diff --git a/doc/navigator.txt b/doc/navigator.txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000..9112195 --- /dev/null +++ b/doc/navigator.txt @@ -0,0 +1,694 @@ +navigator.txt + +================================================================================ +CONTENTS *navigator-contents* + +1. Navigator.................................................|navigator-navigator| + 1.1. Example: Javascript closure.|navigator-example:_javascript_closure| + 1.2. Example: C++ definition.......|navigator-example:_c++_definition| + 1.3. Golang struct type.................|navigator-golang_struct_type| +2. Features:.................................................|navigator-features:| +3. Why a new plugin...................................|navigator-why_a_new_plugin| +4. Similar projects / special mentions:.|navigator-similar_projects_/_special_mentions:| +5. Install.....................................................|navigator-install| + 5.1. Setup...................................................|navigator-setup| + 5.2. Sample vimrc turning your neovim into a full-featured IDE.|navigator-sample_vimrc_turning_your_neovim_into_a_full-featured_ide| + 5.3. Work with nvim-cmp and nvim-autopairs.|navigator-work_with_nvim-cmp_and_nvim-autopairs| + 5.4. All configure options...................|navigator-all_configure_options| + 5.4.1. LSP clients.................................|navigator-lsp_clients| + Add your own servers.........|navigator-add_your_own_servers| + 5.4.2. Disable a lsp client loading from navigator.|navigator-disable_a_lsp_client_loading_from_navigator| + 5.4.3. Default keymaps.........................|navigator-default_keymaps| + 5.4.4. Colors/Highlight:.....................|navigator-colors/highlight:| + 5.5. Dependency.........................................|navigator-dependency| + 5.6. Integration with lsp_installer (williamboman/nvim-lsp-installer).|navigator-integration_with_lsp_installer_(williamboman/nvim-lsp-installer)| + 5.7. Usage...................................................|navigator-usage| + 5.8. Configuration...................................|navigator-configuration| + 5.9. Highlight...........................................|navigator-highlight| + 5.10. commands............................................|navigator-commands| + 5.11. Screenshots......................................|navigator-screenshots| + 5.11.1. Reference....................................|navigator-reference| + 5.11.2. Definition preview..................|navigator-definition_preview| + 5.11.3. GUI and multigrid support....|navigator-gui_and_multigrid_support| + 5.11.4. Document Symbol........................|navigator-document_symbol| + 5.11.5. Workspace Symbol......................|navigator-workspace_symbol| + 5.11.6. highlight document symbol and jump between reference.|navigator-highlight_document_symbol_and_jump_between_reference| +6. Current symbol highlight and jump backward/forward between symbols.|navigator-current_symbol_highlight_and_jump_backward/forward_between_symbols| + 6.1. Diagnostic.....................................|navigator-diagnostic| + 6.2. Edit in preview window.............|navigator-edit_in_preview_window| + 6.3. Implementation.............................|navigator-implementation| + 6.4. Fzy search in reference...........|navigator-fzy_search_in_reference| + 6.5. Code actions.................................|navigator-code_actions| + 6.6. Symbol rename...............................|navigator-symbol_rename| + 6.6.1. Fill struct with gopls.......|navigator-fill_struct_with_gopls| + 6.7. Code preview with highlight...|navigator-code_preview_with_highlight| + 6.8. Treesitter symbol.......................|navigator-treesitter_symbol| + 6.9. Signature help.............................|navigator-signature_help| + 6.10. Call hierarchy (incomming/outgoing calls).|navigator-call_hierarchy_(incomming/outgoing_calls)| + 6.11. Light bulb if codeAction available.|navigator-light_bulb_if_codeaction_available| + 6.12. Codelens........................................|navigator-codelens| + 6.13. Predefined LSP symbol nerdfont/emoji.