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28 lines
501 B

// Colors
$black: lighten(#000,5%)
$black-2: #17171a
$black-3: #281c05
$black-yellow: #4e4b46
$white: #FFF
$gray: #737277
$gray-2: #f7f7f7
$gray-3: #757575
$gray-4: #e8e8e8
$gray-lite: #f0f0f0
$gray-lite-2: #fafafa
$border-color: #b2b2b2
$blue: #26ade4
$blue-2: #187ba3 //load more
$orange: #fea700
$orange-2: lighten($orange,30%)
$orange-light: lighten($orange, 48%)
$light-orange: #fcdda2
$red: #fe5731
$red-2: #e75b59
$purple: #7459e7
$comments-bg: #fbfbfb
// Layout
$container-main-width: 80%