Trying to wrap up basic navigation.

Oliver 2 years ago
parent cd99ea8d03
commit e6d82ac482

@ -17,6 +17,12 @@ const (
// The maximum number of bytes making up a grapheme cluster. In theory, this
// could be longer but it would be highly unusual.
maxGraphemeClusterSize = 40
// The minimum width of text (if available) to be shown left of the cursor.
minCursorPrefix = 5
// The minimum width of text (if available) to be shown right of the cursor.
minCursorSuffix = 3
var (
@ -192,8 +198,12 @@ type TextArea struct {
// The number of cells to be skipped on each line (not used in wrap mode).
columnOffset int
// The inner width of the text area the last time it was drawn.
lastWidth int
// The inner height and width of the text area the last time it was drawn.
lastHeight, lastWidth int
// The width of the currently known widest line, as determined by
// [extendLines].
widestLine int
// Text positions and states of the start of lines. Each element is a span
// position (see textAreaSpan) and a state as returned by uniseg.Step(). Not
@ -214,6 +224,10 @@ type TextArea struct {
// The textAreaSpan position with state for the actual next character.
pos [3]int
// If set to true, [Draw] will attempt to keep the cursor in the
// viewport.
clamp bool
@ -244,6 +258,7 @@ func NewTextArea(text string) *TextArea {
t.spans[1].previous = 2
t.length = len(text)
t.cursor.row = -1
t.cursor.clamp = true
return t
@ -496,10 +511,9 @@ func (t *TextArea) Draw(screen tcell.Screen) {
// Make sure the visible lines are broken over.
if t.lastWidth != width && t.lineStarts != nil {
t.lineStarts = t.lineStarts[:0]
t.lastWidth = width
t.cursor.row = -1
t.lastHeight, t.lastWidth = height, width
t.extendLines(width, t.rowOffset+height)
if len(t.lineStarts) <= t.rowOffset {
return // It's scrolled out of view.
@ -512,7 +526,7 @@ func (t *TextArea) Draw(screen tcell.Screen) {
columnOffset = 0
updateCursor := func(row, column int, pos [3]int) {
if t.cursor.row < 0 && t.cursor.pos[0] == pos[0] && t.cursor.pos[1] == pos[1] {
if t.cursor.row < 0 && t.cursor.pos == pos {
// The screen location is unknown but we've hit the span position.
t.cursor.row, t.cursor.column, t.cursor.actualColumn = row, column, column
t.cursor.pos = pos
@ -554,6 +568,13 @@ func (t *TextArea) Draw(screen tcell.Screen) {
if cursorVisible {
screen.ShowCursor(x+t.cursor.actualColumn-columnOffset, y+t.cursor.row-t.rowOffset)
} else {
// Are we required to make the cursor visible?
if t.cursor.clamp {
t.cursor.clamp = false // Just one more attempt.
t.Draw(screen) // Draw again.
@ -608,6 +629,14 @@ func (t *TextArea) drawPlaceholder(screen tcell.Screen, x, y, width, height int)
// resetLines resets the [lineStarts] array so [extendLines] has to be called
// again to access text information.
func (t *TextArea) resetLines() {
t.lineStarts = t.lineStarts[:0]
t.cursor.row = -1
t.widestLine = 0
// extendLines traverses the current text and extends t.lineStarts such that it
// describes at least maxLines+1 lines (or less if the text is shorter). Text is
// laid out for the given width while respecting the wrapping settings. It is
@ -646,9 +675,12 @@ func (t *TextArea) extendLines(width, maxLines int) {
// Any line breaks?
if !t.wrap || lineWidth <= width {
if pos[0] != 1 && boundaries&uniseg.MaskLine == uniseg.LineMustBreak {
if text != "" && boundaries&uniseg.MaskLine == uniseg.LineMustBreak {
// We must break over.
t.lineStarts = append(t.lineStarts, pos)
if lineWidth > t.widestLine {
t.widestLine = lineWidth
lineWidth = 0
lastGraphemeBreak = [3]int{}
lastLineBreak = [3]int{}
@ -663,12 +695,18 @@ func (t *TextArea) extendLines(width, maxLines int) {
if lastGraphemeBreak != [3]int{} { // We have at least one character on each line.