|navigator-predefined_lsp_symbol_nerdfont/emoji| +7. Debug the plugin...................................|navigator-debug_the_plugin| +8. Break changes and known issues.......|navigator-break_changes_and_known_issues| +9. Todo...........................................................|navigator-todo| +10. Errors and Bug Reporting..................|navigator-errors_and_bug_reporting| + +================================================================================ +NAVIGATOR *navigator-navigator* + +* Easy code navigation, view diagnostic errors, see relationships of functions, variables +* A plugin combines the power of LSP and 🌲🏡 Treesitter together. Not only provids a better highlight but also help you analyse symbol context effectively. + +Here are some examples + +EXAMPLE: JAVASCRIPT CLOSURE *navigator-example:_javascript_closure* + +The following screenshot shows javascript call tree 🌲 of variable `browser` insides a closure. This feature is similar to incoming & outgoing calls from LSP. It is designed for the symbol analysis. + + + +Explanation: + +* The first line of floating windows shows there are 3 references for the symbol browser in closure.js +* The first reference of browser is an assignment, an emoji 📝 indicates the value is changed in this line. In many + cases, we search for references to find out when the value changed. +* The second reference of `browser` is inside function `displayName` and `displayName` sit inside `makeFunc`, So you + will see `displayName{} <- makeFunc{}` +* The third similar to the second, as var browser is on the right side of '=', the value not changed in this line + and emoji is not shown. + +EXAMPLE: C++ DEFINITION *navigator-example:_c++_definition* + +C++ example: search reference and definition + +You may find a 🦕 dinosaur(d) on the line of `Rectangle rect,` which means there is a definition (d for def) of rect in this line. + +`<- f main()` means the definition is inside function main(). + +GOLANG STRUCT TYPE *navigator-golang_struct_type* + +Struct type references in multiple Go ﳑ files + + + +This feature can provide you info in which function/class/method the variable was referenced. It is handy for a large +project where class/function definition is too long to fit into the preview window. Also provides a bird's eye view of where the +variable is: + +* Referenced +* Modified +* Defined +* Called + +================================================================================ +FEATURES: *navigator-features:* + +* LSP easy setup. Support the most commonly used lsp clients setup. Dynamic lsp activation based on buffer type. This + also enables you to handle workspace with mixed types of codes (e.g. Go + javascript + yml). A better default setup is + included for LSP clients. +* Out of box experience. 10 lines of minimum vimrc can turn your neovim into a full-featured LSP & Treesitter powered IDE +* UI with floating windows, navigator provides a visual way to manage and navigate through symbols, diagnostic errors, reference etc. It covers + all features(handler) provided by LSP from commonly used search reference, to less commonly used search for interface + implementation. +* Code Action GUI +* Luv async thread and tasks +* Edit your code in preview window +* Async request with lsp.buf_request for reference search +* Treesitter symbol search. It is handy for large files (Some of LSP e.g. sumneko_lua, there is a 100kb file size limitation?) +* FZY search with either native C (if gcc installed) or Lua-JIT +* LSP multiple symbol highlight/marker and hop between document references +* Preview definination/references +* Better navigation for diagnostic errors, Navigate through all files/buffers that contain errors/warnings +* Grouping references/implementation/incoming/outgoing based on file names. +* Treesitter based variable/function context analysis. It is 10x times faster compared to purely rely on LSP. In most + of the case, it takes treesitter less than 4 ms to read and render all nodes for a file of 1,000 LOC. +* The first plugin, IMO, allows you to