You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

1028 lines
25 KiB

10 years ago
exports.beginsWith = beginsWith;
exports.endsWith = endsWith;
exports.stringCountFields = stringCountFields;
exports.stringDelete = stringDelete;
exports.stringMid = stringMid;
exports.padWithZeros = padWithZeros;
exports.getDatePath = getDatePath;
exports.secondsSince = secondsSince;
exports.bumpUrlString = bumpUrlString;
exports.stringContains = stringContains;
exports.sameDay = sameDay;
exports.jsonStringify = jsonStringify;
exports.stringNthField = stringNthField;
exports.getBoolean = getBoolean;
exports.isAlpha = isAlpha;
exports.isNumeric = isNumeric;
exports.stringLastField = stringLastField;
exports.multipleReplaceAll = multipleReplaceAll;
9 years ago
exports.replaceAll = replaceAll; //2/17/15 by DW
9 years ago
exports.kilobyteString = kilobyteString;
exports.megabyteString = megabyteString;
exports.gigabyteString = gigabyteString;
9 years ago
exports.stringLower = stringLower;
exports.filledString = filledString;
exports.innerCaseName = innerCaseName;
exports.copyScalars = copyScalars;
exports.stripMarkup = stripMarkup;
exports.replaceAll = replaceAll;
exports.hotUpText = hotUpText;
10 years ago
function sameDay (d1, d2) {
//returns true if the two dates are on the same day
d1 = new Date (d1);
d2 = new Date (d2);
return ((d1.getFullYear () == d2.getFullYear ()) && (d1.getMonth () == d2.getMonth ()) && (d1.getDate () == d2.getDate ()));
function dayGreaterThanOrEqual (d1, d2) { //9/2/14 by DW
d1 = new Date (d1);
d1.setHours (0);
d1.setMinutes (0);
d1.setSeconds (0);
d2 = new Date (d2);
d2.setHours (0);
d2.setMinutes (0);
d2.setSeconds (0);
return (d1 >= d2);
function stringLower (s) {
9 years ago
if (s === undefined) { //1/26/15 by DW
return ("");
s = s.toString (); //1/26/15 by DW
10 years ago
return (s.toLowerCase ());
function secondsSince (when) {
var now = new Date ();
when = new Date (when);
return ((now - when) / 1000);
function padWithZeros (num, ctplaces) {
var s = num.toString ();
while (s.length < ctplaces) {
s = "0" + s;
return (s);
function getDatePath (theDate, flLastSeparator) {
if (theDate === undefined) {
theDate = new Date ();
else {
theDate = new Date (theDate); //8/12/14 by DW -- make sure it's a date type
if (flLastSeparator === undefined) {
flLastSeparator = true;
var month = padWithZeros (theDate.getMonth () + 1, 2);
var day = padWithZeros (theDate.getDate (), 2);
var year = theDate.getFullYear ();
if (flLastSeparator) {
return (year + "/" + month + "/" + day + "/");
else {
return (year + "/" + month + "/" + day);
function multipleReplaceAll (s, adrTable, flCaseSensitive, startCharacters, endCharacters) {
flCaseSensitive = false;
for( var item in adrTable){
var replacementValue = adrTable[item];
var regularExpressionModifier = "g";
regularExpressionModifier = "gi";
var regularExpressionString = (startCharacters+item+endCharacters).replace(/([.?*+^$[\]\\(){}|-])/g, "\\$1");
var regularExpression = new RegExp(regularExpressionString, regularExpressionModifier);
s = s.replace(regularExpression, replacementValue);
return s;
function endsWith (s, possibleEnding, flUnicase) {
if ((s === undefined) || (s.length == 0)) {
return (false);
var ixstring = s.length - 1;
if (flUnicase === undefined) {
flUnicase = true;
if (flUnicase) {
for (var i = possibleEnding.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
