Dave Winer 9 years ago
parent 422b5e4b8e
commit 10d457ab1a

@ -0,0 +1,441 @@
exports.readOpmlString = readOpmlString;
exports.readOpmlFile = readOpmlFile;
exports.readOpmlUrl = readOpmlUrl;
exports.outlineVisiter = outlineVisiter;
var request = require ("request");
var stream = require ("stream"); //6/23/15 by DW
var opmlParser = require ("opmlparser"); //6/23/15 by DW
var opmlData = {
flUseOutlineCache: false,
outlineCache: new Object ()
function getBoolean (val) { //12/5/13 by DW
switch (typeof (val)) {
case "string":
if (val.toLowerCase () == "true") {
return (true);
case "boolean":
return (val);
case "number":
if (val == 1) {
return (true);
return (false);
function getNameAtt (theNode) {
function isAlpha (ch) {
return (((ch >= 'a') && (ch <= 'z')) || ((ch >= 'A') && (ch <= 'Z')));
function isNumeric (ch) {
return ((ch >= '0') && (ch <= '9'));
function stripMarkup (s) { //5/24/14 by DW
if ((s === undefined) || (s == null) || (s.length == 0)) {
return ("");
return (s.replace (/(<([^>]+)>)/ig, ""));
function innerCaseName (text) { //8/12/14 by DW
var s = "", ch, flNextUpper = false;
text = stripMarkup (text);
for (var i = 0; i < text.length; i++) {
ch = text [i];
if (isAlpha (ch) || isNumeric (ch)) {
if (flNextUpper) {
ch = ch.toUpperCase ();
flNextUpper = false;
else {
ch = ch.toLowerCase ();
s += ch;
else {
if (ch == ' ') {
flNextUpper = true;
return (s);
var nameatt =;
if (nameatt === undefined) {
nameatt = innerCaseName (theNode.text);
return (nameatt);
function typeIsDoc (theNode) {
var type = getNodeType (theNode);
return ((type !== undefined) && (type != "include") && (type != "link") && (type != "tweet"));
function getNodeType (theNode) {
if (theNode.type == "include") {
return (theNode.includetype); //this allows include nodes to have types
else {
return (theNode.type);
function copyScalars (source, dest) { //8/31/14 by DW
for (var x in source) {
var type, val = source [x];
if (val instanceof Date) {
val = val.toString ();
type = typeof (val);
if ((type != "object") && (type != undefined)) {
dest [x] = val;
function readInclude (theIncludeNode, callback) {
console.log ("readInclude: url == " + theIncludeNode.url);
readOpmlUrl (theIncludeNode.url, function (theOutline, err) {
if (err) {
callback (undefined);
else {
expandIncludes (theOutline, function (expandedOutline) {
callback (expandedOutline);
function outlineVisiter (theOutline, inlevelcallback, outlevelcallback, nodecallback, visitcompletecallback) {
function doLevel (head, path, levelcompletecallback) {
function doOneSub (head, ixsub) {
if ((head.subs !== undefined) && (ixsub < head.subs.length)) {
var sub = head.subs [ixsub], subpath = path + getNameAtt (sub);
if (!getBoolean (sub.iscomment)) {
if ((sub.type == "include") && (!typeIsDoc (sub))) {
nodecallback (sub, subpath);
readInclude (sub, function (theIncludedOutline) {
if (theIncludedOutline !== undefined) {
doLevel (theIncludedOutline, subpath + "/", function () {
outlevelcallback ();
doOneSub (head, ixsub +1);
else {
if (typeIsDoc (sub)) {
if (sub.type == "index") {
subpath += "/";
nodecallback (sub, subpath);
doOneSub (head, ixsub +1);
else {
nodecallback (sub, subpath);
if (sub.subs !== undefined) {
doLevel (sub, subpath + "/", function () {
outlevelcallback ();
doOneSub (head, ixsub +1);
else {
doOneSub (head, ixsub +1);
else {
doOneSub (head, ixsub +1);
else {
levelcompletecallback ();
inlevelcallback ();
if (head.type == "include") {
readInclude (head, function (theIncludedOutline) {
if (theIncludedOutline !== undefined) {
doOneSub (theIncludedOutline, 0);
else {
doOneSub (head, 0);
doLevel (theOutline, "", function () {
outlevelcallback ();
visitcompletecallback ();
function expandIncludes (theOutline, callback) {
var theNewOutline = new Object (), lastNewNode = theNewOutline, stack = new Array (), currentOutline;