search in all treesitter symbols in the workspace. +* Nerdfont, emoji for LSP and treesitter kind +* Optimize display (remove trailing bracket/space), display the caller of reference, de-duplicate lsp results (e.g reference + in the same line). Using treesitter for file preview highlighter etc +* ccls call hierarchy (Non-standard `ccls/call` API) supports +* Syntax folding based on treesitter folding algorithm. (It behaves similar to vs-code) +* Fully support LSP CodeAction, CodeLens, CodeLens action. Help you improve code quality. +* LRU cache for treesitter nodes +* Lazy loader friendly +* Multigrid support (different font and detachable) + +================================================================================ +WHY A NEW PLUGIN *navigator-why_a_new_plugin* + +I'd like to go beyond what the system is offering. + +================================================================================ +SIMILAR PROJECTS / SPECIAL MENTIONS: *navigator-similar_projects_/_special_mentions:* + +* nvim-lsputils (https://github.com/RishabhRD/nvim-lsputils) +* nvim-fzy (https://github.com/mfussenegger/nvim-fzy.git) +* fuzzy (https://github.com/amirrezaask/fuzzy.nvim) +* lspsaga (https://github.com/glepnir/lspsaga.nvim) +* fzf-lsp lsp with fzf as gui backend (https://github.com/gfanto/fzf-lsp.nvim) +* nvim-treesitter-textobjects (https://github.com/nvim-treesitter/nvim-treesitter-textobjects) + +================================================================================ +INSTALL *navigator-install* + +Require nvim-0.5.0 (a.k.a nightly) + +You can remove your lspconfig setup and use this plugin. +The plugin depends on lspconfig and guihua.lua (https://github.com/ray-x/guihua.lua), which provides GUI and fzy support(migrate from romgrk's project (romgrk/fzy-lua-native)). +> + Plug 'neovim/nvim-lspconfig' + Plug 'ray-x/guihua.lua', {'do': 'cd lua/fzy && make' } + Plug 'ray-x/navigator.lua' +< + +Note: Highly recommened: 'nvim-treesitter/nvim-treesitter' + +Packer +> + use {'ray-x/navigator.lua', requires = {'ray-x/guihua.lua', run = 'cd lua/fzy && make'}} +< + +-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- +SETUP *navigator-setup* + +Easy setup BOTH lspconfig and navigator with one liner. Navigator covers around 20 most used LSP setup. +> + lua require'navigator'.setup() +< + +-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- +SAMPLE VIMRC TURNING YOUR NEOVIM INTO A FULL-FEATURED IDE *navigator-sample_vimrc_turning_your_neovim_into_a_full-featured_ide* +> + call plug#begin('~/.vim/plugged') + Plug 'neovim/nvim-lspconfig' + Plug 'ray-x/guihua.lua', {'do': 'cd lua/fzy && make' } + Plug 'ray-x/navigator.lua' + " Plug 'hrsh7th/nvim-compe' and other plugins you commenly use... + " optional, if you need treesitter symbol support + Plug 'nvim-treesitter/nvim-treesitter', {'do': ':TSUpdate'} + call plug#end() + " No need for rquire('lspconfig'), navigator will configure it for you + lua < + call plug#begin('~/.vim/plugged') + Plug 'ray-x/guihua.lua', {'do': 'cd lua/fzy && make' } + Plug 'ray-x/navigator.lua' + " Plug 'hrsh7th/nvim-compe' and other plugins you commenly use... + " optional, if you need treesitter symbol support + Plug 'nvim-treesitter/nvim-treesitter', {'do': ':TSUpdate'} + " optional: + Plug 'nvim-treesitter/nvim-treesitter-refactor' " this provides "go to def" etc + call plug#end() + lua < + require('nvim-autopairs').setup{ + disable_filetype = { "TelescopePrompt" , "guihua", "guihua_rust", "clap_input" }, + if vim.o.ft == 'clap_input' and vim.o.ft == 'guihua' and vim.o.ft == 'guihua_rust' then + require'cmp'.setup.buffer { completion = {enable = false} } + end + -- or with autocmd + vim.cmd("autocmd FileType guihua lua require('cmp').setup.buffer { enabled = false }") + vim.cmd("autocmd FileType guihua_rust lua require('cmp').setup.buffer { enabled = false }") + ... + } +< + +-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- +ALL CONFIGURE OPTIONS *navigator-all_configure_options* + +Nondefault configuration example: +> + require'navigator'.setup({ + debug = false, -- log output, set to true and log