if (stringLower (s [ixstring--]) != stringLower (possibleEnding [i])) {
return (false);
else {
for (var i = possibleEnding.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
if (s [ixstring--] != possibleEnding [i]) {
return (false);
return (true);
function stringContains (s, whatItMightContain, flUnicase) { //11/9/14 by DW
if (flUnicase === undefined) {
flUnicase = true;
if (flUnicase) {
s = s.toLowerCase ();
whatItMightContain = whatItMightContain.toLowerCase ();
return (s.indexOf (whatItMightContain) != -1);
function beginsWith (s, possibleBeginning, flUnicase) {
9 years ago
if (s === undefined) { //7/15/15 by DW
return (false);
10 years ago
if (s.length == 0) { //1/1/14 by DW
return (false);
if (flUnicase === undefined) {
flUnicase = true;
if (flUnicase) {
for (var i = 0; i < possibleBeginning.length; i++) {
if (stringLower (s [i]) != stringLower (possibleBeginning [i])) {
return (false);
else {
for (var i = 0; i < possibleBeginning.length; i++) {
if (s [i] != possibleBeginning [i]) {
return (false);
return (true);
function isAlpha (ch) {
return (((ch >= 'a') && (ch <= 'z')) || ((ch >= 'A') && (ch <= 'Z')));
function isNumeric (ch) {
return ((ch >= '0') && (ch <= '9'));
function trimLeading (s, ch) {
while (s.charAt (0) === ch) {
s = s.substr (1);
return (s);
function trimTrailing (s, ch) {
while (s.charAt (s.length - 1) === ch) {
s = s.substr (0, s.length - 1);
return (s);
function trimWhitespace (s) { //rewrite -- 5/30/14 by DW
function isWhite (ch) {
switch (ch) {
case " ": case "\r": case "\n": case "\t":
return (true);
return (false);
if (s === undefined) { //9/10/14 by DW
return ("");
while (isWhite (s.charAt (0))) {
s = s.substr (1);
while (s.length > 0) {
if (!isWhite (s.charAt (0))) {
s = s.substr (1);
while (s.length > 0) {
if (!isWhite (s.charAt (s.length - 1))) {
s = s.substr (0, s.length - 1);
return (s);
function addPeriodAtEnd (s) {
s = trimWhitespace (s);
if (s.length == 0) {
return (s);
switch (s [s.length - 1]) {
case ".":
case ",":
case "?":
case "\"":
case "'":
case ":":
case ";":
case "!":
return (s);
return (s + ".");
function getBoolean (val) { //12/5/13 by DW
switch (typeof (val)) {
case "string":
if (val.toLowerCase () == "true") {
return (true);
case "boolean":
return (val);
case "number":
if (val == 1) {
return (true);
return (false);
function bumpUrlString (s) { //5/10/14 by DW
if (s === undefined) {
s = "0";
function bumpChar (ch) {
function num (ch) {
return (ch.charCodeAt (0));
if ((ch >= "0") && (ch <= "8")) {
ch = String.fromCharCode (num (ch) + 1);
else {
if (ch == "9") {
ch = "a";
else {
if ((ch >= "a") && (ch <= "y")) {
ch = String.fromCharCode (num (ch) + 1);
else {
throw "rollover!";
return (ch);
try {
var chlast = bumpChar (s [s.length - 1]);
s = s.substr (0, s.length - 1) + chlast;
return (s);
catch (tryError) {
if (s.length == 1) {
return ("00");
else {
s = s.substr (0, s.length - 1);
s = bumpUrlString (s) + "0";
return (s);
function stringDelete (s, ix, ct) {
var start = ix - 1;
var end = (ix + ct) - 1;
var s1 = s.substr (0, start);
var s2 = s.substr (end);
return (s1 + s2);
function replaceAll (s, searchfor, replacewith) {
function escapeRegExp (string) {
return string.replace(/([.*+?^=!:${}()|\[\]\/\\])/g, "\\$1");
return (s.replace (new RegExp (escapeRegExp (searchfor), 'g'), replacewith));
function stringCountFields (s, chdelim) {
var ct = 1;
