var myVersion = "0.7.9", myProductName = "PagePark"; /* The MIT License (MIT) Copyright (c) 2014-2017 Dave Winer Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. structured listing: */ var fs = require ("fs"); var request = require ("request"); var urlpack = require ("url"); var http = require ("http"); var marked = require ("marked"); var dns = require ("dns"); var mime = require ("mime"); //1/8/15 by DW var utils = require ("daveutils"); //6/7/17 by DW var opmlToJs = require ("opmltojs"); //6/16/17 by DW const websocket = require ("nodejs-websocket"); //9/29/17 by DW var pageparkPrefs = { myPort: 1339, //1/8/15 by DW -- was 80, see note in flWebsocketEnabled: false, websocketPort: 1340, //9/29/17 by DW indexFilename: "index", flProcessScriptFiles: true, extScriptFiles: "js", //5/5/15 by DW flProcessMarkdownFiles: true, extMarkdownFiles: "md", //5/5/15 by DW flProcessOpmlFiles: true, extOpmlFiles: "opml", //6/23/15 by DW error404File: "prefs/error.html", //7/16/15 by DW legalPathChars: "", //7/19/15 by DW, flCacheTemplatesLocally: true, //6/17/17 by DW -- preserve the original behavior urlDefaultMarkdownTemplate: "", //6/17/17 by DW urlDefaultOpmlTemplate: "", //6/17/17 by DW urlDefaultErrorPage: "", //6/17/17 by DW flUnicasePaths: false //11/7/17 by DW }; var pageparkStats = { ctStarts: 0, whenLastStart: new Date (0), ctHits: 0, ctHitsToday: 0, ctHitsSinceStart: 0, whenLastHit: new Date (0), hitsByDomain: {} }; var fnamePrefs = "prefs/prefs.json"; var fnameStats = "prefs/stats.json", flStatsDirty = false; var domainsPath = "domains/"; var configFname = "/config.json"; var mdTemplatePath = "prefs/mdTemplate.txt"; var opmlTemplatePath = "prefs/opmlTemplate.txt"; var folderPathFromEnv = process.env.pageparkFolderPath; //1/3/15 by DW var flEveryMinuteScheduled = false; //7/17/17 by DW //websockets -- 9/29/17 by DW var theWsServer = undefined; function notifySocketSubscribers (verb, jstruct) { if (theWsServer !== undefined) { var ctUpdates = 0, now = new Date (), jsontext = ""; if (jstruct !== undefined) { //10/7/16 by DW jsontext = utils.jsonStringify (jstruct); } for (var i = 0; i < theWsServer.connections.length; i++) { var conn = theWsServer.connections [i]; if (conn.pageParkData !== undefined) { //it's one of ours try { conn.sendText (verb + "\r" + jsontext); conn.pageParkData.whenLastUpdate = now; conn.pageParkData.ctUpdates++; ctUpdates++; } catch (err) { console.log ("notifySocketSubscribers: socket #" + i + ": error updating"); } } } } } function webSocketStartup () { if (pageparkPrefs.flWebsocketEnabled) { try { theWsServer = websocket.createServer (function (conn) { conn.pageParkData = { whenLastUpdate: new Date (0), ctUpdates: 0 }; }); theWsServer.listen (pageparkPrefs.websocketPort); } catch (err) { console.log ("webSocketStartup: err.message == " + err.message); } } } function httpExt2MIME (ext) { //12/24/14 by DW mime.default_type = "text/plain"; return (mime.getType (ext)); } function httpReadUrl (url, callback) { request (url, function (error, response, body) { if (!error && (response.statusCode == 200)) { callback (body) } }); } function getFullFilePath (relpath) { //1/3/15 by DW var folderpath = folderPathFromEnv; if (folderpath == undefined) { //the environment variable wasn't specified return (relpath); } if (!utils.endsWith (folderpath, "/")) { folderpath += "/"; } if (utils.beginsWith (relpath, "/")) { relpath = utils.stringDelete (relpath, 1, 1); } return (folderpath + relpath); } function getTemplate (myTemplatePath, urlDefaultTemplate, callback) { if (pageparkPrefs.flCacheTemplatesLocally) { var f = getFullFilePath (myTemplatePath); fs.readFile (f, function (err, data) { if (err) { httpReadUrl (urlDefaultTemplate, function (s) { fs.writeFile (myTemplatePath, s, function (err) { if (callback != undefined) { callback (s); } }); }); } else { if (callback != undefined) { callback (data.toString ()); } } }); } else { httpReadUrl (urlDefaultTemplate, function (s) { if (callback != undefined) { callback (s); } }); } } function getMarkdownTemplate (callback) { getTemplate (mdTemplatePath, pageparkPrefs.urlDefaultMarkdownTemplate, callback); } function