path: ~/.local/share/nvim/gh.log + width = 0.75, -- max width ratio (number of cols for the floating window) / (window width) + height = 0.3, -- max list window height, 0.3 by default + preview_height = 0.35, -- max height of preview windows + border = {"╭", "─", "╮", "│", "╯", "─", "╰", "│"}, -- border style, can be one of 'none', 'single', 'double', + -- 'shadow', or a list of chars which defines the border + on_attach = function(client, bufnr) + -- your hook + end, + -- put a on_attach of your own here, e.g + -- function(client, bufnr) + -- -- the on_attach will be called at end of navigator on_attach + -- end, + -- The attach code will apply to all LSP clients + default_mapping = true, -- set to false if you will remap every key + keymaps = {{key = "gK", func = "declaration()"}}, -- a list of key maps + -- this kepmap gK will override "gD" mapping function declaration() in default kepmap + -- please check mapping.lua for all keymaps + treesitter_analysis = true, -- treesitter variable context + transparency = 50, -- 0 ~ 100 blur the main window, 100: fully transparent, 0: opaque, set to nil or 100 to disable it + icons = { + -- Code action + code_action_icon = "🏏", + -- Diagnostics + diagnostic_head = '🐛', + diagnostic_head_severity_1 = "🈲", + -- refer to lua/navigator.lua for more icons setups + }, + lsp_installer = false, -- set to true if you would like use the lsp installed by williamboman/nvim-lsp-installer + lsp = { + code_action = {enable = true, sign = true, sign_priority = 40, virtual_text = true}, + code_lens_action = {enable = true, sign = true, sign_priority = 40, virtual_text = true}, + format_on_save = true, -- set to false to disasble lsp code format on save (if you are using prettier/efm/formater etc) + disable_format_cap = {"sqls", "sumneko_lua", "gopls"}, -- a list of lsp disable format capacity (e.g. if you using efm or vim-codeformat etc), empty {} by default + disable_lsp = {'pylsd', 'sqlls'}, -- a list of lsp server disabled for your project, e.g. denols and tsserver you may + -- only want to enable one lsp server + -- to disable all default config and use your own lsp setup set + -- disable_lsp = 'all' + -- Default {} + diagnostic_scrollbar_sign = {'▃', '▆', '█'}, -- experimental: diagnostic status in scroll bar area; set to false to disable the diagnostic sign, + -- for other style, set to {'╍', 'ﮆ'} or {'-', '='} + diagnostic_virtual_text = true, -- show virtual for diagnostic message + diagnostic_update_in_insert = false, -- update diagnostic message in insert mode + disply_diagnostic_qf = true, -- always show quickfix if there are diagnostic errors, set to false if you want to + ignore it + tsserver = { + filetypes = {'typescript'} -- disable javascript etc, + -- set to {} to disable the lspclient for all filetypes + }, + gopls = { -- gopls setting + on_attach = function(client, bufnr) -- on_attach for gopls + -- your special on attach here + -- e.g. disable gopls format because a known issue https://github.com/golang/go/issues/45732 + print("i am a hook, I will disable document format") + client.resolved_capabilities.document_formatting = false + end, + settings = { + gopls = {gofumpt = false} -- disable gofumpt etc, + } + }, + sumneko_lua = { + sumneko_root_path = vim.fn.expand("$HOME") .. "/github/sumneko/lua-language-server", + sumneko_binary = vim.fn.expand("$HOME") .. "/github/sumneko/lua-language-server/bin/macOS/lua-language-server", + }, + servers = {'cmake', 'ltex'}, -- by default empty, but if you whant navigator load e.g. `cmake` and `ltex` for you , you + -- can put them in the `servers` list and navigator will auto load them. + -- you could still specify the custom config like this + -- cmake = {filetypes = {'cmake', 'makefile'}, single_file_support = false}, + } + }) +< + +LSP CLIENTS *navigator-lsp_clients* + +Built clients: +> + local servers = { + "angularls", "gopls", "tsserver", "flow", "bashls", "dockerls", "julials", "pylsp", "pyright", + "jedi_language_server", "jdtls", "sumneko_lua", "vimls", "html", "jsonls", "solargraph", "cssls", + "yamlls", "clangd", "ccls", "sqls", "denols", "graphql", "dartls", "dotls", + "kotlin_language_server", "nimls", "intelephense", "vuels", "phpactor", "omnisharp", + "r_language_server", "rust_analyzer", "terraformls", "svelte", "texlab", "clojure_lsp" + } +< + +Navigator