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40 lines
961 B

<div class="container flex-grid">
<div class="main__content">
{{ if .Param "debug" }}
{{ .Kind }}
<br />
<!--{{ template "_internal/pagination.html" . }}-->
{{ $test := index .Pages 0 }}
<p>{{ printf "%#T" $test.Params.mydates }}</p>
<p>{{ printf "%#v" $test.Params.mydates }}</p>
<!--Select content linked to issues-->
{{ $grouped := .Data.Pages.GroupByParamDate "mydates" "2006-01-02" }}
<!--sort by most recent-->
{{ $sorted := sort $grouped "Key" "asc" }}
<h4>Grouped {{ len $sorted }} pages by key <mydates></h4>
{{ range $sorted }}
<h5>Group Key: {{ .Key }}</h5>
{{ end }}
<!-- protocol -->
<!-- events -->
{{partial "sidebar/markup" .}}