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5 years ago
package gum
import (
5 years ago
var idGenerator = genId()
// The WorkUnit interface is used to define a unit of work.
// The Run method will be called in a goroutine.
5 years ago
type WorkUnit interface {
5 years ago
5 years ago
// The UnitManager interface is used to manage a unit of work.
// The ShouldStop method returns a channel that will be closed when the unit
// should stop.
// The Done method should be called when the unit is done.
5 years ago
type UnitManager interface {
ShouldStop() <-chan bool
Panic(err error)
5 years ago
type WorkUnitManager struct {
stop chan bool
workerQuit chan bool
unit WorkUnit
panic chan error
isPaniced bool
5 years ago
func (w *WorkUnitManager) ShouldStop() <-chan bool {
return w.stop
func (w *WorkUnitManager) Done() {
w.workerQuit <- true
func (w *WorkUnitManager) Panic(err error) {
w.panic <- err
w.isPaniced = true
w.workerQuit <- true
5 years ago
type Manager struct {
signalIn chan os.Signal
shutdownSigs []os.Signal
5 years ago
workers map[string]*WorkUnitManager
Quit chan bool
panic chan error // Used for panicing goroutines
5 years ago
5 years ago
func (m *Manager) Run() {
5 years ago
log.Println("Starting manager ...")
for unitName, w := range m.workers {
log.Printf("Starting <%s>\n", unitName)
5 years ago
go w.unit.Run(w)
5 years ago
for {
select {
case sig := <-m.signalIn:
if !in(m.shutdownSigs, sig) {
5 years ago
log.Println("shutting event received ... ")
// send shutdown event to all worker units
for name, w := range m.workers {
log.Printf("shutting down <%s>\n", name)
5 years ago
w.stop <- true
// Wait for all units to quit
for name, w := range m.workers {
log.Printf("<%s> down", name)
// All workers have shutdown
log.Println("All workers have shutdown, shutting down manager ...")
m.Quit <- true
case p := <-m.panic:
for name, w := range m.workers {
if w.isPaniced {
log.Printf("Panicing for <%s>: %s", name, p)
for name, w := range m.workers {
log.Printf("shuting down <%s>\n", name)
if !w.isPaniced {
w.stop <- true
// Wait for all units to quit
for name, w := range m.workers {
log.Printf("<%s> down", name)
// All workers have shutdown
log.Println("All workers have shutdown, shutting down manager ...")
m.Quit <- true
5 years ago
func (m *Manager) ShutdownOn(sig ...os.Signal) {
for _, s := range sig {
log.Printf("Registering shutdown signal: %s\n", s)
signal.Notify(m.signalIn, s)
m.shutdownSigs = append(m.shutdownSigs, sig...)
type IDGenerator func(string) int
func genId() IDGenerator {
ids := make(map[string]int)
return func(unit string) int {
ret := ids[unit]
return ret
5 years ago
func (m *Manager) AddUnit(unit WorkUnit) {
workUnitManager := &WorkUnitManager{
workerQuit: make(chan bool, 1),
stop: make(chan bool, 1),
unit: unit,
panic: m.panic,
5 years ago
unitType := reflect.TypeOf(unit)
unitName := strings.Split(unitType.String(), ".")[1]
unitId := idGenerator(unitName)
unitName += strconv.Itoa(unitId)
5 years ago
log.Println("Adding unit ", unitName)
m.workers[unitName] = workUnitManager
func NewManager() *Manager {
return &Manager{
signalIn: make(chan os.Signal, 1),
Quit: make(chan bool, 1),
workers: make(map[string]*WorkUnitManager),
panic: make(chan error, 1),
// Test if signal is in array
func in(arr []os.Signal, sig os.Signal) bool {
for _, s := range arr {
if s == sig {
return true
5 years ago
return false
5 years ago