FROM microsoft/windowsservercore MAINTAINER Storj Labs ( SHELL ["powershell", "-Command", "$ErrorActionPreference = 'Stop';"] ENV NPM_CONFIG_LOGLEVEL info ENV NODE_VERSION 6.9.2 ENV MINGIT_VERSION 2.11.0 RUN [Environment]::SetEnvironmentVariable('DOCKER_BUILD_DATE', $(Get-Date), 'Machine'); \ $env:DOCKER_BUILD_DATE = [System.Environment]::GetEnvironmentVariable('DOCKER_BUILD_DATE','Machine'); RUN Write-Host '=============================================='; \ Write-Host 'Performing Storj Labs storjshare-daemon Image Build'; \ Write-Host 'Github Site:'; \ Write-Host ''; \ Write-Host ('Docker Image Build Date: {0}' -f $env:DOCKER_BUILD_DATE); \ Write-Host ''; \ Write-Host 'Loading Recommended Versions of Software'; \ Write-Host ('Node.js: {0}' -f $env:NODE_VERSION); \ Write-Host ('MinGit: {0}' -f $env:MINGIT_VERSION); \ Write-Host ''; \ Write-Host 'Loading Storj Labs Tools'; \ Write-Host ('windows-build-tools: Latest Version'); \ Write-Host ('storjshare-daemon: Latest Version'); \ Write-Host '=============================================='; #node.js Setup RUN Write-Host ('Downloading node.js {0} ...' -f $env:NODE_VERSION); \ Invoke-WebRequest $('{0}/node-v{0}' -f $env:NODE_VERSION) -OutFile '' -UseBasicParsing ; \ \ Write-Host 'Extracting node.js ...'; \ Expand-Archive -DestinationPath C:\ ; \ \ Write-Host 'Extracting node.js and setting up C:\nodejs ...'; \ Rename-Item -Path $('C:\node-v{0}-win-x64' -f $env:NODE_VERSION) -NewName 'C:\nodejs' ; \ New-Item $($env:APPDATA + '\npm') ; \ \ Write-Host 'Adding npm to Environment Path'; \ $env:PATH = 'C:\nodejs;{0}\npm;{1}' -f $env:APPDATA, $env:PATH ; \ Set-ItemProperty -Path 'HKLM:\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\Environment\' -Name Path -Value $env:PATH ; \ \ Write-Host 'Testing Node Install'; \ Write-Host npm --version; npm --version; \ \ Write-Host 'Cleaning up'; \ Remove-Item -Path; \ \ Write-Host 'Completed node.js Installation Successfully'; #MinGit Setup RUN Write-Host ('Downloading MinGit {0} ...' -f $env:MINGIT_VERSION); \ Invoke-WebRequest $('{0}.windows.1/MinGit-{0}' -f $env:MINGIT_VERSION) -OutFile '' -UseBasicParsing ; \ \ Write-Host 'Extracting MinGit and setting up C:\mingit ...'; \ Expand-Archive -DestinationPath C:\mingit ; \ \ Write-Host 'Adding git to Environment Path'; \ $env:PATH = 'C:\mingit\cmd;{0}' -f $env:PATH ; \ Set-ItemProperty -Path 'HKLM:\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\Environment\' -Name Path -Value $env:PATH ; \ \ Write-Host 'Testing MinGit Install'; \ Write-Host git version; git version; \ \ Write-Host 'Cleaning up'; \ Remove-Item -Path; \ \ Write-Host 'Completed MinGit Installation Successfully'; #windows-build-tools Setup RUN Write-Host ('Installing windows-build-tools - Latest Version'); \ Write-Host npm install --global windows-build-tools; npm install --global windows-build-tools; \ \ Write-Host 'Completed Storj-cli Installation Successfully'; #storjshare-daemon Setup RUN Write-Host ('Installing storjshare-daemon - Latest Version'); \ Write-Host npm install --global storjshare-daemon; npm install --global storjshare-daemon; \ \ Write-Host 'Testing Storjshare-daemon Install'; \ Write-Host storjshare --version; storjshare --version; \ \ Write-Host 'Completed storjshare-daemon Installation Successfully'; #Setting up MOTD #ADD motd.txt motd.txt #ADD Microsoft.PowerShell_profile.ps1 Microsoft.PowerShell_profile.ps1 #RUN New-item -type file -force $profile; \ # Set-Content $Profile (Get-Content Microsoft.PowerShell_profile.ps1); \ RUN Write-Host 'Cleaning up...'; \ Remove-Item *.log -Force; \ Remove-Item *.ps1 -Force; CMD [] ENTRYPOINT ["powershell"]