will try to load avalible lsp server/client based on filetype. The clients has none default on_attach. +incremental sync and debounce is enabled by navigator. And the lsp +snippet will be enabled. So you could use COQ and nvim-cmp snippet expand. + +Other than above setup, additional none default setup are used for following lsp: + +* gopls +* clangd +* rust_analyzer +* sqls +* sumneko_lua +* pyright +* ccls + +Please check client setup (https://github.com/ray-x/navigator.lua/blob/26012cf9c172aa788a2e53018d94b32c5c75af75/lua/navigator/lspclient/clients.lua#L98-L234) + +The plugin can work with multiple LSP, e.g sqls+gopls+efm. But there are cases you may need to disable some of the +servers. (Prevent loading multiple LSP for same source code.) e.g. I saw strange behaviours when I use +pylsp+pyright+jedi +together. If you have multiple similar LSP installed and have trouble with the plugin, please enable only one at a time. + +ADD YOUR OWN SERVERS *navigator-add_your_own_servers* + +Above servers covered a small part neovim lspconfig support, You can still use lspconfig to add and config servers not +in the list. If you would like to add a server not in the list, you can check this PR https://github.com/ray-x/navigator.lua/pull/107 + +Also, an option in setup: +> + require'navigator'setup{lsp={servers={'cmake', 'lexls'}}} +< + +Above example add cmake and lexls to the default server list + +DISABLE A LSP CLIENT LOADING FROM NAVIGATOR *navigator-disable_a_lsp_client_loading_from_navigator* + +Note: If you have multiple lsp installed for same language, please only enable one at a time by disable others with e.g. `disable_lsp={'denols', 'clangd'}` +To disable a specific LSP, set `filetypes` to {} e.g. +> + require'navigator'.setup({ + lsp={ + pylsd={filetype={}} + } + }) +< + +Or: +> + require'navigator'.setup({ + lsp={ + disable_lsp = {'pylsd', 'sqlls'}, + } + }) +< + +DEFAULT KEYMAPS *navigator-default_keymaps* + +| mode | key | function | +| ---- | --------------- | ---------------------------------------------------------- | +| n | gr | show reference and context | +| i | | signature help | +| n | | signature help | +| n | gW | workspace symbol | +| n | gD | declaration | +| n | gd | definition | +| n | g0 | document symbol | +| n | | go to definition (if multiple show listview) | +| n | gp | definition preview (Go to Preview) | +| n | | definition | +| n | g | implementation | +| n | gT | treesitter document symbol | +| n | gT | treesitter symbol for all open buffers | +| n | K | hover doc | +| n | ca | code action (when you see 🏏 ) | +| n | la | code lens action (when you see a codelens indicator) | +| v | cA | range code action (when you see 🏏 ) | +| n | rn | rename with floating window | +| n | re | rename (lsp default) | +| n | gi | hierarchy incoming calls | +| n | go | hierarchy outgoing calls | +| n | gi | implementation | +| n | D | type definition | +| n | gL | show line diagnostic | +| n | gG | show diagnostic for all buffers | +| n | ]d | next diagnostic | +| n | [d | previous diagnostic | +| n | dt | diagnostic toggle(enable/disable) | +| n | ]r | next treesitter reference/usage | +| n | [r | previous treesitter reference/usage | +| n | wa | add workspace folder | +| n | wr | remove workspace folder | +| n | wl | print workspace folder | +| n | k | toggle reference highlight | +| i/n | | previous item in list | +| i/n | | next item in list | +| i/n | number 1~9 | move to ith row/item in the list | +| i/n | | previous item in list | +| i/n | | next item in list | +| n | j | move cursor to preview (windows move to bottom view point) | +| n | k | move cursor to list (windows move to up view point) | +| i/n | | open preview file in nvim/Apply action | +| n | | open preview file in nvim with vsplit | +| n | | open preview file in nvim with split | +| n | | open preview file in nvim/Apply