local fzf = require "fzf-lua.fzf" local path = require "fzf-lua.path" local utils = require "fzf-lua.utils" local config = require "fzf-lua.config" local actions = require "fzf-lua.actions" local win = require "fzf-lua.win" local libuv = require "fzf-lua.libuv" local shell = require "fzf-lua.shell" local make_entry = require "fzf-lua.make_entry" local M = {} -- Main API, see: -- https://github.com/ibhagwan/fzf-lua/wiki/Advanced M.fzf_exec = function(contents, opts) if not opts or not opts._normalized then opts = config.normalize_opts(opts or {}, {}) if not opts then return end end opts.fn_selected = opts.fn_selected or function(selected) if not selected then return end actions.act(opts.actions, selected, opts) end -- wrapper for command transformer if type(contents) == 'string' and (opts.fn_transform or opts.fn_preprocess) then contents = libuv.spawn_nvim_fzf_cmd({ cmd = contents, cwd = opts.cwd, pid_cb = opts._pid_cb, }, opts.fn_transform or function(x) return x end, opts.fn_preprocess) end -- setup as "live": disables fuzzy matching and reload the content -- every keystroke (query changed), utlizes fzf's 'change:reload' -- event trigger or skim's "interactive" mode if type(opts.fn_reload) == 'string' then if not opts.fn_transform then -- TODO: add support for 'fn_transform' using 'mt_cmd_wrapper' -- functions can be stored using 'config.bytecode' which uses -- 'string.dump' to convert to function code to bytes opts = M.setup_fzf_interactive_native(opts.fn_reload, opts) contents = opts.__fzf_init_cmd else -- the caller requested to transform, we need to convert -- to a function that returns string so that libuv.spawn -- is called local cmd = opts.fn_reload opts.fn_reload = function(q) if cmd:match(M.fzf_query_placeholder) then return cmd:gsub(M.fzf_query_placeholder, q or '') else return string.format("%s %s", cmd, q or '') end end end end if type(opts.fn_reload) == 'function' then opts.__fn_transform = opts.fn_transform opts.__fn_reload = function(query) if config.__resume_data then config.__resume_data.last_query = query end return opts.fn_reload(query) end opts = M.setup_fzf_interactive_wrap(opts) contents = opts.__fzf_init_cmd end return M.fzf_wrap(opts, contents)() end M.fzf_live = function(contents, opts) assert(contents) opts = opts or {} opts.fn_reload = contents return M.fzf_exec(nil, opts) end M.fzf_resume = function(opts) if not config.__resume_data or not config.__resume_data.opts then utils.info("No resume data available, is 'global_resume' enabled?") return end opts = vim.tbl_deep_extend("force", config.__resume_data.opts, opts or {}) local last_query = config.__resume_data.last_query if not last_query or #last_query==0 then -- in case we continue from another resume -- reset the previous query which was saved -- inside "fzf_opts['--query']" argument last_query = false end opts.__resume = true opts.query = last_query M.fzf_exec(config.__resume_data.contents, opts) end M.fzf_wrap = function(opts, contents, fn_selected) opts = opts or {} return coroutine.wrap(function() opts.fn_selected = opts.fn_selected or fn_selected local selected = M.fzf(opts, contents) if opts.fn_selected then opts.fn_selected(selected) end end) end M.fzf = function(opts, contents) -- normalize with globals if not already normalized if not opts or not opts._normalized then opts = config.normalize_opts(opts or {}, {}) if not opts then return end end if opts.fn_pre_win then opts.fn_pre_win(opts) end -- support global resume? if opts.global_resume then config.__resume_data = config.__resume_data or {} config.__resume_data.opts = utils.deepcopy(opts) config.__resume_data.contents = contents and utils.deepcopy(contents) or nil if not opts.__resume then -- since the shell callback isn't called -- until the user first types something -- delete the stored query unless called -- from within 'fzf_resume', this prevents -- using the stored query between different -- providers config.