#!/bin/bash # Requires iproute2, dnsmasq, and firewall [iptables, shorewall, ...] # Check if the script is executed as root if [ "$EUID" -ne 0 ] then echo "Please run as root" exit 1 fi # END Check if you are sudo # Variables NIC=qemubr0 IP= start_network() { ip link add name $NIC type bridge ip link set $NIC up ip address add $IP dev $NIC } stop_network() { ip link set $NIC down ip link delete $NIC type bridge } start_dnsmasq() { systemctl start dnsmasq } stop_dnsmasq() { systemctl stop dnsmasq } _help() { echo "Usage: network.sh [OPTIONS]" echo " start - start the network" echo " stop - stop the network" } _start() { if [ "$1" = "start" ]; then start_network start_dnsmasq exit elif [ "$1" = "stop" ]; then stop_dnsmasq stop_network exit else _help exit 1 fi } if [[ $1 ]]; then _start $1 else _help exit 1 fi