[fenix] For https://github.com/mozilla-mobile/fenix/issues/22155 - Store inactive tabs count telemetry when user opens tabs tray

Setting this value in FenixApplication.onCreate was buggy because of a race
with restoring BrowserState.
Setting it here would ensure a better granularity of the events and so to more
accurate reporting.
Mugurell 3 years ago committed by mergify[bot]
parent f6ea87c2c0
commit ba3138ccf9

@ -1255,9 +1255,9 @@ metrics:
expires: "2022-02-01"
type: quantity
lifetime: application
description: |
How many inactive tabs does the user have.
How many inactive tabs does the user have, checked when the user opens
the tabs tray.
Value will be 0 if the feature is disabled.
- metrics

@ -80,7 +80,6 @@ import org.mozilla.fenix.components.Core
import org.mozilla.fenix.components.metrics.Event
import org.mozilla.fenix.components.metrics.MozillaProductDetector
import org.mozilla.fenix.components.toolbar.ToolbarPosition
import org.mozilla.fenix.ext.actualInactiveTabs
import org.mozilla.fenix.perf.MarkersActivityLifecycleCallbacks
import org.mozilla.fenix.utils.Settings
@ -628,8 +627,6 @@ open class FenixApplication : LocaleAwareApplication(), Provider {
val installSourcePackage = if (SDK_INT >= Build.VERSION_CODES.R) {
} else {

@ -224,6 +224,7 @@ sealed class Event {
override val extras: Map<Preferences.turnOffInactiveTabsSurveyKeys, String>
get() = mapOf(Preferences.turnOffInactiveTabsSurveyKeys.feedback to feedback.lowercase(Locale.ROOT))
data class InactiveTabsCountUpdate(val count: Int) : Event()
object ProgressiveWebAppOpenFromHomescreenTap : Event()
object ProgressiveWebAppInstallAsShortcut : Event()

@ -652,6 +652,9 @@ private val Event.wrapper: EventWrapper<*>?
{ Preferences.turnOffInactiveTabsSurvey.record(it) },
{ Preferences.turnOffInactiveTabsSurveyKeys.valueOf(it) }
is Event.InactiveTabsCountUpdate -> EventWrapper<NoExtraKeys>(
{ Metrics.inactiveTabsCount.set(this.count.toLong()) },
is Event.TabsTrayInactiveTabsCFRGotoSettings -> EventWrapper<NoExtraKeys>(
{ TabsTray.inactiveTabsCfrSettings.record(it) }

@ -57,6 +57,8 @@ class TabSorter(
if (shouldReportMetrics) {
shouldReportMetrics = false
if (settings.inactiveTabsAreEnabled) {

@ -11,7 +11,6 @@ import io.mockk.Runs
import io.mockk.every
import io.mockk.just
import io.mockk.mockk
import io.mockk.mockkStatic
import io.mockk.spyk
import io.mockk.verify
import mozilla.components.browser.state.store.BrowserStore
@ -32,7 +31,6 @@ import org.mozilla.fenix.GleanMetrics.Preferences
import org.mozilla.fenix.GleanMetrics.SearchDefaultEngine
import org.mozilla.fenix.components.metrics.MozillaProductDetector
import org.mozilla.fenix.components.toolbar.ToolbarPosition
import org.mozilla.fenix.ext.actualInactiveTabs
import org.mozilla.fenix.helpers.FenixRobolectricTestRunner
import org.mozilla.fenix.utils.BrowsersCache
import org.mozilla.fenix.utils.Settings
@ -143,13 +141,8 @@ class FenixApplicationTest {
every { settings.searchTermTabGroupsAreEnabled } returns true
every { application.reportHomeScreenMetrics(settings) } just Runs
every { settings.inactiveTabsAreEnabled } returns true
mockkStatic("org.mozilla.fenix.ext.BrowserStateKt") {
every { browserStore.state.actualInactiveTabs(any()) } returns listOf(mockk(), mockk())
application.setStartupMetrics(browserStore, settings, browsersCache, mozillaProductDetector)
assertEquals(2, Metrics.inactiveTabsCount.testGetValue())
application.setStartupMetrics(browserStore, settings, browsersCache, mozillaProductDetector)
// Verify that browser defaults metrics are set.
assertEquals("Mozilla", Metrics.distributionId.testGetValue())

@ -6,11 +6,13 @@ package org.mozilla.fenix.tabstray.browser
import io.mockk.every
import io.mockk.mockk
import io.mockk.verify
import mozilla.components.browser.state.state.createTab
import mozilla.components.support.test.libstate.ext.waitUntilIdle
import org.junit.Assert.assertEquals
import org.junit.Before
import org.junit.Test
import org.mozilla.fenix.components.metrics.Event
import org.mozilla.fenix.components.metrics.MetricController
import org.mozilla.fenix.tabstray.TabsTrayStore
import org.mozilla.fenix.utils.Settings
@ -284,4 +286,37 @@ class TabSorterTest {
assertEquals(tabsTrayStore.state.searchTermGroups.size, 1)
assertEquals(tabsTrayStore.state.normalTabs.size, 0)
fun `GIVEN the inactive tabs feature is enabled WHEN the tray is opened THEN we report the number of inactive tabs`() {
val tabSorter = TabSorter(settings, metrics, tabsTrayStore)
createTab(url = "url", id = "tab1", createdAt = inactiveTimestamp),
createTab(url = "url", id = "tab2", createdAt = inactiveTimestamp),
selectedTabId = "tab2"
verify { metrics.track(Event.InactiveTabsCountUpdate(2)) }
fun `GIVEN the inactive tabs feature is disabled WHEN the tray is opened THEN we report 0 for the number of inactive tabs`() {
val tabSorter = TabSorter(settings, metrics, tabsTrayStore)
every { settings.inactiveTabsAreEnabled }.answers { false }
createTab(url = "url", id = "tab1", createdAt = inactiveTimestamp),
createTab(url = "url", id = "tab2", createdAt = inactiveTimestamp),
selectedTabId = "tab2"
verify { metrics.track(Event.InactiveTabsCountUpdate(0)) }
