local core = require "fzf-lua.core" local utils = require "fzf-lua.utils" local config = require "fzf-lua.config" local make_entry = require "fzf-lua.make_entry" local M = {} local convert_diagnostic_type = function(severity) -- convert from string to int if type(severity) == "string" and not tonumber(severity) then -- make sure that e.g. error is uppercased to Error return vim.diagnostic and vim.diagnostic.severity[severity:upper()] or vim.lsp.protocol.DiagnosticSeverity[severity:gsub("^%l", string.upper)] else -- otherwise keep original value, incl. nil return tonumber(severity) end end local filter_diag_severity = function(opts, severity) if opts.severity_only ~= nil then return tonumber(opts.severity_only) == severity elseif opts.severity_limit ~= nil then return severity <= tonumber(opts.severity_limit) elseif opts.severity_bound ~= nil then return severity >= tonumber(opts.severity_bound) else return true end end M.diagnostics = function(opts) opts = config.normalize_opts(opts, config.globals.diagnostics) if not opts then return end -- required for relative paths presentation if not opts.cwd or #opts.cwd == 0 then opts.cwd = vim.loop.cwd() end if not vim.diagnostic then local lsp_clients = vim.lsp.buf_get_clients(0) if utils.tbl_isempty(lsp_clients) then utils.info("LSP: no client attached") return end end -- configure signs and highlights local signs = vim.diagnostic and { ["Error"] = { severity = 1, default = "E", sign = "DiagnosticSignError" }, ["Warn"] = { severity = 2, default = "W", sign = "DiagnosticSignWarn" }, ["Info"] = { severity = 3, default = "I", sign = "DiagnosticSignInfo" }, ["Hint"] = { severity = 4, default = "H", sign = "DiagnosticSignHint" }, } or { -- At one point or another wdefault = "E", e'll drop support for the old LSP diag ["Error"] = { severity = 1, default = "E", sign = "LspDiagnosticsSignError" }, ["Warn"] = { severity = 2, default = "W", sign = "LspDiagnosticsSignWarning" }, ["Info"] = { severity = 3, default = "I", sign = "LspDiagnosticsSignInformation" }, ["Hint"] = { severity = 4, default = "H", sign = "LspDiagnosticsSignHint" }, } opts.__signs = {} for k, v in pairs(signs) do opts.__signs[v.severity] = {} local sign_def = vim.fn.sign_getdefined(v.sign) opts.__signs[v.severity].text = sign_def and vim.trim(sign_def[1].text) or v.default opts.__signs[v.severity].texthl = sign_def and sign_def[1].texthl or nil if opts.signs and opts.signs[k] and opts.signs[k].text then opts.__signs[v.severity].text = opts.signs[k].text end if opts.signs and opts.signs[k] and opts.signs[k].texthl then opts.__signs[v.severity].texthl = opts.signs[k].texthl end end -- hint = 4 -- information = 3 -- warning = 2 -- error = 1 -- severity_only: keep any matching exact severity -- severity_limit: keep any equal or more severe (lower) -- severity_bound: keep any equal or less severe (higher) opts.severity_only = convert_diagnostic_type(opts.severity_only) opts.severity_limit = convert_diagnostic_type(opts.severity_limit) opts.severity_bound = convert_diagnostic_type(opts.severity_bound) local diag_opts = { severity = {}, namespace = opts.namespace } if opts.severity_only ~= nil then if opts.severity_limit ~= nil or opts.severity_bound ~= nil then utils.warn("Invalid severity parameters. Both a specific severity and a limit/bound is not allowed") return {} end diag_opts.severity = opts.severity_only else if opts.severity_limit ~= nil then diag_opts.severity["min"] = opts.severity_limit end if opts.severity_bound ~= nil then diag_opts.severity["max"] = opts.severity_bound end end local curbuf = vim.api.nvim_get_current_buf() local diag_results = vim.diagnostic and vim.diagnostic.get(not opts.diag_all and curbuf or nil, diag_opts) or opts.diag_all and vim.lsp.diagnostic.get_all() or {[curbuf] = vim.lsp.diagnostic.get(curbuf, opts.client_id)} local has_diags = false if vim.diagnostic then -- format: { } has_diags = not vim.tbl_isempty(diag_results) else -- format: { [bufnr] = , ... } for _, diags in pairs(diag_results) do if #diags > 0 then has_diags = true end end end if not has_diags then utils.info(string.format('No %s found', 'diagnostics')) return end local preprocess_diag = function(diag, bufnr) bufnr = bufnr or diag.bufnr local filename = vim.api.nvim_buf_get_name(bufnr) -- pre vim.diagnostic (vim.lsp.diagnostic) -- has 'start|finish' instead of 'end_col|end_lnum' local start = diag.range and diag.range['start'] -- local finish = diag.range and diag.range['end'] local row = diag.lnum or start.line local col = diag.col or start.character local buffer_diag = { bufnr = bufnr, filename = filename, lnum = row + 1, col = col + 1, text = vim.trim(diag.message:gsub("[\n]", "")), type = diag.severity or 1 } return buffer_diag end local contents = function (fzf_cb) coroutine.wrap(function () local co = coroutine.running() local function process_diagnostics(diags, bufnr) for _, diag in ipairs(diags) do -- workspace diagnostics may include -- empty tables for unused buffers if not vim.tbl_isempty(diag) and filter_diag_severity(opts, diag.severity) then -- wrap with 'vim.scheudle' or calls to vim.{fn|api} fail: -- E5560: vimL function must not be called in a lua loop callback vim.schedule(function() local diag_entry = preprocess_diag(diag, bufnr) local entry = make_entry.lcol(diag_entry, opts) entry = make_entry.file(entry, opts) if not entry then -- entry to be skipped (e.g. 'cwd_only') coroutine.resume(co) else local type = diag_entry.type if opts.diag_icons and opts.__signs[type] then local value = opts.__signs[type] local icon = value.text if opts.color_icons then icon = utils.ansi_from_hl(value.texthl, icon) end entry = icon .. utils.nbsp .. utils.nbsp .. entry end fzf_cb(entry, function() coroutine.resume(co) end) end end) -- wait here for 'vim.schedule' to return coroutine.yield() end end end if vim.diagnostic then process_diagnostics(diag_results) else for bufnr, diags in pairs(diag_results) do process_diagnostics(diags, bufnr) end end -- close the pipe to fzf, this -- removes the loading indicator fzf_cb(nil) end)() end opts = core.set_header(opts, opts.headers or {"cwd"}) opts = core.set_fzf_field_index(opts) return core.fzf_exec(contents, opts) end M.all = function(opts) if not opts then opts = {} end opts.diag_all = true return M.diagnostics(opts) end return M