You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

463 lines
19 KiB

/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
* file, You can obtain one at */
package org.mozilla.fenix.components.metrics
import android.content.Context
import mozilla.components.browser.errorpages.ErrorType
import mozilla.components.browser.toolbar.facts.ToolbarFacts
import mozilla.components.feature.contextmenu.facts.ContextMenuFacts
import mozilla.components.feature.customtabs.CustomTabsFacts
import mozilla.components.feature.downloads.facts.DownloadsFacts
import mozilla.components.feature.findinpage.facts.FindInPageFacts
import org.mozilla.fenix.BuildConfig
import org.mozilla.fenix.GleanMetrics.Collections
import org.mozilla.fenix.GleanMetrics.ContextMenu
import org.mozilla.fenix.GleanMetrics.CrashReporter
import org.mozilla.fenix.GleanMetrics.ErrorPage
import org.mozilla.fenix.GleanMetrics.Events
import org.mozilla.fenix.GleanMetrics.Library
import org.mozilla.fenix.GleanMetrics.SearchShortcuts
import org.mozilla.fenix.GleanMetrics.ToolbarSettings
import org.mozilla.fenix.GleanMetrics.TrackingProtection
import org.mozilla.fenix.R
import java.util.Locale
sealed class Event {
// Interaction Events
object OpenedAppFirstRun : Event()
object InteractWithSearchURLArea : Event()
object DismissedOnboarding : Event()
object ClearedPrivateData : Event()
object AddBookmark : Event()
object RemoveBookmark : Event()
object OpenedBookmark : Event()
object OpenedBookmarkInNewTab : Event()
object OpenedBookmarksInNewTabs : Event()
object OpenedBookmarkInPrivateTab : Event()
object OpenedBookmarksInPrivateTabs : Event()
object EditedBookmark : Event()
object MovedBookmark : Event()
object ShareBookmark : Event()
object CopyBookmark : Event()
object AddBookmarkFolder : Event()
object RemoveBookmarkFolder : Event()
object RemoveBookmarks : Event()
object CustomTabsClosed : Event()
object CustomTabsActionTapped : Event()
object CustomTabsMenuOpened : Event()
object UriOpened : Event()
object QRScannerOpened : Event()
object QRScannerPromptDisplayed : Event()
object QRScannerNavigationAllowed : Event()
object QRScannerNavigationDenied : Event()
object LibraryOpened : Event()
object LibraryClosed : Event()
object SyncAuthOpened : Event()
object SyncAuthClosed : Event()
object SyncAuthSignUp : Event()
object SyncAuthSignIn : Event()
object SyncAuthSignOut : Event()
object SyncAuthScanPairing : Event()
object SyncAuthPaired : Event()
object SyncAuthRecovered : Event()
object SyncAuthOtherExternal : Event()
object SyncAuthFromShared : Event()
object SyncAccountOpened : Event()
object SyncAccountClosed : Event()
object SyncAccountSyncNow : Event()
object SendTab : Event()
object SignInToSendTab : Event()
object HistoryOpened : Event()
object HistoryItemShared : Event()
object HistoryItemOpened : Event()
object HistoryItemRemoved : Event()
object HistoryAllItemsRemoved : Event()
object ReaderModeAvailable : Event()
object ReaderModeOpened : Event()
object ReaderModeAppearanceOpened : Event()
object CollectionRenamed : Event()
object CollectionTabRestored : Event()
object CollectionAllTabsRestored : Event()
object CollectionTabRemoved : Event()
object CollectionShared : Event()
object CollectionRemoved : Event()
object CollectionTabSelectOpened : Event()
object CollectionTabLongPressed : Event()
object CollectionAddTabPressed : Event()
object CollectionRenamePressed : Event()
object SearchWidgetNewTabPressed : Event()
object SearchWidgetVoiceSearchPressed : Event()
object FindInPageOpened : Event()
object FindInPageClosed : Event()
object FindInPageNext : Event()
object FindInPagePrevious : Event()
object FindInPageSearchCommitted : Event()
object PrivateBrowsingGarbageIconTapped : Event()
object PrivateBrowsingSnackbarUndoTapped : Event()
object PrivateBrowsingNotificationTapped : Event()
object PrivateBrowsingNotificationOpenTapped : Event()
object PrivateBrowsingNotificationDeleteAndOpenTapped : Event()
object PrivateBrowsingCreateShortcut : Event()
object PrivateBrowsingAddShortcutCFR : Event()
