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@mixin mask-image($img, $repeat: no-repeat){
@include experimental(mask-image, image-url($img), -webkit, -moz, -o, -ms);
@include experimental(mask-repeat, $repeat, -webkit, -moz, -o, -ms);
width: image-width($img);
height: image-height($img);
@mixin shadow-box($border: #fff .5em solid, $shadow: rgba(#000, .15) 0 1px 4px, $border-radius: .3em) {
@include border-radius($border-radius);
@include box-shadow($shadow);
@include box-sizing(border-box);
border: $border;
@mixin selection($bg, $color: inherit, $text-shadow: none){
* {
&::-moz-selection { background: $bg; color: $color; text-shadow: $text-shadow; }
&::-webkit-selection { background: $bg; color: $color; text-shadow: $text-shadow; }
&::selection { background: $bg; color: $color; text-shadow: $text-shadow; }
@function text-color($color, $dark: dark, $light: light){
$text-color: ( (red($color)*299) + (green($color)*587) + (blue($color)*114) ) / 1000;
$text-color: if($text-color >= 150, $dark, $light);
@return $text-color;