Fixed table background colors. More sophisticated but more aesthetically pleasing. Fixes #20

Oliver 6 years ago
parent f3686bfe15
commit ef6026df3d

@ -1,7 +1,10 @@
package tview
import (
colorful ""
// TableCell represents one cell inside a Table. You can instantiate this type
@ -574,13 +577,8 @@ ColumnLoop:
// Helper function which draws border runes.
borderStyle := tcell.StyleDefault.Background(t.backgroundColor).Foreground(t.bordersColor)
selectedBorderStyle := tcell.StyleDefault.Background(t.bordersColor).Foreground(t.backgroundColor)
drawBorder := func(colX, rowY int, ch rune, selected bool) {
style := borderStyle
if selected {
style = selectedBorderStyle
screen.SetContent(x+colX, y+rowY, ch, nil, style)
drawBorder := func(colX, rowY int, ch rune) {
screen.SetContent(x+colX, y+rowY, ch, nil, borderStyle)
// Draw the cells (and borders).
@ -590,17 +588,12 @@ ColumnLoop:
for columnIndex, column := range columns {
columnWidth := widths[columnIndex]
columnSelected := t.columnsSelectable && !t.rowsSelectable && column == t.selectedColumn
for rowY, row := range rows {
// Is this row/cell selected?
rowSelected := t.rowsSelectable && !t.columnsSelectable && row == t.selectedRow
cellSelected := columnSelected || rowSelected || t.rowsSelectable && t.columnsSelectable && column == t.selectedColumn && row == t.selectedRow
if t.borders {
// Draw borders.
rowY *= 2
for pos := 0; pos < columnWidth && columnX+1+pos < width; pos++ {
drawBorder(columnX+pos+1, rowY, GraphicsHoriBar, columnSelected)
drawBorder(columnX+pos+1, rowY, GraphicsHoriBar)
ch := GraphicsCross
if columnIndex == 0 {
@ -612,15 +605,15 @@ ColumnLoop:
} else if rowY == 0 {
ch = GraphicsTopT
drawBorder(columnX, rowY, ch, false)
drawBorder(columnX, rowY, ch)
if rowY >= height {
break // No space for the text anymore.
drawBorder(columnX, rowY, GraphicsVertBar, rowSelected)
drawBorder(columnX, rowY, GraphicsVertBar)
} else if columnIndex > 0 {
// Draw separator.
drawBorder(columnX, rowY, t.separator, rowSelected)
drawBorder(columnX, rowY, t.separator)
// Get the cell.
@ -641,61 +634,18 @@ ColumnLoop:
fg, _, _ := style.Decompose()
Print(screen, string(GraphicsEllipsis), x+columnX+1+finalWidth-1, y+rowY, 1, AlignLeft, fg)
// Draw cell background.
if cellSelected && !cell.NotSelectable || cell.BackgroundColor != tcell.ColorDefault {
for pos := 0; pos < finalWidth; pos++ {
m, c, style, _ := screen.GetContent(x+columnX+1+pos, y+rowY)
if cellSelected && !cell.NotSelectable {
// Create style for a selected cell.
fg, _, _ := style.Decompose()
if fg == cell.Color {
fg = cell.BackgroundColor
if fg == tcell.ColorDefault {
fg = t.backgroundColor
style = style.Background(cell.Color).Foreground(fg)
} else {
// Create style for a cell with a colored background.
style = style.Background(cell.BackgroundColor)
screen.SetContent(x+columnX+1+pos, y+rowY, m, c, style)
// We may want continuous background colors in rows so change
// border/separator background colors, too.
cellBackground := cell.BackgroundColor
if cellSelected && !cell.NotSelectable {
cellBackground = cell.Color
if cellBackground != tcell.ColorDefault && column > 0 {
leftCell := getCell(row, column-1)
if leftCell != nil {
if cell.BackgroundColor == leftCell.BackgroundColor {
_, _, style, _ := screen.GetContent(x+columnX+1, y+rowY)
m, c, _, _ := screen.GetContent(x+columnX, y+rowY)
_, bgColor, _ := style.Decompose()
if t.columnsSelectable && column == t.selectedColumn {
bgColor = cell.BackgroundColor
screen.SetContent(x+columnX, y+rowY, m, c, style.Background(bgColor).Foreground(t.bordersColor))
// Draw bottom border.
