You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

53 lines
1.2 KiB

## v0.1.13-dev
- Added `--no-color` command line option to not display color when
- Slight change to binding behavior: if `-p` is passed without `-b`,
we'll try to bind to that port. To this easier: `phd -p 7777`
## v0.1.12
`phd` now uses `-b` and `--bind` to set the host and port to
bind to. `-p` and `-h` are now strictly for URL generation.
This should hopefully make it easier to run `phd` behind a
proxy and still generate proper links.
Thanks to @bradfier for the patch!
## v0.1.11
`phd` now ships with a basic manual!
It will be installed via homebrew and (eventually) AUR.
For now you can view it by cloning the repository and running:
man ./doc/phd.1
## v0.1.10
`phd` can now render a single page to stdout, instead of starting
as a server. Those of us in the biz refer to this as "serverless".
For example, if your Gopher site lives in `/srv/gopher` and you want
to render the main page, just run:
phd -r / /srv/gopher
This will print the raw Gopher menu to stdout!
To view the "/about" page, pass that selector:
phd -r / /srv/gopher
Edge computing is now Gopher-scale! Enjoy!
## v0.1.9
Switch to using GitHub Actions for release automation.