rename disable_format_ft to disable_format_cap

ray-x 3 years ago
parent 97b265a64d
commit ecb25de260

@ -229,11 +229,12 @@ require'navigator'.setup({
lsp = {
format_on_save = true, -- set to false to disasble lsp code format on save (if you are using prettier/efm/formater etc)
disable_format_ft = {"sqls", "sumneko_lua", "gopls"}, -- a list of lsp not enable auto-format (e.g. if you using efm or vim-codeformat etc), empty by default
disable_format_cap = {"sqls", "sumneko_lua", "gopls"}, -- a list of lsp disable format capacity (e.g. if you using efm or vim-codeformat etc), empty {} by default
disable_lsp = {'pylsd', 'sqlls'}, -- a list of lsp server disabled for your project, e.g. denols and tsserver you may
-- only want to enable one lsp server
-- to disable all default config and use your own lsp setup set
-- disable_lsp = 'all'
-- Default {}
diagnostic_scroll_bar_sign = {'▃', '█'}, -- experimental: diagnostic status in scroll bar area; set to nil to disable the diagnostic sign,
-- for other style, set to {'╍', 'ﮆ'} or {'-', '='}
diagnostic_virtual_text = true, -- show virtual for diagnostic message

@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ _NgConfigValues = {
-- setup here. if it is nil, navigator will not init signature help
lsp = {
format_on_save = true, -- set to false to disasble lsp code format on save (if you are using prettier/efm/formater etc)
disable_format_ft = {}, -- a list of lsp not enable auto-format (e.g. if you using efm or vim-codeformat etc), empty by default
disable_format_cap = {}, -- a list of lsp disable file format (e.g. if you using efm or vim-codeformat etc), empty by default
disable_lsp = nil, -- a list of lsp server disabled for your project, e.g. denols and tsserver you may
code_lens = false,
-- only want to enable one lsp server
@ -88,11 +88,19 @@ vim.cmd("command! -nargs=0 LspRestart lua require'navigator.lspclient.config'.re
"command! -nargs=0 LspToggleFmt lua require'navigator.lspclient.mapping'.toggle_lspformat()<CR>")
M.deprecated = function(cfg)
local warn = require'navigator.util'.warn
if cfg.lsp ~= nil and cfg.lsp.disable_format_ft ~= nil and cfg.lsp.disable_format_ft ~= {} then
warn('disable_format_ft renamed to disable_format_cap')
local extend_config = function(opts)
opts = opts or {}
if next(opts) == nil then
for key, value in pairs(opts) do
-- if _NgConfigValues[key] == nil then
-- error(string.format("[] Key %s not valid", key))

@ -377,8 +377,8 @@ local function wait_lsp_startup(ft, retry, user_lsp_opts)
-- log(lsp_opts[lspclient], cfg)
local disable_fmt = false
log(lspclient, config.lsp.disable_format_ft)
if vim.tbl_contains(config.lsp.disable_format_ft or {}, lspclient) then
log(lspclient, config.lsp.disable_format_cap)
if vim.tbl_contains(config.lsp.disable_format_cap or {}, lspclient) then
log("fileformat disabled for ", lspclient)
disable_fmt = true
