Workaround for potential 'tempname' bug (#222)

bhagwan 3 years ago
parent 63ed48baf9
commit 8d87ef366e

@ -15,6 +15,27 @@ local function get_lines_from_file(file)
return t
-- workaround to a potential 'tempname' bug? (#222)
-- neovim doesn't guarantee the existence of the
-- parent temp dir potentially failing `mkfifo`
local function tempname()
local tmpname = vim.fn.tempname()
local parent = vim.fn.fnamemodify(tmpname, ':h')
-- parent must exist for `mkfifo` to succeed
-- if the neovim temp dir was deleted or the
-- tempname already exists we use 'os.tmpname'
if not uv.fs_stat(parent) or uv.fs_stat(tmpname) then
tmpname = os.tmpname()
-- 'os.tmpname' touches the file which
-- will also fail `mkfifo`, delete it
return tmpname
-- contents can be either a table with tostring()able items, or a function that
-- can be called repeatedly for values. the latter can use coroutines for async
-- behavior.
@ -26,8 +47,8 @@ function M.raw_fzf(contents, fzf_cli_args, opts)
if not opts then opts = {} end
local cwd = opts.fzf_cwd or opts.cwd
local cmd = opts.fzf_binary or opts.fzf_bin or 'fzf'
local fifotmpname = vim.fn.tempname()
local outputtmpname = vim.fn.tempname()
local fifotmpname = tempname()
local outputtmpname = tempname()
if fzf_cli_args then cmd = cmd .. " " .. fzf_cli_args end
if opts.fzf_cli_args then cmd = cmd .. " " .. opts.fzf_cli_args end
@ -47,7 +68,10 @@ function M.raw_fzf(contents, fzf_cli_args, opts)
local write_cb_count = 0
-- Create the output pipe
vim.fn.system(("mkfifo %s"):format(vim.fn.shellescape(fifotmpname)))
-- We use tbl for perf reasons, from ':help system':
-- If {cmd} is a List it runs directly (no 'shell')
-- If {cmd} is a String it runs in the 'shell'
vim.fn.system({"mkfifo", fifotmpname})
local function finish(_)
-- mark finish if once called
@ -133,7 +157,7 @@ function M.raw_fzf(contents, fzf_cli_args, opts)
fd = uv.fs_open(fifotmpname, "w", -1)
output_pipe = uv.new_pipe(false)
-- print(uv.pipe_getpeername(output_pipe))
-- print(output_pipe:getpeername())
-- this part runs in the background, when the user has selected, it will
-- error out, but that doesn't matter so we just break out of the loop.