__resume_data.last_query = nil end -- save a ref to resume data for 'grep_lgrep' opts.__resume_data = config.__resume_data end if opts.save_query or opts.global_resume and opts.global_resume_query then -- We use this option to print the query on line 1 -- later to be removed from the result by M.fzf() -- this providers a solution for saving the query -- when the user pressed a valid bind but not when -- aborting with or , see next comment opts.fzf_opts['--print-query'] = '' -- Signals to the win object resume is enabled -- so we can setup the keypress event monitoring -- since we already have the query on valid -- exit codes we only need to monitor , opts.fn_save_query = function(query) config.__resume_data.last_query = query and #query>0 and query or nil end -- 'au InsertCharPre' would be the best option here -- but it does not work for terminals: -- https://github.com/neovim/neovim/issues/5018 -- this is causing lag when typing too fast (#271) -- also not possible with skim (no 'change' event) --[[ if not opts._is_skim then local raw_act = shell.raw_action(function(args) opts.fn_save_query(args[1]) end, "{q}") opts._fzf_cli_args = ('--bind=change:execute-silent:%s'): format(vim.fn.shellescape(raw_act)) end ]] end -- setup the fzf window and preview layout local fzf_win = win(opts) if not fzf_win then return end -- instantiate the previewer local previewer, preview_opts = nil, nil if opts.previewer and type(opts.previewer) == 'string' then preview_opts = config.globals.previewers[opts.previewer] if not preview_opts then utils.warn(("invalid previewer '%s'"):format(opts.previewer)) end elseif opts.previewer and type(opts.previewer) == 'table' then preview_opts = opts.previewer end if preview_opts and type(preview_opts.new) == 'function' then previewer = preview_opts:new(preview_opts, opts, fzf_win) elseif preview_opts and type(preview_opts._new) == 'function' then previewer = preview_opts._new()(preview_opts, opts, fzf_win) elseif preview_opts and type(preview_opts._ctor) == 'function' then previewer = preview_opts._ctor()(preview_opts, opts, fzf_win) end if previewer then -- Set the preview command line opts.preview = previewer:cmdline() if type(previewer.preview_window) == 'function' then -- do we need to override the preview_window args? -- this can happen with the builtin previewer -- (1) when using a split we use the previewer as placeholder -- (2) we use 'nohidden:right:0' to trigger preview function -- calls without displaying the native fzf previewer split opts.fzf_opts['--preview-window'] = previewer:preview_window(opts.preview_window) end -- provides preview offset when using native previewers -- (bat/cat/etc) with providers that supply line numbers -- (grep/quickfix/LSP) if type(previewer.fzf_delimiter) == 'function' then opts.fzf_opts["--delimiter"] = previewer:fzf_delimiter() end if type(previewer.preview_offset) == 'function' then opts.preview_offset = previewer:preview_offset() end elseif not opts.preview and not opts.fzf_opts['--preview'] then -- no preview available, override incase $FZF_DEFAULT_OPTS -- contains a preview which will most likely fail opts.fzf_opts['--preview-window'] = 'hidden:right:0' end -- some functions such as buffers|tabs -- need to reacquire current buffer|tab state if opts._fn_pre_fzf then opts._fn_pre_fzf(opts) end if opts.fn_pre_fzf then opts.fn_pre_fzf(opts) end fzf_win:attach_previewer(previewer) fzf_win:create() -- save the normalized winopts, otherwise we -- lose overrides by 'winopts_fn|winopts_raw' opts.winopts.preview = fzf_win.winopts.preview local selected, exit_code = fzf.raw_fzf(contents, M.build_fzf_cli(opts), { fzf_bin = opts.fzf_bin, cwd = opts.cwd, silent_fail = opts.silent_fail }) -- This was added by 'resume': -- when '--print-query' is specified -- we are guaranteed to have the query -- in the first line, save&remove it if selected and #selected>0 and opts.fzf_opts['--print-query'] ~= nil