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## Overview ##
Firefox for Android roughly follows the [Firefox Gecko release schedule](
This means we cut a beta at the end of every two sprints, with a full cycle (~4 weeks) of baking on Beta before going to release. Uplifts must be approved by Release Owner (st3fan).
The [Firefox for Android release schedule]( contains more details related to specific Mobile handoffs.
| Monday | Tuesday | Wednesday | Thursday | Friday |
| (week 1) | | (Y.2 sprint ended) |Sprint **X.1** starts | |
| (week 2) | | | | |
| (week 3) | | Cut **X.1-beta** 12PST | **X.1-beta** QA / Sprint X.2 starts ||
| (week 4) | | | | |
| (week 5) | | Uplift L10N to **X.1-beta** | Sprint Z.1 starts | |
| (week 6) | Build X.1-RC with GV Prod for QA | | | |
| (week 7) | Release X.1 - 5% | Release X.1 20% / Cut Z.1-beta | Release X.1 100% | |
### Requirements
- JIRA access
- Bugzilla account
- Sentry access
## Release Checklist
There are two releases this covers: the current sprint that is going out to Beta, and the previous Beta that is going to Production.
## Start of Sprint X.1 [Thursday, 1st week of sprint]
- [ ] [Create an issue]( "Releng for v[release]" to track the current sprint.
## Sprint X.1 End [Wednesday, 2nd week] Cutting a Beta
- [ ] Make a new Beta
- [ ] Create a branch off of main (DO NOT PUSH YET) for the *current* milestone of format `releases_v85.0.0`. After that, anything landing in main will be part of the next release.
- ⚠️ Please **do not** use `/` in branch names anymore: Taskcluster silently ignores them and doesn't output tasks at the right index.
- [ ] Bump `version.txt` to match the new version number
- [ ] Grant [moz-releng-automation2]( write access to this branch. (Probably by adding the `mozilla-mobile/bots` team)
- [ ] On the new Beta branch, pin the AC version to the stable version ([example]( with commit message "Issue #`<this releng issue>`: Pin to stable AC `<version>` for release v85"
- [ ] Update the title to include this AC version "Releng for v[release] with AC [version]"
- Note: You will need code review to make changes to the release branch after this point, because it is a protected branch.
- [ ] Push the branch.
- [ ] Tell Release Management the first beta is ready to be shipped. They'll use to kick off a new release. This replaces the process that involved GitHub releases. Now Github releases are automatically created by [moz-releng-automation2](
- [ ] Send an email to QA at with a link to the Taskcluster build (subdirectory of the [Fenix CI](
### Bugfix uplifts / Beta Product Integrity (Beta Release until PI green signoff)
- [ ] If bugs are considered release blocker then find someone to fix them on main and the milestone branch (cherry-pick / uplift)
- [ ] Add the uplift request to the appropriate row in the [Uplifts document](
- [ ] If needed, ship a new beta version (e.g. v1.0-beta.2) and follow the submission checklist again.
- [ ] Once there is GREEN QA signoff, file a [release management bugzilla for rollout](
- [ ] Check Sentry each day for issues on [Firefox Beta]( and if nothing concerning, bump release in the bugzilla (5%, 20%, 100%)
### Uplifting L10N strings to Beta [Wednesday, 2 weeks after sprint end]
- [ ] Find the issue ([example]( filed by L10N / delphine saying string are ready for uplift (it takes 2 weeks for localizers to prepare localization).
- [ ] If there are new locales that are ready to be added to Release, add them to [l10n-release.toml](
- [ ] Run the [L10N uplift script]( against the releases/vX.1 branch (releases/v85.0.0). There will likely be conflicts, but if you are confused, they should match the strings in [main/Nightly](
- [ ] Once all conflicts are resolved, tag a new Beta to be released.
- [ ] Notify delphine in the L10N issue that the strings have been uplifted, and string quarantine can be lifted
### Production Release Candidate [Tuesday, 3 weeks after X.1 Beta was cut]
- [ ] In android-components: Create a dot release with the GeckoView Production release candidate.
- [ ] Open a PR against the release branch (releases/v85.0.0) with the AC version bump "Pin to stable AC `<version>` for release v85`. You will need code review.
- [ ] Modify `version.txt` to now follow the pattern: `vX.X.X-rc.1` (e.g.: v85.0.0-rc.1)
- [ ] Tell Release Management you would like to ship a new release.
- [ ] Send an email to QA at with a link to the Taskcluster build (subdirectory of the [Fenix CI](
### Production Release [Release day, from [release calendar](]
- [ ] Modify `version.txt` to now follow the pattern: `vX.1.X` (e.g.: v85.1.0)
- [ ] File Bugzilla ticket for [release management](
- [ ] Check Sentry for new crashes. File issues and triage.
- [ ] Each day, bump the release rollout if nothing concerning (5%, 20%, 100%)