function inlevelcallback () {
stack [stack.length] = currentOutline;
currentOutline = lastNewNode;
if (currentOutline.subs === undefined) {
currentOutline.subs = new Array ();
function nodecallback (theNode, path) {
var newNode = new Object ();
copyScalars (theNode, newNode);
currentOutline.subs [currentOutline.subs.length] = newNode;
lastNewNode = newNode;
function outlevelcallback () {
currentOutline = stack [stack.length - 1];
stack.length--; //pop the stack
outlineVisiter (theOutline, inlevelcallback, outlevelcallback, nodecallback, function () {
callback (theNewOutline);
function readOpmlString (s, callback) {
var opmlparser = new opmlParser ();
var outlineArray = new Array ();
var metadata = undefined;
flparseerror = false;
var theStream = new stream.Readable ();
theStream._read = function noop () {};
theStream.push (s);
theStream.push (null);
theStream.pipe (opmlparser);
opmlparser.on ("error", function (error) {
console.log ("readOpml: opml parser error == " + error.message);
if (callback != undefined) {
callback (undefined, error);
flparseerror = true;
opmlparser.on ("readable", function () {
var outline;
while (outline = ()) {
var ix = Number (outline ["#id"]);
outlineArray [ix] = outline;
if (metadata === undefined) {
metadata = this.meta;
opmlparser.on ("end", function () {
if (flparseerror) {
var theOutline = new Object ();
//copy elements of the metadata object into the root of the outline
function copyone (name) {
var val = metadata [name];
if ((val !== undefined) && (val != null)) {
theOutline [name] = val;
copyone ("title");
copyone ("datecreated");
copyone ("datemodified");
copyone ("ownername");
copyone ("owneremail");
copyone ("description");
for (var i = 0; i < outlineArray.length; i++) {
var obj = outlineArray [i];
if (obj != null) {
var idparent = obj ["#parentid"], parent;
if (idparent == 0) {
parent = theOutline;
else {
parent = outlineArray [idparent];
if (parent.subs === undefined) {
parent.subs = new Array ();
parent.subs [parent.subs.length] = obj;
delete obj ["#id"];
delete obj ["#parentid"];
expandIncludes (theOutline, function (expandedOutline) {
if (callback != undefined) {
callback (expandedOutline, undefined);
function readOpmlFile (f, callback) {
var outlineArray = new Array ();
var fstream = fs.createReadStream (f);
var opmlparser = new opmlParser ();
var metadata = undefined;
flparseerror = false;
fstream.pipe (opmlparser);
opmlparser.on ("error", function (error) {
console.log ("readOpml: opml parser error == " + error.message);
if (callback != undefined) {
callback (undefined, error);
flparseerror = true;
opmlparser.on ("readable", function () {
var outline;
while (outline = ()) {
var ix = Number (outline ["#id"]);
outlineArray [ix] = outline;
if (metadata === undefined) {
metadata = this.meta;
opmlparser.on ("end", function () {
if (flparseerror) {
var theOutline = new Object ();
//copy elements of the metadata object into the root of the outline
function copyone (name) {
var val = metadata [name];
if ((val !== undefined) && (val != null)) {
theOutline [name] = val;
copyone ("title");
copyone ("datecreated");
copyone ("datemodified");
copyone ("ownername");
copyone ("owneremail");
copyone ("description");
for (var i = 0; i < outlineArray.length; i++) {
var obj = outlineArray [i];
if (obj != null) {
var idparent = obj ["#parentid"], parent;
if (idparent == 0) {
parent = theOutline;
else {
parent = outlineArray [idparent];
if (parent.subs === undefined) {
parent.subs = new Array ();
parent.subs [parent.subs.length] = obj;
delete obj ["#id"];
delete obj ["#parentid"];
expandIncludes (theOutline, function (expandedOutline) {
if (callback != undefined) {
callback (expandedOutline, undefined);
function readOpmlUrl (urlOutline, callback) {
if (opmlData.flUseOutlineCache && (opmlData.outlineCache [urlOutline] !== undefined)) {