then if opts.fn_save_query and not (opts._is_skim and opts.fn_reload) then -- reminder: this doesn't get called with 'live_grep' when using skim -- due to a bug where '--print-query --interactive' combo is broken: -- skim always prints an emtpy line where the typed query should be -- see addtional note above 'opts.save_query' inside 'live_grep_mt' opts.fn_save_query(selected[1]) end table.remove(selected, 1) end if opts._fn_post_fzf then opts._fn_post_fzf(opts, selected) end if opts.fn_post_fzf then opts.fn_post_fzf(opts, selected) end libuv.process_kill(opts._pid) fzf_win:check_exit_status(exit_code) -- retrieve the future action and check: -- * if it's a single function we can close the window -- * if it's a table of functions we do not close the window local keybind = actions.normalize_selected(opts.actions, selected) local action = keybind and opts.actions and opts.actions[keybind] -- only close the window if autoclose wasn't specified or is 'true' if (not fzf_win:autoclose() == false) and type(action) ~= 'table' then fzf_win:close() end return selected end M.preview_window = function(o) local preview_args = ("%s:%s:%s:"):format( o.winopts.preview.hidden, o.winopts.preview.border, o.winopts.preview.wrap) if o.winopts.preview.layout == "horizontal" or o.winopts.preview.layout == "flex" and vim.o.columns>o.winopts.preview.flip_columns then preview_args = preview_args .. o.winopts.preview.horizontal else preview_args = preview_args .. o.winopts.preview.vertical end return preview_args end M.get_color = function(hl_group, what) return vim.fn.synIDattr(vim.fn.synIDtrans(vim.fn.hlID(hl_group)), what) end -- Create fzf --color arguments from a table of vim highlight groups. M.create_fzf_colors = function(opts) local colors = opts and opts.fzf_colors if type(colors) == 'function' then colors = colors(opts) end if not colors then return end local tbl = {} for highlight, list in pairs(colors) do local value = M.get_color(list[2], list[1]) local col = value:match("#[%x]+") or value:match("^[0-9]+") if col then table.insert(tbl, ("%s:%s"):format(highlight, col)) end -- arguments in the 3nd slot onward are passed raw, this can -- be used to pass styling arguments, for more info see #413 -- https://github.com/junegunn/fzf/issues/1663 for i = 3, #list do table.insert(tbl, ("%s:%s"):format(highlight, list[i])) end end return not vim.tbl_isempty(tbl) and table.concat(tbl, ",") end M.create_fzf_binds = function(binds) if not binds or vim.tbl_isempty(binds) then return end local tbl = {} local dedup = {} for k, v in pairs(binds) do -- backward compatibility to when binds -- where defined as one string ':' if v then local key, action = v:match("(.*):(.*)") if action then k, v = key, action end dedup[k] = v end end for key, action in pairs(dedup) do table.insert(tbl, string.format("%s:%s", key, action)) end return vim.fn.shellescape(table.concat(tbl, ",")) end M.build_fzf_cli = function(opts) opts.fzf_opts = vim.tbl_extend("force", config.globals.fzf_opts, opts.fzf_opts or {}) -- copy from globals for _, o in ipairs({ 'fzf_ansi', 'fzf_colors', 'fzf_layout', 'keymap', }) do opts[o] = opts[o] or config.globals[o] end -- preview and query have special handling: -- 'opts.' is prioritized over 'fzf_opts[--name]' -- 'opts.' is automatically shellescaped for _, o in ipairs({ 'query', 'preview' }) do local flag = string.format("--%s", o) if opts[o] ~= nil then -- opt can be 'false' (disabled) -- don't shellescape in this case opts.fzf_opts[flag] = opts[o] and vim.fn.shellescape(opts[o]) else opts.fzf_opts[flag] = opts.fzf_opts[flag] end end opts.fzf_opts["--bind"] = M.create_fzf_binds(opts.keymap.fzf) if opts.fzf_colors then opts.fzf_opts["--color"] = M.create_fzf_colors(opts) end opts.fzf_opts["--expect"] = actions.expect(opts.actions) if opts.fzf_opts["--preview-window"] == nil then opts.fzf_opts["--preview-window"] = M.preview_window(opts) end if