action | +| n | | close listview of floating window | +| i/n | | close listview of floating window | +| i/n | | previous page in listview | +| i/n | | next page in listview | +| i/n | | save the modification to preview window to file | + +COLORS/HIGHLIGHT: *navigator-colors/highlight:* + +You can override default highlight GHListDark (listview) and GHTextViewDark (code view) and GHListHl (select item) + +e.g. +> + hi default GHTextViewDark guifg=#e0d8f4 guibg=#332e55 + hi default GHListDark guifg=#e0d8f4 guibg=#103234 + hi default GHListHl guifg=#e0d8f4 guibg=#404254 +< + +There are other Lsp highlight been used in this plugin, e.g LspReferenceRead/Text/Write are used for document highlight, +LspDiagnosticsXXX are used for diagnostic. Please check highlight.lua and dochighlight.lua for more info. + +-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- +DEPENDENCY *navigator-dependency* + +* lspconfig +* guihua.lua (provides floating window, FZY) +* Optional: + * treesitter (list treesitter symbols, object analysis) + * lsp-signature (better signature help) + +The plugin can be loaded lazily (packer `opt = true` ), And it will check if optional plugins existance and load those plugins only if they existed. + +The terminal will need to be able to output nerdfont and emoji correctly. I am using Kitty with nerdfont (Victor Mono). + +-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- +INTEGRATION WITH LSP_INSTALLER (WILLIAMBOMAN/NVIM-LSP-INSTALLER) *navigator-integration_with_lsp_installer_(williamboman/nvim-lsp-installer)* + +If you'd like to only use the lsp servers installed by lsp_installer. Please set +> + lsp_installer = true +< + +In the config. + +Navigator will startup the server installed by lsp-installer. Please do not call `server:setup{opts}` from lsp installer +as it will override the navigator setup + +Also, could use following setups +> + require'navigator'.setup({ + -- lsp_installer = false -- default value is false + lsp = { + tsserver = { cmd = {'your tsserver installed by lsp_installer'} } + } + }) +< + +example cmd setup (mac) for pyright : +> + cmd = { "/Users/username/.local/share/nvim/lsp_servers/python/node_modules/.bin/pyright-langserver", "--stdio" } +< + +-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- +USAGE *navigator-usage* + +Please refer to lua/navigator/lspclient/mapping.lua on key mappings. Should be able to work out-of-box. + +* Use or `:q!` to kill the floating window +* (or , ) to move +* or to open location or apply code actions. Note: might be bound in insert mode by other plugins + +-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- +CONFIGURATION *navigator-configuration* + +In `navigator.lua` there is a default configuration. You can override the values by passing your own values + +e.g +> + -- The attach will be call at end of navigator on_attach() + require'navigator'.setup({on_attach = function(client, bufnr) require 'illuminate'.on_attach(client)}) +< + +-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- +HIGHLIGHT *navigator-highlight* + +Highlight I am using: + +* LspReferenceRead, LspReferenceText and LspReferenceWrite are used for `autocmd CursorHold lua vim.lsp.buf.document_highlight()` + That is where you saw the current symbol been highlighted. +* GHListDark and GHTextViewDark is used for floating listvew and TextView. They are be based on current background + (Normal) and PmenuSel +* In future, I will use NormalFloat for floating view. But ATM, most of colorscheme does not define NormalFloat + +You can override the above highlight to fit your current colorscheme + +-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- +COMMANDS *navigator-commands* + +| command | function | +| ------------ | ---------------------- | +| LspToggleFmt | toggle lsp auto format | + +-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- +SCREENSHOTS *navigator-screenshots* + +colorscheme: aurora (https://github.com/ray-x/aurora) + +REFERENCE *navigator-reference* + +Pls check the first part of README + +DEFINITION PREVIEW *navigator-definition_preview* + +Using treesitter