if (callback !== undefined) {
callback (opmlData.outlineCache [urlOutline], undefined);
else {
var outlineArray = new Array ();
var opmlparser = new opmlParser ();
var metadata = undefined;
var flparseerror = false;
var req;
var theRequest = {
url: urlOutline,
headers: {
"Accept": "text/x-opml, */*",
req = request (theRequest);
req.on ("response", function (res) {
var stream = this;
if (res.statusCode == 200) {
stream.pipe (opmlparser);
req.on ("error", function (res) {
console.log ("readOpml: error reading outline. urlOutline == " + urlOutline);
if (callback != undefined) {
callback (undefined, res);
opmlparser.on ("error", function (error) {
console.log ("readOpml: opml parser error == " + error.message);
if (callback != undefined) {
callback (undefined, error);
flparseerror = true;
opmlparser.on ("readable", function () {
var outline;
while (outline = ()) {
var ix = Number (outline ["#id"]);
outlineArray [ix] = outline;
if (metadata === undefined) {
metadata = this.meta;
opmlparser.on ("end", function () {
if (flparseerror) {
var theOutline = new Object ();
//copy elements of the metadata object into the root of the outline
function copyone (name) {
var val = metadata [name];
if ((val !== undefined) && (val != null)) {
theOutline [name] = val;
copyone ("title");
copyone ("datecreated");
copyone ("datemodified");
copyone ("ownername");
copyone ("owneremail");
copyone ("description");
for (var i = 0; i < outlineArray.length; i++) {
var obj = outlineArray [i];
if (obj != null) {
var idparent = obj ["#parentid"], parent;
if (idparent == 0) {
parent = theOutline;
else {
parent = outlineArray [idparent];
if (parent.subs === undefined) {
parent.subs = new Array ();
parent.subs [parent.subs.length] = obj;
delete obj ["#id"];
delete obj ["#parentid"];
if (opmlData.flUseOutlineCache) {
opmlData.outlineCache [urlOutline] = theOutline;
if (callback != undefined) {
callback (theOutline, undefined);

@ -355,6 +355,22 @@ function random (lower, upper) {
function removeMultipleBlanks (s) { //7/30/14 by DW
return (s.toString().replace (/ +/g, " "));
function jsonStringify (jstruct, flFixBreakage) { //7/30/14 by DW
//6/16/15; 10:43:25 AM by DW
//Andrew Shell reported an issue in the encoding of JSON that's solved by doing character replacement.
//However, this is too big a change to make for all the code that calls this library routine, so we added a boolean flag, flFixBreakage.
//If this proves to be harmless, we'll change the default to true.
if (flFixBreakage === undefined) {
flFixBreakage = false;
var s = JSON.stringify (jstruct, undefined, 4);
if (flFixBreakage) {
s = s.replace (/\u2028/g,'\\u2028').replace (/\u2029/g,'\\u2029');
return (s);
function stringAddCommas (x) { //5/27/14 by DW
return x.toString().replace(/\B(?=(\d{3})+(?!\d))/g, ",");
@ -481,9 +497,6 @@ function getFavicon (url) { //7/18/14 by DW
var domain = getDomain (url);
return ("" + domain);
function jsonStringify (jstruct) { //7/19/14 by DW
return (JSON.stringify (jstruct, undefined, 4));
function getURLParameter (name) { //7/21/14 by DW
return (decodeURI ((RegExp(name + '=' + '(.+?)(&|$)').exec(||[,null])[1]));

@ -9,6 +9,7 @@
"dependencies" : {
"request": "*",
"mime": "*",
"opmlparser": "*",
"marked": "*"
"license": "MIT",

@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
var myVersion = "0.60c", myProductName = "PagePark";
var myVersion = "0.61s", myProductName = "PagePark";
//The MIT License (MIT)
@ -32,6 +32,7 @@ var marked = require ("marked");
var dns = require ("dns");
var mime = require ("mime"); //1/8/15 by DW
var utils = require ("./lib/utils.js"); //1/18/15 by DW
var opmlLib = require ("./lib/opml.js"); //6/23/15 by DW
var folderPathFromEnv = process.env.pageparkFolderPath; //1/3/15 by DW
@ -39,7 +40,8 @@ var pageparkPrefs = {
