chore: regen vimdoc

bhagwan 2 years ago
parent d7b1ee7a84
commit d4ec9eea65

@ -370,7 +370,7 @@ require'fzf-lua'.setup {
flip_columns = 120, -- #cols to switch to horizontal on flex
-- Only used with the builtin previewer:
title = true, -- preview border title (file/buf)?
title_align = "left", -- left|center|right, preview title alignment (file/buf)?
title_align = "left", -- left|center|right, title alignment
scrollbar = 'float', -- `false` or string:'float|border'
-- float: in-window floating border
-- border: in-border chars (see below)

@ -409,6 +409,7 @@ open an issue and I'll be more than happy to help.**
flip_columns = 120, -- #cols to switch to horizontal on flex
-- Only used with the builtin previewer:
title = true, -- preview border title (file/buf)?
title_align = "left", -- left|center|right, title alignment
scrollbar = 'float', -- `false` or string:'float|border'
-- float: in-window floating border
-- border: in-border chars (see below)
