You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

80 lines
2.7 KiB

import json
import os
import re
from pathlib import Path
from urllib.parse import urlparse
import click
import yaml
from jinja2 import Template
import database_connection # noqa: F401
from matrix_connection import get_download_url
from schema import Message
MATRIX_ROOM_IDS = os.environ['MATRIX_ROOM_IDS'].split(',')
ARCHIVE_FORMATS = ['txt', 'html', 'json', 'yaml']
def encode_message(message):
data = message._data.copy()
data['sender'] = re.sub(r'@(.+):.+', r'\1', data['sender'])
data['timestamp'] = data['timestamp'].isoformat()
content = data['content']
if 'url' in content:
content['url'] = get_download_url(content['url'])
return data
def replace_by_local_image(data):
data = data.copy()
content = data['content']
if content.get('msgtype') == 'm.image' and 'info' in content:
url, mimetype = content['url'], content.get('info', {}).get('mimetype', 'image/jpeg')
if 'thumbnail_url' in content.get('info', {}) :
url, mimetype = content['info']['thumbnail_url'], content['info']['thumbnail_info']['mimetype']
_, subtype = mimetype.split('/', 2)
url = urlparse(url)
content['url'] = 'images/' + os.path.basename(url.path.strip('/')) + '.' + subtype
return data
def dump_html_archive(data, fp, template_path):
template = Template(Path(template_path).read_text())
@click.option('--local-images/--no-local-images', default=True)
@click.argument('filename', default='archive.html')
def export_archive(room_id, local_images, filename):
if room_id and not re.match(r'!', room_id):
from matrix_connection import matrix_client
rooms = matrix_client().get_rooms()
room_id = next(id for id, room in rooms.items() if room_id in room.display_name)
if not room_id:
room_id, *_ = MATRIX_ROOM_IDS
fmt = Path(filename).suffix.lstrip('.')
if fmt not in ARCHIVE_FORMATS:
raise click.BadParameter(f"{fmt} is not in {ARCHIVE_FORMATS}")
messages = Message.objects(room_id=room_id).order_by('timestamp')
data = map(encode_message, messages)
print(f"Writing {len(messages)} messages to {filename!r}")
with open(filename, 'w') as fp:
if fmt in ('text', 'txt', 'html'):
if local_images:
data = map(replace_by_local_image, data)
template_path = f'templates/default.{fmt}.tpl'
dump_html_archive(data, fp, template_path=template_path)
elif fmt == 'json':
json.dump(list(data), fp, indent=2)
elif fmt == 'yaml':
yaml.dump(list(data), fp, default_flow_style=None)
if __name__ == '__main__':