You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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11 years ago
'use strict';
.controller('MainCtrl', function ($scope, $http, $q, $timeout) {
$scope.timeout = 500 // timeout in ms for each request
$scope.loadData = function() {
$scope.result = null
$http.get('/api/ngparis/_all_docs', {
params: {include_docs: true},
timeout: $scope.timeout})
.success(function(result){ // .success = .then(onFulfilled)
$scope.result = result
$scope.loadDataWithFailOver = function() {
var requestTimeout = $scope.timeout;
var doRequest = function () {
requestTimeout += 50;
// $timeout returns a promise that will be resolved when timeout ends
// We use Math.exp to economize on number of requests
var timeout = $timeout(function(){}, Math.exp(requestTimeout/100));
timeout.then(doRequest); // If the request times out, make a new one
// The API call using $http
$http.get('/api/ngparis/_all_docs', {
params: {include_docs: true},
// If timeout is reached the request is aborted
timeout: timeout
$timeout.cancel(timeout); // If request is successful abort the timeout
11 years ago