object PrivateBrowsingCancelCFR : Event()
object PrivateBrowsingPinnedShortcutPrivateTab : Event()
object PrivateBrowsingStaticShortcutTab : Event()
object PrivateBrowsingStaticShortcutPrivateTab : Event()
object TabMediaPlay : Event()
object TabMediaPause : Event()
object MediaPlayState : Event()
object MediaPauseState : Event()
object MediaStopState : Event()
object InAppNotificationDownloadOpen : Event()
object InAppNotificationDownloadTryAgain : Event()
object NotificationDownloadCancel : Event()
object NotificationDownloadOpen : Event()
object NotificationDownloadPause : Event()
object NotificationDownloadResume : Event()
object NotificationDownloadTryAgain : Event()
object NotificationMediaPlay : Event()
object NotificationMediaPause : Event()
object TrackingProtectionTrackerList : Event()
object TrackingProtectionIconPressed : Event()
object TrackingProtectionSettingsPanel : Event()
object TrackingProtectionSettings : Event()
object TrackingProtectionException : Event()
object OpenLogins : Event()
object OpenOneLogin : Event()
object CopyLogin : Event()
object ViewLoginPassword : Event()
object PrivateBrowsingShowSearchSuggestions : Event()
// Interaction events with extras
data class PreferenceToggled(val preferenceKey: String, val enabled: Boolean, val context: Context) : Event() {
private val booleanPreferenceTelemetryAllowList = listOf(
override val extras: Map<Events.preferenceToggledKeys, String>?
get() = mapOf(
Events.preferenceToggledKeys.preferenceKey to preferenceKey,
Events.preferenceToggledKeys.enabled to enabled.toString()
init {
// If the event is not in the allow list, we don't want to track it
data class ToolbarPositionChanged(val position: Position) : Event() {
enum class Position { TOP, BOTTOM }
override val extras: Map<ToolbarSettings.changedPositionKeys, String>?
get() = hashMapOf(ToolbarSettings.changedPositionKeys.position to
data class OpenedLink(val mode: Mode) : Event() {
enum class Mode { NORMAL, PRIVATE }
override val extras: Map<Events.openedLinkKeys, String>?
get() = hashMapOf(Events.openedLinkKeys.mode to
data class TrackingProtectionSettingChanged(val setting: Setting) : Event() {
enum class Setting { STRICT, STANDARD }
override val extras: Map<TrackingProtection.etpSettingChangedKeys, String>?
get() = hashMapOf(TrackingProtection.etpSettingChangedKeys.etpSetting to
data class OpenedApp(val source: Source) : Event() {
enum class Source { APP_ICON, LINK, CUSTOM_TAB }
override val extras: Map<Events.appOpenedKeys, String>?
get() = hashMapOf(Events.appOpenedKeys.source to
data class WhatsNewTapped(val source: Source) : Event() {
enum class Source { ABOUT, HOME }
override val extras: Map<Events.whatsNewTappedKeys, String>?
get() = hashMapOf(Events.whatsNewTappedKeys.source to
data class CollectionSaveButtonPressed(val fromScreen: String) : Event() {
override val extras: Map<Collections.saveButtonKeys, String>?
get() = mapOf(Collections.saveButtonKeys.fromScreen to fromScreen)
data class CollectionSaved(val tabsOpenCount: Int, val tabsSelectedCount: Int) : Event() {
override val extras: Map<Collections.savedKeys, String>?
get() = mapOf(
Collections.savedKeys.tabsOpen to tabsOpenCount.toString(),
Collections.savedKeys.tabsSelected to tabsSelectedCount.toString()
data class CollectionTabsAdded(val tabsOpenCount: Int, val tabsSelectedCount: Int) : Event() {
override val extras: Map<Collections.tabsAddedKeys, String>?
get() = mapOf(
Collections.tabsAddedKeys.tabsOpen to tabsOpenCount.toString(),
Collections.tabsAddedKeys.tabsSelected to tabsSelectedCount.toString()
data class LibrarySelectedItem(val item: String) : Event() {
override val extras: Map<Library.selectedItemKeys, String>?
get() = mapOf(Library.selectedItemKeys.item to item)
data class ErrorPageVisited(val errorType: ErrorType) : Event() {
override val extras: Map<ErrorPage.visitedErrorKeys, String>?
get() = mapOf(ErrorPage.visitedErrorKeys.errorType to
data class SearchBarTapped(val source: Source) : Event() {
enum class Source { HOME, BROWSER }
override val extras: Map<Events.searchBarTappedKeys, String>?
