local uv = vim.loop local M = {} -- path to current file local __FILE__ = debug.getinfo(1, 'S').source:gsub("^@", "") -- if loading this file as standalone ('--headless --clean') -- add the current folder to package.path so we can 'require' if not vim.g.fzf_lua_directory then -- prepend this folder first so our modules always get first -- priority over some unknown random module with the same name package.path = (";%s/?.lua;"):format(vim.fn.fnamemodify(__FILE__, ':h')) .. package.path -- override require to remove the 'fzf-lua.' part -- since all files are going to be loaded locally local _require = require require = function(s) return _require(s:gsub("^fzf%-lua%.", "")) end -- due to 'os.exit' neovim doesn't delete the temporary -- directory, save it so we can delete prior to exit (#329) -- NOTE: opted to delete the temp dir at the start due to: -- (1) spawn_stdio doesn't need a temp directory -- (2) avoid dangling temp dirs on process kill (i.e. live_grep) local tmpdir = vim.fn.fnamemodify(vim.fn.tempname(), ':h') if tmpdir and #tmpdir>0 then vim.fn.delete(tmpdir, "rf") -- io.stdout:write("[DEBUG]: "..tmpdir.."\n") end end -- save to upvalue for performance reasons local string_byte = string.byte local string_sub = string.sub local function find_last_newline(str) for i=#str,1,-1 do if string_byte(str, i) == 10 then return i end end end --[[ local function find_next_newline(str, start_idx) for i=start_idx or 1,#str do if string_byte(str, i) == 10 then return i end end end ]] local function process_kill(pid, signal) if not pid or not tonumber(pid) then return false end if type(uv.os_getpriority(pid)) == 'number' then uv.kill(pid, signal or 9) return true end return false end M.process_kill = process_kill local function coroutine_callback(fn) local co = coroutine.running() local callback = function(...) if coroutine.status(co) == 'suspended' then coroutine.resume(co, ...) else local pid = unpack({...}) process_kill(pid) end end fn(callback) return coroutine.yield() end local function coroutinify(fn) return function(...) local args = {...} return coroutine.wrap(function() return coroutine_callback(function(cb) table.insert(args, cb) fn(unpack(args)) end) end)() end end M.spawn = function(opts, fn_transform, fn_done) local output_pipe = uv.new_pipe(false) local error_pipe = uv.new_pipe(false) local write_cb_count = 0 local prev_line_content = nil -- local num_lines = 0 if opts.fn_transform then fn_transform = opts.fn_transform end local finish = function(code, sig, from, pid) output_pipe:shutdown() error_pipe:shutdown() if opts.cb_finish then opts.cb_finish(code, sig, from, pid) end -- coroutinify callback if fn_done then fn_done(pid) end end -- https://github.com/luvit/luv/blob/master/docs.md -- uv.spawn returns tuple: handle, pid local handle, pid = uv.spawn(vim.env.SHELL or "sh", { args = { "-c", opts.cmd }, stdio = { nil, output_pipe, error_pipe }, cwd = opts.cwd }, function(code, signal) output_pipe:read_stop() error_pipe:read_stop() output_pipe:close() error_pipe :close() if write_cb_count==0 then -- only close if all our uv.write -- calls are completed finish(code, signal, 1) end end) -- save current process pid if opts.cb_pid then opts.cb_pid(pid) end if opts.pid_cb then opts.pid_cb(pid) end if opts._pid_cb then opts._pid_cb(pid) end local function write_cb(data) write_cb_count = write_cb_count + 1 opts.cb_write(data, function(err) write_cb_count = write_cb_count - 1 if err then -- can fail with premature process kill -- assert(not err) finish(130, 0, 2, pid) elseif write_cb_count == 0 and uv.is_closing(output_pipe) then -- spawn callback already called and did not close the pipe -- due to write_cb_count>0, since this is the last call -- we can close the fzf pipe finish(0, 0, 3, pid) end end) end local function process_lines(data) -- assert(#data<=66560) -- 65K write_cb(data:gsub("[^\n]+", function(x) return