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24 lines
687 B

3 years ago
if !has('nvim-0.5')
echohl Error
echomsg "Fzf-lua is only available for Neovim versions 0.5 and above"
echohl clear
if exists('g:loaded_fzf_lua') | finish | endif
let g:loaded_fzf_lua = 1
" FzfLua builtin lists
function! s:fzflua_complete(arg,line,pos)
let l:builtin_list = luaeval('vim.tbl_keys(require("fzf-lua"))')
let list = [l:builtin_list]
let l = split(a:line[:a:pos-1], '\%(\%(\%(^\|[^\\]\)\\\)\@<!\s\)\+', 1)
let n = len(l) - index(l, 'FzfLua') - 2
return join(list[0],"\n")
" FzfLua commands with auto-complete
command! -nargs=* -complete=custom,s:fzflua_complete FzfLua lua require('fzf-lua.cmd').load_command(<f-args>)