local utils = require "fzf-lua.utils" local config = require "fzf-lua.config" local api = vim.api local fn = vim.fn local FzfWin = {} -- signgleton instance used in win_leave local _self = nil function FzfWin.__SELF() return _self end setmetatable(FzfWin, { __call = function (cls, ...) return cls:new(...) end, }) function FzfWin.save_query(key) local self = _self if not self then return end local lines = vim.api.nvim_buf_get_lines(self.fzf_bufnr, 0, 1, false) if not lines or vim.tbl_isempty(lines) then return end -- 'live_grep' prepends an asterisk to the prompt -- remove '*' from the start of the line & prompt local query = lines[1]:gsub("^%*+", "") :gsub("^"..utils.lua_escape(self.prompt:match("[^%*]+")), "") -- remove '--info=inline' query = query and query:gsub("[<%-]%s%d+/%d+.*$", "") -- remove '< [Command failed: ...] query = query and query:gsub("<%s%[Command failed:.*$", "") -- trim whitespaces at the end query = query and query:gsub("%s*$", "") if self.fn_save_query then self.fn_save_query(query) end -- feed the original key back to the term utils.feed_keys_termcodes(utils.fzf_bind_to_neovim(key)) end local _preview_keymaps = { ['toggle-preview'] = { module = 'win', fnc = 'toggle_preview()' }, ['toggle-preview-wrap'] = { module = 'win', fnc = 'toggle_preview_wrap()' }, ['toggle-preview-cw'] = { module = 'win', fnc = 'toggle_preview_cw(1)' }, ['toggle-preview-ccw'] = { module = 'win', fnc = 'toggle_preview_cw(-1)' }, ['preview-page-up'] = { module = 'win', fnc = 'preview_scroll(-1)' }, ['preview-page-down'] = { module = 'win', fnc = 'preview_scroll(1)' }, ['preview-page-reset'] = { module = 'win', fnc = 'preview_scroll(0)' }, } function FzfWin:setup_keybinds() if not self:validate() then return end if not self.keymap or not self.keymap.builtin then return end -- find the toggle_preview if self.keymap.fzf then for k, v in pairs(self.keymap.fzf) do if v == 'toggle-preview' then self._fzf_toggle_prev_bind = utils.fzf_bind_to_neovim(k) end end end local keymap_tbl = { ['toggle-help'] = { module = 'win', fnc = 'toggle_help()' }, ['toggle-fullscreen'] = { module = 'win', fnc = 'toggle_fullscreen()' }, } if self.previewer_is_builtin then -- These maps are only valid for the builtin previewer keymap_tbl = vim.tbl_deep_extend("keep", keymap_tbl, _preview_keymaps) end local function funcref_str(keymap) return ([[lua require('fzf-lua.%s').%s]]):format(keymap.module, keymap.fnc) end for key, action in pairs(self.keymap.builtin) do local keymap = keymap_tbl[action] if keymap and not vim.tbl_isempty(keymap) and action ~= false then api.nvim_buf_set_keymap(self.fzf_bufnr, 't', key, funcref_str(keymap), {nowait = true, noremap = true}) end end -- since '--print-query' only covers successful exists -- we have to monitor and to save the query if self.fn_save_query then -- workaround, how to enter / in map as literals? -- for now use the fzf notation and convert later, otherwise -- the prevalance of '' in the mapping will interrupt it for _, key in ipairs({ "ctrl-c", "esc" }) do api.nvim_buf_set_keymap(self.fzf_bufnr, 't', utils.fzf_bind_to_neovim(key), ("lua require('fzf-lua.win').save_query('%s')"):format(key), {nowait = true, noremap = true}) end end end function FzfWin:generate_layout(winopts) local row, col = winopts.row, winopts.col local height, width = winopts.height, winopts.width local signcol_width = winopts.signcol_width or 0 local preview_pos = winopts.preview_pos local preview_size = winopts.preview_size local prev_row, prev_col = row+1, col+1 local prev_height, prev_width local padding = 2 local anchor local vert_split = winopts.split and winopts.split:match("vnew") ~= nil if preview_pos == 'down' or preview_pos == 'up' then height = height - padding prev_width = width prev_height = utils.round(height * preview_size/100, 0.6) height = height - prev_height if preview_pos == 'up' then row = row + prev_height + padding if winopts.split then anchor = 'NW' prev_row = 1 prev_width = prev_width - 2 prev_height = prev_height - 1 if vert_split then prev_col = 1 else prev_col = prev_col - 1 end else anchor = 'SW' prev_row = row - 1 end else anchor = 'NW' if winopts.split then prev_col = 1 prev_row = height + padding prev_height = prev_height - 1 prev_width = prev_width - 2 else prev_row = row + height + 3 end end elseif preview_pos == 'left' or preview_pos == 'right' then prev_height = height prev_width = utils.round(width * preview_size/100) width = width - prev_width - 2 if preview_pos == 'left' then anchor = 'NE' col = col + prev_width + 2 prev_col = col - 1 if winopts.split then prev_row = 1 prev_width = prev_width - 1 - signcol_width prev_height = prev_height - padding if vert_split then anchor = 'NW' prev_col = 1 else prev_col = col - 3 - signcol_width end end else anchor = 'NW' if winopts.split then prev_row = 1 prev_col = width + 4 - signcol_width prev_width = prev_width - 3 + signcol_width prev_height = prev_height - padding else prev_col = col + width + 3 end end end return { fzf = { row = row, col = col, height = height, width = width, }, preview = { anchor = anchor, row = prev_row, col = prev_col, height = prev_height, width = prev_width, } } end local strip_borderchars_hl = function(border) local default = nil if type(border) == 'string' then default = config.globals.winopts._borderchars[border] end if not default then default = config.globals.winopts._borderchars['rounded'] end if not border or type(border) ~= 'table' or #border<8 then return default end local borderchars = {} for i=1, 8 do if type(border[i]) == 'string' then table.insert(borderchars, #border[i]>0 and border[i] or ' ') elseif type(border[i]) == 'table' and type(border[i][1]) == 'string' then -- can happen when border chars contains a highlight, i.e: -- border = { {'╭', 'NormalFloat'}, {'─', 'NormalFloat'}, ... } table.insert(borderchars, #border[i][1]>0 and border[i][1] or ' ') else table.insert(borderchars, default[i]) end end -- assert(#borderchars == 8) return borderchars end local normalize_winopts = function(o) -- make a local copy of opts so we -- don't pollute the user's options local opts = o or {} opts.winopts = vim.tbl_deep_extend("keep", opts.winopts or {}, config.globals.winopts) opts.winopts_fn = opts.winopts_fn or config.globals.winopts_fn opts.winopts_raw = opts.winopts_raw or config.globals.winopts_raw local winopts = utils.tbl_deep_clone(opts.winopts) if type(opts.winopts_fn) == "function" then winopts = vim.tbl_deep_extend("force", winopts, opts.winopts_fn()) end if type(opts.winopts_raw) == "function" then winopts = vim.tbl_deep_extend("force", winopts, opts.winopts_raw()) end local max_width = vim.o.columns-2 local max_height = vim.o.lines-vim.o.cmdheight-2 winopts.width = math.min(max_width, winopts.width) winopts.height = math.min(max_height, winopts.height) if not winopts.height or winopts.height <= 1 then winopts.height = math.floor(max_height * winopts.height) end if not winopts.width or winopts.width <= 1 then winopts.width = math.floor(max_width * winopts.width) end if not winopts.row or winopts.row <= 1 then winopts.row = math.floor((vim.o.lines - winopts.height) * winopts.row) end if not winopts.col or winopts.col <= 1 then winopts.col = math.floor((vim.o.columns - winopts.width) * winopts.col) end winopts.col = math.min(winopts.col, max_width-winopts.width) winopts.row = math.min(winopts.row, max_height-winopts.height) -- normalize border option for nvim_open_win() if winopts.border == false then winopts.border = 'none' elseif not winopts.border or winopts.border == true then winopts.border = 'rounded' end -- We only allow 'none|single|double|rounded' if type(winopts.border) == 'string' then -- save the original string so we can pass it -- to the main fzf window 'nvim_open_win' (#364) winopts._border = winopts.border winopts.border = config.globals.winopts._borderchars[winopts.border] or config.globals.winopts._borderchars['rounded'] end -- Store a version of borderchars with no highlights -- to be used in the border drawing functions winopts.nohl_borderchars = strip_borderchars_hl(winopts.border) -- parse preview options local preview if winopts.preview.layout == "horizontal" or winopts.preview.layout == "flex" and vim.o.columns > winopts.preview.flip_columns then preview = winopts.preview.horizontal else preview = winopts.preview.vertical end -- builtin previewer params winopts.preview_pos = preview:match("[^:]+") or 'right' winopts.preview_size = tonumber(preview:match(":(%d+)%%")) or 50 return winopts end function FzfWin:reset_win_highlights(win, is_border) local hl = ("Normal:%s,FloatBorder:%s"):format( self.winopts.hl.normal, self.winopts.hl.border) if self._previewer and self.winopts.hl.cursorline then hl = hl .. (",CursorLine:%s"):format(self.winopts.hl.cursorline) end if is_border then -- our border is manuually drawn so we need -- to replace Normal with the border color hl = ("Normal:%s"):format(self.winopts.hl.border) end vim.api.nvim_win_set_option(win, 'winhighlight', hl) end function FzfWin:check_exit_status(exit_code) if not self:validate() then return end -- from 'man fzf': -- 0 Normal exit -- 1 No match -- 2 Error -- 130 Interrupted with CTRL-C or ESC if exit_code ~=0 and exit_code ~= 130 then local