You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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7 years ago
package hashmap_test
import (
func TestHashmap(t *testing.T) {
//hash function that causes collisions
hashFunc := func(i interface{}) int64 {
v := i.(int64)
if v != 0 && v % 5 == 0 {
return v - 1
return v
//go multiple times over different sizes of input data
for inputSize := 1; inputSize < 10; inputSize++ {
for iteration := 1; iteration < 100; iteration++ {
input := generateInputPool(inputSize)
t.Logf("Running with input: %v", input)
m := hashmap.New(hashFunc)
for key, value := range (input) {
t.Logf("Inserting key: %v", key)
m.Insert(key, value)
for key, value := range (input) {
v, found := m.Get(key)
if !found {
t.Errorf("Key not found: %v", key)
} else {
if v == nil {
t.Errorf("Key %v has a nil value", key)
} else if v.(int64) != value {
t.Errorf("Key %v has wrong value. Expected %v, Got %v", key, value, v)
keys := getShuffledKeys(input)
t.Logf("Shuffled keys: %v", keys)
removedKeys := []int64{}
for len(keys) > 0 {
preservedKeys := []int64{}
for i, k := range(keys) {
if i == 0 {
t.Logf("Removing key: %v", k)
found := m.Remove(k)
if !found {
t.Errorf("Unable to find and remove key: %v", k)
t.Logf("Removed key: %v", k)
removedKeys = append(removedKeys, k)
} else {
preservedKeys = append(preservedKeys, k)
keys = preservedKeys
for _, k := range(keys) {
v, found := m.Get(k)
if !found {
t.Errorf("Key %v not found!", k)
} else if v != input[k] {
t.Errorf("Key %v has wrong value. Expected %v, Got %v", k, input[k], v)
for _, k := range(removedKeys) {
_, found := m.Get(k)
if found {
t.Errorf("Key %v found when it shouldn't have been!", k)
//generate a map with randomized keys and values
func generateInputPool(size int) (map[int64]int64) {
r := map[int64]int64{}
values := rand.Perm(size * 4)
for index, key := range (rand.Perm(size * 4)) {
if index % 4 == 0 {
r[int64(key)] = int64(values[index])
return r
func getShuffledKeys(input map[int64]int64) []int64 {
keys := []int64{}
for key, _ := range(input) {
keys = append(keys, key)
order := rand.Perm(len(keys))
result := []int64{}
for _, k := range(order) {
result = append(result, keys[k])
return result