get() = mapOf(Events.searchBarTappedKeys.source to
data class EnteredUrl(val autoCompleted: Boolean) : Event() {
override val extras: Map<Events.enteredUrlKeys, String>?
get() = mapOf(Events.enteredUrlKeys.autocomplete to autoCompleted.toString())
data class PerformedSearch(val eventSource: EventSource) : Event() {
sealed class EngineSource {
abstract val engine: SearchEngine
abstract val isCustom: Boolean
data class Default(override val engine: SearchEngine, override val isCustom: Boolean) : EngineSource()
data class Shortcut(override val engine: SearchEngine, override val isCustom: Boolean) : EngineSource()
// Sanitize identifiers for custom search engines.
val identifier: String
get() = if (isCustom) "custom" else engine.identifier
val searchEngine: SearchEngine
get() = when (this) {
is Default -> engine
is Shortcut -> engine
val descriptor: String
get() = when (this) {
is Default -> "default"
is Shortcut -> "shortcut"
sealed class EventSource {
data class Suggestion(val engineSource: EngineSource) : EventSource()
data class Action(val engineSource: EngineSource) : EventSource()
private val source: EngineSource
get() = when (this) {
is Suggestion -> engineSource
is Action -> engineSource
private val label: String
get() = when (this) {
is Suggestion -> "suggestion"
is Action -> "action"
val countLabel: String
get() = "${source.identifier.toLowerCase(Locale.getDefault())}.$label"
val sourceLabel: String
get() = "${source.descriptor}.$label"
override val extras: Map<Events.performedSearchKeys, String>?
get() = mapOf(Events.performedSearchKeys.source to eventSource.sourceLabel)
// Track only built-in engine selection. Do not track user-added engines!
data class SearchShortcutSelected(val engine: String) : Event() {
override val extras: Map<SearchShortcuts.selectedKeys, String>?
get() = mapOf(SearchShortcuts.selectedKeys.engine to engine)
class ContextMenuItemTapped private constructor(val item: String) : Event() {
override val extras: Map<ContextMenu.itemTappedKeys, String>?
get() = mapOf(ContextMenu.itemTappedKeys.named to item)
companion object {
fun create(context_item: String) = allowList[context_item]?.let { ContextMenuItemTapped(it) }
private val allowList = mapOf(
"mozac.feature.contextmenu.open_in_new_tab" to "open_in_new_tab",
"mozac.feature.contextmenu.open_in_private_tab" to "open_in_private_tab",
"mozac.feature.contextmenu.open_image_in_new_tab" to "open_image_in_new_tab",
"mozac.feature.contextmenu.save_image" to "save_image",
"mozac.feature.contextmenu.share_link" to "share_link",
"mozac.feature.contextmenu.copy_link" to "copy_link",
"mozac.feature.contextmenu.copy_image_location" to "copy_image_location"
object CrashReporterOpened : Event()
data class CrashReporterClosed(val crashSubmitted: Boolean) : Event() {
override val extras: Map<CrashReporter.closedKeys, String>?
get() = mapOf(CrashReporter.closedKeys.crashSubmitted to crashSubmitted.toString())
data class BrowserMenuItemTapped(val item: Item) : Event() {
enum class Item {
4281 remove qab (#6310) * For #4281: small ToolbarMenu refactor This makes it easier to see how items are ordered in the menuItems list * For 4281: add QAB buttons to menu * For 4281: removed menu back button per mocks I double checked with UX, and we'll be relying on the hardware back button for its functionality * For 4281: add content descriptions for bookmarking * For 4281: updated BrowserToolbarController for new functionality * For 4281: provided simple dependencies to browser controller More complex changes will be in a following commit, for review readability * For 4281: move toolbar controller dependencies up to BaseBrowserFragment The functionality they control is being moved into the toolbar menu, which is shared by both normal tabs and custom ones * For 4281: removed (now unused) code related to QAB * For 4281: fix test compilation after QAB removal Tests still need to be expanded to include added functionality * For 4281: updated menu to show if url is bookmarked This sloppy workaround is required because TwoStateButton requires that `isInPrimaryState` be a synchronous call, and checking whether or not the current site is bookmarked is quite slow (10-50 MS, in my tests). After days of work and many attempted solutions, this was the least abhorrent among them. was opened against AC to evaluate potentially supporting async `isInPrimaryState` functions. was opened against Fenix to investigate the unexpectedly slow call to `BookmarkStorage`. * For 4281: update reader mode switch * For 4281: selectively show/hide menu items * For 4281: add reader mode appearance * For 4281: update bookmark button when it is clicked * For 4281: removed unused QAB code * For 4281: removed QAB robot, updated UI tests * For 4281: removed QuickActionSheet metrics Since this behavior now lives in the toolbar, it is tracked via Event.BrowserMenuItemTapped * For 4281: fixed lint errors * For 4281: add new strings for buttons added to menu This is necessary because the location change (from QAB to toolbar menu) could affect the grammar in some languages * For 4281: remove outdated TODOs * For 4281: removed QAB container * For 4281: removed back button reference from UI test This button no longer exists * For 4821: Fixes a visual defect (extra padding on top of toolbar) * For 4281: update copy on reader mode * For 4281: fixed review nits
5 years ago
override val extras: Map<Events.browserMenuActionKeys, String>?