getOpmlTemplate (callback) { //6/23/15 by DW getTemplate (opmlTemplatePath, pageparkPrefs.urlDefaultOpmlTemplate, callback); } function checkPathForIllegalChars (path) { function isIllegal (ch) { if (utils.isAlpha (ch) || utils.isNumeric (ch)) { return (false); } switch (ch) { case "/": case "_": case "-": case ".": case " ": case "*": return (false); } for (var i = 0; i < pageparkPrefs.legalPathChars.length; i++) { //7/19/15 by DW -- check if they are legal on this server if (ch == pageparkPrefs.legalPathChars [i]) { return (false); } } return (true); } for (var i = 0; i < path.length; i++) { if (isIllegal (path [i])) { return (false); } } if (utils.stringContains (path, "./")) { return (false); } return (true); } function everyMinute () { //7/17/17 by DW var now = new Date (); console.log ("\n" + myProductName + " v" + myVersion + ": " + now.toLocaleTimeString () + ", port == " + pageparkPrefs.myPort + ".\n"); if (flStatsDirty) { writeStats (fnameStats, pageparkStats); flStatsDirty = false; } } function everySecond () { var now = new Date (); if (!flEveryMinuteScheduled) { if (now.getSeconds () == 0) { flEveryMinuteScheduled = true; setInterval (everyMinute, 60000); everyMinute (); //do one right now } } } function handleHttpRequest (httpRequest, httpResponse) { var logInfo; //9/30/17 by DW function hasAcceptHeader (theHeader) { if (httpRequest.headers.accept === undefined) { return (false); } else { var split = httpRequest.headers.accept.split (", "); for (var i = 0; i < split.length; i++) { if (split [i] == theHeader) { return (true); } } return (false); } } function getDomainFolder (host, callback) { //5/11/15 by DW var folder = getFullFilePath (domainsPath); var domainfolder = folder + host; fs.exists (domainfolder, function (flExists) { if (flExists) { callback (domainfolder, host); } else { if (utils.stringCountFields (host, ".") == 3) { var firstpart = utils.stringNthField (host, ".", 1); var wildcardhost = "*" + utils.stringDelete (host, 1, firstpart.length); domainfolder = folder + wildcardhost; callback (domainfolder, wildcardhost); } else { callback (domainfolder, host); } } }); } function getConfigFile (host, callback) { var config = { urlSiteRedirect: undefined, urlSiteContents: undefined, flProcessScriptFiles: true, flProcessMarkdownFiles: true, flProcessOpmlFiles: true, extScriptFiles: pageparkPrefs.extScriptFiles, extMarkdownFiles: pageparkPrefs.extMarkdownFiles, extOpmlFiles: pageparkPrefs.extOpmlFiles }; var f = getFullFilePath (domainsPath) + host + configFname; fs.readFile (f, function (err, data) { if (err) { callback (config); } else { try { var storedConfig = JSON.parse (data.toString ()); for (var x in storedConfig) { config [x] = storedConfig [x]; } callback (config); } catch (err) { console.log ("getConfigFile: error reading " + configFname + " file for host " + host + ". " + err.message); callback (config); } } }); } function httpRespond (code, type, val, headers) { if (headers === undefined) { headers = new Object (); } headers ["Content-Type"] = type; httpResponse.writeHead (code, headers); val = val.toString (); httpResponse.end (val); logInfo.ctSecs = utils.secondsSince (logInfo.when); logInfo.size = val.length; logInfo.code = code; logInfo.type = type; logInfo.serverStats = { pageParkVersion: myVersion, whenStart: pageparkStats.whenLastStart, ctHits: pageparkStats.ctHits, ctHitsToday: pageparkStats.ctHitsToday, ctHitsSinceStart: pageparkStats.ctHitsSinceStart }; notifySocketSubscribers ("log", logInfo); } function return404 () { getTemplate (pageparkPrefs.error404File, pageparkPrefs.urlDefaultErrorPage, function (htmtext) { httpRespond (404, "text/html", htmtext); }); } function returnRedirect (urlRedirectTo, flPermanent) { //7/30/15 by DW var code = (flPermanent) ? 301 : 302; httpRespond (code, "text/plain", "Redirect to " + urlRedirectTo + ".", {"Location": urlRedirectTo}) } function findSpecificFile (folder, specificFname, callback) { specificFname = specificFname.toLowerCase (); //7/16/15 by DW fs.readdir (folder, function (err, list) { for (var i = 0; i < list.length; i++) { var fname = list [i]; if (utils.stringCountFields (fname, ".") == 2) { //something like xxx.yyy if (utils.stringNthField (fname, ".", 1).toLowerCase () == specificFname) { //something like callback (folder + fname); return; } } } return404 (); }); } function processResponse (path, data, config, callback) { //9/26/17 by DW var formatParam; //url ends with ?format=abc -- 6/24/15 by DW if (parsedUrl.query.format !