fn_transform(x) end)) end --[[ local function process_lines(data) local start_idx = 1 repeat num_lines = num_lines + 1 local nl_idx = find_next_newline(data, start_idx) local line = data:sub(start_idx, nl_idx) if #line > 1024 then local msg = ("long line detected, consider adding '--max-columns=512' to ripgrep options:\n %s") :format(utils.strip_ansi_coloring(line):sub(1,60)) vim.defer_fn(function() utils.warn(msg) end, 0) line = line:sub(1,512) .. '\n' end write_cb(fn_transform(line)) start_idx = nl_idx + 1 until start_idx >= #data end --]] local read_cb = function(err, data) if err then assert(not err) finish(130, 0, 4, pid) end if not data then return end if prev_line_content then if #prev_line_content > 1024 then -- chunk size is 64K, limit previous line length to 1K -- max line length is therefor 1K + 64K (leftover + full chunk) -- without this we can memory fault on extremely long lines (#185) -- or have UI freezes (#211) prev_line_content = prev_line_content:sub(1, 1024) end data = prev_line_content .. data prev_line_content = nil end if not fn_transform then write_cb(data) elseif string_byte(data, #data) == 10 then process_lines(data) else local nl_index = find_last_newline(data) if not nl_index then prev_line_content = data else prev_line_content = string_sub(data, nl_index + 1) local stripped_with_newline = string_sub(data, 1, nl_index) process_lines(stripped_with_newline) end end end local err_cb = function(err, data) if err then finish(130, 0, 9, pid) end if not data then return end if opts.cb_err then opts.cb_err(data) else write_cb(data) end end if not handle then -- uv.spawn failed, error will be in 'pid' -- call once to output the error message -- and second time to signal EOF (data=nil) err_cb(nil, pid.."\n") err_cb(pid, nil) else output_pipe:read_start(read_cb) error_pipe:read_start(err_cb) end end M.async_spawn = coroutinify(M.spawn) M.spawn_nvim_fzf_cmd = function(opts, fn_transform, fn_preprocess) assert(not fn_transform or type(fn_transform) == 'function') if fn_preprocess and type(fn_preprocess) == 'function' then -- run the preprocessing fn fn_preprocess(opts) end return function(_, fzf_cb, _) local function on_finish(_, _) fzf_cb(nil) end local function on_write(data, cb) -- passthrough the data exactly as received from the pipe -- using the 2nd 'fzf_cb' arg instructs raw_fzf to not add "\n" -- -- below not relevant anymore, will delete comment in future -- if 'fn_transform' was specified the last char must be EOL -- otherwise something went terribly wrong -- without 'fn_transform' EOL isn't guaranteed at the end -- assert(not fn_transform or string_byte(data, #data) == 10) fzf_cb(data, cb) end return M.spawn({ cwd = opts.cwd, cmd = opts.cmd, cb_finish = on_finish, cb_write = on_write, cb_pid = opts.pid_cb, }, fn_transform) end end M.spawn_stdio = function(opts, fn_transform, fn_preprocess) local function load_fn(fn_str) if type(fn_str) ~= 'string' then return end local fn_loaded = nil local fn = loadstring(fn_str) or load(fn_str) if fn then fn_loaded = fn() end if type(fn_loaded) ~= 'function' then fn_loaded = nil end return fn_loaded end -- stdin/stdout are already buffered, not stderr this means -- that every character is flushed immedietely which casued -- rendering issues on Mac (#316, #287) and Linux (#414) -- switch 'stderr' stream to 'line' buffering -- https://www.lua.org/manual/5.2/manual.html#pdf-file%3asetvbuf io.stderr:setvbuf 'line' -- redirect 'stderr' to 'stdout' on Macs by default -- only takes effect if 'opts.stderr' was not set if opts.stderr_to_stdout == nil and vim.loop.os_uname().sysname == 'Darwin' then opts.stderr_to_stdout = true end fn_transform = load_fn(fn_transform) fn_preprocess = load_fn(fn_preprocess) -- run the preprocessing fn if fn_preprocess then fn_preprocess(opts) end if opts.debug then io.stdout:write("[DEBUG]: "..opts.cmd.."