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use crate::client::Client;
use std::env;
use x11_rs::xlib;
pub struct X11Client {
display: Option<*mut xlib::Display>,
impl X11Client {
pub fn new() -> X11Client {
X11Client { display: None }
fn connect(&mut self) -> *mut xlib::Display {
match self.display {
Some(display) => display,
None => {
if let Err(env::VarError::NotPresent) = env::var("DISPLAY") {
println!("$DISPLAY is not set. Defaulting to DISPLAY=:0");
env::set_var("DISPLAY", ":0");
let display = unsafe { xlib::XOpenDisplay(std::ptr::null()) };
if display.is_null() {
let var = env::var("DISPLAY").unwrap();
println!("warning: Failed to connect to X11.");
println!("If you saw \"No protocol specified\", try running `xhost +SI:localuser:root`.");
println!("If not, make sure `echo $DISPLAY` outputs xremap's $DISPLAY ({}).", var);
self.display = Some(display);
impl Client for X11Client {
fn supported(&mut self) -> bool {
let display = self.connect();
if display.is_null() {
} else {
let mut focused_window = 0;
let mut focus_state = 0;
unsafe { xlib::XGetInputFocus(display, &mut focused_window, &mut focus_state) };
focused_window > 0
fn current_application(&mut self) -> Option<String> {
if !self.supported() {
return None;
let display = self.connect();
let mut focused_window = 0;
let mut focus_state = 0;
unsafe { xlib::XGetInputFocus(display, &mut focused_window, &mut focus_state) };
let mut x_class_hint = xlib::XClassHint {
res_name: std::ptr::null_mut(),
res_class: std::ptr::null_mut(),
let mut wm_class = String::new();
loop {
unsafe {
if xlib::XGetClassHint(display, focused_window, &mut x_class_hint) == 1 {
if !x_class_hint.res_name.is_null() {
xlib::XFree(x_class_hint.res_name as *mut std::ffi::c_void);
if !x_class_hint.res_class.is_null() {
// Note: into_string() seems to free `x_class_hint.res_class`. So XFree isn't needed.
wm_class = std::ffi::CString::from_raw(x_class_hint.res_class as *mut i8)
// Workaround:
if &wm_class != "FocusProxy" {
let mut nchildren: u32 = 0;
let mut root: xlib::Window = 0;
let mut parent: xlib::Window = 0;
let mut children: *mut xlib::Window = &mut 0;
unsafe {
if xlib::XQueryTree(display, focused_window, &mut root, &mut parent, &mut children, &mut nchildren) == 0
if !children.is_null() {
unsafe {
xlib::XFree(children as *mut std::ffi::c_void);
// The root client's parent is NULL. Avoid querying it to prevent SEGV on XGetClientHint.
if parent == 0 {
return None;
focused_window = parent;