lines = vim.api.nvim_buf_get_lines(self.fzf_bufnr, 0, 1, false) -- the reason we're not ignoring error 1 is due -- to skim returning 1 for unexpected arguments -- only warn about there is an actual error msg if exit_code ~= 1 or (lines and #lines[1]>0) then utils.warn(("fzf error %s: %s"):format( exit_code or "", lines and #lines[1]>0 and lines[1] or "")) end end end function FzfWin:_set_autoclose(autoclose) if autoclose ~= nil then self._autoclose = autoclose else self._autoclose = true end return self._autoclose end function FzfWin.set_autoclose(autoclose) if not _self then return nil end return _self:_set_autoclose(autoclose) end function FzfWin.autoclose() if not _self then return nil end return _self._autoclose end local function opt_matches(opts, key, str) local opt = opts.winopts.preview[key] or config.globals.winopts.preview[key] return opt and opt:match(str) end function FzfWin:new(o) if _self then -- utils.warn("Please close fzf-lua before starting a new instance") _self._reuse = true return _self end o = o or {} self = setmetatable({}, { __index = self }) self.actions = o.actions self.winopts = normalize_winopts(o) self.fullscreen = self.winopts.fullscreen self.preview_wrap = not opt_matches(o, 'wrap', 'nowrap') self.preview_hidden = not opt_matches(o, 'hidden', 'nohidden') self.preview_border = not opt_matches(o, 'border', 'noborder') self.keymap = o.keymap self.previewer = o.previewer self.prompt = o.prompt or o.fzf_opts['--prompt'] self.fn_save_query = o.fn_save_query self._orphaned_bufs = {} self:_set_autoclose(o.autoclose) _self = self return self end function FzfWin:attach_previewer(previewer) -- clear the previous previewer if existed if self._previewer and self._previewer.close then self._previewer:close() end if self._previewer and self._previewer.win_leave then self._previewer:win_leave() end self._previewer = previewer self.previewer_is_builtin = previewer and type(previewer.display_entry) == 'function' end function FzfWin:fs_preview_layout(fs) local prev_winopts = self.prev_winopts local border_winopts = self.border_winopts if not fs or self.winopts.split or not prev_winopts or not border_winopts or vim.tbl_isempty(prev_winopts) or vim.tbl_isempty(border_winopts) then return prev_winopts, border_winopts end local preview_pos = self.winopts.preview_pos local height_diff = 0 local width_diff = 0 if preview_pos == 'down' or preview_pos == 'up' then width_diff = vim.o.columns - border_winopts.width if preview_pos == 'down' then height_diff = vim.o.lines - border_winopts.row - border_winopts.height - vim.o.cmdheight elseif preview_pos == 'up' then height_diff = border_winopts.row - border_winopts.height end border_winopts.col = 0 prev_winopts.col = border_winopts.col + 1 elseif preview_pos == 'left' or preview_pos == 'right' then height_diff = vim.o.lines - border_winopts.height - vim.o.cmdheight if preview_pos == 'left' then border_winopts.col = border_winopts.col - 1 prev_winopts.col = prev_winopts.col - 1 width_diff = border_winopts.col - border_winopts.width elseif preview_pos == 'right' then width_diff = vim.o.columns - border_winopts.col - border_winopts.width end border_winopts.row = 0 prev_winopts.row = border_winopts.row + 1 end prev_winopts.height = prev_winopts.height + height_diff border_winopts.height = border_winopts.height + height_diff prev_winopts.width = prev_winopts.width + width_diff border_winopts.width = border_winopts.width + width_diff return prev_winopts, border_winopts end function FzfWin:preview_layout() if self.winopts.split and self.previewer_is_builtin then local wininfo = fn.getwininfo(self.fzf_winid)[1] -- unlike floating win popups split windows inherit the global -- 'signcolumn' setting which affects the available width for fzf -- 'generate_layout' will then use the sign column available width -- to assure a perfect alignment of the builtin previewer window -- and the dummy native fzf previewer window border underneath it local signcol_width = vim.wo[self.fzf_winid].signcolumn == 'no' and 1 or 0 self.layout = self:generate_layout({ row = wininfo.winrow, col = wininfo.wincol, height = wininfo.height, width = api.nvim_win_get_width(self.fzf_winid), signcol_width = signcol_width, preview_pos = self.winopts.preview_pos, preview_size = self.winopts.preview_size, split = self.winopts.split, }) end if not self.layout then return {}, {} end local anchor = self.layout.preview.anchor local row, col = self.layout.preview.row, self.layout.preview.col local width, height = self.layout.preview.width, self.layout.preview.height if not anchor or not width or width < 1 or not height