get() = mapOf(Events.browserMenuActionKeys.item to item.toString().toLowerCase(Locale.ROOT))
sealed class Search
internal open val extras: Map<*, String>?
get() = null
private fun Fact.toEvent(): Event? = when (Pair(component, item)) {
Component.FEATURE_FINDINPAGE to FindInPageFacts.Items.PREVIOUS -> Event.FindInPagePrevious
Component.FEATURE_FINDINPAGE to FindInPageFacts.Items.NEXT -> Event.FindInPageNext
Component.FEATURE_FINDINPAGE to FindInPageFacts.Items.CLOSE -> Event.FindInPageClosed
Component.FEATURE_FINDINPAGE to FindInPageFacts.Items.INPUT -> Event.FindInPageSearchCommitted
Component.FEATURE_CONTEXTMENU to ContextMenuFacts.Items.ITEM -> {
metadata?.get("item")?.let { Event.ContextMenuItemTapped.create(it.toString()) }
Component.BROWSER_TOOLBAR to ToolbarFacts.Items.MENU -> {
metadata?.get("customTab")?.let { Event.CustomTabsMenuOpened }
Component.FEATURE_CUSTOMTABS to CustomTabsFacts.Items.CLOSE -> Event.CustomTabsClosed
Component.FEATURE_CUSTOMTABS to CustomTabsFacts.Items.ACTION_BUTTON -> Event.CustomTabsActionTapped
Component.FEATURE_DOWNLOADS to DownloadsFacts.Items.NOTIFICATION -> {
when (action) {
Action.CANCEL -> Event.NotificationDownloadCancel
Action.OPEN -> Event.NotificationDownloadOpen
Action.PAUSE -> Event.NotificationDownloadPause
Action.RESUME -> Event.NotificationDownloadResume
Action.TRY_AGAIN -> Event.NotificationDownloadTryAgain
else -> null
Component.FEATURE_MEDIA to MediaFacts.Items.NOTIFICATION -> {
when (action) {
Action.PLAY -> Event.NotificationMediaPlay
Action.PAUSE -> Event.NotificationMediaPause
else -> null
Component.FEATURE_MEDIA to MediaFacts.Items.STATE -> {
when (action) {
Action.PLAY -> Event.MediaPlayState
Action.PAUSE -> Event.MediaPauseState
Action.STOP -> Event.MediaStopState
else -> null
else -> null
interface MetricsService {
fun start()
fun stop()
fun track(event: Event)
fun shouldTrack(event: Event): Boolean
interface MetricController {
fun start()
fun stop()
fun track(event: Event)
companion object {
fun create(services: List<MetricsService>, isTelemetryEnabled: () -> Boolean): MetricController {
return if (BuildConfig.TELEMETRY) return ReleaseMetricController(services, isTelemetryEnabled)
else DebugMetricController()
private class DebugMetricController : MetricController {
override fun start() {
Logger.debug("DebugMetricController: start")
override fun stop() {
Logger.debug("DebugMetricController: stop")
override fun track(event: Event) {
Logger.debug("DebugMetricController: track event: $event")
private class ReleaseMetricController(
private val services: List<MetricsService>,
private val isTelemetryEnabled: () -> Boolean
) : MetricController {
private var initialized = false
init {
Facts.registerProcessor(object : FactProcessor {
override fun process(fact: Fact) {
fact.toEvent()?.also {
override fun start() {
if (!isTelemetryEnabled.invoke() || initialized) { return }
services.forEach { it.start() }
initialized = true
override fun stop() {
if (!initialized) { return }
services.forEach { it.stop() }
initialized = false
override fun track(event: Event) {
if (!isTelemetryEnabled.invoke() && !initialized) { return }
.filter { it.shouldTrack(event) }
.forEach { it.track(event) }