You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

207 lines
11 KiB

/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
* file, You can obtain one at */
package org.mozilla.fenix
import android.os.Build
import io.mockk.Runs
import io.mockk.every
import io.mockk.just
import io.mockk.mockk
import io.mockk.spyk
import io.mockk.verify
import mozilla.components.concept.engine.webextension.DisabledFlags
import mozilla.components.concept.engine.webextension.Metadata
import mozilla.components.concept.engine.webextension.WebExtension
import mozilla.components.feature.addons.migration.DefaultSupportedAddonsChecker
import mozilla.components.service.glean.testing.GleanTestRule
import org.junit.Assert.assertEquals
import org.junit.Assert.assertFalse
import org.junit.Assert.assertTrue
import org.junit.Before
import org.junit.Rule
import org.junit.Test
import org.junit.runner.RunWith
import org.mozilla.fenix.GleanMetrics.Addons
import org.mozilla.fenix.GleanMetrics.Metrics
import org.mozilla.fenix.GleanMetrics.Preferences
import org.mozilla.fenix.GleanMetrics.SearchDefaultEngine
import org.mozilla.fenix.GleanMetrics.TopSites
import org.mozilla.fenix.components.metrics.MozillaProductDetector
import org.mozilla.fenix.components.toolbar.ToolbarPosition
import org.mozilla.fenix.helpers.FenixRobolectricTestRunner
import org.mozilla.fenix.utils.BrowsersCache
import org.mozilla.fenix.utils.Settings
import org.robolectric.annotation.Config
class FenixApplicationTest {
@get:Rule val gleanTestRule = GleanTestRule(ApplicationProvider.getApplicationContext())
private lateinit var application: FenixApplication
private lateinit var browsersCache: BrowsersCache
private lateinit var mozillaProductDetector: MozillaProductDetector
private lateinit var browserStore: BrowserStore
fun setUp() {
application = ApplicationProvider.getApplicationContext()
browsersCache = mockk(relaxed = true)
mozillaProductDetector = mockk(relaxed = true)
browserStore = BrowserStore()
fun `GIVEN there are unsupported addons installed WHEN subscribing for new add-ons checks THEN register for checks`() {
val checker = mockk<DefaultSupportedAddonsChecker>(relaxed = true)
val unSupportedExtension: WebExtension = mockk()
val metadata: Metadata = mockk()
every { unSupportedExtension.getMetadata() } returns metadata
every { metadata.disabledFlags } returns
application.subscribeForNewAddonsIfNeeded(checker, listOf(unSupportedExtension))
verify { checker.registerForChecks() }
fun `GIVEN there are no unsupported addons installed WHEN subscribing for new add-ons checks THEN unregister for checks`() {
val checker = mockk<DefaultSupportedAddonsChecker>(relaxed = true)
val unSupportedExtension: WebExtension = mockk()
val metadata: Metadata = mockk()
every { unSupportedExtension.getMetadata() } returns metadata
every { metadata.disabledFlags } returns
application.subscribeForNewAddonsIfNeeded(checker, listOf(unSupportedExtension))
verify { checker.unregisterForChecks() }
@Config(sdk = [Build.VERSION_CODES.O])
fun `WHEN setStartupMetrics is called THEN sets some base metrics`() {
val expectedAppName = "org.mozilla.fenix"
val expectedAppInstallSource = "org.mozilla.install.source"
val settings = spyk(Settings(testContext))
val application = spyk(application)
val packageManager: PackageManager = mockk()
every { application.packageManager } returns packageManager
every { packageManager.getInstallerPackageName(any()) } returns expectedAppInstallSource
every { browsersCache.all(any()).isDefaultBrowser } returns true
every { mozillaProductDetector.getMozillaBrowserDefault(any()) } returns expectedAppName
every { mozillaProductDetector.getInstalledMozillaProducts(any()) } returns listOf(expectedAppName)
every { settings.adjustCampaignId } returns "ID"
every { settings.adjustAdGroup } returns "group"
every { settings.adjustCreative } returns "creative"
every { settings.adjustNetwork } returns "network"
every { settings.searchWidgetInstalled } returns true
every { settings.openTabsCount } returns 1
every { settings.topSitesSize } returns 2
every { settings.installedAddonsCount } returns 3
every { settings.installedAddonsList } returns "test1,test2,test3"
every { settings.enabledAddonsCount } returns 2
every { settings.enabledAddonsList } returns "test1,test2"
every { settings.desktopBookmarksSize } returns 4
every { settings.mobileBookmarksSize } returns 5
every { settings.toolbarPosition } returns ToolbarPosition.BOTTOM
every { settings.getTabViewPingString() } returns "test"
every { settings.getTabTimeoutPingString() } returns "test"
every { settings.shouldShowSearchSuggestions } returns true
every { settings.shouldUseTrackingProtection } returns true
every { settings.isRemoteDebuggingEnabled } returns true
every { settings.isTelemetryEnabled } returns true
every { settings.isExperimentationEnabled } returns true
every { settings.shouldShowHistorySuggestions } returns true
every { settings.shouldShowBookmarkSuggestions } returns true
every { settings.shouldShowClipboardSuggestions } returns true
every { settings.shouldShowSearchShortcuts } returns true
every { settings.openLinksInAPrivateTab } returns true
every { settings.shouldShowSearchSuggestionsInPrivate } returns true
every { settings.shouldShowVoiceSearch } returns true
every { settings.openLinksInExternalApp } returns true
every { settings.shouldUseFixedTopToolbar } returns true
every { settings.useStandardTrackingProtection } returns true
every { settings.switchServiceIsEnabled } returns true
every { settings.touchExplorationIsEnabled } returns true
every { settings.shouldUseLightTheme } returns true
every { settings.signedInFxaAccount } returns true
every { settings.showRecentTabsFeature } returns true
every { settings.showRecentBookmarksFeature } returns true
every { settings.showTopFrecentSites } returns true
every { settings.historyMetadataUIFeature } returns true
every { settings.showPocketRecommendationsFeature } returns true
every { settings.showPocketRecommendationsFeature } returns true
every { settings.searchTermTabGroupsAreEnabled } returns true
every { application.reportHomeScreenMetrics(settings) } just Runs
[fenix] MR2 Inactive tabs telemetry ( * For - Added telemetry for interacting with inactive tabs * For - Added missing inactive tab delete count event to delete all event * For - Added PR numbers to metrics * For - Updated broken unit tests. Resolved critical lint warning. * For - Fixed inactive tabs setting toggle metric * For - Updated FenixApp unit test * For - Updated newline character in Metrics. Set inactive tab metrics' lifetime to default. Updated expiration to Nov 2022. Refactored inactive tabs metric to be a single metric. * PR: addendum for last commit that missed a file * For - Changed logic check for reporting inactive tab count * PR: fixed merge conflict * For - Removed tab close tracking when the user closes ALL inactive tabs * For - Removed individual tab close metric verify from CLOSE ALL test * For - Updated inactive tabs toggle setting expiration to match the expiration of the other events Co-authored-by: mergify[bot] <37929162+mergify[bot]>
3 years ago
every { settings.inactiveTabsAreEnabled } returns true
application.setStartupMetrics(browserStore, settings, browsersCache, mozillaProductDetector)
// Verify that browser defaults metrics are set.