== undefined) { formatParam = parsedUrl.query.format.toLowerCase () } function httpReturn (val, type) { //2/17/15 by DW callback (200, type, val.toString ()); } function defaultReturn (type, data) { callback (200, type, data); } var ext = utils.stringLastField (path, ".").toLowerCase (), type = httpExt2MIME (ext); switch (ext) { case config.extScriptFiles: if (pageparkPrefs.flProcessScriptFiles && config.flProcessScriptFiles) { try { var val = eval (data.toString ()); if (val !== undefined) { //2/17/15 by DW httpReturn (val.toString (), "text/html"); } } catch (err) { callback (500, "text/plain", "Error running " + parsedUrl.pathname + ": \"" + err.message + "\""); } } else { defaultReturn (type, data); } break; case config.extMarkdownFiles: if (pageparkPrefs.flProcessMarkdownFiles && config.flProcessMarkdownFiles) { getMarkdownTemplate (function (theTemplate) { var mdtext = data.toString (), pagetable = new Object (); pagetable.bodytext = marked (mdtext); pagetable.title = utils.stringLastField (path, "/"); var s = utils.multipleReplaceAll (theTemplate, pagetable, false, "[%", "%]"); callback (200, "text/html", s); }); } else { defaultReturn (type, data); } break; case config.extOpmlFiles: //6/23/15 by DW var flReturnHtml = (!hasAcceptHeader ("text/x-opml")) && (formatParam != "opml"); if (pageparkPrefs.flProcessOpmlFiles && config.flProcessOpmlFiles && flReturnHtml) { //6/24/15 by DW getOpmlTemplate (function (theTemplate) { var opmltext = data.toString (), pagetable = new Object (); opmlToJs.parse (opmltext, function (theOutline) { var pagetable = { bodytext: utils.jsonStringify (theOutline), title: utils.stringLastField (path, "/"), description: "", image: "", sitename: "", url: "http://" + + httpRequest.url }; utils.copyScalars (theOutline.opml.head, pagetable); var htmltext = utils.multipleReplaceAll (theTemplate, pagetable, false, "[%", "%]"); httpReturn (htmltext, "text/html"); }); }); } else { defaultReturn ("text/xml", data); } break; default: defaultReturn (type, data); break; } } function serveFile (f, config) { fs.readFile (f, function (err, data) { if (err) { return404 (); } else { processResponse (f, data, config, function (code, type, text) { httpRespond (code, type, text); }); } }); } function serveRedirect (lowerpath, config) { //7/30/15 by DW -- return true if we handled the request if (config.redirects !== undefined) { for (x in config.redirects) { if (x.toLowerCase () == lowerpath) { var urlRedirectTo = config.redirects [x]; console.log ("serveRedirect: urlRedirectTo == " + urlRedirectTo); returnRedirect (urlRedirectTo); return (true); } } } return (false); } function delegateRequest (urlToDelegateTo) { var theRequest = { url: urlToDelegateTo, followRedirect: false, //5/26/15 by DW headers: { "X-Forwarded-Host": host, "X-Forwarded-For": httpRequest.connection.remoteAddress } }; function handleError (err) { if (err) { console.log ("delegateRequest: error == " + err.message); httpRespond (500, "text/plain", err.message); } } var req = httpRequest.pipe (request (theRequest)); req.on ("error", handleError); req.pipe (httpResponse).on ("error", handleError); } function findMappedDomain (domain, callback) { //5/23/15 by DW for (var x in pageparkPrefs.domainMap) { if (utils.endsWith (domain, x)) { callback (pageparkPrefs.domainMap [x]); //a mapped domain, delegate to this port return; } } callback (undefined); //it's one of our domains, handle it here } function pathParse (domainfolder, path, callback) { //11/7/17 by DW if (pageparkPrefs.flUnicasePaths) { var nomad = domainfolder, steps, flSlashAtEnd = false; if (utils.beginsWith (path, "/")) { path = utils.stringDelete (path, 1, 1); } steps = path.split ("/"); if (steps [steps.length - 1].length == 0) { steps.pop (); flSlashAtEnd = true; } function doStep (ix) { if (ix < steps.length) { var lowerstep = utils.stringLower (steps [ix]), flfound = false; if (!utils.endsWith (nomad, "/")) { nomad += "/"; } fs.readdir (nomad, function (err, list) { if (err) { callback (err); } else { for (var i = 0; i < list.length; i++) { var fname = utils.stringLower (list [i]); if (fname == lowerstep) { nomad += list [i]; doStep (ix + 1); flfound = true; break; } } if (!flfound) { var err = { }; callback (err); } } }); } else { if (flSlashAtEnd) { nomad += "/"; } callback (undefined, nomad); } } doStep (0); } else { callback (undefined, domainfolder + path); } } try { var parsedUrl = urlpack.parse (httpRequest.url, true), host, lowerhost, port, referrer; var lowerpath = parsedUrl.pathname.toLowerCase (), now = new Date (); var remoteAddress = httpRequest.connection.remoteAddress; //set host, port host =; if (utils.stringContains (host, ":")) { port = utils.stringNthField (host, ":", 2); host = utils.stringNthField (host, ":", 1); } else { port = 80; } lowerhost = host.toLowerCase (); //set referrer referrer = httpRequest.headers.referer; if (referrer == undefined) { referrer = ""; } //clean up remoteAddress -- 9/29/17 by DW if (utils.beginsWith (remoteAddress, "::ffff:")) { remoteAddress = utils.stringDelete (remoteAddress, 1, 7); } //set up logInfo -- 9/30/17 by DW logInfo = { when: now, method: httpRequest.method, host: host, port: port, path: parsedUrl.pathname, lowerpath: lowerpath, referrer: referrer, params: parsedUrl.query, remoteAddress: remoteAddress }; //stats //hits by domain if (pageparkStats.hitsByDomain [lowerhost] == undefined) { pageparkStats.hitsByDomain [lowerhost] = 1; } else { pageparkStats.hitsByDomain [lowerhost]++; } //hits today if (!utils.sameDay (now, pageparkStats.whenLastHit)) { //day rollover pageparkStats.ctHitsToday = 0; } pageparkStats.ctHits++; pageparkStats.ctHitsToday++; pageparkStats.ctHitsSinceStart++; //9/30/17 by DW pageparkStats.whenLastHit = now; flStatsDirty = true; //log the request dns.reverse (remoteAddress, function (err, domains) { var client = remoteAddress; if (!err) { if (domains.length > 0) { client = domains [0]; } } if (client == undefined) { //1/25/15 by DW client = ""; } console.log (now.toLocaleTimeString () + " " + httpRequest.method + " " + host + ":" + port + " " + lowerpath + " " + referrer + " " + client); logInfo.client = client; }); //handle the request findMappedDomain (host, function (thePort) { if (thePort !== undefined) { var urlRemote; parsedUrl.protocol = "http:"; = host + ":" + thePort; parsedUrl.hostname = host; parsedUrl.port = thePort; urlRemote = urlpack.format (parsedUrl); delegateRequest (urlRemote); } else { //no mapping, we handle the request getDomainFolder (host, function (domainfolder, actualhost) { //might be a wildcard folder pathParse (domainfolder, parsedUrl.pathname, function (err, f) { if (f === undefined) { f = domainfolder + parsedUrl.pathname; } if (checkPathForIllegalChars (f)) { utils.sureFilePath (domainsPath, function () { //make sure domains folder exists getConfigFile (actualhost, function (config) { //get config.json, if it exists -- 1/18/15 by DW if (config != undefined) { if (config.jsSiteRedirect != undefined) { //7/7/15 by DW try { var urlRedirect = eval (config.jsSiteRedirect.toString ()); returnRedirect (urlRedirect.toString (), false); //9/30/17 by DW } catch (err) { httpRespond (500, "text/plain", "Error running " + config.jsSiteRedirect + ": \"" + err.message + "\""); } return; } if (config.urlSiteRedirect != undefined) { var urlRedirect = config.urlSiteRedirect + parsedUrl.pathname; returnRedirect (urlRedirect.toString (), false); //9/30/17 by DW return; } if (config.urlSiteContents != undefined) { //4/26/15 by DW -- v0.55 delegateRequest (config.urlSiteContents + httpRequest.url); return; } if (config.fargoS3Path != undefined) { //5/11/15 PM by DW v0.58 var firstPartOfHost = utils.stringNthField (host, ".", 1); //if it's, this value is "dave" var s3url = "http:/" + config.fargoS3Path + firstPartOfHost + parsedUrl.pathname; //xxx request (s3url, function (error, response, body) { if (error) { httpRespond (500, "text/plain", "Error