For #15707 - post: add lint test dependencies to android-gradle-dependencies script.

`assemble` doesn't assemble the tests so we need to run `test`.
`testClasses` isn't good enough because, according to `--profile`, it
doesn't include dependencies for `testRuntimeClasspath`.
Michael Comella 4 years ago committed by Michael Comella
parent 087f9b9f92
commit 8cb4618081

@ -21,10 +21,10 @@ pushd $PROJECT_DIR
NEXUS_PREFIX='http://localhost:8081/nexus/content/repositories' NEXUS_PREFIX='http://localhost:8081/nexus/content/repositories'
GRADLE_ARGS="--parallel -PgoogleRepo=$NEXUS_PREFIX/google/ -PjcenterRepo=$NEXUS_PREFIX/jcenter/" GRADLE_ARGS="--parallel -PgoogleRepo=$NEXUS_PREFIX/google/ -PjcenterRepo=$NEXUS_PREFIX/jcenter/"
# We build everything to be sure to fetch all dependencies # We build everything to be sure to fetch all dependencies
./gradlew $GRADLE_ARGS assemble assembleAndroidTest ktlint detekt ./gradlew $GRADLE_ARGS assemble assembleAndroidTest testClasses ktlint detekt
# Some tests may be flaky, although they still download dependencies. So we let the following # Some tests may be flaky, although they still download dependencies. So we let the following
# command fail, if needed. # command fail, if needed.
set +e; ./gradlew $GRADLE_ARGS -Pcoverage test; set -e set +e; ./gradlew $GRADLE_ARGS -Pcoverage test mozilla-detekt-rules:test mozilla-lint-rules:test; set -e
# ./gradlew lint is missing because of So far, # ./gradlew lint is missing because of So far,