or height < 1 then return {}, {} end -- we cannot use relative with floating windows due to: -- https://github.com/neovim/neovim/pull/14770 -- only use relative when using splits local winopts = {relative = 'editor', focusable = false, style = 'minimal'} if self.winopts.split then winopts.relative = 'win' end local preview_opts = vim.tbl_extend('force', winopts, { focusable = true, anchor = anchor, width = width, height = height, col = col, row = row }) local border_winopts = vim.tbl_extend('force', winopts, { anchor = anchor, width = width + 2, height = height + 2, col = anchor:match('W') and col - 1 or col + 1, row = anchor:match('N') and row - 1 or row + 1 }) return preview_opts, border_winopts end function FzfWin:validate_preview() return not self.closing and self.preview_winid and self.preview_winid > 0 and api.nvim_win_is_valid(self.preview_winid) and self.border_winid and self.border_winid > 0 and api.nvim_win_is_valid(self.border_winid) end function FzfWin:preview_winids() return self.preview_winid, self.border_winid end function FzfWin:update_border_buf() local border_buf = self.border_buf local border_winopts = self.border_winopts local borderchars = self.winopts.nohl_borderchars local width, height = border_winopts.width, border_winopts.height local top = borderchars[1] .. borderchars[2]:rep(width - 2) .. borderchars[3] local mid = borderchars[8] .. (' '):rep(width - 2) .. borderchars[4] local bot = borderchars[7] .. borderchars[6]:rep(width - 2) .. borderchars[5] local lines = {top} for _ = 1, height - 2 do table.insert(lines, mid) end table.insert(lines, bot) if not border_buf then border_buf = api.nvim_create_buf(false, true) -- run nvim with `-M` will reset modifiable's default value to false vim.bo[border_buf].modifiable = true vim.bo[border_buf].bufhidden = 'wipe' end api.nvim_buf_set_lines(border_buf, 0, -1, 1, lines) return border_buf end function FzfWin:redraw_preview() if not self.previewer_is_builtin or self.preview_hidden then return end self.prev_winopts, self.border_winopts = self:preview_layout() if vim.tbl_isempty(self.prev_winopts) or vim.tbl_isempty(self.border_winopts) then return -1, -1 end if self.fullscreen then self.prev_winopts, self.border_winopts = self:fs_preview_layout(self.fullscreen) end if self:validate_preview() then self.border_buf = api.nvim_win_get_buf(self.border_winid) self:update_border_buf() api.nvim_win_set_config(self.border_winid, self.border_winopts) api.nvim_win_set_config(self.preview_winid, self.prev_winopts) if self._previewer and self._previewer.display_last_entry then self._previewer:set_winopts(self.preview_winid) self._previewer:display_last_entry() end else local tmp_buf = api.nvim_create_buf(false, true) api.nvim_buf_set_option(tmp_buf, 'bufhidden', 'wipe') self.border_buf = self:update_border_buf() self.preview_winid = api.nvim_open_win(tmp_buf, false, self.prev_winopts) self.border_winid = api.nvim_open_win(self.border_buf, false, self.border_winopts) -- nowrap border or long filenames will mess things up api.nvim_win_set_option(self.border_winid, 'wrap', false) end self:reset_win_highlights(self.border_winid, true) self:reset_win_highlights(self.preview_winid) return self.preview_winid, self.border_winid end function FzfWin:validate() return self.fzf_winid and self.fzf_winid > 0 and api.nvim_win_is_valid(self.fzf_winid) end function FzfWin:fs_fzf_layout(fs, winopts) if not fs or self.winopts.split then return winopts end if not self.previewer_is_builtin or self.preview_hidden then -- fzf previewer, expand to fullscreen winopts.col = 0 winopts.row = 0 winopts.width = vim.o.columns winopts.height = vim.o.lines - vim.o.cmdheight - 2 else local preview_pos = self.winopts.preview_pos if preview_pos == 'down' or preview_pos == 'up' then winopts.col = 0 winopts.width = vim.o.columns if preview_pos == 'down' then winopts.height = winopts.height + winopts.row winopts.row = 0 elseif preview_pos == 'up' then winopts.height = winopts.height + (vim.o.lines-winopts.row-winopts.height-vim.o.cmdheight-2) end elseif preview_pos == 'left' or preview_pos == 'right'then winopts.row = 0 winopts.height = vim.o.lines - vim.o.cmdheight - 2 if preview_pos == 'right' then winopts.width = winopts.width + winopts.col winopts.col = 0 elseif preview_pos == 'left' then winopts.width = winopts.width + (vim.o.columns-winopts.col-winopts.width-1) end end end return winopts end function FzfWin:redraw() if self.winopts.split then return end local hidden = self._previewer and self.preview_hidden local relative = self.winopts.relative or 'editor' local columns, lines = vim.o.columns, vim.o.lines