No issue: add script for compiling closed issues from commit history (#6509)

Severin Rudie 5 years ago committed by liuche
parent 769c1e422d
commit 18edad9e45

@ -34,7 +34,8 @@ We will refer to the release that is going out as the *current* release.
- [ ] Merge any remaining [automated L10N string PRs]( - [ ] Merge any remaining [automated L10N string PRs](
- [ ] Create a branch off of master (DO NOT PUSH YET) for the *current* milestone of format `releases/v2.3` (where 2.3 is the *current* milestone). After that, anything landing in master will be part of the next milestone. - [ ] Create a branch off of master (DO NOT PUSH YET) for the *current* milestone of format `releases/v2.3` (where 2.3 is the *current* milestone). After that, anything landing in master will be part of the next milestone.
- [ ] On the Release branch, pin the AC version to the stable version ([example]( with commit message "Issue #`<this releng issue>`: Pin to stable AC `<version>` for release v2.3" (replacing 2.3 with the version) - [ ] On the Release branch, pin the AC version to the stable version ([example]( with commit message "Issue #`<this releng issue>`: Pin to stable AC `<version>` for release v2.3" (replacing 2.3 with the version)
- [ ] Go through the list of issues closed during this sprint and make sure they all have the correct milestone. - For each issue closed since the last release (run `kotlinc -script automation/releasetools/PrintMentionedIssuesAndPrs.kts` to get a list [see script for details]):
- [ ] Ensure it has the correct milestone.
- [ ] Add `eng:qa:needed` flags on each issue that still needs it. - [ ] Add `eng:qa:needed` flags on each issue that still needs it.
- Note: You will need code review to make changes to the release branch after this point, because it is a protected branch. - Note: You will need code review to make changes to the release branch after this point, because it is a protected branch.
- [ ] Push the branch. - [ ] Push the branch.

@ -0,0 +1,102 @@
import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit
* Script for use when compiling a changelog. It will find all GH mentions in commit
* messages newer than the HEAD of the passed git tag. If no tag is passed, it will
* default to the highest versioned tag, as defined by gits `--sort=version:refname`.
* @param (optional) git tag of the earliest commit through which to search. If null,
* this will default to the tag on origin with the highest version name.
* To run this script:
* - Update local master
* - From project root, run `kotlinc -script automation/releasetools/PrintMentionedIssuesAndPrs.kts`
* - Use origin/master, instead of local master
* - Interface with the GitHub API to filter out references to PRs
* - Pull down issue names for each, to make constructing the changelog easier
val origin = ""
val DEBUG = false
println("Starting PrintMentionedIssuesAndPrs.kts")
val tag = try { args[0] } catch(e: IndexOutOfBoundsException) { getHighestVersionedTag() }
debug { "Last tag: $tag" }
val commonCommit = getMostRecentCommonAncestorWithMaster(tag)
debug { "common commit: $commonCommit" }
val log = gitLogSince(commonCommit)
debug { "Log: $log" }
val numbers = getNumbersFromLog(log)
debug { "Numbers: ${numbers.joinToString()}" }
fun getHighestVersionedTag(): String {
val originTags = runCommand("git ls-remote --tags --sort=version:refname $origin")
// Tags are sorted in ascending order, so this returns the name of the newest tag
return originTags.substringAfterLast("refs/tags/")
// Trim the trailing line break
fun getMostRecentCommonAncestorWithMaster(tag: String): String {
runCommand("git fetch --tags")
// TODO use origin master
return runCommand("git merge-base master $tag").trim()
fun gitLogSince(sha: String): String {
val returnAsString = "--no-pager"
val maxCount = "-500"
// There is no plumbing version of 'git log', but pretty formatting provides a
// mostly consistent return value
// See:
val formatSubjectOnly = "--pretty=format:%s"
return runCommand("git $returnAsString log $sha..HEAD $maxCount $formatSubjectOnly")
fun getNumbersFromLog(log: String): List<String> {
val pattern = "#\\d+".toRegex()
return pattern.findAll(log)
.map { it.value }
// Function adapted from:
fun runCommand(cmd: String, workingDir: File = File(".")): String {
try {
val parts = cmd.split(" ".toRegex())
debug { "Parts: $parts" }
val proc = ProcessBuilder(*parts.toTypedArray())
proc.waitFor(10, TimeUnit.SECONDS)
debug { "Err: ${proc.errorStream.bufferedReader().use { it.readText() }}" }
return proc.inputStream.bufferedReader().use { it.readText() }
} catch(e: IOException) {
fun debug(block: () -> String) {
if (DEBUG) println(block())