if (s.length == 0) {
return (0);
for (var i = 0; i < s.length; i++) {
if (s [i] == chdelim) {
return (ct)
function stringNthField (s, chdelim, n) {
var splits = s.split (chdelim);
if (splits.length >= n) {
return splits [n-1];
return ("");
function dateYesterday (d) {
return (new Date (new Date (d) - (24 * 60 * 60 * 1000)));
function stripMarkup (s) { //5/24/14 by DW
if ((s === undefined) || (s == null) || (s.length == 0)) {
return ("");
return (s.replace (/(<([^>]+)>)/ig, ""));
function maxStringLength (s, len, flWholeWordAtEnd, flAddElipses) {
if (flWholeWordAtEnd === undefined) {
flWholeWordAtEnd = true;
if (flAddElipses === undefined) { //6/2/14 by DW
flAddElipses = true;
if (s.length > len) {
s = s.substr (0, len);
if (flWholeWordAtEnd) {
while (s.length > 0) {
if (s [s.length - 1] == " ") {
if (flAddElipses) {
s += "...";
s = s.substr (0, s.length - 1); //pop last char
return (s);
function random (lower, upper) {
var range = upper - lower + 1;
return (Math.floor ((Math.random () * range) + lower));
function removeMultipleBlanks (s) { //7/30/14 by DW
return (s.toString().replace (/ +/g, " "));
9 years ago
function jsonStringify (jstruct, flFixBreakage) { //7/30/14 by DW
//6/16/15; 10:43:25 AM by DW
//Andrew Shell reported an issue in the encoding of JSON that's solved by doing character replacement.
//However, this is too big a change to make for all the code that calls this library routine, so we added a boolean flag, flFixBreakage.
//If this proves to be harmless, we'll change the default to true.
if (flFixBreakage === undefined) {
flFixBreakage = false;
var s = JSON.stringify (jstruct, undefined, 4);
if (flFixBreakage) {
s = s.replace (/\u2028/g,'\\u2028').replace (/\u2029/g,'\\u2029');
return (s);
10 years ago
function stringAddCommas (x) { //5/27/14 by DW
return x.toString().replace(/\B(?=(\d{3})+(?!\d))/g, ",");
9 years ago
function readHttpFile (url, callback, timeoutInMilliseconds, headers) { //5/27/14 by DW xxx
10 years ago
if (timeoutInMilliseconds === undefined) {
timeoutInMilliseconds = 30000;
var jxhr = $.ajax ({
url: url,
9 years ago
dataType: "text",
headers: headers,
10 years ago
timeout: timeoutInMilliseconds
.success (function (data, status) {
callback (data);
.error (function (status) {
console.log ("readHttpFile: url == " + url + ", error == " + jsonStringify (status));
callback (undefined);
function readHttpFileThruProxy (url, type, callback) { //10/25/14 by DW
9 years ago
var urlReadFileApi = "";
10 years ago
if (type === undefined) {
type = "text/plain";
var jxhr = $.ajax ({
url: urlReadFileApi + "?url=" + encodeURIComponent (url) + "&type=" + encodeURIComponent (type),
dataType: "text" ,
timeout: 30000
.success (function (data, status) {
if (callback != undefined) {
callback (data);
.error (function (status) {
console.log ("readHttpFileThruProxy: url == " + url + ", error == " + status.statusText + ".");
if (callback != undefined) {
callback (undefined);
function stringPopLastField (s, chdelim) { //5/28/14 by DW
if (s.length == 0) {
return (s);
if (endsWith (s, chdelim)) {
s = stringDelete (s, s.length, 1);
while (s.length > 0) {
if (endsWith (s, chdelim)) {
return (stringDelete (s, s.length, 1));
s = stringDelete (s, s.length, 1);
return (s);
9 years ago
function stringPopExtension (s) { //4/29/15 by DW
for (var i = s.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