if relative == 'win' then columns, lines = vim.api.nvim_win_get_width(0), vim.api.nvim_win_get_height(0) end -- must use clone or fullscreen overrides our values local winopts = utils.tbl_deep_clone(self.winopts) if self.layout and not hidden then winopts = utils.tbl_deep_clone(self.layout.fzf) end if self.fullscreen then winopts = self:fs_fzf_layout(self.fullscreen, winopts) end local win_opts = { width = winopts.width or math.min(columns - 4, math.max(80, columns - 20)), height = winopts.height or math.min(lines - 4, math.max(20, lines - 10)), style = 'minimal', relative = relative, border = self.winopts.border } win_opts.row = winopts.row or math.floor(((lines - win_opts.height) / 2) - 1) win_opts.col = winopts.col or math.floor((columns - win_opts.width) / 2) -- adjust for borderless main window (#364) if self.winopts._border and self.winopts._border == 'none' then win_opts.border = self.winopts._border win_opts.width = win_opts.width + 2 win_opts.height = win_opts.height + 2 end -- When border chars are empty strings 'nvim_open_win' adjusts -- the layout to take all avialable space, we use these to adjust -- our main window height to use all available lines (#364) if type(win_opts.border) == 'table' then local function is_empty_str(tbl, arr) for _, i in ipairs(arr) do if tbl[i] and #tbl[i]>0 then return false end end return true end win_opts.height = win_opts.height + (is_empty_str(win_opts.border, {2}) and 1 or 0) -- top border + (is_empty_str(win_opts.border, {6}) and 1 or 0) -- bottom border win_opts.width = win_opts.width + (is_empty_str(win_opts.border, {4}) and 1 or 0) -- right border + (is_empty_str(win_opts.border, {8}) and 1 or 0) -- left border end if self:validate() then if self._previewer and self._previewer.clear_on_redraw and self._previewer.clear_preview_buf then self._previewer:clear_preview_buf() end api.nvim_win_set_config(self.fzf_winid, win_opts) else -- save 'cursorline' setting prior to opening the popup local cursorline = vim.o.cursorline self.fzf_bufnr = vim.api.nvim_create_buf(false, true) self.fzf_winid = vim.api.nvim_open_win(self.fzf_bufnr, true, win_opts) -- `:help nvim_open_win` -- 'minimal' sets 'nocursorline', normally this shouldn't -- be an issue but for some reason this is affecting opening -- buffers in new splits and causes them to open with -- 'nocursorline', see discussion in #254 if vim.o.cursorline ~= cursorline then vim.o.cursorline = cursorline end end end function FzfWin:set_winleave_autocmd() vim.cmd("augroup FzfLua") vim.cmd("au!") vim.cmd(('au WinLeave %s'):format( [[lua require('fzf-lua.win').win_leave()]])) vim.cmd("augroup END") end function FzfWin:set_tmp_buffer() if not self:validate() then return end local tmp_buf = api.nvim_create_buf(false, true) vim.api.nvim_win_set_buf(self.fzf_winid, tmp_buf) self:set_winleave_autocmd() -- closing the buffer here causes the win to close -- shouldn't happen since the win is already associated -- with tmp_buf... use this table instead table.insert(self._orphaned_bufs, self.fzf_bufnr) self.fzf_bufnr = tmp_buf -- since we have the cusrorline workaround from -- issue #254 resume shows an ugly cursorline -- remove it, nvim_win API is better than vim.wo? -- vim.wo[self.fzf_winid].cursorline = false vim.api.nvim_win_set_option(self.fzf_winid, 'cursorline', false) return self.fzf_bufnr end function FzfWin:set_style_minimal(winid) if not tonumber(winid) or not api.nvim_win_is_valid(winid) then return end vim.wo[winid].number = false vim.wo[winid].relativenumber = false vim.wo[winid].cursorline = false vim.wo[winid].cursorcolumn = false vim.wo[winid].spell = false vim.wo[winid].list = false vim.wo[winid].signcolumn = 'no' vim.wo[winid].foldcolumn = '0' vim.wo[winid].colorcolumn = '' end function FzfWin:create() if self._reuse then -- we can't reuse the fzf term buffer -- create a new tmp buffer for the fzf win self:set_tmp_buffer() self:setup_keybinds() -- also recall the user's 'on_create' (#394) if self.winopts.on_create and type(self.winopts.on_create) == 'function' then self.winopts.on_create() end -- not sure why but when using a split and reusing the window -- fzf will not use all the avialable width until 'redraw' is -- called resulting in misaligned native and builtin previews vim.cmd("redraw") return end if not self.winopts.split and self.previewer_is_builtin then self.layout = self:generate_layout(self.winopts) end -- save sending bufnr/winid self.src_bufnr = vim.api.nvim_get_current_buf() self.src_winid = vim.api.nvim_get_current_win() if self.winopts.split then vim.cmd(self.winopts.split) self.fzf_bufnr = vim.api.nvim_get_current_buf() self.fzf_winid = vim.api.nvim_get_current_win() -- match window options with 'nvim_open_win' style:minimal self:set_style_minimal(self.fzf_winid) else -- draw the main window self:redraw() end -- verify the preview is closed, this can happen -- when running async LSP with 'jump_to_single_result' -- should also close issue #105 -- https://github.com/ibhagwan/fzf-lua/issues/105 self:set_winleave_autocmd() self:reset_win_highlights(self.fzf_winid) if self.winopts.on_create and type(self.winopts.on_create) == 'function' then self.winopts.on_create() end -- create or redraw the preview win self:redraw_preview() -- setup the keybinds self:setup_keybinds() return { src_bufnr = self.src_bufnr, src_winid = self.src_winid, fzf_bufnr = self.fzf_bufnr, fzf_winid = self.fzf_winid, } end function FzfWin:close_preview() if self._previewer and self._previewer.close then self._previewer:close() end if self.border_winid and vim.api.nvim_win_is_valid(self.border_winid) then api.nvim_win_close(self.border_winid, true) end if self.border_buf and vim.api.nvim_buf_is_valid(self.border_buf) then vim.api.nvim_buf_delete(self.border_buf, {force=true}) end if self.preview_winid and vim.api.nvim_win_is_valid(self.preview_winid) then api.nvim_win_close(self.preview_winid, true) end if self._sbuf1 and vim.api.nvim_buf_is_valid(self._sbuf1) then vim.api.nvim_buf_delete(self._sbuf1, {force=true}) end if self._swin1 and vim.api.nvim_win_is_valid(self._swin1) then api.nvim_win_close(self._swin1, true) end if self._sbuf2 and vim.api.nvim_buf_is_valid(self._sbuf2) then vim.api.nvim_buf_delete(self._sbuf2, {force=true}) end if self._swin2 and vim.api.nvim_win_is_valid(self._swin2) then api.nvim_win_close(self._swin2, true) end self._sbuf1, self._sbuf2, self._swin1, self._swin2 = nil, nil, nil, nil self.border_buf = nil self.border_winid = nil self.preview_winid = nil end function FzfWin:close() -- prevents race condition with 'win_leave' self.closing = true self:close_preview() if self.fzf_winid and vim.api.nvim_win_is_valid(self.fzf_winid) then -- run in a pcall due to potential errors while closing the window -- Vim(lua):E5108: Error executing lua -- experienced while accessing 'vim.b[]' from my statusline code pcall(vim.api.nvim_win_close, self.fzf_winid, {force=true}) end if self.fzf_bufnr and vim.api.nvim_buf_is_valid(self.fzf_bufnr) then vim.api.nvim_buf_delete(self.fzf_bufnr, {force=true}) end if self._orphaned_bufs then for _, b in ipairs(self._orphaned_bufs) do if vim.api.nvim_buf_is_valid(b) then vim.api.nvim_buf_delete(b, {force=true}) end end end -- when using `split = "belowright new"` closing the fzf -- window may not always return to the correct source win -- depending on the user's split configuration (#397) if self.winopts and self.winopts.split and self.src_winid and self.src_winid>0 and self.src_winid ~= vim.api.nvim_get_current_win() and vim.api.nvim_win_is_valid(self.src_winid) then vim.api.nvim_set_current_win(self.src_winid) end self.closing = nil self._reuse = nil self._orphaned_bufs = nil _self = nil end function FzfWin.win_leave() local self = _self if not self then return end if self._previewer and self._previewer.win_leave then self._previewer:win_leave() end if not self or self.closing then return end _self:close() end function FzfWin:clear_border_highlights() if self.border_winid and vim.api.nvim_win_is_valid(self.border_winid) then vim.fn.clearmatches(self.border_winid) end end function FzfWin:set_title_hl() if self.winopts.hl.title and self._title_len and self._title_len>0 then vim.api.nvim_win_call(self.border_winid, function() fn.matchaddpos(self.winopts.hl.title, {{1, 9, self._title_len+1}}, 11) end) end end function FzfWin:update_scrollbar_border(o) -- do not display on files that are fully contained if o.bar_height >= o.line_count then return end local borderchars = self.winopts.nohl_borderchars local scrollchars = self.winopts.preview.scrollchars -- bar_offset starts at 0, first line is 1 o.bar_offset = o.bar_offset+1 -- backward compatibility before 'scrollchar' was a table if type(self.winopts.preview.scrollchar) == 'string' and #self.winopts.preview.scrollchar > 0 then scrollchars[1] = self.winopts.preview.scrollchar end for i=1,2 do if not scrollchars[i] or #scrollchars[i]==0 then scrollchars[i] = borderchars[4] end end -- matchaddpos() can't handle more than 8 items at once local add_to_tbl = function(tbl, item) local len = utils.tbl_length(tbl) if len==0 or utils.tbl_length(tbl[len])==8 then table.insert(tbl, {}) len = len+1 end table.insert(tbl[len], item) end local full, empty = {}, {} local lines = api.nvim_buf_get_lines(self.border_buf, 1, -2, true) for i = 1, #lines do local line, linew = lines[i], fn.strwidth(lines[i]) local bar_char if i >= o.bar_offset and i < o.bar_offset + o.bar_height then bar_char = scrollchars[1] add_to_tbl(full, {i+1, linew+2, 1}) else bar_char = scrollchars[2] add_to_tbl(empty, {i+1, linew+2, 1}) end lines[i] = fn.strcharpart(line, 0, linew - 1) .. bar_char end api.nvim_buf_set_lines(self.border_buf, 1, -2, 0, lines) -- border highlights if self.winopts.hl.scrollbar_f or self.winopts.hl.scrollbar_e then vim.api.nvim_win_call(self.border_winid, function() if self.winopts.hl.scrollbar_f then for i=1,#full do fn.matchaddpos(self.winopts.hl.scrollbar_f, full[i], 11) end end if self.winopts.hl.scrollbar_e then for i=1,#empty do fn.matchaddpos(self.winopts.hl.scrollbar_e, empty[i], 11) end end end) end end local function ensure_tmp_buf(bufnr) if bufnr and vim.api.nvim_buf_is_valid(bufnr) then return bufnr end bufnr = api.nvim_create_buf(false, true) -- running nvim with `-M` will reset modifiable's default value to false vim.bo[bufnr].modifiable = true vim.bo[bufnr].bufhidden = 'wipe' return bufnr end function FzfWin:hide_scrollbar() if self._swin1 and vim.api.nvim_win_is_valid(self._swin1) then vim.api.nvim_win_hide(self._swin1) self._swin1 = nil end if self._swin2 and vim.api.nvim_win_is_valid(self._swin2) then vim.api.nvim_win_hide(self._swin2) self._swin2 = nil end end function FzfWin:update_scrollbar_float(o) -- do not display on files that are fully contained if o.bar_height >= o.line_count then self:hide_scrollbar() else local info = o.wininfo local style1 = {} style1.relative = 'editor' style1.style = 'minimal' style1.width = 1 style1.height = info.height style1.row = info.winrow - 1 style1.col = info.wincol + info.width + (tonumber(self.winopts.preview.scrolloff) or -2) style1.zindex = info.zindex or 997 if self._swin1 and vim.api.nvim_win_is_valid(self._swin1) then vim.api.nvim_win_set_config(self._swin1, style1) else style1.noautocmd = true self._sbuf1 = ensure_tmp_buf(self._sbuf1) self._swin1 = vim.api.nvim_open_win(self._sbuf1, false, style1) local hl = self.winopts.hl.scrollbar_e or 'PmenuSbar' vim.api.nvim_win_set_option(self._swin1, 'winhighlight', ('Normal:%s,NormalNC:%s,NormalFloat:%s'):format(hl, hl, hl)) end local style2 = utils.tbl_deep_clone(style1) style2.height = o.bar_height style2.row = style1.row + o.bar_offset style2.zindex = style1.zindex + 1 if self._swin2 and vim.api.nvim_win_is_valid(self._swin2) then vim.api.nvim_win_set_config(self._swin2, style2) else style2.noautocmd = true self._sbuf2 = ensure_tmp_buf(self._sbuf2) self._swin2 = vim.api.nvim_open_win(self._sbuf2, false, style2) local hl = self.winopts.hl.scrollbar_f or 'PmenuThumb' vim.api.nvim_win_set_option(self._swin2, 'winhighlight', ('Normal:%s,NormalNC:%s,NormalFloat:%s'):format(hl, hl, hl)) end end end function FzfWin:update_scrollbar() if not self.winopts.preview.scrollbar or self.winopts.preview.scrollbar == 'none' or not self:validate_preview() then return end local buf = api.nvim_win_get_buf(self.preview_winid) local o = {} o.wininfo = fn.getwininfo(self.preview_winid)[1] o.line_count = api.nvim_buf_line_count(buf) local topline, height = o.wininfo.topline, o.wininfo.height o.bar_height = math.min(height, math.ceil(height * height / o.line_count)) o.bar_offset = math.min(height - o.bar_height, math.floor(height * topline / o.line_count)) -- reset highlights before we move the scrollbar self:clear_border_highlights() self:set_title_hl() if self.winopts.preview.scrollbar == 'float' then self:update_scrollbar_float(o) else self:update_scrollbar_border(o) end end function FzfWin:update_title(title) self:update_border_buf() local right_pad = 7 local border_buf = api.nvim_win_get_buf(self.border_winid) local top = api.nvim_buf_get_lines(border_buf, 0, 1, 0)[1] local width = fn.strwidth(top) if #title > width-right_pad then title = title:sub(1, width-right_pad) .. " " end -- save for set_title_hl self._title_len = #title local prefix = fn.strcharpart(top, 0, 3) local suffix = fn.strcharpart(top, fn.strwidth(title) + 3, fn.strwidth(top)) title = ('%s%s%s'):format(prefix, title, suffix) api.nvim_buf_set_lines(border_buf, 0, 1, 1, {title}) self:set_title_hl() end -- keybind methods below function FzfWin.toggle_fullscreen() if not _self or _self.winopts.split then return end local self = _self self.fullscreen = not self.fullscreen self:hide_scrollbar() if self and self:validate() then self:redraw() end if self and self:validate_preview() then self:redraw_preview() end end