opts.preview_offset and #opts.preview_offset>0 then opts.fzf_opts["--preview-window"] = opts.fzf_opts["--preview-window"] .. ":" .. opts.preview_offset end -- shell escape the prompt opts.fzf_opts["--prompt"] = (opts.prompt or opts.fzf_opts["--prompt"]) and vim.fn.shellescape(opts.prompt or opts.fzf_opts["--prompt"]) -- multi | no-multi (select) if opts.nomulti or opts.fzf_opts["--no-multi"] then opts.fzf_opts["--multi"] = nil opts.fzf_opts["--no-multi"] = '' else opts.fzf_opts["--multi"] = '' opts.fzf_opts["--no-multi"] = nil end -- backward compatibility, add all previously known options for k, v in pairs({ ['--ansi'] = 'fzf_ansi', ['--layout'] = 'fzf_layout' }) do if opts[v] and #opts[v]==0 then opts.fzf_opts[k] = nil elseif opts[v] then opts.fzf_opts[k] = opts[v] end end local extra_args = '' for _, o in ipairs({ 'fzf_args', 'fzf_raw_args', 'fzf_cli_args', '_fzf_cli_args', }) do if opts[o] then extra_args = extra_args .. " " .. opts[o] end end if opts._is_skim then local info = opts.fzf_opts["--info"] -- skim (rust version of fzf) doesn't -- support the '--info=' flag opts.fzf_opts["--info"] = nil if info == 'inline' then -- inline for skim is defined as: opts.fzf_opts["--inline-info"] = '' end end -- build the clip args local cli_args = '' for k, v in pairs(opts.fzf_opts) do if v then v = v:gsub(k .. '=', '') cli_args = cli_args .. (" %s%s"):format(k,#v>0 and "="..v or '') end end return cli_args .. extra_args end M.mt_cmd_wrapper = function(opts) assert(opts and opts.cmd) local str_to_str = function(s) return "[[" .. s:gsub('[%]]', function(x) return "\\"..x end) .. "]]" end local opts_to_str = function(o) local names = { "debug", "argv_expr", "cmd", "cwd", "stdout", "stderr", "stderr_to_stdout", "git_dir", "git_worktree", "git_icons", "file_icons", "color_icons", "path_shorten", "strip_cwd_prefix", "rg_glob", "__module__", } -- caller reqested rg with glob support if o.rg_glob then table.insert(names, "glob_flag") table.insert(names, "glob_separator") end local str = "" for _, name in ipairs(names) do if o[name] ~= nil then if #str>0 then str = str..',' end local val = o[name] if type(val) == 'string' then val = str_to_str(val) end if type(val) == 'table' then val = vim.inspect(val) end str = str .. ("%s=%s"):format(name, val) end end return '{'..str..'}' end if not opts.requires_processing and not opts.git_icons and not opts.file_icons then -- command does not require any processing return opts.cmd elseif opts.multiprocess then assert(not opts.__mt_transform or type(opts.__mt_transform) == 'string') assert(not opts.__mt_preprocess or type(opts.__mt_preprocess) == 'string') local fn_preprocess = opts.__mt_preprocess or [[return require("make_entry").preprocess]] local fn_transform = opts.__mt_transform or [[return require("make_entry").file]] -- replace all below 'fn.shellescape' with our version -- replacing the surrounding single quotes with double -- as this was causing resume to fail with fish shell -- due to fzf replacing ' with \ (no idea why) if not opts.no_remote_config then fn_transform = ([[_G._fzf_lua_server=%s; %s]]):format( libuv.shellescape(vim.g.fzf_lua_server), fn_transform) end if config._devicons_setup then fn_transform = ([[_G._devicons_setup=%s; %s]]) :format( libuv.shellescape(config._devicons_setup), fn_transform) end if config._devicons_path then fn_transform = ([[_G._devicons_path=%s; %s]]) :format( libuv.shellescape(config._devicons_path), fn_transform) end local cmd = libuv.wrap_spawn_stdio(opts_to_str(opts), fn_transform, fn_preprocess) if opts.debug_cmd or opts.debug and not (opts.debug_cmd==false) then print(cmd) end return cmd else assert(not opts.__mt_transform or type(opts.__mt_transform) == 'function') assert(not opts.__mt_preprocess or type(opts.__mt_preprocess) == 'function') return libuv.spawn_nvim_fzf_cmd(opts, function(x) return opts.__mt_transform and opts.