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## Overview ##
Firefox for Android roughly follows the [Firefox Gecko release schedule](
This means we cut a Beta every 4 weeks, with a full cycle (~4 weeks) of baking on Beta before going to Production release.
The [Firefox for Android release schedule]( contains more details related to specific Mobile handoffs.
### Requirements
- JIRA access
- Bugzilla account
- Sentry access
## Firefox for Android Release
There are two releases this covers: the current changes in the Fenix Nightly channel that is going out to Beta, and the current Beta that is going to Production.
## Cutting a Beta
- [ ] Review [FeatureFlags]( to determine if there are features that need to be enabled (or disabled) for Beta and Production release of Fenix. This will be a discussion with PO, PMs, EMs.
- [ ] Make a new Beta: Follow instructions [here]( and notify the Release Management team (slack: #releaseduty-mobile). QA team is notified that a Beta release has been captured and they will run tests for Beta release sign-off
- [ ] Once there is GREEN QA signoff, the Release Management team (slack: #releaseduty-mobile) pushes the Beta version in the [Google Play Console](
- [ ] Check Sentry each day for issues on [Firefox Beta]( and if nothing concerning, Release Management team bumps releases to 25%. Subsequent Beta builds are bumped to 100% assuming no blocking issues arise.
### Bugfix uplifts / Beta Product Integrity
- [ ] If bugs are considered release blocker then find someone to fix them on main and the milestone branch (cherry-pick / uplift)
- [ ] Add the uplift request to the appropriate row in the [Uplifts document]( Ask for approval of uplift from Release Owner [amedyne]( and then notify Release Management team (slack: #releaseduty-mobile) of the uplift changes
- Note: Beta release versions are captured at least once a week during the Beta cycle.
### Production Release Candidate
- Production Release Candidate is captured on the third week of Beta by the Release Management team (slack: #releaseduty-mobile). This is then sent to Quality Assurance for Production Release Testing Sign-off.
## Production Release
- [ ] Once there is GREEN QA signoff, the Production Release Candidate is pushed to the Alpha testing track in [Google Play Console]( by the Release Management team (slack: #releaseduty-mobile)
- [ ] If nothing is concerning, release management officially tags the Release Candidate as Production release, (usually 1 week after 1st Release Candidate)
- [ ] Check Sentry for new crashes. Follow instructions for [Crash Monitoring]( File issues and triage.
- [ ] If nothing concerning, release management bumps releases(5%, 25%, 100%)