function FzfWin.toggle_preview() if not _self then return end local self = _self self.preview_hidden = not self.preview_hidden if self.winopts.split and self._fzf_toggle_prev_bind then utils.feed_keys_termcodes(self._fzf_toggle_prev_bind) end if self.preview_hidden and self:validate_preview() then self:close_preview() self:redraw() elseif not self.preview_hidden then self:redraw() self:redraw_preview() if self._previewer and self._previewer.display_last_entry then self._previewer:display_last_entry() end end -- close_preview() calls FzfWin:close() -- which will clear out our singleton so -- we must save it again to call redraw _self = self end function FzfWin.toggle_preview_wrap() if not _self then return end local self = _self self.preview_wrap = not self.preview_wrap if self and self:validate_preview() then api.nvim_win_set_option(self.preview_winid, 'wrap', self.preview_wrap) end end function FzfWin.toggle_preview_cw(direction) if not _self or _self.winopts.split or not _self:validate_preview() then return end local self = _self local pos = { 'up', 'right', 'down', 'left' } local idx for i=1,#pos do if pos[i] == self.winopts.preview_pos then idx = i break end end if not idx then return end local newidx = direction>0 and idx+1 or idx-1 if newidx<1 then newidx = #pos end if newidx>#pos then newidx = 1 end self.winopts.preview_pos = pos[newidx] self.layout = self:generate_layout(self.winopts) self:close_preview() self:redraw() self:redraw_preview() if self._previewer and self._previewer.display_last_entry then self._previewer:display_last_entry() end end function FzfWin.preview_scroll(direction) if not _self then return end local self = _self if self:validate_preview() and self._previewer and self._previewer.scroll then self._previewer:scroll(direction) end end function FzfWin.toggle_help() if not _self then return end local self = _self if self.km_winid then -- help window is already open -- close and dispose resources if vim.api.nvim_win_is_valid(self.km_winid) then vim.api.nvim_win_close(self.km_winid, true) end if vim.api.nvim_buf_is_valid(self.km_bufnr) then vim.api.nvim_buf_delete(self.km_bufnr, {force=true}) end self.km_winid = nil self.km_bufnr = nil return end local opts = {} opts.max_height = opts.max_height or math.floor(0.4*vim.o.lines) opts.mode_width = opts.mode_width or 10 opts.name_width = opts.name_width or 28 opts.keybind_width = opts.keybind_width or 14 opts.normal_hl = opts.normal_hl or self.winopts.hl.normal opts.border_hl = opts.border_hl or self.winopts.hl.border opts.winblend = opts.winblend or 0 opts.column_padding = opts.column_padding or " " opts.column_width = opts.keybind_width + opts.name_width + #opts.column_padding + 2 opts.close_with_action = opts.close_with_action or true local function format_bind(m, k, v, ml, kl, vl) return ("%s%%-%ds %%-%ds %%-%ds") :format(opts.column_padding, ml, kl, vl) :format('`'..m..'`', '|'..k..'|', '*'..v..'*') end local keymaps = {} local preview_mode = self.previewer_is_builtin and 'builtin' or 'fzf' -- fzf and neovim (builtin) keymaps for _, m in ipairs({ 'builtin', 'fzf' }) do for k, v in pairs(self.keymap[m]) do -- only add preview keybinds respective of -- the current preview mode if not _preview_keymaps[v] or m == preview_mode then if m == 'builtin' then k = utils.neovim_bind_to_fzf(k) end table.insert(keymaps, format_bind(m, k, v, opts.mode_width, opts.keybind_width, opts.name_width)) end end end -- action keymaps if self.actions then for k, v in pairs(self.actions) do if k == 'default' then k = 'enter' end if type(v) =='table' then v = config.get_action_helpstr(v[1]) or v elseif v then v = config.get_action_helpstr(v) or v end if v then -- skips 'v == false' table.insert(keymaps, format_bind('action', k, ("%s"):format(v):gsub(" ", ""), opts.mode_width, opts.keybind_width, opts.name_width)) end end end -- sort alphabetically table.sort(keymaps, function(x, y) if x < y then return true else return false end end) -- append to existing line based on -- available columns local function table_append(tbl, s) local last = #tbl>0 and tbl[#tbl] if not last or #last+#s>vim.o.columns then table.insert(tbl, s) else tbl[#tbl] = last .. s end end local lines = {} for _, km in ipairs(keymaps) do table_append(lines, km) end -- calc popup height based on no. of lines local height = #lines ++once lua %s", table.concat({ string.format("pcall(vim.api.nvim_win_close, %s, true)", self.km_winid), string.format("pcall(vim.api.nvim_buf_delete, %s, {force=true})", self.km_bufnr), }, ";") )) vim.api.nvim_buf_set_lines(self.km_bufnr, 0, -1, false, lines) end return FzfWin