__mt_transform(x, opts) or make_entry.file(x, opts) end, function(o) -- setup opts.cwd and git diff files return opts.__mt_preprocess and opts.__mt_preprocess(o) or make_entry.preprocess(o) end) end end -- given the default delimiter ':' this is the -- fzf experssion field index for the line number -- when entry format is 'file:line:col: text' -- this is later used with native fzf previewers -- for setting the preview offset (and on some -- cases the highlighted line) M.set_fzf_field_index = function(opts, default_idx, default_expr) opts.line_field_index = opts.line_field_index or default_idx or 2 -- when entry contains lines we set the fzf FIELD INDEX EXPRESSION -- to the below so that only the filename is sent to the preview -- action, otherwise we will have issues with entries with text -- containing '--' as fzf won't know how to interpret the cmd -- this works when the delimiter is only ':', when using multiple -- or different delimiters (e.g. in 'lines') we need to use a different -- field index experssion such as "{..-2}" (all fields but the last 2) opts.field_index_expr = opts.field_index_expr or default_expr or "{1}" return opts end M.set_header = function(opts, hdr_tbl) if not opts then opts = {} end if opts.no_header or opts.headers == false then return opts end local definitions = { -- key: opt name -- val.hdr_txt_opt: opt header string name -- val.hdr_txt_str: opt header string text cwd = { hdr_txt_opt = "cwd_header", hdr_txt_str = "cwd: ", hdr_txt_col = "red", val = function() -- do not display header when we're inside our -- cwd unless the caller specifically requested if opts.show_cwd_header == false or not opts.show_cwd_header and (not opts.cwd or opts.cwd == vim.loop.cwd()) then return end local cwd = opts.cwd or vim.loop.cwd() if path.starts_with_separator(cwd) and cwd ~= vim.loop.cwd() then -- since we're always converting cwd to full path -- try to convert it back to relative for display cwd = path.relative(cwd, vim.loop.cwd()) end -- make our home dir path look pretty return path.HOME_to_tilde(cwd) end }, search = { hdr_txt_opt = "grep_header", hdr_txt_str = "Grep string: ", hdr_txt_col = "red", val = function() return opts.search and #opts.search>0 and opts.search end, }, query = { hdr_txt_opt = "query_header", hdr_txt_str = "Query: ", hdr_txt_col = "red", val = function() return opts.query and #opts.query>0 and opts.query end, }, regex_filter = { hdr_txt_opt = "regex_header", hdr_txt_str = "Regex filter: ", hdr_txt_col = "red", val = function() return opts.regex_filter and #opts.regex_filter>0 and opts.regex_filter end, }, actions = { hdr_txt_opt = "grep_lgrep_header", hdr_txt_str = "", val = function() if opts.no_header_i then return end for k, v in pairs(opts.actions) do if type(v) == 'table' and v[1] == actions.grep_lgrep then local to = opts.fn_reload and 'Grep' or 'Live Grep' return (':: <%s> to %s'):format( utils.ansi_codes.yellow(k), utils.ansi_codes.red(to)) end end end, }, } -- by default we only display cwd headers -- header string constructed in array order if not opts.headers then opts.headers = hdr_tbl or { "cwd" } end -- override header text with the user's settings for _, h in ipairs(opts.headers) do assert(definitions[h]) local hdr_text = opts[definitions[h].hdr_txt_opt] if hdr_text then definitions[h].hdr_txt_str = hdr_text end end -- build the header string local hdr_str for _, h in ipairs(opts.headers) do assert(definitions[h]) local def = definitions[h] local txt = def.val() if def and txt then hdr_str = not hdr_str and '' or (hdr_str .. ', ') hdr_str = ("%s%s%s"):format(hdr_str, def.hdr_txt_str, not def.hdr_txt_col and txt or utils.ansi_codes[def.hdr_txt_col](txt)) end end if hdr_str and #hdr_str>0 then opts.fzf_opts['--header'] = libuv.shellescape(hdr_str) end return opts end -- NOT IN USE, here for backward compat M.fzf_files = function(opts, contents) utils.warn("'core.fzf_files' is deprecated, use 'fzf_exec' instead," .. " see