindow', function () {
beforeEach(function () {
scope = $rootScope.$new();
it('should bind info window to scope', function () {
it('should create info window with given options & content', function () {
var content = $('<h1>Hi</h1>');
createWindow({ zIndex: 5 }, {}, content);
it('should $compile content and recognize scope changes', function () {
var inner = $('<input ng-model="myVal">');
createWindow({}, {}, inner);
scope.$apply(function () {
scope.myVal = 'initial';
});, scope.gmap.getCenter());
scope.$apply(function () {
scope.myVal = 'final';
it('should recognize infowindow events in ui-event as "map-eventname"', function () {
createWindow({}, {
'map-closeclick': 'closed = true'
google.maps.event.trigger(scope.ginfo, 'closeclick');

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