For #26069 - Update steps for downloading APKs from open PRs.

Mugurell 2 years ago committed by mergify[bot]
parent 96472c9d72
commit 5c7921b448

@ -36,8 +36,8 @@ messaging:
type: string
description: What should be displayed when a control message is selected.
- show-next-message
- show-none
- show-next-message
type: json
description: "A map of styles to configure message appearance.\n"

@ -10,11 +10,12 @@
<!-- Before submitting the PR, please address each item -->
- [ ] **QA Needed**
### To download an APK when reviewing a PR:
1. click on Show All Checks,
2. click Details next to "Taskcluster (pull_request)" after it appears and then finishes with a green checkmark,
3. click on the "Fenix - assemble" task, then click "Run Artifacts".
4. the APK links should be on the left side of the screen, named for each CPU architecture
### To download an APK when reviewing a PR (after all CI tasks finished running):
1. Click on `Checks` at the top of the PR page.
2. Click on the `firefoxci-taskcluster` group on the left to expand all tasks.
3. Click on the `build-debug` task.
4. Click on `View task in Taskcluster` in the new `DETAILS` section.
5. The APK links should be on the right side of the screen, named for each CPU architecture.
### GitHub Automation
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