angular-local-storage ===================== An Angular module that gives you access to the browsers local storage [![Build Status](]( Installation: ```bash bower install angular-local-storage ``` Example use: ```javascript angular.module('yourModule', ['LocalStorageModule']) .controller('yourCtrl', [ '$scope', 'localStorageService', function($scope, localStorageService) { // Start fresh localStorageService.clearAll(); // Set a key localStorageService.set('Favorite Sport','Ultimate Frisbee'); // Delete a key localStorageService.remove('Favorite Sport'); }]); /* To set the prefix of your localStorage name, you can use the setPrefix method available on the localStorageServiceProvider */ angular.module('yourModule', ['LocalStorageModule']) .config(['localStorageServiceProvider', function(localStorageServiceProvider){ localStorageServiceProvider.setPrefix('newPrefix'); }]); ``` #### How to bind to a $scope variable: Usage: localStorageService.bind(scope, scopeKey, def, lsKey); ``` // Example $scope.anArtist = {'firstname':'Pablo', 'lastname':'Picasso'}; // Bind to local storage service localStorageService.bind($scope, 'anArtist', $scope.anArtist, 'specialArtist'); // get bound data: console.log(localStorageService.get('specialArtist')); ``` Check out the full demo and documentation at To do: - Add tests - Expand Readme