\n") end local stderr, stdout = nil, nil local function stderr_write(msg) -- prioritize writing errors to stderr if stderr then stderr:write(msg) else io.stderr:write(msg) end end local function exit(exit_code, msg) if msg then stderr_write(msg) end os.exit(exit_code) end local function pipe_open(pipename) if not pipename then return end local fd = uv.fs_open(pipename, "w", -1) if type(fd) ~= 'number' then exit(1, ("error opening '%s': %s\n"):format(pipename, fd)) end local pipe = uv.new_pipe(false) pipe:open(fd) return pipe end local function pipe_close(pipe) if pipe and not pipe:is_closing() then pipe:close() end end local function pipe_write(pipe, data, cb) if not pipe or pipe:is_closing() then return end pipe:write(data, function(err) -- if the user cancels the call prematurely with -- err will be either EPIPE or ECANCELED -- don't really need to do anything since the -- processs will be killed anyways with os.exit() if err then stderr_write(("pipe:write error: %s\n"):format(err)) end if cb then cb(err) end end) end if type(opts.stderr) == 'string' then stderr = pipe_open(opts.stderr) end if type(opts.stdout) == 'string' then stdout = pipe_open(opts.stdout) end local on_finish = opts.on_finish or function(code) pipe_close(stdout) pipe_close(stderr) exit(code) end local on_write = opts.on_write or function(data, cb) if stdout then pipe_write(stdout, data, cb) else -- on success: rc=true, err=nil -- on failure: rc=nil, err="Broken pipe" -- cb with an err ends the process local rc, err = io.stdout:write(data) if not rc then stderr_write(("io.stdout:write error: %s\n"):format(err)) cb(err or true) else cb(nil) end end end local on_err = opts.on_err or function(data) if stderr then pipe_write(stderr, data) elseif opts.stderr ~= false then if opts.stderr_to_stdout then io.stdout:write(data) else io.stderr:write(data) end end end return M.spawn({ cwd = opts.cwd, cmd = opts.cmd, cb_finish = on_finish, cb_write = on_write, cb_err = on_err, }, fn_transform and function(x) return fn_transform(x, opts) end) end -- our own version of vim.fn.shellescape compatibile with fish shells -- * don't double-escape '\' (#340) -- * if possible, replace surrounding single quote with double -- from ':help shellescape': -- If 'shell' contains "fish" in the tail, the "\" character will -- be escaped because in fish it is used as an escape character -- inside single quotes. -- this function is a better fit for utils but we're -- trying to avoid having any 'require' in this file M.shellescape = function(s) local shell = vim.o.shell if not shell or not shell:match("fish$") then return vim.fn.shellescape(s) else local ret = nil vim.o.shell = "sh" if not s:match([["]]) and not s:match([[\]]) then -- if the original string does not contain double quotes -- replace surrounding single quote with double quotes -- temporarily replace all single quotes with double -- quotes and restore after the call to shellescape -- NOTE: we use '({s:gsub(...)})[1]' to extract the -- modified string without the multival # of changes -- otherwise the number will be sent to shellescape -- as {special} triggering an escape for ! % and # ret = vim.fn.shellescape(({s:gsub([[']], [["]])})[1]) ret = [["]] .. ret:gsub([["]], [[']]):sub(2, #ret-1) .. [["]] else ret = vim.fn.shellescape(s) end vim.o.shell = shell return ret end end M.wrap_spawn_stdio = function(opts, fn_transform, fn_preprocess) assert(opts and type(opts) == 'string') assert(not fn_transform or type(fn_transform) == 'string') local nvim_bin = vim.v.progpath local call_args = opts for _, fn in ipairs({ fn_transform, fn_preprocess }) do if type(fn) == 'string' then call_args = ("%s,[[%s]]"):format(call_args, fn) end end local cmd_str = ("%s -n --headless --clean --cmd %s"):format( vim.fn.shellescape(nvim_bin), M.shellescape(("lua loadfile([[%s]])().spawn_stdio(%s)") :format(__FILE__, call_args))) return cmd_str end return M