github@fzf-lua/wiki/Advanced.") M.fzf_exec(contents or opts and opts.fzf_fn and opts.fzf_fn, opts) end M.setup_fzf_interactive_flags = function(command, fzf_field_expression, opts) -- query cannot be 'nil' opts.query = opts.query or '' -- by redirecting the error stream to stdout -- we make sure a clear error message is displayed -- when the user enters bad regex expressions local initial_command = command if (opts.stderr_to_stdout ~= false) and not initial_command:match("2>") then initial_command = command .. " 2>&1" end local reload_command = initial_command if not opts.exec_empty_query then reload_command = ('[ -z %s ] || %s'):format(fzf_field_expression, reload_command) end if opts._is_skim then -- skim interactive mode does not need a piped command opts.__fzf_init_cmd = nil opts.prompt = opts.__prompt or opts.prompt or opts.fzf_opts['--prompt'] if opts.prompt then opts.fzf_opts['--prompt'] = opts.prompt:match("[^%*]+") opts.fzf_opts['--cmd-prompt'] = libuv.shellescape(opts.prompt) -- save original prompt and reset the current one since -- we're using the '--cmd-prompt' as the "main" prompt -- required for resume to have the asterisk prompt prefix opts.__prompt = opts.prompt opts.prompt = nil end -- since we surrounded the skim placeholder with quotes -- we need to escape them in the initial query opts.fzf_opts['--cmd-query'] = libuv.shellescape(utils.sk_escape(opts.query)) -- '--query' was set by 'resume()', skim has the option to switch back and -- forth between interactive command and fuzzy matching (using 'ctrl-q') -- setting both '--query' and '--cmd-query' will use to fuzzy match -- on top of our result set double filtering our results (undesierable) opts.fzf_opts['--query'] = nil opts.query = nil -- setup as inetarctive opts._fzf_cli_args = string.format("--interactive --cmd %s", vim.fn.shellescape(reload_command)) else -- send an empty table to avoid running $FZF_DEFAULT_COMMAND opts.__fzf_init_cmd = {} if opts.exec_empty_query or (opts.query and #opts.query > 0) then opts.__fzf_init_cmd = initial_command:gsub(fzf_field_expression, libuv.shellescape(opts.query:gsub("%%", "%%%%"))) end opts.fzf_opts['--disabled'] = '' opts.fzf_opts['--query'] = libuv.shellescape(opts.query) -- OR with true to avoid fzf's "Command failed:" message if opts.silent_fail ~= false then reload_command = ("%s || true"):format(reload_command) end opts._fzf_cli_args = string.format('--bind=%s', vim.fn.shellescape(("change:reload:%s"):format( ("%s"):format(reload_command)))) end return opts end -- query placeholder for "live" queries M.fzf_query_placeholder = "" M.fzf_field_expression = function(opts) -- fzf already adds single quotes around the placeholder when expanding -- for skim we surround it with double quotes or single quote searches fail return opts and opts._is_skim and '"{}"' or '{q}' end -- Sets up the flags and commands require for running a "live" interface -- @param fn_reload :function called for reloading contents -- @param fn_transform :function to transform entries when using shell cmd M.setup_fzf_interactive_wrap = function(opts) assert(opts and opts.__fn_reload) -- neovim shell wrapper for parsing the query and loading contents local fzf_field_expression = M.fzf_field_expression(opts) local command = shell.reload_action_cmd(opts, fzf_field_expression) return M.setup_fzf_interactive_flags(command, fzf_field_expression, opts) end M.setup_fzf_interactive_native = function(command, opts) local fzf_field_expression = M.fzf_field_expression(opts) -- replace placeholder with the field index expression -- if the command doesn't contain our placeholder append -- the field index expression instead if command:match(M.fzf_query_placeholder) then command = opts.fn_reload:gsub(M.fzf_query_placeholder, fzf_field_expression) else command = ("%s %s"):format(command, fzf_field_expression) end return M.setup_fzf_interactive_flags(command, fzf_field_expression, opts) end return M