update code_action/code_lens_action config. Move to lsp section

ray-x 3 years ago
parent d932978441
commit b521c2e7bb

@ -215,7 +215,6 @@ require'navigator'.setup({
-- please check mapping.lua for all keymaps
treesitter_analysis = true, -- treesitter variable context
transparency = 50, -- 0 ~ 100 blur the main window, 100: fully transparent, 0: opaque, set to nil or 100 to disable it
code_action_prompt = {enable = true, sign = true, sign_priority = 40, virtual_text = true},
icons = {
-- Code action
code_action_icon = "🏏",
@ -225,8 +224,9 @@ require'navigator'.setup({
-- refer to lua/navigator.lua for more icons setups
lspinstall = false, -- set to true if you would like use the lsp installed by lspinstall
lsp = {
code_action = {enable = true, sign = true, sign_priority = 40, virtual_text = true},
code_lens_action = {enable = true, sign = true, sign_priority = 40, virtual_text = true},
format_on_save = true, -- set to false to disasble lsp code format on save (if you are using prettier/efm/formater etc)
disable_format_cap = {"sqls", "sumneko_lua", "gopls"}, -- a list of lsp disable format capacity (e.g. if you using efm or vim-codeformat etc), empty {} by default
disable_lsp = {'pylsd', 'sqlls'}, -- a list of lsp server disabled for your project, e.g. denols and tsserver you may

@ -17,13 +17,16 @@ _NgConfigValues = {
-- -- your on_attach will be called at end of navigator on_attach
-- end,
ts_fold = false,
code_action_prompt = {enable = true, sign = true, sign_priority = 40, virtual_text = true},
code_lens_action_prompt = {enable = true, sign = true, sign_priority = 40, virtual_text = true},
-- code_action_prompt = {enable = true, sign = true, sign_priority = 40, virtual_text = true},
-- code_lens_action_prompt = {enable = true, sign = true, sign_priority = 40, virtual_text = true},
treesitter_analysis = true, -- treesitter variable context
transparency = 50, -- 0 ~ 100 blur the main window, 100: fully transparent, 0: opaque, set to nil to disable it
signature_help_cfg = nil, -- if you would like to init lsp_signature plugin in navigator, pass in signature help
-- setup here. if it is nil, navigator will not init signature help
lsp = {
code_action = {enable = true, sign = true, sign_priority = 40, virtual_text = true, virtual_text_icon = true},
code_lens_action = {enable = true, sign = true, sign_priority = 40, virtual_text = true, virtual_text_icon = true},
format_on_save = true, -- set to false to disasble lsp code format on save (if you are using prettier/efm/formater etc)
disable_format_cap = {}, -- a list of lsp disable file format (e.g. if you using efm or vim-codeformat etc), empty by default
disable_lsp = nil, -- a list of lsp server disabled for your project, e.g. denols and tsserver you may
@ -90,6 +93,13 @@ vim.cmd(
M.deprecated = function(cfg)
local warn = require'navigator.util'.warn
if cfg.code_action_prompt then
warn("code_action_prompt moved to lsp.code_action")
if cfg.code_lens_action_prompt then
warn("code_lens_action_prompt moved to lsp.code_lens_action")
if cfg.lsp ~= nil and cfg.lsp.disable_format_ft ~= nil and cfg.lsp.disable_format_ft ~= {} then
warn('disable_format_ft renamed to disable_format_cap')
@ -148,7 +158,7 @@ M.setup = function(cfg)
-- log("navigator loader")
if _NgConfigValues.code_action_prompt.enable then
if _NgConfigValues.lsp.code_action_prompt.enable then
vim.cmd [[autocmd CursorHold,CursorHoldI * lua require'navigator.codeAction'.code_action_prompt()]]

@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ local code_action = {}
local gui = require "navigator.gui"
local config = require("navigator").config_values()
local api = vim.api
trace = log
-- trace = log
local sign_name = "NavigatorLightBulb"
@ -233,7 +233,7 @@ local function _update_sign(line)
if line then
-- log("updatasign", line, sign_group, sign_name)
vim.fn.sign_place(line, sign_group, sign_name, "%",
{lnum = line + 1, priority = config.code_action_prompt.sign_priority})
{lnum = line + 1, priority = config.lsp.code_action.sign_priority})
code_action[winid].lightbulb_line = line
@ -245,15 +245,15 @@ function code_action:render_action_virtual_text(line, diagnostics)
return function(err, actions, context)
if actions == nil or type(actions) ~= "table" or vim.tbl_isempty(actions) then
-- no actions cleanup
if config.code_action_prompt.virtual_text then
if config.lsp.code_action.virtual_text then
if config.code_action_prompt.sign then
if config.lsp.code_action.sign then
trace(err, line, diagnostics, actions, context)
if config.code_action_prompt.sign then
if config.lsp.code_action.sign then
if need_check_diagnostic[vim.bo.filetype] then
if next(diagnostics) == nil then
@ -266,7 +266,7 @@ function code_action:render_action_virtual_text(line, diagnostics)
if config.code_action_prompt.virtual_text then
if config.lsp.code_action.virtual_text then
if need_check_diagnostic[vim.bo.filetype] then
if next(diagnostics) == nil then

@ -39,7 +39,7 @@ local function _update_sign(line)
if line then
-- log("updatasign", line, sign_group, sign_name)
vim.fn.sign_place(line, sign_group, sign_name, "%",
{lnum = line + 1, priority = config.code_lens_action_prompt.sign_priority})
{lnum = line + 1, priority = config.lsp.code_lens_action.sign_priority})
code_lens_action[winid].lightbulb_line = line