if (s [i] == ".") {
return (stringMid (s, 1, i));
return (s);
10 years ago
function filledString (ch, ct) { //6/4/14 by DW
var s = "";
for (var i = 0; i < ct; i++) {
s += ch;
return (s);
function encodeXml (s) { //7/15/14 by DW
var charMap = {
'<': '&lt;',
'>': '&gt;',
'&': '&amp;',
'"': '&'+'quot;'
s = s.toString();
s = s.replace(/\u00A0/g, " ");
var escaped = s.replace(/[<>&"]/g, function(ch) {
return charMap [ch];
return escaped;
function decodeXml (s) { //11/7/14 by DW
return (s.replace (/&lt;/g,'<').replace(/&gt;/g,'>').replace(/&amp;/g,'&'));
function hotUpText (s, url) { //7/18/14 by DW
if (url === undefined) { //makes it easier to call -- 3/14/14 by DW
return (s);
function linkit (s) {
return ("<a href=\"" + url + "\" target=\"_blank\">" + s + "</a>");
var ixleft = s.indexOf ("["), ixright = s.indexOf ("]");
if ((ixleft == -1) || (ixright == -1)) {
return (linkit (s));
if (ixright < ixleft) {
return (linkit (s));
var linktext = s.substr (ixleft + 1, ixright - ixleft - 1); //string.mid (s, ixleft, ixright - ixleft + 1);
linktext = "<a href=\"" + url + "\" target=\"_blank\">" + linktext + "</a>";
var leftpart = s.substr (0, ixleft);
var rightpart = s.substr (ixright + 1, s.length);
s = leftpart + linktext + rightpart;
return (s);
9 years ago
function getDomainFromUrl (url) { //7/11/15 by DW
if ((url != null ) && (url != "")) {
url = url.replace("www.","").replace("www2.", "").replace("feedproxy.", "").replace("feeds.", "");
var root = url.split('?')[0]; // cleans urls of form
url = root.split('/')[2];
return (url);
10 years ago
function getFavicon (url) { //7/18/14 by DW
9 years ago
var domain = getDomainFromUrl (url);
10 years ago
return ("" + domain);
function getURLParameter (name) { //7/21/14 by DW
return (decodeURI ((RegExp(name + '=' + '(.+?)(&|$)').exec(||[,null])[1]));
function urlSplitter (url) { //7/15/14 by DW
var pattern = /^(?:([A-Za-z]+):)?(\/{0,3})([0-9.\-A-Za-z]+)(?::(\d+))?(?:\/([^?#]*))?(?:\?([^#]*))?(?:#(.*))?$/;
var result = pattern.exec (url);
if (result == null) {
result = [];
result [5] = url;
var splitUrl = {
scheme: result [1],
host: result [3],
port: result [4],
path: result [5],
query: result [6],
hash: result [7]
return (splitUrl);
function innerCaseName (text) { //8/12/14 by DW
var s = "", ch, flNextUpper = false;
text = stripMarkup (text);
for (var i = 0; i < text.length; i++) {
ch = text [i];
if (isAlpha (ch) || isNumeric (ch)) {
if (flNextUpper) {
ch = ch.toUpperCase ();
flNextUpper = false;
else {
ch = ch.toLowerCase ();
s += ch;
else {
if (ch == ' ') {
flNextUpper = true;
return (s);
function hitCounter (counterGroup, counterServer) { //8/12/14 by DW
9 years ago
var defaultCounterGroup = "scripting", defaultCounterServer = "";
10 years ago
var thispageurl = location.href;
if (counterGroup === undefined) {
counterGroup = defaultCounterGroup;
if (counterServer === undefined) {
counterServer = defaultCounterServer;
if (thispageurl === undefined) {
thispageurl = "";
if (endsWith (thispageurl, "#")) {
thispageurl = thispageurl.substr (0, thispageurl.length - 1);
var jxhr = $.ajax ({
url: counterServer + "?group=" + encodeURIComponent (counterGroup) + "&referer=" + encodeURIComponent (document.referrer) + "&url=" + encodeURIComponent (thispageurl),
dataType: "jsonp",
jsonpCallback : "getData",
timeout: 30000
.success (function (data, status, xhr) {
9 years ago
