local core = require "fzf-lua.core" local path = require "fzf-lua.path" local utils = require "fzf-lua.utils" local config = require "fzf-lua.config" local libuv = require "fzf-lua.libuv" local shell = require "fzf-lua.shell" local make_entry = require "fzf-lua.make_entry" local M = {} local function set_git_cwd_args(opts) opts.cwd = path.git_root(opts) if opts.git_dir or opts.git_worktree then opts.cmd = path.git_cwd(opts.cmd, opts) end return opts end M.files = function(opts) opts = config.normalize_opts(opts, config.globals.git.files) if not opts then return end opts = set_git_cwd_args(opts) if not opts.cwd then return end local contents = core.mt_cmd_wrapper(opts) opts = core.set_header(opts, opts.headers or {"cwd"}) return core.fzf_exec(contents, opts) end M.status = function(opts) opts = config.normalize_opts(opts, config.globals.git.status) if not opts then return end opts = set_git_cwd_args(opts) if not opts.cwd then return end if opts.preview then opts.preview = path.git_cwd(opts.preview, opts) end -- we don't need git icons since we get them -- as part of our `git status -s` opts.git_icons = false if not opts.no_header then local stage = utils.ansi_codes.yellow("") local unstage = utils.ansi_codes.yellow("") opts.fzf_opts['--header'] = vim.fn.shellescape( ('+ - :: %s to stage, %s to unstage'):format(stage, unstage)) end local function git_iconify(x) local icon = x local git_icon = config.globals.git.icons[x] if git_icon then icon = git_icon.icon if opts.color_icons then icon = utils.ansi_codes[git_icon.color or "dark_grey"](icon) end end return icon end local contents = libuv.spawn_nvim_fzf_cmd(opts, function(x) -- unrecognizable format, return if not x or #x<4 then return x end -- `man git-status` -- we are guaranteed format of: XY -- spaced files are wrapped with quotes -- remove both git markers and quotes local f1, f2 = x:sub(4):gsub('"', ""), nil -- renames spearate files with '->' if f1:match("%s%->%s") then f1, f2 = f1:match("(.*)%s%->%s(.*)") end f1 = f1 and make_entry.file(f1, opts) -- accomodate 'file_ignore_patterns' if not f1 then return end f2 = f2 and make_entry.file(f2, opts) local staged = git_iconify(x:sub(1,1):gsub("?", " ")) local unstaged = git_iconify(x:sub(2,2)) local entry = ("%s%s%s%s%s"):format( staged, utils.nbsp, unstaged, utils.nbsp .. utils.nbsp, (f2 and ("%s -> %s"):format(f1, f2) or f1)) return entry end, function(o) return make_entry.preprocess(o) end) opts = core.set_header(opts, opts.headers or {"cwd"}) return core.fzf_exec(contents, opts) end local function git_cmd(opts) opts = set_git_cwd_args(opts) if not opts.cwd then return end opts = core.set_header(opts, opts.headers or {"cwd"}) core.fzf_exec(opts.cmd, opts) end M.commits = function(opts) opts = config.normalize_opts(opts, config.globals.git.commits) if not opts then return end if opts.preview then opts.preview = path.git_cwd(opts.preview, opts) if opts.preview_pager then opts.preview = string.format("%s | %s", opts.preview, opts.preview_pager) end end return git_cmd(opts) end M.bcommits = function(opts) opts = config.normalize_opts(opts, config.globals.git.bcommits) if not opts then return end local bufname = vim.api.nvim_buf_get_name(0) if not bufname or #bufname==0 then utils.info("'bcommits' is not available for unnamed buffers.") return end -- if caller did not specify cwd we attempt to auto detect the -- file's git repo from its parent folder, could be further -- optimized to prevent the duplicate call to `git rev-parse` -- but overall it's not a big deal as it's a pretty cheap call -- first 'git_root' call won't print a warning to ':messages' if not opts.cwd and not opts.git_dir then opts.cwd = path.git_root({ cwd = vim.fn.expand("%:p:h") }, true) end local git_root = path.git_root(opts) if not git_root then return end local file = path.relative(vim.fn.expand("%:p"), git_root) if opts.cmd:match("", file) else opts.cmd = opts.cmd .. " " .. file end if type(opts.preview) == 'string' then opts.preview = opts.preview:gsub("", vim.fn.shellescape(file)) opts.preview = path.git_cwd(opts.preview, opts) if opts.preview_pager then opts.preview = string.format("%s | %s", opts.preview, opts.preview_pager) end end return git_cmd(opts) end M.branches = function(opts) opts = config.normalize_opts(opts, config.globals.git.branches) if not opts then return end opts.fzf_opts["--no-multi"] = '' if opts.preview then opts.__preview = path.git_cwd(opts.preview, opts) opts.preview = shell.raw_preview_action_cmd(function(items) -- all possible options; -- branch -- * branch -- remotes/origin/branch -- (HEAD detached at origin/branch) local branch = items[1]:match("[^%s%*]*$"):gsub("%)$", "") return opts.__preview:gsub("{.*}", branch) -- return "echo " .. branch end, nil, opts.debug) end return git_cmd(opts) end M.stash = function(opts) opts = config.normalize_opts(opts, config.globals.git.stash) if not opts then return end if opts.preview then opts.preview = path.git_cwd(opts.preview, opts) end if opts.fzf_opts['--header'] == nil then opts.fzf_opts['--header'] = vim.fn.shellescape((':: %s to drop selected stash(es)') :format(utils.ansi_codes.yellow(""))) end opts.cmd = libuv.spawn_nvim_fzf_cmd( { cmd = opts.cmd, cwd = opts.cwd }, function(x) local stash, rest = x:match("([^:]+)(.*)") if stash then stash = utils.ansi_codes.yellow(stash) stash = stash:gsub("{%d+}", function(s) return ("%s"):format(utils.ansi_codes.green(tostring(s))) end) end return (not stash or not rest) and x or stash .. rest end) return git_cmd(opts) end return M