You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

166 lines
6.0 KiB

/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
* file, You can obtain one at */
package org.mozilla.fenix.components.metrics
import org.mozilla.fenix.BuildConfig
sealed class Event {
object AddBookmark : Event()
object RemoveBookmark : Event()
object OpenedBookmark : Event()
data class OpenedApp(val source: Source) : Event() {
enum class Source { APP_ICON, LINK, CUSTOM_TAB }
override val extras: Map<String, String>?
get() = hashMapOf("source" to
object OpenedAppFirstRun : Event()
object InteractWithSearchURLArea : Event()
object SavedLoginandPassword : Event()
object FXANewSignup : Event()
object UserSignedInToFxA : Event()
object UserDownloadedFocus : Event()
object UserDownloadedLockbox : Event()
object UserDownloadedFennec : Event()
object TrackingProtectionSettingsChanged : Event()
object FXASyncedNewDevice : Event()
object DismissedOnboarding : Event()
object Uninstall : Event()
object OpenNewNormalTab : Event()
object OpenNewPrivateTab : Event()
object ShareStarted : Event()
object ShareCanceled : Event()
object ShareCompleted : Event()
object ClosePrivateTabs : Event()
object ClearedPrivateData : Event()
object OpenedLoginManager : Event()
object OpenedMailtoLink : Event()
object DownloadMediaSavedImage : Event()
object UserUsedReaderView : Event()
object UserDownloadedPocket : Event()
object UserDownloadedSend : Event()
object OpenedPocketStory : Event()
object DarkModeEnabled : Event()
object SearchShortcutMenuOpened : Event()
object SearchShortcutMenuClosed : Event()
// Interaction Events
data class SearchBarTapped(val source: Source) : Event() {
enum class Source { HOME, BROWSER }
override val extras: Map<String, String>?
get() = mapOf("source" to
data class EnteredUrl(val autoCompleted: Boolean) : Event() {
override val extras: Map<String, String>?
get() = mapOf("autocomplete" to autoCompleted.toString())
data class PerformedSearch(val fromSearchSuggestion: Boolean, val fromSearchShortcut: Boolean) : Event() {
override val extras: Map<String, String>?
get() = mapOf("search_suggestion" to fromSearchSuggestion.toString(),
"search_shortcut" to fromSearchShortcut.toString())
// Track only built-in engine selection. Do not track user-added engines!
data class SearchShortcutSelected(val engine: String) : Event() {
override val extras: Map<String, String>?
get() = mapOf("engine" to engine)
object FindInPageOpened : Event()
object FindInPageClosed : Event()
object FindInPageNext : Event()
object FindInPagePrevious : Event()
object FindInPageSearchCommitted : Event()
class ContextMenuItemTapped private constructor(val item: String) : Event() {
override val extras: Map<String, String>?
get() = mapOf("named" to item)
companion object {
fun create(context_item: String) = allowList[context_item]?.let { ContextMenuItemTapped(it) }
private val allowList = mapOf(
"mozac.feature.contextmenu.open_in_new_tab" to "open_in_new_tab",
"mozac.feature.contextmenu.open_in_private_tab" to "open_in_private_tab",
"mozac.feature.contextmenu.open_image_in_new_tab" to "open_image_in_new_tab",
"mozac.feature.contextmenu.save_image" to "save_image",
"mozac.feature.contextmenu.share_link" to "share_link",
"mozac.feature.contextmenu.copy_link" to "copy_link",
"mozac.feature.contextmenu.copy_image_location" to "copy_image_location"
object CrashReporterOpened : Event()
data class CrashReporterClosed(val crashSubmitted: Boolean) : Event() {
override val extras: Map<String, String>?
get() = mapOf("crash_submitted" to crashSubmitted.toString())
open val extras: Map<String, String>?
get() = null
private fun Fact.toEvent(): Event? = when (Pair(component, item)) {
Pair(Component.FEATURE_FINDINPAGE, "previous") -> Event.FindInPagePrevious
Pair(Component.FEATURE_FINDINPAGE, "next") -> Event.FindInPageNext
Pair(Component.FEATURE_FINDINPAGE, "close") -> Event.FindInPageClosed
Pair(Component.FEATURE_FINDINPAGE, "input") -> Event.FindInPageSearchCommitted
Pair(Component.FEATURE_CONTEXTMENU, "item") -> {
metadata?.get("item")?.let { Event.ContextMenuItemTapped.create(it.toString()) }
else -> null
interface MetricsService {
fun start()
fun stop()
fun track(event: Event)
fun shouldTrack(event: Event): Boolean
class Metrics(private val services: List<MetricsService>, private val isTelemetryEnabled: () -> Boolean) {
private var initialized = false
init {
Facts.registerProcessor(object : FactProcessor {
override fun process(fact: Fact) {
fact.toEvent()?.also {
fun start() {
if (BuildConfig.TELEMETRY && !isTelemetryEnabled.invoke() || initialized) { return }
services.forEach { it.start() }
initialized = true
fun stop() {
if (!initialized) { return }
services.forEach { it.stop() }
initialized = false
fun track(event: Event) {
if (BuildConfig.TELEMETRY && !isTelemetryEnabled.invoke() && !initialized) { return }
.filter { it.shouldTrack(event) }
.forEach { it.track(event) }