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From ArchWiki

Warning: 2bwm is still in alpha stage and should be used cautiously. At the moment, 2bwm is only for advanced users.

2bwmAUR is a fast floating WM, with the particularity of having 2 borders, written over the XCB library and derived from mcwm written by Michael Cardell. In 2bwm everything is accessible from the keyboard but a pointing device can be used for move, resize and raise/lower. The name has recently changed from mcwm-beast to 2bwm.



Install 2bwmAUR. Although the installation process can be automatic, if directly building from the AUR, it is highly recommended to read and edit the "config.h" file in the source directory.


Starting 2bwm

2bwm generally starts from a script, either from startx or from a login manager such as XDM.

If it starts from the console, a .xinitrc file is needed. Here is a complete example:


 # Set a nice background.
 xsetroot -solid grey20

 # Load resources.
 xrdb -load ~/.Xresources

 # Start window manager in the background. If it dies, X still lives.
 2bwm &

 # Start a terminal in the foreground. If this dies, X dies.
 exec urxvt

2bwm used to have startup options. They have been removed because editing the config file was more convenient.

See also

  • 2bwm - the GitHub repository for 2bwm

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