console.log ("hitCounter: counter ping accepted by server, group == " + counterGroup + ", page url == " + thispageurl);
10 years ago
.error (function (status, textStatus, errorThrown) {
console.log ("hitCounter: counter ping error: " + textStatus);
function stringMid (s, ix, len) { //8/12/14 by DW
return (s.substr (ix-1, len));
function getCmdKeyPrefix () { //8/15/14 by DW
if (navigator.platform.toLowerCase ().substr (0, 3) == "mac") {
return ("&#8984;");
else {
return ("Ctrl+");
function getRandomSnarkySlogan () { //8/15/14 by DW
var snarkySlogans = [
"Good for the environment.",
"All baking done on premises.",
"Still diggin!",
"It's even worse than it appears.",
"Ask not what the Internet can do for you...",
"You should never argue with a crazy man.",
"Welcome back my friends to the show that never ends.",
"Greetings, citizen of Planet Earth. We are your overlords. :-)",
"We don't need no stinkin rock stars.",
"This aggression will not stand.",
"Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain.",
"Only steal from the best.",
"Reallll soooon now...",
"What a long strange trip it's been.",
"Ask not what the Internet can do for you.",
"When in doubt, blog.",
"Shut up and eat your vegetables.",
"Don't slam the door on the way out.",
"Yeah well, that's just, you know, like, your opinion, man.",
"So, it has come to this."
return (snarkySlogans [random (0, snarkySlogans.length - 1)]);
function dayOfWeekToString (theDay) { //8/23/14 by DW
var weekday = [
"Sunday", "Monday", "Tuesday", "Wednesday", "Thursday", "Friday", "Saturday"
return (weekday[theDay]);
function viewDate (when, flShortDayOfWeek) { //8/23/14 by DW
var now = new Date ();
when = new Date (when);
if (sameDay (when, now)) {
return (timeString (when, false)) //2/9/13 by DW;
else {
var oneweek = 1000 * 60 * 60 * 24 * 7;
var cutoff = now - oneweek;
if (when > cutoff) { //within the last week
var s = dayOfWeekToString (when.getDay ());
if (flShortDayOfWeek) {
s = s.substring (0, 3);
return (s);
else {
return (when.toLocaleDateString ());
function timeString (when, flIncludeSeconds) { //8/26/14 by DW
var hour = when.getHours (), minutes = when.getMinutes (), ampm = "AM", s;
if (hour >= 12) {
ampm = "PM";
if (hour > 12) {
hour -= 12;
if (hour == 0) {
hour = 12;
if (minutes < 10) {
minutes = "0" + minutes;
if (flIncludeSeconds) {
var seconds = when.getSeconds ();
if (seconds < 10) {
seconds = "0" + seconds;
s = hour + ":" + minutes + ":" + seconds + ampm;
else {
s = hour + ":" + minutes + ampm;
return (s);
function stringLastField (s, chdelim) { //8/27/14 by DW
var ct = stringCountFields (s, chdelim);
if (ct == 0) { //8/31/14 by DW
return (s);
return (stringNthField (s, chdelim, ct));
function maxLengthString (s, maxlength) { //8/27/14 by DW
if (s.length > maxlength) {
s = s.substr (0, maxlength);
while (true) {
var len = s.length; flbreak = false;
if (len == 0) {
if (s [len - 1] == " ") {
flbreak = true;
s = s.substr (0, len - 1);
if (flbreak) {
s = s + "...";
return (s);
function formatDate (theDate, dateformat, timezone) { //8/28/14 by DW
if (theDate === undefined) {
theDate = new Date ();
if (dateformat === undefined) {
dateformat = "%c";
if (timezone === undefined) {
timezone = - (new Date ().getTimezoneOffset () / 60);
try {
var offset = new Number (timezone);
var d = new Date (theDate);
var localTime = d.getTime ();
var localOffset = d.getTimezoneOffset () * 60000;