assertEquals("Mozilla", Metrics.distributionId.testGetValue())
assertEquals(true, Metrics.defaultBrowser.testGetValue())
assertEquals(expectedAppName, Metrics.defaultMozBrowser.testGetValue())
assertEquals(listOf(expectedAppName), Metrics.mozillaProducts.testGetValue())
assertEquals("ID", Metrics.adjustCampaign.testGetValue())
assertEquals("group", Metrics.adjustAdGroup.testGetValue())
assertEquals("creative", Metrics.adjustCreative.testGetValue())
assertEquals("network", Metrics.adjustNetwork.testGetValue())
assertEquals(true, Metrics.searchWidgetInstalled.testGetValue())
assertEquals(true, Metrics.hasOpenTabs.testGetValue())
assertEquals(1, Metrics.tabsOpenCount.testGetValue())
assertEquals(true, Metrics.hasTopSites.testGetValue())
assertEquals(2, Metrics.topSitesCount.testGetValue())
assertEquals(true, Addons.hasInstalledAddons.testGetValue())
assertEquals(listOf("test1", "test2", "test3"), Addons.installedAddons.testGetValue())
assertEquals(true, Addons.hasEnabledAddons.testGetValue())
assertEquals(listOf("test1", "test2"), Addons.enabledAddons.testGetValue())
assertEquals(true, Preferences.searchSuggestionsEnabled.testGetValue())
assertEquals(true, Preferences.remoteDebuggingEnabled.testGetValue())
assertEquals(true, Preferences.telemetryEnabled.testGetValue())
assertEquals(true, Preferences.studiesEnabled.testGetValue())
assertEquals(true, Preferences.browsingHistorySuggestion.testGetValue())
assertEquals(true, Preferences.bookmarksSuggestion.testGetValue())
assertEquals(true, Preferences.clipboardSuggestionsEnabled.testGetValue())
assertEquals(true, Preferences.searchShortcutsEnabled.testGetValue())
assertEquals(true, Preferences.voiceSearchEnabled.testGetValue())
assertEquals(true, Preferences.openLinksInAppEnabled.testGetValue())
assertEquals(true, Preferences.signedInSync.testGetValue())
assertEquals(true, Preferences.searchTermGroupsEnabled.testGetValue())
assertEquals(emptyList<String>(), Preferences.syncItems.testGetValue())
assertEquals("fixed_top", Preferences.toolbarPositionSetting.testGetValue())
assertEquals("standard", Preferences.enhancedTrackingProtection.testGetValue())
assertEquals(listOf("switch", "touch exploration"), Preferences.accessibilityServices.testGetValue())
[fenix] MR2 Inactive tabs telemetry ( * For - Added telemetry for interacting with inactive tabs * For - Added missing inactive tab delete count event to delete all event * For - Added PR numbers to metrics * For - Updated broken unit tests. Resolved critical lint warning. * For - Fixed inactive tabs setting toggle metric * For - Updated FenixApp unit test * For - Updated newline character in Metrics. Set inactive tab metrics' lifetime to default. Updated expiration to Nov 2022. Refactored inactive tabs metric to be a single metric. * PR: addendum for last commit that missed a file * For - Changed logic check for reporting inactive tab count * PR: fixed merge conflict * For - Removed tab close tracking when the user closes ALL inactive tabs * For - Removed individual tab close metric verify from CLOSE ALL test * For - Updated inactive tabs toggle setting expiration to match the expiration of the other events Co-authored-by: mergify[bot] <37929162+mergify[bot]>
3 years ago
assertEquals(true, Preferences.inactiveTabsEnabled.testGetValue())
assertEquals(expectedAppInstallSource, Metrics.installSource.testGetValue())
val contextId = TopSites.contextId.testGetValue().toString()
assertEquals(contextId, settings.contileContextId)
// Verify that search engine defaults are NOT set. This test does
// not mock most of the objects telemetry is collected from.
application.setStartupMetrics(browserStore, settings, browsersCache, mozillaProductDetector)
assertEquals(contextId, TopSites.contextId.testGetValue().toString())
assertEquals(contextId, settings.contileContextId)