accessing S3 data: " + error.message); } else { httpRespond (response.statusCode, response.headers ["content-type"], body); } }); return; } if (config.s3Path != undefined) { //9/26/17 by DW var s3url = "http:/" + config.s3Path + parsedUrl.pathname; request (s3url, function (error, response, body) { if (error) { httpRespond (500, "text/plain", "Error accessing S3 data: " + error.message); } else { if (response.statusCode == 200) { processResponse (parsedUrl.pathname, body, config, function (code, type, text) { httpRespond (code, type, text); }); } else { httpRespond (response.statusCode, response.headers ["content-type"], body); } } }); return; } if (config.localPath != undefined) { //9/26/17 by DW var localFile = config.localPath + parsedUrl.pathname; console.log ("localFile == " + localFile); serveFile (localFile, config); return; } } fs.stat (f, function (err, stats) { if (err) { switch (lowerpath) { case "/version": httpRespond (200, "text/plain", myVersion); break; case "/now": httpRespond (200, "text/plain", now.toString ()); break; case "/status": var status = { prefs: pageparkPrefs, status: pageparkStats } httpRespond (200, "text/plain", utils.jsonStringify (status)); break; default: if (!serveRedirect (lowerpath, config)) { //12/8/15 by DW -- it wasn't a redirect return404 (); } break; } } else { if (!serveRedirect (lowerpath, config)) { //7/30/15 by DW -- it wasn't a redirect if (stats.isDirectory ()) { if (!utils.endsWith (f, "/")) { returnRedirect (httpRequest.url + "/", false); //7/5/17 by DW } else { findSpecificFile (f, pageparkPrefs.indexFilename, function (findex) { serveFile (findex, config); }); } } else { serveFile (f, config); } } } }); }); }); } else { httpRespond (400, "text/plain", "The file name contains illegal characters."); } }); }); } }); } catch (err) { httpRespond (500, "text/plain", err.message); } } function writeStats (fname, stats, callback) { var f = getFullFilePath (fname); utils.sureFilePath (f, function () { fs.writeFile (f, utils.jsonStringify (stats), function (err) { if (err) { console.log ("writeStats: error == " + err.message); } if (callback != undefined) { callback (); } }); }); } function readStats (fname, stats, callback) { var f = getFullFilePath (fname); utils.sureFilePath (f, function () { fs.exists (f, function (flExists) { if (flExists) { fs.readFile (f, function (err, data) { if (err) { console.log ("readStats: error reading file " + f + " == " + err.message) if (callback != undefined) { callback (); } } else { var storedStats; try { storedStats = JSON.parse (data.toString ()); for (var x in storedStats) { stats [x] = storedStats [x]; } writeStats (fname, stats, function () { if (callback != undefined) { callback (); } }); } catch (err) { console.log ("readStats: error parsing file " + f + " == " + err.message) } } }); } else { writeStats (fname, stats, function () { if (callback != undefined) { callback (); } }); } }); }); } function getTopLevelPrefs (callback) { //6/7/17 by DW -- first look for config.json, then prefs/prefs.json const newFnameConfig = "config.json", oldFnameConfig = "prefs/prefs.json"; fs.exists (newFnameConfig, function (flExists) { function readFrom (fname) { readStats (fname, pageparkPrefs, callback); } if (flExists) { readFrom (newFnameConfig); } else { fs.exists (oldFnameConfig, function (flExists) { if (flExists) { readFrom (oldFnameConfig); } else { readFrom (newFnameConfig); } }); } }); } function startup () { getTopLevelPrefs (function () { console.log ("\n" + myProductName + " v" + myVersion + " running on port " + pageparkPrefs.myPort + ".\n"); console.log ("startup: pageparkPrefs == " + utils.jsonStringify (pageparkPrefs)); readStats (fnameStats, pageparkStats, function () { utils.sureFilePath (getFullFilePath (domainsPath) + "x", function () { //make sure domains folder exists var now = new Date (); pageparkStats.ctStarts++; pageparkStats.whenLastStart = now; pageparkStats.ctHitsSinceStart = 0; //9/30/17 by DW flStatsDirty = true; http.createServer (handleHttpRequest).listen (pageparkPrefs.myPort); webSocketStartup (); //9/29/17 by DW setInterval (everySecond, 1000); }); }); }); } startup ();