// Break after last grapheme.
t.lineStarts = append(t.lineStarts, lastGraphemeBreak)
if lineWidth > t.widestLine {
t.widestLine = lineWidth
lineWidth = clusterWidth
lastLineBreak = [3]int{}
} else { // t.wordWrap && lastLineBreak != [3]int{}
// Break after last line break opportunity.
t.lineStarts = append(t.lineStarts, lastLineBreak)
if lineWidth > t.widestLine {
t.widestLine = lineWidth
lineWidth = widthSinceLineBreak
lastLineBreak = [3]int{}
@ -688,6 +726,126 @@ func (t *TextArea) extendLines(width, maxLines int) {
// clampToCursor ensures that the cursor is visible in the text area.
func (t *TextArea) clampToCursor() {
if t.cursor.row >= 0 {
// This is the simple case because the current cursor position is known.
if t.cursor.row < t.rowOffset {
// We're above the viewport.
t.rowOffset = t.cursor.row
} else if t.cursor.row >= t.rowOffset+t.lastHeight {
// We're below the viewport.
t.rowOffset = t.cursor.row - t.lastHeight + 1
if t.rowOffset >= len(t.lineStarts) {
t.extendLines(t.lastWidth, t.rowOffset)
if t.rowOffset >= len(t.lineStarts) {
t.rowOffset = len(t.lineStarts) - 1
if t.rowOffset < 0 {
t.rowOffset = 0
if !t.wrap {
if t.cursor.actualColumn < t.columnOffset+minCursorPrefix {
// We're left of the viewport.
t.columnOffset = t.cursor.actualColumn - minCursorPrefix
if t.columnOffset < 0 {
t.columnOffset = 0
} else if t.cursor.actualColumn >= t.columnOffset+t.lastWidth-minCursorSuffix {
// We're right of the viewport.
t.columnOffset = t.cursor.actualColumn - t.lastWidth + minCursorSuffix
if t.columnOffset >= t.widestLine {
t.columnOffset = t.widestLine - 1
if t.columnOffset < 0 {
t.columnOffset = 0
// The screen position of the cursor is unknown. Find it. This is expensive.
// First, find the row.
row := 0
for {
// Examine the current row.
if row+1 >= len(t.lineStarts) {
t.extendLines(t.lastWidth, row+1)
if row >= len(t.lineStarts) {
t.cursor.row, t.cursor.actualColumn, t.cursor.pos = row, 0, [3]int{1, 0, -11}
break // It's the end of the text.
// Check this row's spans to see if the cursor is in this row.
pos := t.lineStarts[row]
for pos[0] != 1 {
if row+1 >= len(t.lineStarts) {
break // It's the last row so the cursor must be in this row.
if t.cursor.pos[0] == pos[0] {
// The cursor is in this span.
if t.lineStarts[row+1][0] == pos[0] {
// The next row starts with the same span.
if t.cursor.pos[1] >= t.lineStarts[row+1][1] {
// The cursor is not in this row.
continue RowLoop
} else {
// The cursor is in this row.
} else {
// The next row starts with a different span. The cursor
// must be in this row.
} else {
// The cursor is in a different span.
if t.lineStarts[row+1][0] == pos[0] {
// The next row starts with the same span. This row is
// irrelevant.
continue RowLoop
} else {
// The next row starts with a different span. Move towards it.
pos = [3]int{t.spans[pos[0]].next, 0, -1}
// Try to find the screen position in this row.
pos = t.lineStarts[row]
endPos := pos
column := 0
var cluster, text string
for {
if pos[0] == 1 || t.cursor.pos[0] == pos[0] && t.cursor.pos[1] == pos[1] {
// We found the position. We're done.
t.cursor.row, t.cursor.actualColumn, t.cursor.pos = row, column, pos
break RowLoop
cluster, text, _, pos, endPos = t.step(text, pos, endPos)
if row+1 < len(t.lineStarts) && t.lineStarts[row+1] == pos {
// We reached the end of the line. Go to the next one.
continue RowLoop
clusterWidth := stringWidth(cluster)
column += clusterWidth
if t.cursor.row >= 0 {
// We know the position now. Adapt offsets.
// step is similar to uniseg.StepString() but it iterates over the piece chain,
// starting with "pos", a span position plus state (which may be -1 for the
// start of the text). The returned "boundaries" value is same value returned by
@ -756,6 +914,7 @@ func (t *TextArea) step(text string, pos, endPos [3]int) (cluster, rest string,
// row and column which are screen space coordinates relative to the top-left
// corner of the text area's full text (visible or not). The column value may be
// negative, in which case, the cursor will be placed at the end of the line.
