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* karma.conf.js optionally loads this
module.exports = function(options) {
if (!isTravis()) {
} else if (!options.sauceLabs) {
throw new Error('This should be loaded after karma.sauce config');
} = 'TRAVIS #' + process.env.TRAVIS_BUILD_NUMBER + ' (' + process.env.TRAVIS_BUILD_ID + ')';
options.sauceLabs.tunnelIdentifier = process.env.TRAVIS_JOB_NUMBER;
options.sauceLabs.startConnect = false;
// TODO(vojta): remove once SauceLabs supports websockets.
// This speeds up the capturing a bit, as browsers don't even try to use websocket.
options.transports = ['xhr-polling'];
options.singleRun = true;
function isTravis() {
return !!process.env.TRAVIS;