var markdown = require('marked'), semver = require('semver'); module.exports = function(grunt) { grunt.initConfig({ pkg: grunt.file.readJSON('manifest.json'), changelog: { options: { dest: '', versionFile: 'manifest.json' } }, bump: { options: { file: 'manifest.json' } }, markdown: { all: { file: '', dest: 'panes/help.html' } }, release: { options: { commitMessage: 'v<%= version %>', tagName: 'v<%= version %>', bump: false, // we have out own bump npm: false, file: 'manifest.json' } }, stage: { files: ['', 'pane/help.html'] }, zip: { release: { src: [ 'css/*.css', 'img/**', 'js/**', 'panes/*.html', 'panel.html', 'LICENSE', 'manifest.json', 'background.html', 'devtoolsBackground.html' ], dest: 'batarang-release-' + + '.zip' } } }); grunt.registerTask('bump', 'bump manifest version', function (type) { var options = this.options({ file: grunt.config('pkgFile') || 'package.json' }); function setup(file, type){ var pkg = grunt.file.readJSON(file); var newVersion = pkg.version =, type || 'patch'); return {file: file, pkg: pkg, newVersion: newVersion}; } var config = setup(options.file, type); grunt.file.write(config.file, JSON.stringify(config.pkg, null, ' ') + '\n'); grunt.log.ok('Version bumped to ' + config.newVersion); }); grunt.registerMultiTask('markdown', 'compiles markdown README into html for the help pane', function() { var md =; // pull out the install instructions, etc var marker = ''; md = md.substr(md.indexOf(marker) + marker.length); // fix image paths md = md.replace(/https:\/\/\/angular\/angularjs-batarang\/raw\/master\/img\//g, '/img/'); var html = markdown(md); grunt.file.write(, html); }); grunt.registerTask('stage', 'git add files before running the release task', function() { grunt.util.spawn({ cmd: process.platform === 'win32' ? 'git.cmd' : 'git', args: ['add'].append( }, grunt.task.current.async()); }); grunt.registerTask('url', 'open the url for the chrome app dashboard', function() { var url = ''; console.log('Publish to: ' + url); grunt.util.spawn({ cmd: process.platform === 'win32' ? 'explorer' : 'open', args: [ url ] }, grunt.task.current.async()); }); grunt.loadNpmTasks('grunt-release'); grunt.loadNpmTasks('grunt-zip'); grunt.loadNpmTasks('grunt-conventional-changelog'); grunt.registerTask('default', ['bump', 'markdown', 'changelog', 'release', 'zip']); };