// The next call to [Draw] will attempt to keep the cursor in the viewport.
func (t *TextArea) moveCursor(row, column int) {
// Are we within the range of rows?
if len(t.lineStarts) <= row {
@ -773,7 +932,7 @@ func (t *TextArea) moveCursor(row, column int) {
// Iterate through this row until we find the position.
t.cursor.row, t.cursor.actualColumn = row, t.columnOffset
t.cursor.row, t.cursor.actualColumn = row, 0
if t.wrap {
t.cursor.actualColumn = 0
@ -798,6 +957,7 @@ func (t *TextArea) moveCursor(row, column int) {
t.cursor.column = column
t.cursor.pos = pos
t.cursor.clamp = true
// InputHandler returns the handler for this primitive.
@ -805,24 +965,92 @@ func (t *TextArea) InputHandler() func(event *tcell.EventKey, setFocus func(p Pr
return t.WrapInputHandler(func(event *tcell.EventKey, setFocus func(p Primitive)) {
switch key := event.Key(); key {
case tcell.KeyLeft: // Move one grapheme cluster to the left.
if t.cursor.actualColumn == 0 {
// Move to the end of the previous row.
if t.cursor.row > 0 {
t.moveCursor(t.cursor.row-1, -1)
if event.Modifiers()&tcell.ModAlt == 0 {
// Regular movement.
if t.cursor.actualColumn == 0 {
// Move to the end of the previous row.
if t.cursor.row > 0 {
t.moveCursor(t.cursor.row-1, -1)
} else {
// Move one grapheme cluster to the left.
t.moveCursor(t.cursor.row, t.cursor.actualColumn-1)
} else if !t.wrap {
//TODO: Maybe this should be a word jump?
// Just scroll.
if t.columnOffset < 0 {
t.columnOffset = 0
} else {
// Move one grapheme cluster to the left.
t.moveCursor(t.cursor.row, t.cursor.actualColumn-1)
case tcell.KeyRight: // Move one grapheme cluster to the right.
if t.cursor.pos[0] != 1 {
_, _, _, t.cursor.pos, _ = t.step("", t.cursor.pos, t.cursor.pos)
t.cursor.row = -1
if event.Modifiers()&tcell.ModAlt == 0 {
// Regular movement.
if t.cursor.pos[0] != 1 {
var cluster string
cluster, _, _, t.cursor.pos, _ = t.step("", t.cursor.pos, t.cursor.pos)
if len(t.lineStarts) <= t.cursor.row+1 {
t.extendLines(t.lastWidth, t.cursor.row+1)
if t.cursor.row+1 < len(t.lineStarts) && t.lineStarts[t.cursor.row+1] == t.cursor.pos {
// We've reached the end of the line.
t.cursor.actualColumn = 0
t.cursor.column = 0
t.cursor.clamp = true
} else {
// Move one character to the right.
t.moveCursor(t.cursor.row, t.cursor.actualColumn+stringWidth(cluster))
} else if !t.wrap {
//TODO: Maybe this should be a word jump?
// Just scroll.
if t.columnOffset >= t.widestLine {
t.columnOffset = t.widestLine - 1
if t.columnOffset < 0 {
t.columnOffset = 0
case tcell.KeyDown: // Move one row down.
t.moveCursor(t.cursor.row+1, t.cursor.column)
if event.Modifiers()&tcell.ModAlt == 0 {
// Regular movement.
t.moveCursor(t.cursor.row+1, t.cursor.column)
} else {
// Just scroll.
if t.rowOffset >= len(t.lineStarts) {
t.extendLines(t.lastWidth, t.rowOffset)
if t.rowOffset >= len(t.lineStarts) {
t.rowOffset = len(t.lineStarts) - 1
if t.rowOffset < 0 {
t.rowOffset = 0
case tcell.KeyUp: // Move one row up.
t.moveCursor(t.cursor.row-1, t.cursor.column)
if event.Modifiers()&tcell.ModAlt == 0 {
// Regular movement.
t.moveCursor(t.cursor.row-1, t.cursor.column)
} else {
// Just scroll.
if t.rowOffset < 0 {
t.rowOffset = 0
case tcell.KeyHome, tcell.KeyCtrlA: // Move to the start of the line.
t.moveCursor(t.cursor.row, 0)
case tcell.KeyEnd, tcell.KeyCtrlE: // Move to the end of the line.
t.moveCursor(t.cursor.row, -1)
case tcell.KeyPgDn, tcell.KeyCtrlF: // Move one page down.
t.moveCursor(t.cursor.row+t.lastHeight, t.cursor.column)
case tcell.KeyPgUp, tcell.KeyCtrlB: // Move one page up.
t.moveCursor(t.cursor.row-t.lastHeight, t.cursor.column)