myPort: 1339, //1/8/15 by DW -- was 80, see note in
indexFilename: "index",
flProcessScriptFiles: true, extScriptFiles: "js", //5/5/15 by DW
flProcessMarkdownFiles: true, extMarkdownFiles: "md" //5/5/15 by DW
flProcessMarkdownFiles: true, extMarkdownFiles: "md", //5/5/15 by DW
flProcessOpmlFiles: true, extOpmlFiles: "opml" //6/23/15 by DW
var fnamePrefs = "prefs/prefs.json";
@ -56,7 +58,10 @@ var domainsPath = "domains/";
var configFname = "/config.json";
var mdTemplatePath = "prefs/mdTemplate.txt";
var urlDefaultTemplate = "";
var urlDefaultMarkdownTemplate = "";
var opmlTemplatePath = "prefs/opmlTemplate.txt";
var urlDefaultOpmlTemplate = "";
function fsSureFilePath (path, callback) {
var splits = path.split ("/");
@ -114,12 +119,12 @@ function getFullFilePath (relpath) { //1/3/15 by DW
return (folderpath + relpath);
function getMarkdownTemplate (callback) {
var f = getFullFilePath (mdTemplatePath);
function getTemplate (myTemplatePath, urlDefaultTemplate, callback) {
var f = getFullFilePath (myTemplatePath);
fs.readFile (f, function (err, data) {
if (err) {
httpReadUrl (urlDefaultTemplate, function (s) {
fs.writeFile (mdTemplatePath, s, function (err) {
fs.writeFile (myTemplatePath, s, function (err) {
if (callback != undefined) {
callback (s);
@ -133,6 +138,12 @@ function getMarkdownTemplate (callback) {
function getMarkdownTemplate (callback) {
getTemplate (mdTemplatePath, urlDefaultMarkdownTemplate, callback);
function getOpmlTemplate (callback) { //6/23/15 by DW
getTemplate (opmlTemplatePath, urlDefaultOpmlTemplate, callback);
function checkPathForIllegalChars (path) {
function isIllegal (ch) {
if (utils.isAlpha (ch) || utils.isNumeric (ch)) {
@ -161,6 +172,20 @@ function everySecond () {
function handleHttpRequest (httpRequest, httpResponse) {
function hasAcceptHeader (theHeader) {
if (httpRequest.headers.accept === undefined) {
return (false);
else {
var split = httpRequest.headers.accept.split (", ");
for (var i = 0; i < split.length; i++) {
if (split [i] == theHeader) {
return (true);
return (false);
function getDomainFolder (host, callback) { //5/11/15 by DW
var folder = getFullFilePath (domainsPath);
var domainfolder = folder + host;
@ -187,8 +212,10 @@ function handleHttpRequest (httpRequest, httpResponse) {
urlSiteContents: undefined,
flProcessScriptFiles: true,
flProcessMarkdownFiles: true,
flProcessOpmlFiles: true,
extScriptFiles: pageparkPrefs.extScriptFiles,
extMarkdownFiles: pageparkPrefs.extMarkdownFiles
extMarkdownFiles: pageparkPrefs.extMarkdownFiles,
extOpmlFiles: pageparkPrefs.extOpmlFiles
var f = getFullFilePath (domainsPath) + host + configFname;
fs.readFile (f, function (err, data) {
@ -234,12 +261,10 @@ function handleHttpRequest (httpRequest, httpResponse) {
httpResponse.writeHead (200, {"Content-Type": type});
httpResponse.end (val.toString ());
function defaultReturn (type, data) {
httpResponse.writeHead (200, {"Content-Type": type});
httpResponse.end (data);
fs.readFile (f, function (err, data) {
if (err) {
return404 ();
@ -280,6 +305,24 @@ function handleHttpRequest (httpRequest, httpResponse) {
defaultReturn (type, data);
case config.extOpmlFiles: //6/23/15 by DW
var flReturnHtml = !hasAcceptHeader ("text/x-opml");
if (pageparkPrefs.flProcessOpmlFiles && config.flProcessOpmlFiles && flReturnHtml) { //xxx
getOpmlTemplate (function (theTemplate) {
var opmltext = data.toString (), pagetable = new Object ();
opmlLib.readOpmlString (opmltext, function (theOutline) {
pagetable.bodytext = utils.jsonStringify (theOutline);
pagetable.title = utils.stringLastField (f, "/");
var s = utils.multipleReplaceAll (theTemplate, pagetable, false, "[%", "%]");
httpResponse.writeHead (200, {"Content-Type": "text/html"});
httpResponse.end (s);
else {
defaultReturn (type, data);
defaultReturn (type, data);