and LSP to view the symbol definition + + + +GUI AND MULTIGRID SUPPORT *navigator-gui_and_multigrid_support* + +You can load a different font size for floating win + + + +DOCUMENT SYMBOL *navigator-document_symbol* + + + +WORKSPACE SYMBOL *navigator-workspace_symbol* + + + +HIGHLIGHT DOCUMENT SYMBOL AND JUMP BETWEEN REFERENCE *navigator-highlight_document_symbol_and_jump_between_reference* + + + +================================================================================ +CURRENT SYMBOL HIGHLIGHT AND JUMP BACKWARD/FORWARD BETWEEN SYMBOLS *navigator-current_symbol_highlight_and_jump_backward/forward_between_symbols* + +Document highlight provided by LSP. +Jump between symbols with treesitter (with `]r` and `[r`) + + +DIAGNOSTIC *navigator-diagnostic* + +Visual studio code style show errors minimap in scroll bar area +(Check setup for `diagnostic_scrollbar_sign`) + + + +Diagnostic in single bufer + + + +Show diagnostic in all buffers + + + +EDIT IN PREVIEW WINDOW *navigator-edit_in_preview_window* + +You can in place edit your code in floating window + +https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/1681295/121832919-89cbc080-cd0e-11eb-9778-11d0f356b38d.mov + +(Note: This feature only avalible in `find reference` and `find diagnostic`, You can not add/remove lines in floating window) + +IMPLEMENTATION *navigator-implementation* + + + +FZY SEARCH IN REFERENCE *navigator-fzy_search_in_reference* + + + +CODE ACTIONS *navigator-code_actions* + + + +SYMBOL RENAME *navigator-symbol_rename* + + + +FILL STRUCT WITH GOPLS *navigator-fill_struct_with_gopls* + + + +CODE PREVIEW WITH HIGHLIGHT *navigator-code_preview_with_highlight* + + + +TREESITTER SYMBOL *navigator-treesitter_symbol* + +Treetsitter symbols in all buffers + + +SIGNATURE HELP *navigator-signature_help* + +Improved signature help with current parameter highlighted + + + + + +CALL HIERARCHY (INCOMMING/OUTGOING CALLS) *navigator-call_hierarchy_(incomming/outgoing_calls)* + + + +LIGHT BULB IF CODEACTION AVAILABLE *navigator-light_bulb_if_codeaction_available* + + + +CODELENS *navigator-codelens* + +Codelens for gopls/golang. Garbage collection analyse: + + + +Codelens for C++/ccls. Symbol reference + + + +PREDEFINED LSP SYMBOL NERDFONT/EMOJI *navigator-predefined_lsp_symbol_nerdfont/emoji* + + + +================================================================================ +DEBUG THE PLUGIN *navigator-debug_the_plugin* + +One simple way to gether debug info and understand what is wrong is output the debug logs +> + require'navigator'.setup({ + debug = false, -- log output, set to true and log path: ~/.local/share/nvim/gh.log + }) +< +> + -- a example of adding logs in the plugin + local log = require"navigator.util".log + local definition_hdlr = util.mk_handler(function(err, locations, ctx, _) + -- output your log + log('[definition] log for locations', locations, "and ctx", ctx) + if err ~= nil then + return + end + end +< + +================================================================================ +BREAK CHANGES AND KNOWN ISSUES *navigator-break_changes_and_known_issues* + +known issues I am working on (https://github.com/ray-x/navigator.lua/issues/1) + +================================================================================ +TODO *navigator-todo* + +* The project is in the early phase, bugs expected, PRs and suggestions are welcome +* Async (some of the requests is slow on large codebases and might be good to use co-rountine) +* More clients. I use go, python, js/ts, java, c/cpp, lua most of the time. Did not test other languages (e.g dart, swift etc) +* Configuration options + +================================================================================ +ERRORS AND BUG REPORTING *navigator-errors_and_bug_reporting* + +* Please double check your setup and check if minium setup works or not +* It should works for 0.5.1, neovim 0.6.x prefered. +* Check console output +* Check `LspInfo` and treesitter status with `checkhealth` +* Turn on log and attach the log to your issue if possible you can remove any personal/company info in the log +