[RTL UI] Bidi wrapping tweaks

- Alias everything to Bidi.nowrap() when in LTR UI, as using
  LTR isolates seems uneeded when already LTR.
- Better wrapping of RTL filename by using auto direction and
  LTR-isolating only the suffix so it's always on a side.
- menu.lua: handle bidi_wrap_func outside getMenuText(), which
  may be used in other contexts.
- Add BD.filepath() and BD.dirpath()
poire-z 4 years ago
parent f488eb2bb3
commit a628714f51

@ -37,6 +37,7 @@ https://material.io/design/usability/bidirectionality.html
local Language = require("ui/language")
local util = require("util")
local _ = require("gettext")
local Bidi = {
@ -78,13 +79,25 @@ function Bidi.setup(lang)
-- Optimise Bidi.default and Bidi.wrap by aliasing them to the right wrappers
-- Optimise some wrappers by aliasing them to the right wrappers
if Bidi._rtl_ui_text then
Bidi.default = Bidi.rtl
Bidi.wrap = Bidi.rtl
Bidi.filename = Bidi._filename_rtl
Bidi.filepath = Bidi.ltr -- see if we need to split and _filename_rtl() the filename part
Bidi.directory = Bidi.ltr
Bidi.dirpath = Bidi.ltr
Bidi.path = Bidi.ltr
Bidi.url = Bidi.ltr
Bidi.default = Bidi.ltr
Bidi.wrap = Bidi.noop
Bidi.wrap = Bidi.nowrap
Bidi.filename = Bidi.nowrap
Bidi.filepath = Bidi.nowrap
Bidi.directory = Bidi.nowrap
Bidi.dirpath = Bidi.nowrap
Bidi.path = Bidi.nowrap
Bidi.url = Bidi.nowrap
@ -160,14 +173,14 @@ function Bidi.default(text) -- default direction
return Bidi._rtl_ui_text and Bidi.rtl(text) or Bidi.ltr(text)
function Bidi.noop(text) -- no wrap
function Bidi.nowrap(text)
return text
-- Helper for concatenated string bits of numbers an symbols (like
-- our reader footer) to keep them ordered in RTL UI (to not have
-- a letter B for battery make the whole string considered LTR).
-- Note: it will be replaced and aliased to Bidi.noop or Bidi.rtl
-- Note: it will be replaced and aliased to Bidi.nowrap or Bidi.rtl
-- by Bibi.setup() as an optimisation
function Bidi.wrap(text)
return Bidi._rtl_ui_text and Bidi.rtl(text) or text
@ -181,9 +194,21 @@ end
-- shown as real RTL).
-- Note: when the filename or path are standalone in a TextWidget, it's
-- better to use "para_direction_rtl = false" without any wrapping.
Bidi.filename = Bidi.ltr
Bidi.directory = Bidi.ltr
Bidi.path = Bidi.ltr
Bidi.url = Bidi.ltr
Bidi.filename = Bidi.nowrap -- aliased to Bidi._filename_rtl if _rtl_ui_text
Bidi.filepath = Bidi.nowrap -- aliased to Bidi.ltr if _rtl_ui_text
Bidi.directory = Bidi.nowrap -- aliased to Bidi.ltr if _rtl_ui_text
Bidi.dirpath = Bidi.nowrap -- aliased to Bidi.ltr if _rtl_ui_text
Bidi.path = Bidi.nowrap -- aliased to Bidi.ltr if _rtl_ui_text
Bidi.url = Bidi.nowrap -- aliased to Bidi.ltr if _rtl_ui_text
function Bidi._filename_rtl(filename)
-- We always want to show the extension either on the left
-- or on the right - never in the middle (which could happen
-- with the bidi algo if we give it the filename as-is).
local name, suffix = util.splitFileNameSuffix(filename)
-- Let the first strong character of the filename decides
-- about the direction
return Bidi.auto(name .. "." .. Bidi.ltr(suffix))
return Bidi

@ -135,6 +135,7 @@ Widget that displays an item for menu
local MenuItem = InputContainer:new{
text = nil,
bidi_wrap_func = nil,
show_parent = nil,
detail = nil,
font = "cfont",
@ -257,6 +258,12 @@ function MenuItem:init()
-- get rid of any \n (which could be found in highlighted text in bookmarks).
local text = self.text:gsub("\n", " ")
-- Wrap text with provided bidi_wrap_func (only provided by FileChooser,
-- to correctly display filenames and directories)
if self.bidi_wrap_func then
text = self.bidi_wrap_func(text)
if self.single_line then -- items only in single line
-- No font size change: text will be truncated if it overflows
item_name = TextWidget:new{
@ -1002,6 +1009,7 @@ function Menu:updateItems(select_number)
state = self.item_table[i].state,
state_size = self.state_size or {},
text = Menu.getMenuText(self.item_table[i]),
bidi_wrap_func = self.item_table[i].bidi_wrap_func,
mandatory = self.item_table[i].mandatory,
bold = self.item_table.current == i or self.item_table[i].bold == true,
dim = self.item_table[i].dim,
@ -1308,9 +1316,6 @@ function Menu.getMenuText(item)
text = item.text
if item.bidi_wrap_func then
text = item.bidi_wrap_func(text)
if item.sub_item_table ~= nil or item.sub_item_table_func then
text = string.format(sub_item_format, text)