var utc = localTime + localOffset;
var newTime = utc + (3600000 * offset);
return (new Date (newTime).strftime (dateformat));
catch (tryerror) {
return (new Date (theDate).strftime (dateformat));
function addPeriodToSentence (s) { //8/29/14 by DW
if (s.length > 0) {
var fladd = true;
var ch = s [s.length - 1];
switch (ch) {
case "!": case "?": case ":":
fladd = false;
if (endsWith (s, ".\"")) {
fladd = false;
else {
if (endsWith (s, ".'")) {
fladd = false;
if (fladd) {
s += ".";
return (s);
function copyScalars (source, dest) { //8/31/14 by DW
for (var x in source) {
var type, val = source [x];
if (val instanceof Date) {
val = val.toString ();
type = typeof (val);
if ((type != "object") && (type != undefined)) {
dest [x] = val;
function linkToDomainFromUrl (url, flshort, maxlength) { //10/10/14 by DW
var splitUrl = urlSplitter (url), host = ();
if (flshort === undefined) {
flshort = false;
if (flshort) {
var splithost = host.split (".");
if (splithost.length == 3) {
host = splithost [1];
else {
host = splithost [0];
else {
if (beginsWith (host, "www.")) {
host = stringDelete (host, 1, 4);
if (maxlength != undefined) { //10/10/14; 10:46:56 PM by DW
if (host.length > maxlength) {
host = stringMid (host, 1, maxlength) + "...";
return ("<a class=\"aLinkToDomainFromUrl\" href=\"" + url + "\" target=\"blank\">" + host + "</a>");
function getRandomPassword (ctchars) { //10/14/14 by DW
var s= "", ch;
while (s.length < ctchars) {
ch = String.fromCharCode (random (33, 122));
if (isAlpha (ch) || isNumeric (ch)) {
s += ch;
return (s.toLowerCase ());
function monthToString (theMonthNum) { //11/4/14 by DW
var theDate;
if (theMonthNum === undefined) {
theDate = new Date ();
else {
theDate = new Date ((theMonthNum + 1) + "/1/2014");
return (formatDate (theDate, "%B"));
function getCanonicalName (text) { //11/4/14 by DW
var s = "", ch, flNextUpper = false;
text = stripMarkup (text); //6/30/13 by DW
for (var i = 0; i < text.length; i++) {
ch = text [i];
if (isAlpha (ch) || isNumeric (ch)) {
if (flNextUpper) {
ch = ch.toUpperCase ();
flNextUpper = false;
else {
ch = ch.toLowerCase ();
s += ch;
else {
if (ch == ' ') {
flNextUpper = true;
return (s);
function clockNow () { //11/7/14 by DW
return (new Date ());
function sleepTillTopOfMinute (callback) { //11/22/14 by DW
var ctseconds = Math.round (60 - (new Date ().getSeconds () + 60) % 60);
if (ctseconds == 0) {
ctseconds = 60;
9 years ago
setTimeout (callback, ctseconds * 1000); //8/13/15 by DW -- was hard-coded to "everyMinute" ignored the callback param, fixed
10 years ago
function scheduleNextRun (callback, ctMillisecsBetwRuns) { //11/27/14 by DW
var ctmilliseconds = ctMillisecsBetwRuns - (Number (new Date ().getMilliseconds ()) + ctMillisecsBetwRuns) % ctMillisecsBetwRuns;
setTimeout (callback, ctmilliseconds);
function urlEncode (s) { //12/4/14 by DW
return (encodeURIComponent (s));
function popTweetNameAtStart (s) { //12/8/14 by DW
var ch;
s = trimWhitespace (s);
if (s.length > 0) {
if (s.charAt (0) == "@") {
while (s.charAt (0) != " ") {
s = s.substr (1)
while (s.length > 0) {
ch = s.charAt (0);
if ((ch != " ") && (ch != "-")) {
s = s.substr (1)
return (s);
function httpHeadRequest (url, callback) { //12/17/14 by DW
var jxhr = $.ajax ({
url: url,
type: "HEAD",
dataType: "text",
timeout: 30000
.success (function (data, status, xhr) {
