use async_trait::async_trait; use futures::stream::FusedStream; use futures::{future, Future, Stream, StreamExt}; use libp2p::core::muxing::StreamMuxerBox; use libp2p::core::transport::upgrade::Version; use libp2p::core::transport::MemoryTransport; use libp2p::core::upgrade::SelectUpgrade; use libp2p::core::{identity, Executor, Multiaddr, PeerId, Transport}; use libp2p::mplex::MplexConfig; use libp2p::noise::{Keypair, NoiseConfig, X25519Spec}; use libp2p::swarm::{AddressScore, NetworkBehaviour, Swarm, SwarmBuilder, SwarmEvent}; use libp2p::tcp::TokioTcpConfig; use libp2p::yamux::YamuxConfig; use std::fmt::Debug; use std::pin::Pin; use std::time::Duration; /// An adaptor struct for libp2p that spawns futures into the current /// thread-local runtime. struct GlobalSpawnTokioExecutor; impl Executor for GlobalSpawnTokioExecutor { fn exec(&self, future: Pin + Send>>) { tokio::spawn(future); } } pub fn new_swarm(behaviour_fn: F) -> Swarm where B: NetworkBehaviour, ::OutEvent: Debug, B: NetworkBehaviour, F: FnOnce(PeerId, identity::Keypair) -> B, { let identity = identity::Keypair::generate_ed25519(); let peer_id = PeerId::from(identity.public()); let dh_keys = Keypair::::new() .into_authentic(&identity) .expect("failed to create dh_keys"); let noise = NoiseConfig::xx(dh_keys).into_authenticated(); let transport = MemoryTransport::default() .or_transport(TokioTcpConfig::new()) .upgrade(Version::V1) .authenticate(noise) .multiplex(SelectUpgrade::new( YamuxConfig::default(), MplexConfig::new(), )) .timeout(Duration::from_secs(5)) .map(|(peer, muxer), _| (peer, StreamMuxerBox::new(muxer))) .boxed(); SwarmBuilder::new(transport, behaviour_fn(peer_id, identity), peer_id) .executor(Box::new(GlobalSpawnTokioExecutor)) .build() } fn get_rand_memory_address() -> Multiaddr { let address_port = rand::random::(); format!("/memory/{}", address_port).parse().unwrap() } async fn get_local_tcp_address() -> Multiaddr { let random_port = { let listener = tokio::net::TcpListener::bind("").await.unwrap(); listener.local_addr().unwrap().port() }; format!("/ip4/{}", random_port) .parse() .unwrap() } pub async fn await_events_or_timeout( swarm_1: &mut (impl Stream> + FusedStream + Unpin), swarm_2: &mut (impl Stream> + FusedStream + Unpin), ) -> (SwarmEvent, SwarmEvent) where SwarmEvent: Debug, SwarmEvent: Debug, { tokio::time::timeout( Duration::from_secs(30), future::join( swarm_1 .inspect(|event| tracing::debug!("Swarm1 emitted {:?}", event)) .select_next_some(), swarm_2 .inspect(|event| tracing::debug!("Swarm2 emitted {:?}", event)) .select_next_some(), ), ) .await .expect("network behaviours to emit an event within 10 seconds") } /// An extension trait for [`Swarm`] that makes it easier to set up a network of /// [`Swarm`]s for tests. #[async_trait] pub trait SwarmExt { /// Establishes a connection to the given [`Swarm`], polling both of them /// until the connection is established. async fn block_on_connection(&mut self, other: &mut Swarm) where T: NetworkBehaviour, ::OutEvent: Debug; /// Listens on a random memory address, polling the [`Swarm`] until the /// transport is ready to accept connections. async fn listen_on_random_memory_address(&mut self) -> Multiaddr; /// Listens on a TCP port for localhost only, polling the [`Swarm`] until /// the transport is ready to accept connections. async fn listen_on_tcp_localhost(&mut self) -> Multiaddr; } #[async_trait] impl SwarmExt for Swarm where B: NetworkBehaviour, ::OutEvent: Debug, { async fn block_on_connection(&mut self, other: &mut Swarm) where T: NetworkBehaviour, ::OutEvent: Debug, { let addr_to_dial = other.external_addresses().next().unwrap().addr.clone(); let local_peer_id = *other.local_peer_id(); self.dial(addr_to_dial).unwrap(); let mut dialer_done = false; let mut listener_done = false; loop { let dialer_event_fut = self.select_next_some(); tokio::select! { dialer_event = dialer_event_fut => { match dialer_event { SwarmEvent::ConnectionEstablished { .. } => { dialer_done = true; } SwarmEvent::OutgoingConnectionError { peer_id, error } if matches!(peer_id, Some(alice_peer_id) if alice_peer_id == local_peer_id) => { panic!("Failed to dial address {}: {}", peer_id.unwrap(), error) } other => { tracing::debug!("Ignoring {:?}", other); } } }, listener_event = other.select_next_some() => { match listener_event { SwarmEvent::ConnectionEstablished { .. } => { listener_done = true; } SwarmEvent::IncomingConnectionError { error, .. } => { panic!("Failure in incoming connection {}", error); } other => { tracing::debug!("Ignoring {:?}", other); } } } } if dialer_done && listener_done { return; } } } async fn listen_on_random_memory_address(&mut self) -> Multiaddr { let multiaddr = get_rand_memory_address(); self.listen_on(multiaddr.clone()).unwrap(); block_until_listening_on(self, &multiaddr).await; // Memory addresses are externally reachable because they all share the same // memory-space. self.add_external_address(multiaddr.clone(), AddressScore::Infinite); multiaddr } async fn listen_on_tcp_localhost(&mut self) -> Multiaddr { let multiaddr = get_local_tcp_address().await; self.listen_on(multiaddr.clone()).unwrap(); block_until_listening_on(self, &multiaddr).await; multiaddr } } async fn block_until_listening_on(swarm: &mut Swarm, multiaddr: &Multiaddr) where B: NetworkBehaviour, ::OutEvent: Debug, { loop { match swarm.select_next_some().await { SwarmEvent::NewListenAddr { address, .. } if &address == multiaddr => { break; } other => { tracing::debug!( "Ignoring {:?} while waiting for listening to succeed", other ); } } } }