local core = require "fzf-lua.core" local utils = require "fzf-lua.utils" local shell = require "fzf-lua.shell" local config = require "fzf-lua.config" local actions = require "fzf-lua.actions" local function get_current_colorscheme() if vim.g.colors_name then return vim.g.colors_name else return 'default' end end local M = {} M.colorschemes = function(opts) opts = config.normalize_opts(opts, config.globals.colorschemes) if not opts then return end local prev_act = shell.action(function (args) if opts.live_preview and args then local colorscheme = args[1] vim.cmd("colorscheme " .. colorscheme) end end, nil, opts.debug) local current_colorscheme = get_current_colorscheme() local current_background = vim.o.background local colors = vim.list_extend(opts.colors or {}, vim.fn.getcompletion('', 'color')) -- must add ':nohidden' or fzf ignore the preview action -- disabling our live preview of colorschemes opts.fzf_opts['--preview'] = prev_act opts.fzf_opts['--no-multi'] = '' opts.fzf_opts['--preview-window'] = 'nohidden:right:0' core.fzf_wrap(opts, colors, function(selected) -- reset color scheme if live_preview is enabled -- and nothing or non-default action was selected if opts.live_preview and (not selected or #selected[1]>0) then vim.o.background = current_background vim.cmd("colorscheme " .. current_colorscheme) vim.o.background = current_background end if selected then actions.act(opts.actions, selected) end if opts.post_reset_cb then opts.post_reset_cb() end end)() end M.highlights = function(opts) opts = config.normalize_opts(opts, config.globals.highlights) if not opts then return end local contents = function (cb) local colormap = vim.api.nvim_get_color_map() local highlights = vim.fn.getcompletion('', 'highlight') local function add_entry(hl, co) -- translate the highlight using ansi escape sequences local x = utils.ansi_from_hl(hl, hl, colormap) cb(x, function(err) if co then coroutine.resume(co) end if err then -- error, close fzf pipe cb(nil, function() end) end end) if co then coroutine.yield() end end local function populate(entries, fn, co) for _, e in ipairs(entries) do fn(e, co) end cb(nil, function() if co then coroutine.resume(co) end end) end local coroutinify = (opts.coroutinify==nil) and false or opts.coroutinify if not coroutinify then populate(highlights, add_entry) else coroutine.wrap(function() -- Unable to coroutinify, hl functions fail inside coroutines with: -- E5560: vimL function must not be called in a lua loop callback -- and using 'vim.schedule' -- attempt to yield across C-call boundary populate(highlights, function(x, co) vim.schedule(function() add_entry(x, co) end) end, coroutine.running()) coroutine.yield() end)() end end opts.fzf_opts['--no-multi'] = '' core.fzf_exec(contents, opts) end return M