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Gophi Arguments

gophi [args]
      -root               Server root directory
      -bind-addr          IP address to bind to
      -port               Port to listen on
      -fwd-port           Outward-facing port
      -hostname           Server hostname (FQDN)

      -sys-log            System log output location ['stdout', 'null', $filename]
      -acc-log            Access log output location ['stdout', 'null', $filename]

      -cache-monitor-freq File cache freshness monitor frequency
      -cache-size         File cache size
      -cache-file-max     Max cached file size (megabytes)

      -restrict-paths     Restrict paths as new-line separated list of regex statements
                          (see documenation below)
      -remap-requests     Remap requests as new-line separated list of remap statements
                          (see documenation below)

      -cgi-dir            CGI scripts directory (empty to disable)
      -max-cgi-time       Max CGI script execution time
      -safe-path          CGI environment safe PATH variable

      -user-dir           User subdir for personal server space

      -read-deadline      Connection read deadline (timeout)
      -write-deadline     Connection write deadline (timeout)

      -conn-read-buf      Connection read buffer size (bytes)
      -conn-write-buf     Connection write buffer size (bytes)
      -conn-read-max      Connection read max (bytes)

      -file-read-buf      File read buffer size (bytes)

      -version            Print version string

# Gopher Specific Arguments
      -page-width         Gopher page width

      -footer-text        Footer text (empty to disable)

      -subgopher-size-max Subgophermap size max (megabytes)

      -admin              Generated policy file admin email
      -description        Generated policy file server description
      -geolocation        Generated policy file server geolocation

Path Restrictions Regex

Path restrictions are parsed as a new-line separated list of regex statements:


Internally the regex statements are parsed as (show as Python code):


regex = "(?m)" + "/match_statement".removeprefix("/") + "$"

Entries are parsed, compiled, and so matched-against in order. They are matched against relative paths so please bear this in mind if you have user directories enabled.

Request Remapping Regex

Request remapping is parsed as a new-line separated list of remap statements of form:

/regex/matched/against -> /regex/template

Internally, the request remapping statements are parsed as (shown as Python code):

/match_statement -> /template_statement

# Where the match statement is compiled using
regex = "(?m)" + "/match_statement".removeprefix("/") + "$"

# And the template is stored as
template = "/template_statement".removeprefix("/")

e.g. scripts within cgi-bin to the root directory:

/(?P<uri>[^/]+) -> /cgi-bin/$uri

Entries are parsed, compiled, and so matched-against in order. They are matched against relative paths so please bear this in mind if you have user directories enabled.

User server spaces

When user server spaces are enabled, they are accessed via the following gopher URL:


Where the username supplied will then look for a user folder under:


For example:

User directory = public_gopher


Will fetch from the filesystem:
