#!/usr/bin/env python import ldap import subprocess import re # LDAP SERVER INFORMATIONS ########### HOST = '' BINDDN = 'cn=admin,dc=company,dc=lan' CREDENTIALS = 'toto' USERSDN = 'ou=users,dc=company,dc=lan' DEFAULT_SCOPE = ldap.SCOPE_SUBTREE # LDAP KEYSERVER SPECEFIC INFORMATIONS ########### # PGP KEY SCHEMA ## PGP_KEY_SCHEMA = { 'pgpCertID': '', 'pgpKey': '', 'pgpDisabled': '', 'pgpKeyID': '', 'pgpKeyType': '', 'pgpUserID': '', 'pgpKeyCreateTime': '', 'pgpSignerID': '', 'pgpRevoked': '', 'pgpSubKeyID': '', 'pgpKeySize': '', 'pgpKeyExpireTime': '', } # KEY SERVER INFO DN ### PGP_SERVER_INFO = 'cn=pgpServerInfo,dc=company,dc=lan' # BASE KEY SPACE DN ## BASE_KEY_SPACE = 'ou=pgpKeys,dc=company,dc=lan' ############ # GPG SPECEFIC OPTIONS ############ # GPG COMMAND ARGUMETNS ## GPG_HOME_DIR = "/home/spike/ldap/keys/" GPG_IMPORT_STDIN = [ 'gpg', '--batch', '--no-tty', '--homedir', GPG_HOME_DIR, '--import', '-', ] GPG_GET_FINGERPRINT = [ 'gpg', '--batch', '--no-tty', '--with-colons', '--homedir', GPG_HOME_DIR, '--fingerprint', ] class LdapServer(object): """ LdapServer : Handle connection to ldap server. Provides a simple interface to get and search pgp keys stored by users Attributes : host : the ip or lookup name to the Ldap server binddn : binddn cred : your credentials associated to your binddn usersdn : base dn to start looking for users in Methods: - test_search - get_user_key """ host = HOST binddn = BINDDN cred = CREDENTIALS usersdn = USERSDN scope = DEFAULT_SCOPE attrs = ['gpgkey'] userKeys = {} def __init__(self): try: self.ldapHandle = ldap.init(self.host) self.ldapHandle.bind(self.binddn, self.cred) except ldap.SERVER_DOWN as error: print 'init failed -> %s -> at %s' % (error, self.host) def test_search(self): """ Perform a test search on the ldap server returns ldap.result() return type """ self.test = self.ldapHandle.search_s(self.usersdn,ldap.SCOPE_SUBTREE, '(cn=cbenzian)', ['mail','phone']) return (self.test) def get_user_key(self, user): """ This method lookup for the pgp key stored by the user, user must be in form 'cbenzian' Return a list in the form {userdn : gpgkey, } """ print 'Searching for user %s gpgkey in ldap ou=users database ...' \ % user try: msgid = self.ldapHandle.search(self.usersdn, self.scope, 'cn=%s' % \ user, self.attrs) result = self.ldapHandle.result(msgid)[1] if result == []: raise ldap.NO_RESULTS_RETURNED('user %s not found' % user) except Exception, error: raise ValueError(error) return self._fetch_result(result) def updateKeyEntry(self, ldapKey): """ Updates or creates a new ldap key entry If key exists it gets overwritten ldapKey must be a dict in the form PGP_KEY_SCHEMA """ # NOTE: first we just want to add a key. We'll look to # update late key_dn = ''.join(['pgpCertID=%s,' % ldapKey['pgpCertID'],BASE_KEY_SPACE]) key_record = [ ('objectClass', ['pgpKeyInfo']), ('pgpCertID', [ldapKey['pgpCertID']]), ('pgpKey', [ldapKey['pgpKey']]), ('pgpKeyID', [ldapKey['pgpKeyID']]) ] try: msgid = self.ldapHandle.add(key_dn,key_record) result = self.ldapHandle.result(msgid) except Exception, e: raise e def _fetch_result(self, ldap_result): """ Fetches a result from an ldap result tupple and returns a dict of form {userdn: gpgkey,} """ print 'Fetching results...' #print ldap_result tmp = ldap_result.pop(0) key_name = tmp[0].split(',')[0].split('=')[1] self.userKeys[key_name] = tmp[1]['gpgKey'].pop() return self.userKeys class gpgKeyHandler(object): """Interface to manipulate gpgKeys, store on local keyring, send, update, or any key managment in the `ldap keys server`. The object initialization takes a dict in the form {'user' : key } . The following methods are available to manipulate keys: - saveKeyMsg: generates a file containing the public key armor - importUserKey: given a username imports it's public key message in the local defined keyring using gpg command line tools - getLdapReadyKey - getUserkeys - updateLdapKey : prepare specified key to be updated in ldap key server """ user_keys = {} ldapReadyKeys = {} def __init__(self, keys={}): """ Populate keys, takes a dict or raises an exception """ if type(keys).__name__ != 'dict': raise TypeError ('%s takes a dict argument, %s given' % (gpgKeyHandler, type(keys).__name__)) self.user_keys = keys self.ldapHandle = LdapServer() def getLdapReadyKeys(self): """returns the keys prepared to be updated to ldap""" return self.ldapReadyKeys def getUserkeys(self): """returns public keys loaded from ldap users entries""" return user_keys def saveKeyMsg(self, user): """Save given key message in a file""" key = self.user_keys[user] filename = '%s.asc' % user try: file = open(filename, 'w') file.write(key) file.close() except IOError, error: print 'Read Write error %s' % error def importUserKey(self, user): """imports key block message of the user in form 'cbenzian' to the defined local keyring """ self.user_keys.update(self.ldapHandle.get_user_key(user)) key = self.user_keys[user] gpg_proc = subprocess.Popen(GPG_IMPORT_STDIN, stdin=subprocess.PIPE, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) output = gpg_proc.communicate(key) def ParseLdapKey(self, user): """Parse user public key in a structure that fits in the ldap keyserver entries see PGP_KEY_SCHEMA """ self.importUserKey(user) keyInfo = PGP_KEY_SCHEMA keyInfo['pgpKey'] = self.user_keys[user] keyInfo['pgpCertID'] = self.fetchCertId(user) keyInfo['pgpKeyID'] = keyInfo['pgpCertID'][8:] keyInfo['pgpKeyType'] = self.fetchKeyType(user) self.ldapReadyKeys[user] = keyInfo def updateLdapKey(self, user): """ Sends user's parsed key to ldap keys server We user ldapHandler's method updateKeyEntry() to do this. """ self.ldapHandle.updateKeyEntry(self.ldapReadyKeys[user]) def fetchCertId(self, user): """ Returns CertID of user's public key by taking the last 8 bytes of the key's fingerprint """ find_pattern = re.compile(r"(([0-9a-fA-F]{4,4}){4,4}):") args = GPG_GET_FINGERPRINT args.append(user) gpg_proc = subprocess.Popen(args, stdin=subprocess.PIPE, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) output = gpg_proc.communicate() # get gpg process output # and grep the CertID in the key's fingerprint fingerprint = output[0].split('\n') fingerprint = find_pattern.search(fingerprint[1]) fingerprint = fingerprint.group(0).rstrip(':') certID = fingerprint.replace(' ','') return certID def fetchKeyType(self, user): """ Returns user's key type """ if __name__ == "__main__": keyHandler = gpgKeyHandler() keyHandler.ParseLdapKey('tvincent') #keyHandler.updateLdapKey('tvincent') keyHandler.saveKeyMsg('tvincent')