選択できるのは25トピックまでです。 トピックは、先頭が英数字で、英数字とダッシュ('-')を使用した35文字以内のものにしてください。
Liam Doherty ef8b2eebc9
Merge pull request #36 from TheLastZombie/gh-pages
Add AttriCSS and Tufte CSS
min Rebuild files 4年前
scripts Remove tufte 4年前
src Rebuild files 4年前
LICENSE initial project version 8年前
README.md Rebuild files 4年前
index.html Adapt background in sticky switcher to selected theme 4年前
switcher.js Rebuild files 4年前


Drop-in switcher for previewing minimal CSS frameworks

This is a quick drop-in CSS switcher to allow for previewing some of the many minimal CSS-only frameworks that are available. See the demo or drop the switcher into your own page to see how different frameworks would look together with your content.

This project only includes minimal frameworks, in other words, boilerplate / classless frameworks that require no adjustment of the corresponding HTML and can be simply dropped into the project to provide a starting point for further design. No additional javascript, compiling, pre-processors, or fiddling with classes should be required for these to look good and be responsive.


To use the CSS switcher, just add the following line anywhere within the body tag on your page:

<script src="https://dohliam.github.io/dropin-minimal-css/switcher.js" type="text/javascript"></script>

That's it! You should now be able to cycle through the different frameworks by choosing them from the dropdown at the top of the page.

Keyboard shortcut

You can quickly switch between frameworks by pressing the modifier key or keys on your keyboard + s to focus the switcher dropdown menu, followed by the up and down keys to move up and down the list.


The bookmarklet is a convenient way to preview how different CSS frameworks would look on any HTML page. Just paste the following code into your address bar to create a CSS switcher for any site:


Or alternatively, drag the link at the top of the demo page to your browser's bookmark bar.

Boomarklet generated by the Bookmarklet Creator. Thanks to markdown-css for the idea!


There is a simple API available to allow linking directly to particular stylesheets on the demo page. For example:


The above links directly to the demo with Sakura CSS.


Adding frameworks

If you know of a minimal framework that hasn't been included here, please create an issue or pull request so that we can add it to the list!

List of frameworks

Theme collections

See also

  • workflow - Quick prototyping script for creating rich html and pdfs from markdown documents (based on dropin-minimal-css)
  • asciidoctor-skins - CSS stylesheets for asciidoctor (with a switcher based on dropin-minimal-css)

Other similar collections