callback (xhr); //you can do xhr.getResponseHeader to get one of the header elements
function httpExt2MIME (ext) { //12/24/14 by DW
var lowerext = stringLower (ext);
var map = {
"au": "audio/basic",
"avi": "application/x-msvideo",
"bin": "application/x-macbinary",
"css": "text/css",
"dcr": "application/x-director",
"dir": "application/x-director",
"dll": "application/octet-stream",
"doc": "application/msword",
"dtd": "text/dtd",
"dxr": "application/x-director",
"exe": "application/octet-stream",
"fatp": "text/html",
"ftsc": "text/html",
"fttb": "text/html",
"gif": "image/gif",
"gz": "application/x-gzip",
"hqx": "application/mac-binhex40",
"htm": "text/html",
"html": "text/html",
"jpeg": "image/jpeg",
"jpg": "image/jpeg",
"js": "application/javascript",
"mid": "audio/x-midi",
"midi": "audio/x-midi",
"mov": "video/quicktime",
"mp3": "audio/mpeg",
"pdf": "application/pdf",
"png": "image/png",
"ppt": "application/mspowerpoint",
"ps": "application/postscript",
"ra": "audio/x-pn-realaudio",
"ram": "audio/x-pn-realaudio",
"sit": "application/x-stuffit",
"sys": "application/octet-stream",
"tar": "application/x-tar",
"text": "text/plain",
"txt": "text/plain",
"wav": "audio/x-wav",
"wrl": "x-world/x-vrml",
"xml": "text/xml",
"zip": "application/zip"
for (x in map) {
if (stringLower (x) == lowerext) {
return (map [x]);
return ("text/plain");
9 years ago
function kilobyteString (num) { //1/24/15 by DW
num = Number (num) / 1024;
return (num.toFixed (2) + "K");
function megabyteString (num) { //1/24/15 by DW
var onemeg = 1024 * 1024;
if (num <= onemeg) {
return (kilobyteString (num));
num = Number (num) / onemeg;
return (num.toFixed (2) + "MB");
function gigabyteString (num) { //1/24/15 by DW
var onegig = 1024 * 1024 * 1024;
if (num <= onegig) {
return (megabyteString (num));
num = Number (num) / onegig;
return (num.toFixed (2) + "GB");
9 years ago
function dateToNumber (theDate) { //2/15/15 by DW
return (Number (new Date (theDate)));
9 years ago
function getFileModDate (f, callback) { //8/26/15 by DW
fs.exists (f, function (flExists) {
if (flExists) {
fs.stat (f, function (err, stats) {
if (err) {
callback (undefined);
else {
callback (new Date (stats.mtime).toString ());
else {
callback (undefined);
9 years ago
function getAppUrl () { //11/13/15 by DW
var url = stringNthField (window.location.href, "?", 1);
url = stringNthField (url, "#", 1);
return (url);
function getFacebookTimeString (when) { //11/13/15 by DW
when = new Date (when); //make sure it's a date
var ctsecs = secondsSince (when), ct, s;
if (ctsecs < 60) {
return ("Just now");
var ctminutes = ctsecs / 60;
if (ctminutes < 60) {
ct = Math.floor (ctminutes);
s = ct + " min";
if (ct != 1) {
s += "s";
return (s);
var cthours = ctminutes / 60;
if (cthours < 24) {
ct = Math.floor (cthours);
s = ct + " hr";
if (ct != 1) {
s += "s";
return (s);
var now = new Date ();
if (sameDay (when, dateYesterday (now))) {
return ("Yesterday at " + formatDate (when, "%l:%M %p"));
var formatstring = "%b %e";
if (when.getFullYear () != now.getFullYear ()) {
formatstring += ", %Y";
return (formatDate (when, formatstring));
function stringUpper (s) { //11/15/15 by DW
if (s === undefined) {
return ("");
s = s.toString ();
return (s.toUpperCase ());
function upperCaseFirstChar (s) { //11/15/15 by DW
if ((s === undefined) || (s.length == 0)) {
return ("");
s = stringUpper (s [0]) + stringDelete (s, 1, 1);
return (s);
10 years ago