Allow user pass the lua-dev setup into navigator

ray-x 2 years ago
parent c30ccd07c9
commit 85e3f6e045

@ -605,16 +605,18 @@ Here is an example [init_lsp_installer.lua](
### Integration with other lsp plugins (e.g. rust-tools, go.nvim, clangd extension)
There are lots of plugins provides lsp support
go.nvim allow you either hook gopls from go.nvim or from navigator and it can export the lsp setup from go.nvim.
rust-tools and clangd allow you to setup on_attach from config server
* go.nvim allow you either hook gopls from go.nvim or from navigator and it can export the lsp setup from go.nvim.
* rust-tools and clangd allow you to setup on_attach from config server
* [lua-dev]( Dev setup for init.lua and plugin development. Navigator can
extend lua setup with lua-dev.
Here is an example to setup rust with rust-tools
lsp = {
disable_lsp = { "rust_analyzer", "clangd" }, -- will not run rust_analyzer setup from navigator
['lua-dev'] = { runtime_path=true } -- any non default lua-dev setups

@ -74,6 +74,10 @@ _NgConfigValues = {
-- filetypes = {'typescript'} -- disable javascript etc,
-- set to {} to disable the lspclient for all filetype
['lua-dev'] = { -- navigator can use lua-dev settings to setup sumneko_lua
-- your setting for lua-dev here
-- navigator will setup lua-dev
sumneko_lua = {
-- sumneko_root_path = sumneko_root_path,
-- sumneko_binary = sumneko_binary,
@ -209,7 +213,7 @@ local extend_config = function(opts)
info(string.format('[] extend LSP support for %s %s ', key, k))
elseif key == 'keymaps' then
info('keymap override', v)
info('keymap override' .. vim.inspect(v))
-- skip key check and allow mapping to handle that
warn(string.format('[] Key %s %s not valid', key, k))

@ -63,6 +63,10 @@ local luadevcfg = {
local luadev = {}
local user_luadev = _NgConfigValues.lsp['lua-dev']
if user_luadev then
luadev = vim.tbl_deep_extend('force', luadev, user_luadev)
require('navigator.lazyloader').load('lua-dev.nvim', 'folke/lua-dev.nvim')
if _NgConfigValues.lsp_installer then
require('navigator.lazyloader').load('nvim-lsp-installer', 'williamboman/nvim-lsp-installer')