if rowY := 2 * len(rows); t.borders && rowY < height {
for pos := 0; pos < columnWidth && columnX+1+pos < width; pos++ {
drawBorder(columnX+pos+1, rowY, GraphicsHoriBar, columnSelected)
drawBorder(columnX+pos+1, rowY, GraphicsHoriBar)
ch := GraphicsBottomT
if columnIndex == 0 {
ch = GraphicsBottomLeftCorner
drawBorder(columnX, rowY, ch, false)
drawBorder(columnX, rowY, ch)
columnX += columnWidth + 1
@ -703,20 +653,109 @@ ColumnLoop:
// Draw right border.
if t.borders && len(t.cells) > 0 && columnX < width {
for rowY, row := range rows {
rowSelected := t.rowsSelectable && !t.columnsSelectable && row == t.selectedRow
for rowY := range rows {
rowY *= 2
if rowY+1 < height {
drawBorder(columnX, rowY+1, GraphicsVertBar, rowSelected)
drawBorder(columnX, rowY+1, GraphicsVertBar)
ch := GraphicsRightT
if rowY == 0 {
ch = GraphicsTopRightCorner
drawBorder(columnX, rowY, ch, false)
drawBorder(columnX, rowY, ch)
if rowY := 2 * len(rows); rowY < height {
drawBorder(columnX, rowY, GraphicsBottomRightCorner, false)
drawBorder(columnX, rowY, GraphicsBottomRightCorner)
// Helper function which colors the background of a box.
colorBackground := func(fromX, fromY, w, h int, backgroundColor, textColor tcell.Color, selected bool) {
for by := 0; by < h && fromY+by < y+height; by++ {
for bx := 0; bx < w && fromX+bx < x+width; bx++ {
m, c, style, _ := screen.GetContent(fromX+bx, fromY+by)
if selected {
fg, _, _ := style.Decompose()
if fg == textColor || fg == t.bordersColor {
fg = backgroundColor
if fg == tcell.ColorDefault {
fg = t.backgroundColor
style = style.Background(textColor).Foreground(fg)
} else {
if backgroundColor == tcell.ColorDefault {
style = style.Background(backgroundColor)
screen.SetContent(fromX+bx, fromY+by, m, c, style)
// Color the cell backgrounds. To avoid undesirable artefacts, we combine
// the drawing of a cell by background color, selected cells last.
cellsByBackgroundColor := make(map[tcell.Color][]*struct {
x, y, w, h int
text tcell.Color
selected bool
var backgroundColors []tcell.Color
for rowY, row := range rows {
columnX := 0
rowSelected := t.rowsSelectable && !t.columnsSelectable && row == t.selectedRow
for columnIndex, column := range columns {
columnWidth := widths[columnIndex]
cell := getCell(row, column)
if cell == nil {
bx, by, bw, bh := x+columnX, y+rowY, columnWidth+1, 1
if t.borders {
by = y + rowY*2
bh = 3
columnSelected := t.columnsSelectable && !t.rowsSelectable && column == t.selectedColumn
cellSelected := !cell.NotSelectable && (columnSelected || rowSelected || t.rowsSelectable && t.columnsSelectable && column == t.selectedColumn && row == t.selectedRow)
entries, ok := cellsByBackgroundColor[cell.BackgroundColor]
cellsByBackgroundColor[cell.BackgroundColor] = append(entries, &struct {
x, y, w, h int
text tcell.Color
selected bool
x: bx,
y: by,
w: bw,
h: bh,
text: cell.Color,
selected: cellSelected,
if !ok {
backgroundColors = append(backgroundColors, cell.BackgroundColor)
columnX += columnWidth + 1
sort.Slice(backgroundColors, func(i int, j int) bool {
// Draw brightest colors last (i.e. on top).
r, g, b := backgroundColors[i].RGB()
c := colorful.Color{R: float64(r) / 255, G: float64(g) / 255, B: float64(b) / 255}
_, _, li := c.Hcl()
r, g, b = backgroundColors[j].RGB()
c = colorful.Color{R: float64(r) / 255, G: float64(g) / 255, B: float64(b) / 255}
_, _, lj := c.Hcl()
return li < lj
for _, bgColor := range backgroundColors {
entries := cellsByBackgroundColor[bgColor]
for _, cell := range entries {
if cell.selected {
defer colorBackground(cell.x, cell.y, cell.w, cell.h, bgColor, cell.text, true)
} else {
colorBackground(cell.x, cell.y, cell.w, cell.h, bgColor, cell.text, false)
